Block B - Unter Arrest

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Action, Drama • Deutschland • 2015


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Das ist die Geschichte von Bea Kröger die des versuchten Totschlags an ihrem Mann angeklagt ist

Block B - Unter Arrest
Kai Meyer-Ricks, Dennis Smith
Katrin Sass, Gisa Zach, Nina Hoger, Claudia Gaebel, Ulrike Röseberg, Marc Benjamin Puch, Winnie Böwe, Patricia Aulitzky, Amy Mußul, Marie Schöneburg, İdil Baydar, Stephanie Petrowitz, Caroline Scholze, Luise Befort, Mark Harmon, Michael Weatherly, Pauley Perrette, David McCallum


1. Staffel 1 (10 Episoden)
Willkommen Zuhause
Bea Kroger is admitted as a remand prisoner in the women's prison JVA Tempelhof. She is accused of the attempted murder of her husband Holger. Intimidated by the alien world, Bea tries not to offend and stay out of conflict with the inmates. But then Bea gets in the power struggle between the Institute Director Petra Weissner and the inmate Chris Wuttke in the crossfire. Bea is forced to choose sides, and their decision to inmate Chris is not without its consequences. To Chris 'growing influence to curb stop, takes Institute Director Weissner to a controversial measure: You dismisses Chris' rival and reigning "Top Dog" Rita Plattner from solitary confinement back to her pad. The confrontation between the two warring women escalates. At the end of a riot that culminates in a fatal stabbing, but it is Bea, carries the blood on their hands ...
Aus dem Bauch heraus
Überzeugt davon, dass Bea die Mörderin seiner Frau sein muss, setzt der Vollzugsbeamte Alex Weissner Janina Romano unter Druck, ihm Beweise für Beas Schuld zu besorgen. Im Konflikt zwischen der Angst, ihre Ziehtochter Kaya zu verlieren und ihrer Loyalität der unschuldigen Bea gegenüber, trifft Janina die erste selbstlose Entscheidung ihres Lebens. Bea leidet darunter, dass ihr Ehemann Holger ihr den Kontakt zu ihrer Tochter Sophie verwehrt. Im Kampf um ihre Tochter findet Bea schließlich die Stärke, sich gegen ihren Mann aufzulehnen, bleibt aber mit Selbstzweifeln zurück. Kann sie aus dem Gefängnis heraus eine gute Mutter für Sophie sein? Während Vera Böhme mit ihrer neuen Aufgabe als kommissarische Anstaltsleiterin ringt, versucht ihre Kollegin Ariane Dellbrück hinter ihrem Rücken, ihr den Job streitig zu machen. Und tatsächlich kann sich Ariane geschickt an die Spitze des Gefängnisses setzten. Gedemütigt muss Vera mit ansehen, wie sie wieder einmal übergangen wird.
Chris Wuttke is confronted with her past when her father Rolf us to contact you. A meeting of the two reveals the vulnerable side behind Chris' hard facade. Chris is able to forgive her father that he has left them as a child in the lurch? Bea's daughter Sophie visited for the first time in prison and must be equal to undergo a strip search. Rita watched the emotional reunion of the two and used henceforth Sophie to put Bea under pressure. In order to protect her daughter, Bea Rita must prove a perfidious favor. So she gets again between the fronts and brings Chris on against him. Although she realizes that her love for her daughter makes them vulnerable, can not and will not give up her daughter Bea. Meanwhile, bring Ariane Dellbrueck in an attempt to modernize the prison, the prison officers against himself.
Unsere Schuld
Rita warns Bea with a subtle threat, not to rebel against them. Concerned about the welfare of their daughter looking at Chris Bea support. But Chris Bea issued a harsh lesson in loyalty in prison: Bea Rita has to face alone. Chris brings Meanwhile Alex on the idea that no inmate, but a law enforcement officer could be behind the murder of his wife. Alex's new suspicion seems to be confirmed when he discovers the surveillance tapes a disturbing track toward his colleague Jan Hoffner. Gabi Reimers is mandated by the new prison-director Ariane Dellbrueck with the organization of a PR event, which will make the success of Ariane's rehabilitation program in the foreground. The perfect opportunity for Gabi to positively influence their upcoming parole hearing and increase their chances of an early dismissal. But the fear of having to ask for a dismissal of her family and her guilt, overcome Gabi. She seeks refuge in her overcome believed alcohol addiction and her appearance at the PR event a disaster. Ironically, Chris rescues the event and Ariane makes with her speech clearly what she feels. Rita, however, finds out that her husband Joachim publicly acts out his affair.
Hinter dem Vorhang
Confused by an erotic dream of Chris, Ariane tried the inmate to go out of the way. But the decision of her boss Dr. Groth to make Chris the medial flagship of the prison, Ariane forces in Chris' nearby. Chris' provocative Flirt solves more in Ariane like she wants to admit and leads to a relationship crisis with her fiance. Ariane has to deal with their secret desires and make a tough decision. The friendship between Gabi and Janina threatens to Gabi's relapse into alcohol addiction to break. Only after a dramatic incident, the two women make a conciliatory step to another. A soft erotic tension between Bea and Alex changed the relationship between the two. It brings Bea to Gabi opposite the first time to emotionally open and confess the brutal truth about her marriage.
Die Gefangene
Vera Böhme tries to overcome her shyness and flirting catches with Jan Hoffner. But her attempt to break out of their home insulation, has humiliating consequences when her domineering mother Elizabeth shows up in the prison and Vera's fantasy boyfriend unceremoniously exposed as a web of lies. The anger at her mother Vera drives to a dangerous limit. Bea feels that her daughter Sophie withdraws more and more from her. In the unconscious feeling Sophie out of prison before her brutal husband Holger neither to protect before Rita, Bea engages in the visiting room on suddenly. Ariane gets by her ambition in a moral dilemma. Instigated by Rita accused the addicted inmate Steffi Chris Hesse to have drugs smuggled into the prison. However Ariane knows the real drug smugglers. But in truth it would have to admit all to have more to do with as they should. In order to protect their position in the prison, Ariane accepts the fact that Chris is punished for a crime they did not commit.
Etwas stirbt
While Chris is in solitary confinement, Rita can extend their reign of terror among the inmates. When Chris is finally released after five weeks out of isolation, Rita sees her position of power again threatened and plans a brutal attack on them. Bea learns of Rita's plans and may not agree with their conscience to stand idly by. But when Bea dares to brave step to go against Rita and tell her opinion, she is the victim of a brutal attack. Beas courage brings the other inmates to also intervene and so ends Rita's brutal attack on Chris differently than planned. In the search for the killer of his wife, Alex Weissner a secret that makes him put his entire marriage in question are disclosed. In his despair he gets deep into the vortex of a dangerous downward spiral.
The balance of power in the prison Tempelhof have shifted. While Rita's power crumbles, look more and more inmates to Bea as a leader. A development that observe both Rita and Chris with concern. When Bea for the first time publicly opposes Rita, she provokes a cold-blooded retaliation. While Bea finally able to overcome the emotional barrier between her and Sophie, Rita forces her son Julius to an inhuman pace. When law enforcement officers Vera Rita is set with up.With the explosive knowledge about their participation in the uprising, in which Petra Weissner died, under pressure, Vera reaches its moral limits and exceed them.
Bis zum Mond
Bea is pulled away by the death of her daughter Sophie the ground under their feet. As it is still denied to attend the funeral, Bea lose all grip. Desperately she tried to take her life. Compassionate offers you Alex, in their place to visit Sophie dead in the morgue. The inmates are joining forces to assist Bea in their grief. You are organizing a funeral in prison. In the worst moment of her life Bea stop is at the other women. Rita realizes that her plan to break Bea, Bea has failed and has more supporters than ever before. Beas grief triggers at Jan Hoffner long-forgotten memories of terrible war experiences and discloses a cold-blooded side behind the otherwise correct facade of ex-soldiers. Jan's attempt to use Vera as a distraction from his memories of terror, ending more humiliated than makes happy in a disastrous evening together, the Vera. It was not until Jan Vera opens emotionally, she is willing to give a possible relationship another chance.
When Bea discovers that the secret boyfriend of her daughter Rita was the son of Julius, she realizes that Rita is responsible for the death of her daughter. While Chris Bea urges to personally take revenge on Rita, Gabi wants to convince her to go the official route and to inform prison authorities and the police. But the take Beas suspicion Rita seriously and go from one drug death without Fremdverschulden from. To lure Rita from the reserve, Ariane claims against it, however, that the police is investigating it. During the search of her cell just Weissner Alex finds Rita a proof that she has murdered his wife. The case seems clear - until it turns out that Gabi had their hands in the game and this has placed protectively over one of her friends. Then when Bea Rita demands the truth about the death of her daughter Sophie, Rita admits not only the murder of Sophie, but also mocked Beas love for Sophie so much that they lose control. Too late Bea recognizes that Rita just wanted from her.

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