Die Liga der Gerechten

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Animation, Familie, Abenteuer, Fantasy, Action, Science-Fiction, Drama, Sonstige, Kinder & Jugend • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2001


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In dieser Animationsserie bekämpfen Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter und Hawkgirl gemeinsam das Verbrechen.

Justice League
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Kevin Conroy, George Newbern, Susan Eisenberg, Phil LaMarr, Carl Lumbly, Michael Rosenbaum, Maria Canals-Barrera, Gary Cole, Jason Marsden, Susan Sullivan, Max Brooks, Corey Burton


1. Staffel 1 (26 Episoden)
In this animated series, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, The Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl fight crime as the Justice League.
Episode 1
Superman and Batman team up against alien invaders, but soon find they need to call in help.
Episode 2
Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Hawkgirl team up with Superman, Batman, and J'onn J'onzz to defeat the alien invaders, but one of them falls in battle and the rest are captured.
Episode 3
The heroes race to rescue two of their own before the Imperium gets to Earth and completes its conquest.
Episode 4
No man escapes the Manhunters.' An alien court sends the Manhunters to bring Green Lantern back for prosecution on the charge of genocide, and the League gets involved.
Episode 5
Believing that Green Lantern is receiving an unfair trial, the Leaguers investigate, while GL's superiors, the Guardians of the Universe, enter as witnesses. But the whole trial may be a ruse.
Episode 6
When Aquaman, ruler of Atlantis, decides he has had enough of the surface-dwellers trespassing in his ocean, the Justice League tries to smooth things over. Aquaman takes Superman's advice and arrives in New York City to speak to the World Assembly, but it soon becomes apparent that he may have been right about the surface-dwellers all along.
Episode 7
Betrayed by his own subjects, Aquaman and the League fight to save Atlantis, the world, and Aquaman's own son against his half-brother Orm's coup.
Episode 8
Exposed as a criminal, sentenced to prison, and terminally ill due to long term kryptonite exposure, Lex Luthor escapes and assembles a supervillain team consisting of Cheetah, The Shade, Solomon Grundy, Star Sapphire, Copperhead, and Ultra-Humanite to take on the Justice League, calling themselves the Injustice Gang. The Joker also becomes part of the team, but on his own choice. However, this gang proves short-lived as its major weakness proves no match for Batman's wiles.
Episode 9
Exposed as a criminal, sentenced to prison, and terminally ill due to long term kryptonite exposure, Lex Luthor escapes and assembles a supervillain team consisting of Cheetah, The Shade, Solomon Grundy, Star Sapphire, Copperhead, and Ultra-Humanite to take on the Justice League, calling themselves the Injustice Gang. The Joker also becomes part of the team, but on his own choice. However, this gang proves short-lived as its major weakness proves no match for Batman's wiles.
Episode 10
Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island to make up with her mother for her rapid departure, only to find the Amazons transformed to statutes. The sorcerer Felix Faust is holding them hostage to force Diana to recover three ancient artifacts.
Episode 11
The League fight to save Paradise Island and Wonder Woman's own mother from Felix Faust and Lord Hades.
Episode 12
Superman and J'onn are taken prisoner during a rescue mission gone bad, and Superman is forced to compete in a gladiatorial tournament on a distant world while Hawkgirl and Green Lantern try to rescue them.
Episode 13
Fight promoter and new contestant Mongul instructs Superman to throw the fight against him, or he'll destroy the enslaved Draaga's home planet.
Episode 14
When the Flash is mind-controlled into committing a crime, he and Green Lantern work to clear his name and uncover a sinister scheme.
Episode 15
When Gorilla Grodd mentally enslaves a city of humans and prepares to destroy Gorilla City, Green Lantern and Flash try to defeat him while the other Leaguers move to help the ape civilization.
Episode 16
A renegade Amazon, Aresia, leads a new incarnation of the Injustice Gang to accumulate the components for a bio-weapon.
Episode 17
When the male Leaguers are infected by the same disease sweeping Earth, Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl must defeat Aresia and find a cure.
Episode 18
An explosion throws four Leaguers into an alternate dimension where they meet their childhood comic book heroes...the Justice Guild!
Episode 19
The League aid the Justice Guild against their arch-nemeses while trying to unravel the secrets of the Guild's world.
Episode 20
The sorceress Morgaine Le Fey and her son Mordred search for the Philosopher's Stone, and the Justice League need the help of the Demon Etrigan to thwart her.
Episode 21
Morgaine and Mordred get the Stone and plan to transform England and restore it to its medieval glory.
Episode 22
An old friend of John Stewart's is inadvertently turned into a freak capable of altering his molecular structure, separating him from his girlfriend and pitting him against the League.
Episode 23
The League battle Metamorpho but soon discover that his future father-in-law, Simon Stagg, poses the true menace.
Episode 24
When the present is altered, the Justice League must travel back in time to World War II to restore history.
The Savage Time (2)
A separate League struggle against the Nazis and determine who is responsible for the Axis' technological advances.
The Savage Time (3)
Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor survive the attack and trick the Germans into believing that the communicator was destroyed. GL and Easy Co. find the runaway and discover that Vandal Savage plans to use jet aircraft to invade America. GL boards and tries to stop Vandal's plane while Hawkgirl, Superman, and Flash try to intercept the flight with J'onn's help. With the aid of the Blackhawks and Flash notifying the U.S. Navy, the German flight is shot down and Vandal apparently is killed. The JLA return to the present to find everything restored and Wonder Woman visits a now elderly Steve Trevor in the restored present.
2. Staffel 2 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
The Justice League is forced to ally with Darkseid against an enemy powerful enough to threaten both Earth and Apokolips.
Episode 2
The League are forced to battle both Darkseid and Brainiac, while Wonder Woman and Batman seek the aid of Orion, son of Darkseid.
Episode 3
Lex Luthor, on the run from the League, reactivates an old LexCorp project to stop the League - an android that can duplicate the powers of anyone it sees.
Episode 4
Even Superman is unable to defeat the android once it duplicates all of the League's powers. Only with the aid of J'onn, suffering a crisis of faith when he is overwhelmed by humanity's pettiness during a telepathic scan, can they turn Amazo against Lex.
Episode 5
The Justice League must deal with a prison break, unaware that prisoner John Dee is using the distraction to gain access to an experimental ESP machine and gain the power to manipulate dreams.
Episode 6
Four of the Leaguers are trapped in their dreams by Dr. Destiny - only J'onn and Batman can rescue them...if they don't fall asleep first.
Episode 7
Batman and Wonder Woman find themselves enmeshed in the schemes of Vandal Savage to take over the small country of Kasnia and use its space program to blackmail the world.
Episode 8
Batman and Wonder Woman move against Kasnia to prevent Vandal Savage from terrorizing the world with his orbital rail gun.
Episode 9
John Stewart leaves on a mission to help his fellow Green Lanterns overthrow a intergalactic dictator with strange powers.
Episode 10
Despero's followers attack and John is forced to use a gun when his ring becomes useless due to Despero's mental tampering. While John, Katma, and Hawkgirl are captured, J'onn, Kilowog, and Flash must try to deactivate the mystic flames and deprive Despero of his power.
Episode 11
The Justice Lords, an alternate version of the League from a different dimension, capture their counterparts and plan to bring their own brand of justice to the new Earth.
Episode 12
The Justice League must escape from their imprisonment at the hands of the Justice Lords and defeat their counterparts with the help of an unlikely ally.
Episode 13
A strange gemstone possesses all who touch it, turning them to evil...including Wonder Woman.
Episode 14
The League discover the secret behind the "Black Heart" gem, but everyone except the Flash is possessed, and he must save the day before the sun is destroyed.
Episode 15
After Aquaman frees Solomon Grundy, Hawkgirl and the Justice League are convinced that the Lord of Atlantis has gone rogue. But when the trail leads them to the mysterious Dr. Fate, they discover there is more to this strange partnership than meets the eye.
Episode 16
With the initial ritual destroyed, the League, Fate, and Grundy must travel into the dimension of the Old Ones while Aquaman fights the invaders in the Earth realm.
Episode 17
Gorilla Grodd brings together a powerful team of villains, welding them together into a close-knit group. Meanwhile the League is plagued by it own internal problems and non-cooperation, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
Episode 18
The Secret Society take advantage of the League's break-up to bring them down until only Green Lantern remains to free his comrades. When he falls as well everything looks hopeless.
Episode 19
After Superman makes the ultimate sacrifice to save his fellow heroes, the Justice League and rest of the grieving planet must learn to live in a world without Superman.
Episode 20
Superman finds himself on a devastated future Earth with the man responsible - Vandal Savage.
Episode 21
In the ultimate reality show, the Joker pits the Justice League against the clock and against the Royal Flush Gang as the Justice League races to find and disarm all the bombs he's planted along the Strip in Las Vegas.
Episode 22
The League manage to defuse the Joker's bombs and defeat the four active members of the Royal Flush Gang...but the Joker has an Ace in the hole as he executes his real master plan.
Episode 23
In this one-part episode, the Justice Leaguers go their separate ways to celebrate the holiday season. After saving a distant planet, the League returns in time for Christmas. Clark and J'onn visit Smallville for a Kent family Christmas, Green Lantern and Hawkgirl have a snowball fight and visit an alien bar while comparing holiday traditions, and the Flash and Ultra-Humanite have a season's fight and are forced to ally together to save orphans' toys.
Episode 24
The Thangarians, Hawkgirl's people, arrive on Earth to aid them against the menace of the Gordanians. But all is not what it seems.
Episode 25
The League manage to escape and take refuge at Wayne Manor, while the Thanagarians scout the planet for them and realize their master plan for Earth.
Episode 26
The League defeats the squad of hawkmen sent to kill them at the Batcave, but must now figure out how to stop the activation of the hypergate before it destroys Earth.
Extras (3 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

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