Das Leiden Christi

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Sonstige, Drama, Historisches • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 2008


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Wer streamt "Das Leiden Christi"

1. Staffel, Folge 6: Nach seinem Tod erhält Josef von Arimathäa (David Oyelowo) die Erlaubnis, Jesus (Joseph Mawle) vom Kreuz zu nehmen und ihn zu begraben. Damit gibt sich Josef als Freund des Predigers zu erkennen, während dessen verängstigte Jünger sich weiterhin verstecken. Erst als sie erfahren, dass Jesu Grab leer ist und Jesus zunächst Maria Magdalena (Paloma Baeza) und dann anderen Jüngern erscheint, verstehen sie: Jesus ist auferstanden - er ist Gottes Sohn! Nun sind sie bereit, die frohe Botschaft in die Welt zu tragen. - Historisch genaue und fesselnde Miniserie über die letzten Tage Jesu.

Wo läuft "Das Leiden Christi"?

"Das Leiden Christi" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
WOW, Sky Go.

The Passion
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Michael Offer
Ben Daniels, Penelope Wilton, James Nesbitt, David Oyelowo, Joseph Mawle, Denis Lawson, Stephen Graham, Dean Lennox Kelly, Paul Nicholls, John Lynch, Daniel Evans, Laura Fraser, Tom Ellis, Darren Morfitt, Paloma Baeza, Ben Caplan, Mark Lewis Jones, Steve Morphew, Peter Sullivan, Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Stuart Kidd


1. Staffel 1 (6 Episoden)
Episode 1
It's Passover in Jerusalem, and the city is bursting with pilgrims. It's a tense time for those charged with keeping order - like Pilate the Roman Prefect and Caiaphas the High Priest. The arrival of a preacher from Galilee called Jesus causes great excitement when he enters through the East Gate on a donkey's colt, fulfilling prophecies of the coming of the Messiah. For Jesus's band of disciples, hardened by several years on the road, this is the moment they've been waiting for, but none of them suspects how momentous this week will be.
Episode 2
Caiaphas is growing increasingly anxious that Jesus's preaching will provoke unrest and bring in the Romans, and when Jesus appears to threaten the Temple it's the final straw. As Jesus tries to explain his destiny to the disciples, Caiaphas calls a council and presents it with a stark choice. With Passover approaching, a fateful decision is taken, and Judas finds himself placed in an impossible position.
Episode 3
Jesus shares his Last Supper with the disciples, and teaches them their last and most important lesson. Whilst Judas slips away to fetch the Temple guards, Jesus leads the disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane and tries to prepare himself for what is to come. The next few hours will bring him face to face with Caiaphas, with Pilate and with his own destiny.
Episode 4
As Jesus is taken from the cross and buried, his disciples cower in hiding. Caiaphas, fearful that the body will be stolen, orders the tomb to be guarded. But when Mary Magdalene discovers it empty, a chain of events is about to begin that will transform the lives of the disciples and reverberate throughout the world for the next two thousand years.
Episode 5
Episode 6