Rauchende Colts

SERIE • 20 Staffeln • Western, Action, Drama • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1955


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Dodge City ist die letzte Stadt vor dem Wilden Westen, und als solche Anziehungspunkt für Ganoven. Deshalb schickt die Bundesregierung einen ihrer fähigsten Gesetzeshüter: US-Marshal Matt Dillon. Unerbittlich, wenn es das Gesetz durchzusetzen gilt, vergisst er doch nie, dass die Gesetze für die Menschen geschaffen wurden und nicht umgekehrt.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
James Arness, Amanda Blake, Ken Curtis, Milburn Stone, Woody Chambliss


1. Staffel 1 (39 Episoden)
Episode 1
Dan Grat, a gunman hunted by Texas authorities, seeks refuge in Dodge City. Marshal Dillon goes into action against this outlaw who shoots before he talks.
Episode 2
Matt intercedes on behalf of ex-con Cope Borden, when Rance Bradley accuses Cope of horse theft and attempts to lynch him. Cope is proven innocent of the charge, but later kills Bradley's nephew in a fair fight during a gambling dispute. Matt is caught in an awkward situation when he must defend the unsavory Cope against the decent people of Dodge.
Episode 3
Hank Worth, son of wealthy rancher Jake Worth, is kidnapped and held for $20,000 ransome by three men. The kidnappers call on Doc to aid young Hank, who has been shot in the back while trying to escape. Unfortunately, Hank dies. The killers decide to let Doc go because he is the only doctor within 400 miles and they fear they might need his services some day. Before sparing his life and freeing him, however they force the reluctant Doc to give his word of honor that he will never reveal their identities.
Episode 4
When returning to Dodge, Chester and Matt are confronted by Holly Hawtree, whose father is desperately ill with gangrene. His only hope for survival is amputation of the affected leg. Matt performs the surgery, but the gangrene has spread too far and the old man dies. Matt later discovers that the presumed accident leading to Mr. Hawtree's condition was actually caused by Ben Walling, who has his sights on Holly.
Episode 5
Two outlaws seek an old prospector's hidden fortune. They drag him to try to get him to tell. Three weeks later he goes to see Matt. They go looking for the two in the bars. Kitty introduces Obie to Ella May. Obie and Ella have been gone two days, they've been honeymooning. Matt asks Obie how did Ella know about him being dragged and going to California. Matt and Chester go to see Ella, she won't let them in. Matt finds Obie in the barn. He syas Ella won't cook, clean or anything, till Obie gives her his gold. The two outlaws show up and get the drop an Matt. They try to hang Obie. One tries to shoot Matt. Ella stops him but is shot. Obie tells Matt where his gold is.
Episode 6
Little Timmy Wyatt witnesses a series of bizarre murders. He has a habit of telling tall tales, so no one will believe him.
Episode 7
Clay Young is trying to evict Josh Nolan. Josh tells Matt he paid Clay for the property. Clay denies it. Judge Mills say they go. Josh shoots at Matt. Chester pours a bag of sulfur done the chimney, and covers the chimney. In town Josh is fixing to shoot Clay. Clay admits he tore up the deed he told Josh he would record.
Episode 8
Andy Travis shoots a guy. Matt tells him you're real good with the gun, but you have a choice either put in down and you will have to constantly prove yourself. Andy unarms and goes to work for Moss Grimmick. A guys looking to draw against Andy. They fist fight. Joe Kite tells Matt I might have to shoot a man. A bouny hunter tells Matt Andy has a $1000 on his head. Joe Kite shoots Andy. Kite says he killed Andy and wants the money. Matt says you didn't kill him I did. Kite says he wants the money. Matt and the townfolk run him out of town.
Episode 9
A buffalo hunter, Jase Murdock, is warned by Ross the storekeeper to stay out of Indian Territory. Matt goes to see Ross to ask if he outfitted Murdock. Ross tells Matt you tangle with Murdock you're wish you hadn't. Matt goes to talk with Murdock's skinner, Golden Calf. Chester tells Matt Murdoch is gone. Matt goes after him. Murdock shoots at Matt. Golden Calf kills Murdock. His medicine was no longer good. Golden Calf is Murdock's son.
Episode 10
After two bullys cut off Chen's pig-tail (queue), the man vows vengeance.
Episode 11
Old-timer Smith is a former Army officer considered a butcher. He arrives in Dodge City speading rumors about the new Banker, Drew Holt.
Episode 12
Chester is embarrassed when his mountain man brother Magnus comes to town to visit. They hadn't seen each other in years and to prove that Magnus is uncivilized and doesn't belong in town, he takes him to the most important places to see how much Magnus doesn't know. Well, Magnus wins at cards, outdrinks Chester, talks to Kitty, and proves himself worthy of his brother's admiration. While all this is going on, a Christmas Eve dance is being planned by the girls at the Long Branch. Lucifer Jones nearly runs Kitty and the other girls down in the street and breaks the saloon up trying to keep the Christmas party from going on. He declares that Kitty is the wickedest of them all, leading men to temptation and sin. Why? Because she's the prettiest, of course.
Episode 13
Lucy also professes her love for handsome Booth Rider, and concocts a scheme in which Ephram is the intended victim. Booth becomes the unwitting pawn in a homicide that culminates in an ironic twist of fate.
Episode 14
Doc is so angered by a traveling medicine man and his opium elixir that he wants to get a gun and shoot him. When a fellow comes to town trying to kill Professor Lute Bone because his father died drinking his elixir, Bone decides that it's time to give up the patent medicine busines.
Episode 15
When a dishonest Deputy Sheriff takes a prisoner from Matt's jail without Matt's approval or knowledgel, Matt and Chester go after the Deputy Sheriff and the Prisoner.
Episode 16
Matt kills a man and his widow posts a $1,000 reward for his death. Every one in the country from sodbusters to gunslingers is out to get the reward.
Episode 17
Victims won't testify against John Henry Jordan at his trial for robbing the stage. He's found innocent. Matt asks Vince a card sharp he reformed to clean out Jordan. Jordan rides off. Matt's going to follow, but Chester says Vince has been hurt bad. Jordan is having supper with the Bowens, two witnesses at his trial. Matt approches the house. Jordan hides. Matt tells the Bowens Jordan robbed and beat up Vince. Matt leaves. Jordan pulls a gun and demands their money. Jordan is ready to shoot them. Matt returns and shoots the lamp out. He wounds Jordan. Asked why he came back Matt states that's an awful lot of food for two people.
Episode 18
Yorky, a white boy who was brought up by Arapahoes, is victimized by horse theives. Seeking revenge, he gets shot by Abe Brandt and his son who said that Yorky was trying to steal ""their"" horses. Yorky escapes and is treated by Matt. In the process, Matt become the target of the real horse theives.
Episode 19
Troy Carver, an aging ex-lawman gets off the stage. Matt calls to him. Troy turns and almost shoots Matt. Matt tells Troy if someone is after you I'll help. Troy says mind your own business. Moss tells Matt Lee Polen has been hanging for several days. Lee says he's gonna kill Troy for killing his brother. Lee asks Matt to tell Troy he is in town and clear Front Street at 10:00 AM. Polen knows Troy is losing his sight. Matt sends Doc to find out just how bad his eyesight is. Doc says the only thing he can focus on quickly is a match. Matt tells Lee he's told Troy to leave. Doc tells Lee Troy's eyesight is fine. Lee goes looking for Troy. Troy goes out the back of the stable and faces off with Lee. Troy shoots the gun out of Lee's hand. Troy's wounded. Troy shot at the only thing he could see, the flash of Lee's gun.
Episode 20
Belle Archer recognizes Jerry Shand and hides her face. Jerry has a grudge against Andy Cully, a paunchy hardware drummer. At the Long Branch Jerry is beating Andy up. Matt's ready to lock Jerry up. Andy bails him out. On the street Andy apologizes and offers Jerry $600. Jerry knows Andy is a murderer. Andy pulls a gun. Jerry shoots him. Belle sees it all from her window. Andy was really Bloody Bille Ashley one of Quantrill's raiders. He killed Jerry's father and carried his Ma from Lawrence, Kansas. Matt looks for Andy's gun. Matt tells Kitty they need a witness. They see Belle in her room. Belle says she didn't see anything. Belle watches from her window as they prepare for a hanging. Jerry says Quantrill took his girl Ellie and I haven't seen her since. Just then Matt brings in Belle (Ellie). She says Andy drew first. As Jerry rides past her window, he calls to Ellie. Belle says Ellie's gone, goodbye.
Episode 21
A would-be tough guy picks on the wrong man in an attempt to make a name for himself when he tries to involve Marshal Matt Dillon by staging a street fight.
Episode 22
An old sodbuster comes to town and decides he wants to marry Kitty. When he won't leave her alone she declares she'll shoot him if he pesters her anymore.
Episode 23
Twenty-three soldiers died a the hands of the Comamches at Cold Creek. Will Bailey lost his brother. Will says Amos Cartwwright, the scout led them into an ambush. Matt tells Bailey let the cavalry handle it, and leave Amos alone. Amos comes into the Long Branch with a rifle to see Bailey. Matt escorts Amos out. Amos tells Bailey I'll see you later. Matt suggests Amos stay out at the fort for a couple of days. Amos says don't worry about me. Amos kills Bailey. Matt and Chester are out tracking Amos, so is an indian. Matt finds Amos. Amos married a Comanche and was respected and loved. She died in childbirth. Amos knew about the ambush and did nothing. An indian war party appears on the ridge, friends of Amos. Amos' wife's brother Buffalo Tongue rides down. Amos goes out to meet him. Buffalo Tongue kills him. The indians ride off.
Episode 24
Doc is using the jail to quarantine people as they fall ill. The common thread between them seems to be that they all had a dinner meeting together, about the upcoming German festival, at Bendino's restaurant. Doc, at first, suspects some type of food poisoning as the culprit, but then discovers it's really Typhus. Leading citizen Mr. Matthews takes a few of his men over to Bendino's and beat him to death. Matt arrests Matthews and throws him in jail, much to Matthew's disdain with all the patients. When Mrs. Saur, a German resident living outside of Dodge, comes down with the disease Doc has to look elsewhere for the cause. He sets up an experiment that could cause him to come down with the disease himself, and possibly die!
Episode 25
Big Lena Wave and her man, diminutive Emmett Fitzgood ride into Dodge to run a card game at the Long Branch. Chester accuses Emmett of cheating. Lena socks him. Lena uses a bottle on a guy. Matt's trying to figure out how to handle her. Lena kills Ed James, a buffalo hunter who made advances toward her. Matt takes her gun. Nate Bannister, Ed's partner, says he's sick of puny women taking advantage because they are weak and underbuilt. He says he's going to shoot Lena. Matt gives him a rifle butt accross the chops and locks him up. Lena wants to see who's wants to kill her. Nate calls Lena a lady. They agree to bury the hatchet over a glass of beer. Nate says gonna marry Lena. Emmett enters and shoots Nate with a derringer. Emmett and Lena have been married for ten years. Lena lost her head with the attention Nate was paying her, and requests to be allowed to stay with Emmett in jail.
Episode 26
Hack Prine, a friend of Matt's rides into Dodge. However he is there as a gunman, for Matt Dillon.
Episode 27
Cooter brings Mr. Ben Sissell, a gambler, a drink. A kid accuses Ben of dealing off the bottom of the deck, and draws. The third man at the table, Pate, shoots the kid. Matt asks Ben how long Pate has been working for him. Ben and Matt go to see Pate. Matt calls Ben a coward and tells Pate to get out of Dodge. Matt tells Ben the next time you make a mistake I'll see you hang. Cooter is packing a gun. Doc says Cooter was shot in the head and shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun. Ben hired Cooter. Ben tells Matt Cooter says he's gonna kill you, because he thinks you are going to take his gun away and lock him up. Cooter enters and tells Matt he's gonna kill him. Matt outdraws him. Cooter asks Ben did I do the joke good. Matt tells Cooter the joke's on you and me. Matt throws Ben out. Cooter puts a gun in Ben's back. Ben runs, Cooter cuts him down.
Episode 28
Charles Bronson guest stars as a cowardly gunslinger who only goes after old men or young kids who aren't very experienced with guns. But, when Matt Dillon gives him an ultimatum, he shows his true colors.
Episode 29
Clem Maddow rides into Dodge. Doc tells Chester I'm gonna kill a man. Chester gets Matt. Doc's ready to shoot Clem, he won't say why. Clem says he won't defend himself. Matt tells Doc to put his Colt 36 away. Matt tells Clem to get outta Dodge. Matt can't find Doc. Clem is shot in the back and his brother George is hit on the head. Doc heard the shot and shows up. Doc digs a .45 caliber bullet out of Clem. George shot Clem. Doc says he doesn't hate Clem anymore. Doc loved a woman, she loved Clem. He left her after a miscarriage and never returned.
Episode 30
Seth, a newcomer to Dodge is bullied by Keeler, a boxer.
Episode 31
Zach and Bulow, up with a cattle drive, are raising a ruckus. Matt wants Zach's gun. He won't give it up. Matt hits him. Bulow draws his gun. Matt kills him. Zach tells Matt Bulow's brother Howard will shoot you in the back. Matt sees a guy hiding in the shadows. It's not Howard, but Howard comes up and introduces himself. Matt locks Howard up. Will Jacklin, the trail boss, comes for Howard. Will says he has fourteen men down the street. Reisling, the hotel owner, tells Matt you have to set him free. Matt tells Chester to go get Howard. Matt tells Jacklin, his men and Howard to get outta Dodge. Howard reaffirms he is going to kill Matt. Ben Cherry, a friend of Chester's Pa, raised Chester. Reisling says he's going to ride out to the cattle drive camp and tell the men they're welcome in Dodge. Matt and Chester go to the Dodge House to see how he did. Howard shoots at Matt from upstairs. Matt kills Howard.
Episode 32
Matt's Childhood hero, Dutch George is now the leader of a notorious gang of horse thieves he must now stop.
Episode 33
Chester and Matt are out riding when they get shot at by a boy. His father says the Pawnee are on the warpath. Jonas tells Matt we have to protect our women and children. Matt wants to know how this scare got started. A grizzled old timer, Tewksbury, says he lived with the Pawnee, and they'll attack at dawn. Jonas and his bunch want a strategy meeting. Matt asked have you ever heard of indians announcing when they were going to attack. Matt tells them to go home. That night there's a fire at the Danver's rooming house, with Pawnee arrows around. Matt tells Chester to keep an eye on Tewksbury. Chester calls for Matt, Tewksbury has set a fire. Tewksbury says he set Danver's on fire and put the arrows there. Two cowboys died in the fire. Tewksbury daughter, Quiet One, says he tried to turn the indians against the whites, but couldn't. Tewksbury's Pawnee name is Lost Warrior, he wanted to die in battle. Quiet One gives Lost Warrior poison and takes his body home.
Episode 34
Chester's drinking a lot at the Long Branch. A buffalo hunter, Nate takes his picture of a girl. Chester hits the hunter. Nate decks Chester. Chester has been sending the girl in the picture letters and she is coming to marry him. Chester sent her Matt's picture. Matt meets Ann Smithwright. She doesn't look like the picture Chester has. Matt takes Ann to Kitty. Chester comes in all duded up. Chester tells Ann she's too young and doesn't know what she's doing. Chester's going to take up farming. A Pinkerton agent, Brady, tells Matt Ann comes from one of the best families in Philadelphia. Her father is a judge. Matt tells Chester marrying Ann wouldn't be the right thing. Anne goes back to Philadelphia. Nate wants to take Brady out on the prairie and lose him, for breaking up Chester's engagement. Chester says he never should have learned to write.
Episode 35
Augie Shart and Gene Tyler a couple of drunks try to hang Weed Pindle from Texas once they find he fought for the Union. Chester stops it. Chester get Weed to play his guitar and take up a collection. Tyler and Shart paint Rainbow, Weed's burro, and smash his guitar. Matt slaps Shart and Tyler and tells them you two are through in Dodge. Weed washes Rainbow and rides out. Tyler and Shart follow. The townfolk follow. Tyler and Shart lasso Weed. We see one guy hung. As the camera pulls back there's two. Matt aks everybody where they were. They all have alibis. Doc wonders if Shart and Tyler had time to enjoy it, the hanging they wanted.
Episode 36
Doc tends Cara, who slashed her forearm, to make it look like a suicide attempt. She asks for Matt. They haven't seen each other in twelve years since Yuma. Cara wants to stay awhile. Kitty doesn't want to hear about Matt's old flame. She hires Cara. Sheriff Benson says a bank robber, Jack Tolliver, is heading toward Dodge. He says a scout, a woman, cases the town. He describes Cara. Matt catches Cara in a lie. Matt tells her he's going to Ellsworth on government buisness. She asks him to postpone it. Kitty tells Matt Cara wants $20. Matt tells Chester to follow Cara. She buys a ticket to St. Louie. Matt asks Cara are you leaving without saying goodbye. Cara says the ticket was for Tolliver. Matt and Chester run to get on the train. Just like Cara wanted. They get off at a ranch and ride back to Dodge. Matt and Chester are keeping watch at the Botkin Bank. Tolliver and a cohort enter the bank. The cohort is shot. Tolliver goes out and uses Cara as a shield. She
Episode 37
Peak Fletcher says his sister Sarah Amber stole a calf. She was set up. Matt tells Peak to take the calf and leave. Simon, Peak's son tells Matt Neal, Sarah's husband, is just rocking in the dark and Sarah's gone. Neal says he sent her back east and that he loved her. Chester finds Sarah under a blanket in the shed. Neal says he shot her. Matt locks him up. Peak wants to know when he hangs. Neal has been let out to eat. Simon says she lived in unrighteousness. Neal grabs a rifle and shoots Simon. Simon shoots Neal. Neal says Sarah gave up and died. He put a bullet in her after she died.
Episode 38
On a stage heading for Dodge Sheriff Darcy has a heart attack while guarding a murderer, Blackie. Mrs. Randolph is looking for her son Whitey. Matt tells her he was shot by a deputy two years ago. Darcy brings the kid in to Matt. He shot the cashier in a bank robbery in Caldwell. Mrs. Randolph fawns over the kid. Tasca Sloan and his gang, who the kid rode with, ride into town. Matt takes the kid to the Dodge House. Randolph tries vainly to try to help the kid escape. In the morning Blackie breaks a window to let Tasca know where he is. Matt heads for the train with Blackie. Mrs. Randolph follows. Tasca shoots Blackie. Matt shoots Tasca. Matt's wounded. The rest of the gang bite the dust. Mrs. Randolph tells Matt she was wrong.
Episode 39
While on the way back to Dodge, Matt and Chester discover a homsteading family fleeing Pleasant Valley, which is besieged by Indians.
2. Staffel 2 (39 Episoden)
Episode 1
After he is summoned unknowingly by Ben Pitcher to treat one of his cows,a human patient of Doc's dies. Durning a fight with Pitcher, Doc is knifed.
Episode 2
After his friend Ben Williams is shot down by Lou Shippen, Matt travels to Elkader to bring him him. The only problem, he doesn't know what he looks like and the town is protecting Shippen.
Episode 3
Matt refushes to turn Joe Trimble a rustler over to Major Banker for court-martial.
Episode 4
Matt closes up shops to a group of drunken cowboys, which causes trouble.
Episode 5
After gunman, Sam Kercher is killed by Matt, his 16-year old brother arrives to fight Matt.
Episode 6
At Fort Dodge, home of the third cavalry, Mrs. Mary Cullen tells the colonel, that the twelve year old they got from the Cheyenne ls her son Dennis. The indians took him when he was two years old.
Episode 7
Matt's getting his haircut. The barber tells about a couple of Texans he shaved, who talked about a crooked gambler they played in San Antonio, named Nick Search. Matt saved Nick's life. Nick arrives on the stage and goes to see Bill Pence, who runs the Long Branch, about setting up a poker game. Enoch Mills is the richest man in town. In poker if you win you're cheating and if you lose it serves you right. Mills heads into the Long Branch with $5000, Nick suggests they go upstairs. Matt wants to watch the game. Nick doesn't want him to. Matt tells Nick if you've got a straight flush you're through in Dodge. Nick goes for his gun. Matt shoots his hand. Doc tells Nick it will be stiff as a board for the rest of your life. Nick was seting Enoch up all week.
Episode 8
Doc rides up to the Tibbs house to say his services are available. Florie won't invite him in, but her husband yells to let him in. He cut his leg chopping wood. Doc wants to take him to Dodge. Forie says no. Doc does what he can. Doc tells Matt Mr. Tibbs was holding a gun under his blanket. It was no wood cutting accident. She cut him with a knife. Matt and Chester ride up to the Tibbs and ask for water, and would like to talk to the mister. He asks Matt if he would stay up with him tonight and take him to Doc in the morning. Matt and Chester are discussing what to do. Florie sneaks out. Tibbs says he's changed his mind aboout going to Dodge. Florie's got a shotgun and chases Matt and Chester away. Matt sneaks back. Florie says you're too late, he died during the night. She says he was a stranger named George Bassett. He came onto her and killed her husband,Ben. Matt locks up Florie. He gets a wanted poster on Bassett. Matt says she'll have some reward money comin
Episode 9
Kitty is in her cowgirl outfit. She's just return from a morning ride. Earl Haney, who runs the faro table, has had somebody bust his head open. Earl says he had a red shirt, black hair and mustache. Matt says that sounds like Jim Bostick. Jim says he's been in an all night poker game, except for an hour about 4:00 am, when went over to Doc's. Haney dies. Matt arrests Jim. Doc's out of town and can't confirm Jim's story. Jim pulls a derringer on Chester and escapes. Matt and Chester head out after Jim. Matt hears a horse and takes it. In the morning Matt hobbles the horse and lets it go. Matt finds Jim. Jim Draws. Matt wings him. Jim's back in jail. The new faro dealer, Ken Schools, was robbed and killed, but killed his attacker. Matt releases Jim. Doc says it's a rare man that won't try to weasel out of asmitting he made a mistake.
Episode 10
Doc is sick and tired of working day and night and being paid off in promises. He wants to go to San Francisco. The stage comes in with the guard dead. The driver says is was three guys. One was Haeard Brant. The driver says they hit two of them. Matt, Chester and Doc go out to the Brants. Howard can't talk. Mrs. Brant says the other two were Jed Butler and Rod Blake. They dumped Howard and rode off. Doc says he has to stay with Howard. Cheester sees Mrs. Brant with a wagon and her husband's body in it. Doc was supposed to ride ahead to make arrangements with the undertaker. He never showed. Doc was captured by Jed and Rod. After a stand off and talking Matt gets Jed and Rod.
Episode 11
Sam tells matt the Pawnees killed and scalped a family. Matt and Chester go to look. They meet Captain Starr. Matt says he'd like to tag along. They find a man, woman, boy and little girl shot and scalped. Matt remarks every family was killed in the open. Matt says it wasn't indians. It was whites who did it for horses and whatever they could find. Matt and Chester get some horses by and old shack and make a fire to draw the murderers. Lee Stapp rides in to scope out the situation and offers his services. Matt knocks him out and Chester ties him up. Matt says there are six men coming in. We're going to ambush them. Matt and Chester open fire. Jake yells uncle. They say what are you doing shooting innocents. Matt shows them the yellow ribbon tied around the braid of the little girl's doll he took off Stapp. Stapp took it as a sourvenir. Jake told everyone to take nothing.
Episode 12
Matt talks to a wounded man who was shot with a bullet meant for him. The wounded man says Stone shot him, Matt tells Chester that he knew Stone a while back and is worried that he will be shot next, Chester tells Matt that the Danch left before dawn. Matt learns that Danch was hired to kill Matt for Stone.
Episode 13
Willie Calhoun's in town for a bath and a haircut, in preparation to court Pearl Bender. Willie meets Pearl in the Long Branch. He asks her to marry him. She says Webb Thorne won't let me marry you. Willie gets a rifle and goes after Webb. Matt stops him. Matt gets Pearl, Webb and Willie together. Willie says he and Pearl are to wed. Webb says I'll stop them. Matt tells Pearl to choose. Pearl tells Willie I can't marry you. In her room Pearl tells Webb you are not going to touch me. You left here and never said nothing. Webb says he's come back to marry her. Chester brings Willie's rifle back to him. Willie shoots Pearl. A simple man let feeling for a woman get the best of him. Matt tells Willie he shot Pearl not Webb.
Episode 14
Chester worries about bugs & sees Billy messing with a wagon. Matt & Chester meet the owners of the wagon, they feel the newcomers have more trouble a head. McCready accuses the new family of stealing from him. A man comes looking for Doc because Cholera may have come to Dodge. When Doc doesn't show up treat the Cholera victims Matt & Chester try to find him. Jeni tells Matt Doc is with McCready Matt & Chester find Doc.
Episode 15
Ira Pucket was abandoned on the prairie in subfreezing weather by his skinner Jed Larner. It's been 20 below the last three nights. Doc checks Ira out, and operates on his foot. Matt tells Ira he'll try to find Jed. Ira's up and about with a cane. Ira asks Matt, have you found Ira yet. Jed walks into the Long Branch. Matt tells Jed he's going to tell everyone Jed left Ira out in the big freeze to die. Matt tells him get on your horse and don't come back. Ira sees Jed and tries to catch him. Matt tells Ira to get a job and forget about Jed. Ira robs Botkin's bank. Chester takes Ira over to the office. Botkin won't press charges, if Ira gets a job and stops being so ornery. Ira gets a job riding shotgun on the stage.
Episode 16
Kitty's been riding in her riding skirt. Hoffer says he's gonna kill Zach Ritter. Matt tries to take Hoffer's gun, as Zach enters. Matt gets winged. Zach doesn't want to press charges. Matt turns Hoffer lose. Bates tells Matt Zach's been shot and Hoffer did it. Hoffer is dying in front of his house. He tells Matt Sam Baxter shot him. Hoffer says he didn't shoot Zach. Matt arrests Sam, the killing doesn't stop.
Episode 17
Mr. Dobie, the hotel owner, wants Matt to quiet Big Dan Daggit's wife, Rose, an indian. She the daughter of Yellow Horse the Arapaho chief who raided Dodge. Matt apologizes for disturbing the Daggit's. Dobie incites the menfolk. Dan and Rose walk down the street. A guy says for an indian she's a looker. Matt warns Dobie and his mob. A guy gives Rose a bad time. Dan steps in. Doc's gone out to the Duke place. Dan hasn't seen rose since 4:00 am. Doc rides up with Rose in his rig. Dan carries her up to Doc's. Two men kidnapped her. Tied her to a horse and hit her some. Doc asks Dobie if he's satisfied know. Rose says she can recognize their walk. Dan and rose sit outside the Dodge House. Matt and Chester takes turns watching them. Dan and Rose go up to their room. Rose recognizes the foot steps of the two men. She calls Dan, and asks him to go and get headache powders from Doc. The two guys, carrying a rope and gag, knock on Rose's door. Rose says come in. She got a
Episode 18
Harry Bent and Fred Myers just robbed the bank in Wichita. Harry and Fred's wife, Jennifer, plan on running away together. Fred followed Harry after they split up and overheard their plans. He plugs Harry. Fred tells Jen they're going to Dodge to open a dress shop. Fred writes a letter for Tobeel, the indian guide Harry hired, to get a job with a cattle drive. The letter says this indian is a liar, beggar and a thief. Tobeel constantly stands in front of the dress shop. Fred complains about Tobeel to Matt. Jen tells Kitty she's scared, but not of Tobeel. Jen is stabbed with Tobeel's knife. Fred says no question who did this. Tobeel and Fred had fought. Matt arrests Tobeel. Matt finds a Wichita Milling Company sack in Fred's wagon. Matt takes Tobeel over to the Long Branch and gets him a drink. Tobeel says there was two men one was asleep. Matt the the bartender to tell Chester I'm ready. Matt tells Fred, Tobeel is a Kiowah. The don't stab, they throw a knife. Tobeel
Episode 19
A young gunfighter, Tom Clegg, forces farmer Abe Curry into a duel and kills him. Matt can't arrest Clegg since Abe drew first. However, Abe's brother Morgan plots revenge. Morgan, who is unarmed, follows Clegg constantly. Clegg soon grows tired of it and attempts to take care of his ""problem.""
Episode 20
A man comes into Dodge City looking for Jim Glass, Matt believes Jim Glass changed his name and learns that Nate Timble was protecting someone Matt was looking for.
Episode 21
Matt Dillon begins having nightmares due to a gunfight in which Matt killed someone. Joe Stranger thinks Matt likes killing people, which forces Matt to turn in his Badge.
Episode 22
Hank Groat bothers Kitty. Chester comes to her rescue. Ann Cabot arrives from Connecticut to marry Jack Shomer. Matt, Chester and Doc go to see Jack. He's drunk in his shack as usual. They sober him up. Jack says he can't face Ann. Jack says the land beat him. He can't face people anymore. Matt tells Ann, Jack is a horse trader and he is up north. Hank Groat bothers Ann. Matt tells Groat to leave all the ladies alone. Kitty tells Matt he can't find Ann. They find Ann unconcious on the ground outside of Ma Smalley's. All Doc can find is a bruise on her cheek. Jack says he can't face Ann. He's going away. Ann slapped Groat. He hit her. Jack takes a shotgun from Matt's office and finds Groat in the Long Branch. He puts the shotgun down. They tussle. Matt stops it. Matt arrests Groat. Jack goes to get a drink. Matt tells Doc it just wasn't there.
Episode 23
Rena Decker, a new dance hall girl, purposely gets her admirers into fighting over her. Despite Kitty's negative opinion of her, Matt befreinds Rena and gets her a job at the Long Branch. Soon afterward, 4 men are dead and Rena is the cause.
Episode 24
A rancher comes to terms with his past.
Episode 25
The west gets law & order.
Episode 26
Matt fills out a report on Chester after he is believed to have shot a man, Matt wants to take Chester away to protect him.
Episode 27
Chester is drinking at the Long Branch and gets into an argument with a gambler over a girl. When the marshall breaks it up he tells Chester to bring the man to jail. On the way there the man is killed and everyone thinks Chester did it. Matt has to prove Chester is innocent.
Episode 28
Dodge City meets a Photographer who shows the residents how a camera works. Jacoby wants to take pictures of how the Wild West looks. When Matt learns someone died he thinks the photographer may have hired someone to kill Grubby for a picture of the west.
Episode 29
Sam Rickers comes to the Marshal's Office asking to see Matt. Chester looks inside the wagon to find a dead man, Sam thinks he killed a criminal hoping to get $1000 for the crime. Matt learns that dead man was shot three times & was new to Dodge City. When Matt asks how the third got in the dead man's back Letty almost tells what really happened. Rickers his her and tells the story better in hopes of getting the reward money. Matt wants to protect Sam Rickers from Catlin who brings a poster with Jake Haney's picture on it Matt wants to protect Rickers by keeping him in jail.
Episode 30
Philip Locke is looking for Laura Simmons, but she doesn't want him to know where she works. Laura tells Matt she and Philip were to wed she asks Matt not to say anything about her job. Philip warns Matt that he will be killed if he doesn't tell the truth. Laura decides to meet Philip at the bar, Philip wants to take Laura away from The Long Branch she doesn't want to leave putting the Barkeeps life in danger.
Episode 31
Matt goes inside The Long Branch and meets Wilbur Hawkins a whiskey Drummer tells Matt he will die. Matt is almost shot while feeding the horses, in Doc Adams's office Matt plans to let everyone thinks he died. Kitty tells a man at The Long Branch is telling a different story. Tom Roberts tells everyone he shot Matt, Chester tells Matt someone at The Lady Gay (another bar) also shot the Marshal. Leaving Matt wondering who fired a shot at him. Tom Smith finally comes to Dodge telling Matt somebody wanted to kill both Matt and Sheriff Smith for money.
Episode 32
Matt meets Fos Capper, who wants to marry Flora Stancil. Flora's brother Ben may give Matt some trouble that may lead to Foss Capper's death. Flora drives to town for supplies Fos waits to help her load the wagon. Chester sees trouble about to happen. Matt heads to the store and hears Fos & Ben argue over Flora being free from Ben's treatment of her. Later Ben & Fos challenge each other to a fight. Matt lends Fos his gun that leads Ben to think Matt is crazy. Ben begins to realize Fos is a professional at using a gun.
Episode 33
After Charlie Brewer is found dead, Jack Salter who was a friend of Charlie Brewer comes to Matt's office saying Vint killed Brewer. Matt then tries to find out if Jack is right.
Episode 34
Joe Delk causes trouble at The Long Branch after shooting two men who were unarmed.
Episode 35
After Chester & Matt meet Uncle Oliver, Chester feels uneasy after Viney suggests he ""Get rid of Chester."" Uncle Oliver feels Viney would be a good replacement for Chester.
Episode 36
Kitty's father, Wayne Russell, arrives in Dodge to meet his daughter after abandoning her and her mother as a baby. He insists that saloon life is not fit for a proper lady and wants to take her back to New Orleans so he can pamper her and invest her savings in his freight business.
Episode 37
A former Army Officer wants Matt Dillon's job. Matt then takes Mr. Egan on his rounds. Matt lets Egan try his brand of justice that almost costs Egan his life.
Episode 38
A drunken man tries to beat Shinn to the draw (with his gun) but the drunken man dies trying. Hank Shinn tells Matt he doesn't want to kill people, Matt & Chester doesn't believe Shinn until He tries to tell Al James he is unarmed.
Episode 39
Matt wonders how Cam is doing after not seeing him in a few days, Matt then sees Cam at The Long Branch and notices Cam acting strange. Cam sets out to kill Matt after Lonnie Pike tells Cam he saw Matt with Tilda.
3. Staffel 3 (39 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt learns there is a hired killer in Dodge City, the hired killer gives Matt a challenge to find out who paid Nate Springer to kill Matt.
Episode 2
Chester believes Asa Ledbetter is out to kill him. After Chester is shot, he tells Matt Asa Ledbetter shot him. Matt worries that Chester may be working too hard on finding Asa Ledbetter. Asa Ledbetter claims Chester killed his brother.
Episode 3
After Harry Spencer's life is saved Matt receives a wanted poster for Joe Sharpe who robbed a bank. Matt learns that Joe and Shape left Dodge so Sharpe could try and get the reward money.
Episode 4
Doc, Chester, and Matt suspect Kitty of helping a bank robber when she invites Matt to an out of the way spot for dinner. What they didn't know was that the bank robber was the first 'man' Kitty had ever known. This is a half hour episode and is available from Columbia House video.
Episode 5
Budge wants the Marshall to arrest his Pa for murder but when they get to Budge's house they get captured by Bud & his Ma so they can rob the bank.
Episode 6
Jesse comes to Dodge to kill the man who killed his Pa.
Episode 7
Mavis McCloud comes to Dodge to get married. She marries Barny but Lou Staley comes looking for Mavis and wants to kill Barney and the Marshall.
Episode 8
Joe Digger wants to kill the two men who tried to lynch him.
Episode 9
A powerful landowner threatens to wipe out Dodge when his daughter falls in love with the son of his archenemy. Matt has to find a way to stop it.
Episode 10
When Matt sends Chester out to handle a rowdy couple of cow pokers, Chester ends up nearly dead. Matt is so guilt ridden he vows to find the men who did it and make them pay.
Episode 11
Jim Cobb comes to town to marry a woman from back East. Hank accuses Jim of murdering his first wife then of murdering his second wife. Hank doesn't like Jim because Jim got a claim on some land before him.
Episode 12
When a man is murdered on a stagecoach, the stagecoach driver thinks that there might some connection between the stagecoach station manager (Jesse Daggett) and the stagecoach robber (Nate Pilcher). The stagecoach driver asks Matt and Chester to look into this situation for any possible information Matt and Chester ride out to the stagecoach station. Upon their arrival, Matt finds the stagecoach manager uncooperative and elusive in responding to Matt's investigation. When another group of stagecoach passengers is murdered, Matt makes one last plea to Jesse Dagget to reveal any information about this situation. Dagget remains unresponsive. Matt and Chester later find Jesse Dagget seriously wounded on the prairie. While Dagget is dying, Daggett finally tells Matt that he Nate Pilcher had shot him and also tells Matt that he and Nate Pilcher had known one another in the past. He tells Matt that Pilcher had been gunning for Dagget for many years When Matt actually hears the story of wh
Episode 13
When a young couple dies of the fever out on the prairie , Doc, Matt and Chester bring the couple's young baby into Dodge to find a good home for the young baby. Matt turns the baby over to Ma Smalley for temporary care until adoptive parents can be found.Ma Smalley determines that another woman, Mrs. Nadler might make a good Mother for the orphaned child; however, Matt determines that Mrs. Nadler's husband is a cattle rustler, thus causing Ma Smalley to change her mind about letting Mrs. Nadler have the young baby! Matt confronts the cattle rustler, Joe Nadler, in the Long Branch; Matt is forced to kill Joe Nadler in a gun fight. After Ma Smalley hears the news that Joe Nadler has been killed by Mat in a gunfight, she changes her mind and gives full approval in letting Joe Nadler's wife have the baby as her own child.
Episode 14
Doc kills a man who shoots his horse. The man's brother comes looking for Doc because he thinks Doc killed his brother for reward money.
Episode 15
An eastern dude asks Kitty if she'd like to take a midnight drive, but when she doesn't return the next day, Matt goes looking.
Episode 16
A hillbilly arrives in Dodge looking to continue a feud started back in the hills of Virginia.
Episode 17
Matt goes to Elkader after the man who shot him and runs into Joe Phy "US Marshall".
Episode 18
Matt & Chester are taken prisoner by two buffalo hunters who are hunting buffalo in Indian territory. The hunters leave them tied to a wagon in hopes that the Indians will kill them.
Episode 19
The Gunner brothers rob the bank in Dodge and take Kitty hostage.
Episode 20
Ollie Ridgers is a free spirited man who hates towns and lives free on the prairie. His friend Jim Branch convinces Ollie to go into Dodge for a good time at Miss Kitty's saloon. While Ollie is in town, two men kill Ollie's hogs and mule. Ollie goes after the two men thus killing one of the men. Matt is forced to arrest his good friend Ollie for killing one of the men. After Ollie has been found guilty of murder and sentenced to a long prison term, Ollie's friend, (Jim Branch) kills Ollie to spare Ollie from the cruelty of being being incarcerated for the rest of his life.
Episode 21
Andy Tennis kills a gambler. Matt arrests him but Andy's mother breaks him out of jail.
Episode 22
Clifton Bunker and Samuel Spring, writers from New York, come to Dodge looking for a story. Finding none they stir up trouble to get a story.
Episode 23
Hattie throws in with two men to kill her husband and then sell his ranch for the money. Yorky Kelley sees the men ride off with his father and trails them till his horse breaks a leg. On the prarie Yorky finds Marshall Dillon and asks for his help finding his Pa.
Episode 24
Matt get caught in a blizzard then finds shelter in a cabin but finds more than he bargained for.
Episode 25
Nat Seiber and Polly Troyman are to be married. When Polly's younger Brother finds out that Nat had visited another woman (Beulah)late one evening at her house, Polly's Brother (Henry Troyman) thinks that Nat has dishonored his Sister Polly and promises to stop the wedding anyway he can. When Nat is shot on his wedding day, everyone thinks Polly's Brother committed the shooting. After Matt and Chester do an investigation, Matt comes to another conclusion about the shooting of Nat Seiber.
Episode 26
Hide skinner Emmett Dooley thinks he killed a man while drunk and turns himself in.
Episode 27
Jake Kaiser and some other ranchers hung Frank Tillman thinking he was a horse thief but they were wrong. Tillman's wife and son won't tell the Marshall who did it.
Episode 28
Tom Cassidy (a drunk) tries to kill Dan Clell (a new gambler) in town.
Episode 29
Ernie Stubblefield trying to put his past behind him changes his name to Earl Stafford and is traveling with a laughing gas show. Cloud Marsh tries the gas and gets laughed at by the town. Angry he and his brothers attack Stubblefield/Stafford.
Episode 30
A Texas cowhand is murdered and they won't tell the Marshall who did it so Matt decides to close all the saloons and shops till they do.
Episode 31
Amy Slatter comes to Dodge to try and get Matt to kill her because in the Dakota territory Matt had to kill her brother.
Episode 32
Someone keeps hanging people in Dodge and making it look like suicide.
Episode 33
Linda Bell comes to Dodge to meet her fiance Lou Paxon. Lou makes Linda take a job at the Long Branch. Matt is suspicious of Lou and Joe Bassett.
Episode 34
Mr Shaneway wants Mr Pap at the bank to loan him $20,000 for a poker bet. Doc gets kidnapped.
Episode 35
Gambler Leach Fields marries Zach Morton's widow Ada thinking she knows where the money Zach stole is.
Episode 36
Matt arrests James Cando. Cando tells Lee Binders to break him out. In the attempt to get him out Cando tries to hang Chester.
Episode 37
A secret Army payroll is stolen and two soldiers killed. The Major threatens Matt with martial law if the thieves aren't caught. Matt suspects Jenny Lane, a new girl at the Long Branch of being involved.
Episode 38
Matt and Chester track Nation for a killing in Dodge. Nation kills their horses then gives himself up. They wind up having to take a stage back to Dodge. Nation recognizes a man on the stage and helps Matt prevent a robbery.
Episode 39
Marcus France, a "Gentleman Gambler" comes to Dodge and falls in love with Bonnie Damon. Tiller Evans thinks Bonnie is his girl. Matt has to keep Tiller from killing France.
4. Staffel 4 (39 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt resigns as Marshall after Tom Samples accuses Matt of killing an innocent man;however, Doc and Matt's old freind Wild Bill Hickok come up with a plan that might clear Matt of this erroneous charge of murder.
Episode 2
After a young man is shot in the back, people think it was young Fly Hoyt. Holly Fanshaw was the only person who saw the murder happen and she tells Matt that Fly Hoyt committed the murder The Older Brother (Joe Thorp)vows revenge for the murder of his Brother. After Holly gives this information to Matt, Matt and Chester set off to bring in Fly Hoyt for murder. After Matt talks to Fly Hoyt, Matt thinks that Fly did not commit the murder and attempts to prove Fly's innocence. Fly gets into this deeper when Holly is shot. Hoyt claims someone shot Holly and the person who shot Holly also knocked Hoyt in the head from behind. Kitty thinks Hoyt is the murderer and can not understand why Matt is supportive of Hoyt. Matt's lawman's instincts and experience determine that Hoyt did not commit these murders. Matt's investigation finally brings him back to Joe Thorp again.
Episode 3
When renegade Pawnee Indians attack some local ranchers, Matt and Major Evans think that white gunrunners supplied the Renegades the rifles. Matt, Chester and Indian scout Tobeel, go the scene of the massacre to pick up the trail of the renegades in the hopes that the Indians will lead them to the camp of the gunrunners. One thing that the gunrunners were not counting on was that the riffles that were sold to the renegades were an outdated Henry 44. Matt thinks that once the Indian renegades find out that they have been cheated and have purchased outdated rifles that no longer have the ammunition in supply, the Indians will go after the gunsmugglers. The Indians do take out revenge on one of the Gunsmugglers, but the other man tries to flee. With the information supplied by a cowboy on the prairie, Matt finally arrives in the camp of the remaining gumsmuggler to confront the man.
Episode 4
Episode 5
When Matt is forced to serve an eviction notice on farmer Brandon Teek, Matt tries every way he can to help the farmer. Matt tries to speak with Judge Rambeau in the hope the Judge will stop the eviction process in the proper legal manner. When the Judge refuses to stop the court order eviction of Brandon Teek, Matt refuses to serve the eviction. The Judge hires another man to evict Teek, but the man finds the job of evicting Brandon Teek harder than he ever thought it would be. The man hired to evict Brandon Teek meets resistance from Brandon Teek and a scuffle ensues. Brandon's pregnant wife, Sarah Teek, is injured in the scuffle and loses her child because of the injuries suffered.
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Shell Tucker is normally a friendly and peaceful sort of a man. When Shell Tucker's wife swallows a nail, Shell's son (Rufe Tucker) sends for Doc Adams; however, Doc is unable to save Mrs. Tucker from this illness. Since Matt knows that Shell Tucker dislikes Doctors, Matt thinks Shell might try and take the death of his wife out on Doc Adams.. When Doc is shot at on the streets of Dodge, Matt, Chester and Doc ride out to Shell Tucker's farm to talk with Shell. Upon their arrival, they all notice that Shell's horse appears to have a broken leg. Doc believes that it is just a small fracture in the horse's leg and with the placement of a cast, the horse can be saved from being destroyed. Matt tells Shell that he will be arrested for attempted murder unless he agrees to let Doc treat the horse. Several weeks pass when Shell rides into Dodge and confronts Chester. Chester tells Matt and Doc that Shell might be out to get Doc Adams, but when Matt finally confronts Shell Tucker, he finds out
Episode 14
Episode 15
When two town troublemakers kill Poney Thompson's dog , Poney goes after the two men. When one of the men who shot and killed Poney's Dog is found dead, Matt and Chester suspect that Poney killed the man. Matt is forced to arrest Poney, but as Chester is taking Poney to jail, Poney escapes from Chester Matt, Chester and one of the men who killed Poney's dog (Jed Hakes), go after Poney. Along the trail, Matt and Chester discover Poney dead in a cave from a snakebite wound. Jed Hakes later makes a fatal slip of the tongue and reveals that he killed his partner (Walt Moorman).
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Matt goes along with a hoax when Chester's aging Uncle Wesley arrives for a visit. Wesley thinks Chester is the marshal and Dillion is his assistant.
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
An old friend of the family comes to Dodge looking for Kitty, but when he finds out she's a saloon owner, he's dismayed. Intent on defending her honor wherever she is insulted, he nearly gets himself killed. Kitty finally tells him that she has no honor, and he keeps making a fool out of himself thinking otherwise. It sends him away and saves his life at the same time.
Episode 23
While Chester is teaching Miss Kitty guitar playing and singing technics, the cowpokes at the Long Branch are making quite a fuss over Frog mouth Kate. Kate has a fondness for a younger man almost half her age (Billy Daunt). Billy does not share the same feelings for Kate and runs away much to the delight to the Long Branch barflies. Late that night, Chester wakes Matt in the middle of the night to tell Matt that Kate had been shot at Ma Torvet's boarding house. Ma Torvet tells Matt that Billy was the one who shot Kate. Ma also believes that Billy shot Kate because Kate kept some money stashed away under her bed. Matt and Chester search the countryside for Billy Daunt. While Matt and Chester are conducting their search, they discover the wife of a destitute farmer who claims Billy killed her husband and tortured a very old man. Matt and Chester finally overtake a desperate Billy Daunt and transport Billy back to Dodge. Shortly after their arrival in Dodge, Matt finds out some more tro
Episode 24
When another Doctor shows up in Dodge promising lower Doctor's fees and miracle cures, Doc gets angry and and many Dodge citizens think Doc Adamas has quit as Dodge's doctor. When Doc comes up missing, Matt looks for Doc and finds him fishing outside of Dodge. Doc tells Matt that he thinks the new Doctor is nothing but a quack. Doc Adamas believes the new Doctor is a quack. Doc's beliefs are later proven to be true when the new Doctor's medical treatments amost kill a young boy.
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
When Onie Becker is shot down on the streets of Dodge after quarreling with Al Clovis in a poker game, everyone thinks Al Clovis committed the shooting. The plot thickens after Matt and Chester pursue Clovis on a train headed out of Dodge.
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
When a Buffalo hunter dies from injuries from burning led, Matt and Doc think that their boss (Jim Gatluf) might have had something to do with the man's dying. After Matt speaks with one of Gatluf's employees about the killing of the Buffalo skinner, Matt is convinced that Gatluff murdered the man. Soon after, Chester informs Matt that another Buffalo skinner had been murdered. Since Matt is now convinced without any doubt that Guttliff committed these murders, Matt and Chester set off to bring Gattluff in for murder. While Matt and Chester are searching for Gatluff out on the prairie, they run into a buying agent who tells Matt that he had recently done business with Gatluff. The agent also informs Matt where Gatluff's is. When Matt and Chester ride into Gutluff's camp, they discover another one of Gutluff's men who has been attacked by Guttluf with a knife. Matt and Chester finally find Guttluff's camp, but soon discover some more troubling information about this case.
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
5. Staffel 5 (39 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
After Miss Kitty is injured from falling from a horse, Matt seeks help from some poor farmers.Matt determines early on that the Farmer (Raff Juson) , his wife and son are strange people that will probably not offer any assistance in helping Miss Kitty When the Farmer refuses to help Matt and Kitty, Matt forces Raff Judson's son (Lootie) to go into Dodge to get Doc Adams. When Lootie does not return from Dodge with Doc, Matt sends the Farmer (Raff Judsin) to search for them. Lootie eventually returns from Dodge, but returns without Doc. Insted of helping Miss KItty, Lootie has plans to run off with Miss Kitty When Matt fails to persuade Lootie to do what is right for Miss Kitty, Matt is forced to confront a hostile Lootie Judson.
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
When a crazy man and his two songs whip a cowboy with a bullwhip almost killing the cowboy, Matt rescues the cowboy from the severe whipping. When Matt asks Chester to untie the cowboy, the man makes threats to punish Chester for his sinful ways. As Chester is walking home from the Long Branch, the man and his two songs kidnap Chester. They bring Chester to their camp to stand trial in a Kangaroo court. Since they think Chester interfered with the with the whipping of the cowboy, they plan to cut off Chester's hand. One of the crazy man's sons starts to feel some compassion for Chester and attempts to save Chester from this punishment. Just as the crazy man is about to hit Chester with an ax, the man is shot down. Chester is surprised when he learns who saved him.
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Matt and Chester find a young Indian woman (Sochi) on the prairie suffering from a gun shot wound. Matt and Chester take the young woman to Doc Adams for medical treatment, but the overall outlook for recovery does not look promising Once Matt hears that a white man shot the woman, Matt and Chester set after the man. While Matt and Chester are searching the prairie for the man who shot Sochi, they run into three white men. Matt and Chester plan to take the three men back to Dodge so Sochi can identify the man who shot her;however, before Matt and Chester can get them into Dodge, the truth is finally made known about who shot Sochi.
Episode 9
A man wants to gunfight when he returns home, after years away, and finding his brother married to his girl.
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
The new rootin tootin owner of ""The Lady Gay"" (Mamie)comes to Dodge and opens a saloon. When she opens the saloon, she lets the Dodge cowpokes know that she is very handy with a gun and will use that gun on any trouble makers in her saloon. At first Matt, Doc and Chester are quite amused at Mamie, but Matt begins to have some concerns about Mamie. Matt, Doc and Chester think that Mamie might be involved in some foul play concerning the previous owner of the Lady Gay Saloon (Herman Bleeker). When a Mexican man tells Matt that he saw Mamie sneaking around late the previous evening night with a lantern and a shovel, Matt, Doc and Chester investigate. They find a vest owned by the previous owner with blood stains. Matt thinks he has to arrest Mamie, but is concerned that Mamie might cause some problems;however, Matt tries to trick Mamie into an arrest. Just about the time that Matt is ready to haul Mamie to the Dodge City jail, he learns the truth about Herman Bleeker
Episode 22
While Matt is away on business, Doc gets threatened by an ex convict (Brice Harp) who claims that Doc Adams sentenced him to a long term in Prison. Doc tries to explain to the man that he was never a judge and has always been a doctor, but the man does not believe Doc. Since Chester is worried about the ex convict trying to take out some kind of revenge on Doc, Chester cooks up a scheme that will save Doc from possible danger.
Episode 23
Episode 24
When an older gentlemen, Jacob Leech, comes into the Dodge jail house and tells Matt and Chester that he plans to kill a man named Ollie Radford, Matt puts Jacob Leech in the jail for the night to cool off. When the next day arrives, Jacob seems to have had a change of heart about killing Ollie Radford. He tells Matt that he has had a change of heart. Matt and Chester run into Ollie Radford the next day and Radford tells Matt and Chester that he was married to Jacob Leech's daughter. Late on when Jacob Leech learns that Ollie Radford went to see his pregnant wife at Ma Smalley's boarding house, Jacob Leech forces Miss Kitty at gunpoint to take him to Ma's boarding house. Jacob apparently has not changed his mind about killing Radford afterall. When Clem the bartender later tells Matt that Leech and Miss Kitty left the Longbranch together, Matt and Chester go in search of Jacob Leech and Miss Kitty.
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
When Jonas accuses Clint Dodie of robbing his store, Matt and Chester set out in the bitter cold go to Clint's farm to make an arrest. Once they arrive at Clint's farm, instead of making an arrest, Matt and Chester wind up doing most of Clint's farm chores. Doc later arrives at Clint's house and when he sees what Matt and Chester have been doing the last 24 hours at the Dodie farm, he finds all of this amusing. Doc informs Matt and Chester of what really happened at Jonas's store..
Episode 28
When the greedy relatives of a dying man (Crowbait Bob)learn that he might be dying, they come to Dodge to grab anything of value they can get from the dying man. When his relatives find out that Bob has willed all of his possessions to Miss Kitty, they show their true hateful feelings about their relative, Crowbait Bob. When Miss Kitty finally opens Bob's chest box filled with Bob's possessions , Kitty and Matt find out the true value of Bob's possessions.
Episode 29
A southern belle named Colleen comes to Dodge and charms her way through Dodge. Kitty is not by the woman. She leaves Mat and Doc at Delmonicos in the middle of dinner, and the reason she gives is she's not going to them"" Moon"" over Colleen. Chester and Bull compete for her affection by bringing food to her house. Bull gives her a deed to a house for her to live in.
Episode 30
While Doc and Chester are traveling on the prairie, Doc is shot by some wolfers. Doc's gunshot wounds are serious enough where Chester is worried that Doc might die on the prairie. Chester not only has to remove the bullet from Doc, but he also has to fight off an attack by the wolfers.. Since Chester must also find enough food to keep Doc alive, Chester is forced to kill one of the horses so Doc can receive the proper nutrients. Chester kills one of the wolfers and takes another one into custody. Matt finally arrives on the scene and hears about Chester's heroic deeds.
Episode 31
After Sam Lackett physically beats his wife on the streets of Dodge, Matt and Doc try to persuade Mrs. Lackett to prefer charges on her husband, but she refuses to so. When Mrs. Lackett comes into Doc's office suffering from a beating she received from her husband, Matt decides to go after Sam Hackett. After the Judge finds Hackett guilty of several minor crimes, he sentences Hacket to 50 dollars or 50 days in Dodge City's jail. Mrs. Hackett comes up with the 50 dollars for Hacket's fine, Matt reluctantly releases Hacket from the jail;however, once Hackett is free from jail, Mrs. Hacket learns that Hackett has not changed his ways one bit. He still threatens to bully and beat Mrs. Hackett. When Sam Hackett attempts to beat his wife again, she pulls a gun and kills her husband.
Episode 32
While Grant Lucas is in Dodge to testify in court against Cy Welch, Grant goes into the Long Branch for a drink. While Grant is at the Long Branch, he sets up a late night meeting with one of Miss Kitty's saloon girls, Mae Talmey. When Grant goes to Mae's house later that evening, Mae shoots Grant clamming that she thought Grant was trying to rob her; however, Matt does not believe Mae's story. When Doc tells Matt that he used to know Cy Welch from Doc's days on the Mississippi river. According to Doc, Cy Welch was some kind of riverboat gambler. Doc also tells Matt that Mae Talmey was also there in those days as well. When Matt hears this information from Doc, he makes the connection between Cy Welch and Mae Talmey. Matt goes to Mae's house to ask her some questions about this, but when Matt arrives at her house, he stumbles into a deadly scene.
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
6. Staffel 6 (38 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt is summoned to help an old friend, Ab Butler, who has been shot in the back and left for dead. However, Matt faces a difficult situation when Ab's partner shows up and tells his side of the story.
Episode 2
German immigrant and town blacksmith, Emil Wolhter and his German mail order bride, Gretchen Mueller, are to be married. Matt, Doc and Chester along with Emil meet Gretchen at the stage station. Emil and Gretchen throw a big wedding party for all their friends in Dodge;however, not everyone in Dodge is friendly to Emil and Gretchen. Town troublemaker Tolman has it in for Emil because Tolman thinks that Emil cheated him in a blacksmith deal. Tolman and his gang scheme up a plan to get Emil Wolhter out of his house. While Emil is out of his house one evening, Tolman and his gang of troublemakers burn Emil's house to the ground. When Matt offers to help Emil find the men who did this, Emil rejects Matt's offer and pursues these men by himself. Emil administers his own brand of justice to the men.
Episode 3
Matt arrests Finn Pickett after recognizing his face from a wanted poster. On the way back to Dodge, Pickett's vengeful sons try to free their father as Matt and Chester face a water shortage.
Episode 4
Martin Nagel is a hard working store owner that has plans to build up his business and eventually leave the business to his son, Lee Nagel. When Martin Nagel is killed in a freak accident, Lee Nagel thinks that his Uncle (Hutch) did the killing. Lee is highly suspicious of his Uncle Hutch and attempts to convince Marshall Dillon that his Uncle killed his Father to claim the family business.
Episode 5
While Matt and Chester are transporting a prisoner on a stage coach to Wichita, Matt learns that the stage is also carrying gold. Matt fears that outlaws might attack the stage for the gold. While at a stagecoach stopover, the outlaws attack the station. Matt, Chester, the stagecoach driver along with a traveling preacher and a young woman, attempt to fight off the outlaws the best they can.
Episode 6
Matt is called in to deal with a corrupt sheriff in Tascosa.
Episode 7
Matt's old friend, Esteban Garcia, tracks a man into Dodge and plans to kill him for stealing his wife.
Episode 8
A buffalo hunter (Spadden) and his partner Ritchie come to Dodge City causing trouble. Spadden has the reputation for bullying other people and bullying his buffalo skinner, Ritchie. When Jim Cornet's friend is killed in a fight by Spadden, Spadden and Cornet have angry words. Later that evening, Matt and Chester discover Jim Cornet's body lying dead in an alley. They also discover Cornet lying drunk in the alley just a few feet away from Jim Cornet's body. Since Matt and Cornet had been arguing earlier, Matt thinks that Spadden might have murdered Cornet. Spadden is tried for murder, but the Judge is of the opinion that there is just not enough evidence to convict Spadden. Spadden is acquitted from the charge of murder. Matt thinks that there are some unusual circumstances in this case and launches an investigation. Matt discovers Ritchie's body in the stable. Spadden admits he beat Ritchie to death. As the investigation unfolds, Matt finally gets to the true facts of who killed Jim
Episode 9
While Marshall Matt Dillon is pursuing two fugitives from justice, he is taken captive by the same men Matt is pursuing. One of the outlaws (Augie) shoots Matt and the outlaws take Matt captive. One thing that Matt notices right off is how abusive one of the outlaws is to the other. Rack abuses and humiliates Augie. After Matt sees how Rack abuses Augie, Matt tries to play on Augie's anger at Rack in the hopes that Augie might help Matt in this predicament. After Matt works on Augie's hatred towards Rack, Matt waits for an opportunity to strike back,
Episode 10
A young army drummer named Raffie is terrorized by two bullying mule skinners.
Episode 11
Jake Creed accuses his young hired hand, Ben Tolliver, of horse theft.
Episode 12
The vicious Dolan brothers move in on a tough cattle rancher and his non-violent son.
Episode 13
Gus Mather comes into Dodge and throws a big wake for a man named Orson Boggs Doc and Chester are suspicious of this whole wake situation, but Chester and Doc attend the wake nonetheless and partake of the free drinks. When Matt comes back to Dodge from his business trip, Chester informs Matt on what has been going on . Matt also thinks something strange is going on as well. Matt and Chester are so suspicious of Gus Mather's story about Orson Boggs, they decide to do an investigation on all of this. While Matt and Chester are doing an investigation, they run into a man on the prairie. He tells them that he knows of a Orson Boggs, but has never heard of Gus Mather. He tells Matt that Orson Boggs lived in the Red Bank area of the prairie. Matt and Chester find Orson Bogg's farm. They discover Bogg's wife at the farm. Mrs. Boggs tells Matt that her husband is certainly not dead and that this story that Gus Mather is telling in Dodge about Orson being dead is false. Mrs Boggs come to Dodge
Episode 14
A young drifter takes a job as cook at Delmonico's but accidentally kills a crazy buffalo hunter who complains about his cooking.
Episode 15
A scheming woman (Else Hedgepath), who is after the money and wealth of Hannibal Bass, makes a play for Hannibal, but runs into some serious, SERIOUS trouble though when she tangles with *MRS* Bass!
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
When 2 outlaws shoot and kill a storekeeper and his young employee, Matt sets out on to the prairie to find the killers. When one of the killers (Red Lime) dies from a gunshot wound from Marshall Dillon's gun, the other outlaw (Joe Lime) vows revenge on Matt Dillon for killing his Brother When Matt returns back to Dodge without the men and with a fever, Doc gives Matt something to help him rest and fight the fever. While Matt is resting, Chester cleans Matt's gun. Chester removes all of the bullets from the chambers, but before Chester can put the bullets back into Matt's gun, Chester gets a message that Doc wants to see Chester in the Doctor's office While Chester is up in Doc's office, the other killer rides back into Dodge wanting revenge for Matt killing his Brother. He tells Carl the stable man that he plans to kill Matt. Carl the stable man tells Miss Kitty that the outlaw Joe Lime was now in Dodge and is gunning for Matt. Miss Kitty awakens Matt from a state of fever to warn
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Rough and rowdy Minnie comes to Dodge Cith and sets her designs on Doc Adams much to the delight of Matt, Chester and Kitty. Trouble comes though when Minnie's husband comes to Dodge and finds out that his Minnie is sweet on Doc.
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
7. Staffel 7 (34 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt runs into Perce McCall on the prairie and they decide to camp together. Three outlaws, who think Matt's been tracking them, show up and try to kill him. Even though Perce knows them, he sides with Matt and all three outlaws are killed. Matt is beholdin' to Perce for saving his life. Perce explains that he knew the outlaws from the past when he used to rob stages. He got caught, paid the price, and is now heading to Dodge to do a little gambling and have some fun. The trouble starts when Perce meets Ida Poe, one of Kitty's girls, and decides to go after her. Hank Seeber, who considers Ida his girl, takes exception. Ida's dark side appears when she tells Perce she needs a man that can ""make his own luck,"" (cheat at cards) and provide a financially secure future for her. She's unimpressed with his job at the stock pens and shames him into searching for a better way. Soon after Perce leaves Dodge it's reported that the stage was held up on the road to Wichita.
Episode 2
Frank Cassidy is a thief and murderer that stops at Beulah Parker's farm for water. When he finds that she's unmarried and owns the farm he begins to work his way into her good graces. When her brother, Leroy, shows up and Cassidy realizes that she's not the sole owner of the farm he leaves and goes into Dodge. When Beulah goes into Dodge, Jake Welch and Henry Head, two drifters, get into a scuffle with her on the street, which Matt breaks up. Believing that Cassidy would have married her if Leroy hadn't ruined it, Beulah hires Jake and Henry to murder her brother. After they do, Cassidy once again shows interest in Beulah and they decide to marry. Matt realizes that Cassidy only wants to marry Beulah so he can sell her farm and run off. Trying to reason with Beulah about it is fruitless; therefore, Matt gets a court injunction to stop (or at least postpone) the wedding. Beulah then hires Jake and Henry to murder Matt. Not a good idea.
Episode 3
Kitty is the mystery woman of the day. She rides off in the night undercover and picks up a young boy. She doesn't want to tell Matt or Doc who he is and why she is takes off in the night. When she leaves for a few days with a wagon filled with enough supplies for a whole family, the guys start wondering who that boy really was...
Episode 4
Sarah Cooley, dying of a heart attack, confesses to her husband, Gip Cooley, that her father changed his last name from Harper to Harris long before they were married. Harper was known for killing over 100 men, and Sarah wanted Gip to know about this so that he can raise his sons accordingly. She's convinced the bad blood has been passed on. Gip promises to be strict with them and Sarah passes on. Years later, with the boys, Kyle and Jeff, in their mid-twenties, Jeff accuses neighbor Carr of selling him a horse that's blind in one eye, but Carr won't buy it back. Kyle falls in love with saloon girl Jenny, but she marries Carr instead because he has his own ranch. She soon realizes it's a mistake and starts meeting Kyle on the sly. A plan is engineered to kill Carr and set Jeff up to take the fall for it!
Episode 5
Shanks is evicted from his rented ranch, loses his cattle and wife to another man. He goes to Colorado to pan for gold. He meets up with Buddy Ebsen, he convinces him to return to Dodge. They come into town with three heavy sacks of ""gold"", actually sand. They deposit them in the bank. Those that took his ranch and cattle fall all over themselves to return them. Shanks tries to throw them out of his house, but he has a heart attack and dies. Shanks willed everything to Ebsen. He doesn't want it, and signs it over to Matt, and tells him to give back after they have learned their lesson.
Episode 6
Sarah Drew arrives in Dodge City hoping to find someone to escort her to Ft. Wallace so she can marry her fiancée. But everyone she talks to tells her the distance is much too far and the prairie is much too dangerous and inhospitable, especially with Indians on the warpath. She's told she'll have to wait until the situation improves. When she learns that Matt needs to cross the prairie on business she follows him in a buckboard. Matt can lose no time returning her to Dodge and reluctantly agrees to let her come along. During the journey they are set upon by a raging prairie fire and lose their horses and supplies. Then, Matt gets hit with an arrow during an Indian attack. As if that isn't enough, when Sarah goes for help the man she brings back turns on her with the intention of molesting her and killing Matt!
Episode 7
Widower Hardy Tate lost his wife over a year earlier and feels he's got a ""lot of livin' to do yet."" But his son, Cully, is having trouble getting over it and reluctantly reconciles to the fact that his dad is considering remarrying. When Hardy returns from doing business down in the Indian nations and comes back with Natacea, a young, and incredibly beautiful, Indian bride Cully has a difficult time accepting it. Many of Cully's acquaintances in town can't accept it either, resulting in a bully named Bill Craig beating him up. Matt tries to reason with Cully and deter him from wearing a gun and squaring things with Craig. Matt talks Hardy into marrying his new bride in a church in Dodge to allay some of the hostility, but Cully refuses to attend. Hardy tells Cully he can't tolerate his attitude any longer and invites him to get out on his own. Soon the underlying truth comes out; Cully wants Natacea to run off with him. Hardy catches Cully forcing himself on her, a struggle ensues bet
Episode 8
Chester smitten by love takes up farming, to provide for his betrothed. His soil is miserable and the shack he lives in collapses. He builds a dugout that Daisy, his intended, hates. Chester awakens to two feet of water in the dugout. Chester and Daisy go into the water selling business. Chester needs a new pump. He goes to the bank to get money from their account. He is told Daisy drew out all the money. Doc tells Chester he saw Daisy getting on the stage last night.
Episode 9
To escape her poverty and abusive, drunken faher, 17 year old Milly Glover decides to look for ahusband. After three humiliating attempts, she decides to pay back the men. One she lets his horses loose and burns his haystack. Another he cuts his harnesses and burns his chair. Each man blames the other and they shoot each other. Her father goes to the third man to convince him to marry Milly. They fight and he mortally wounds him. Milly and her little brother are going to be adopted by the widow Hawkins. Molly tells Matt she has some things to own up to after while.
Episode 10
Mountain man Gabe Trumbull reports to Matt that he saw a young, ""fair,"" white woman squawing for an Indian buck on the prairie. The description matches local girl Mary Tabor, carried off a year earlier during an attack on a stagecoach. When Matt finds that Army Captain Benter, a real Indian hater, is put in charge of the trading party to get Mary back, he decides to go along. Once contact is made with the tribe Matt interviews Mary to find that she's not so anxious to return to her father. Spotted Wolf, the Indian who purchased Mary from the Cheyenne war party that attacked the stage, does not wish to trade her away, either. Captain Benter then ups the stakes by offering Chief Lone Eagle 20 rifles and ammunition for hunting if he'll turn over the girl. Mary then heads for home with Matt and the Cavalry detachment. Spotted Wolf, however, is not content to let the woman he loves go.
Episode 11
Doc is awakened in the middle of the night, chlorophormed, kidnapped and taken to an outlaw camp. Clint and Augie are bank robbers who have recently hooked up with Pitt Campbell and his friend Randy. Their plans for an upcoming bank job are foiled when Randy breaks a leg. Before Doc wakes up the next morning Pitt tells Clint and Augie to go on with their plans and to forget about him and Randy. Clint's not happy about it, but agrees and instructs Pitt to ""take care of Doc"" when he's done with him. When Doc awakens he finds a rather professional job of setting and splinting Randy's leg has been performed by Pitt. Doc gives Pitt some final instructions on caring for Randy and then heads back for Dodge. The following day Clint and Augie rob the bank in Meade, Kansas, killing three people. After getting Randy back home for proper care, Pitt goes to Dodge and asks Doc if he'll teach him medicine. After some debate Doc agrees. Soon they are spending day and night ""rea
Episode 12
Nina Sharkey has been miserable everyday she's been married to Lee, who only married her to get her father's money. They have received none of it. Lee says he is leaving for two weeks and has hired Jim Garza to look after the place. Lee has paid him $250, so when Lee gets back, Jim will say he and Nina have been fooling around. Then Lee will go to Nina's father and demand money to prevent a scandal. However, Jim falls in love with Nina and they want to marry, once she is divorced. Lee hires Harry Blucher to kill Jim. He does. Matt kills Harry. Nina kills Lee. Matt tells Nina she needs to come into Dodge with him. She says she can't, she has too many things to pack before Jim comes to pick her up.
Episode 13
Orkey Cathcart is looking for a wife and sets his sites on Miss Kitty.
Episode 14
Outlaws want Matt to leave Dodge so they can steal from the bank or they will kill a man per day.
Episode 15
Harvey Easter tries to reform Dodge. He convinces two saddle tramps, Kelly and Bunch to take up farming, Mary to quit working at the Long Branch to be independent and take in wash, gets Charlie Fess to quit riding shotgun on the stage and guts the oasis bar with fire by throwing a lamp after unsuccessfully trying to get Harry Obie and two cowpokes to reform. Kelly and Bunch are tired of farming and decide to rob a stage, it doesn't work out. The townspeople decide to teach Harvey a lesson. They put him in a canvas bag and dunk him in the water tower. The pole breaks and Harvey drowns before they can get him out.
Episode 16
Lacey Parcher sneaks out into the barn to meet Jess. Her father tells Jess don't come around here no more. He comes back to talk and gets run off again. Mrs. Parcher and Lacey come see Matt. Lacey says she killed Cyrus because he wouldn't let her marry Jess. Jess takes up with Bessie an old flame. Lacey's is being held and Ma Smalley's. Lacey gets Ma's revolver and makes her tell about Jess and Bessie. She ties Ma up and goes after Jess. She goes up to Bessie's room, Jess is there, he tells her I had to kill your father he came at me with a pitchfork. We agreed you would take the blame, because they don't hang women. She kills Jess. Matt comes Lacey asks you never heard of them hanging a woman.
Episode 17
Sam Dukes arrives on the stage with Mr. Koger. Sam takes a fancy to Cody Durham's fiancee, Rose, who works at the Long Branch. Sam gets drunk and tries to force Rose to drink. Brack is ready to slap leather with, but Matt stops it and takes Sam's gun. Dukes in a dark alley tells Brack to draw, he shoots him not knowing he doesn't have a gun. Brack is wounded as the town looks for him. Brack goes to Cody's house. Cody digs the bullet out, and hides him. Rose comes to Cody's house and tells Brack she loves him. Thay plan to leave on the 6:00 train. Cody finds them at the station and kills Brack.
Episode 18
Luke is raising heck at the bar. Matt locks him up. Doc finds a drunk, Dan Witter, by the side of the road. He takes him to his office and feeds him. Doc tells the bars in town not to serve him. Doc gets Dan a job with Mr. Jonas. Luke's dad, Lem, comes to get him out. Luke says he's taking off. Jonas asks Dan to lock up for him. Dan drinks all the vanilla extract. They find him passed out on the floor. He is taken to Doc's office. Lem tells he needs help on his farm. Dan goes to work for Lem and works very hard. Luke retuns with whiskey and offers it to Dan. Dan wants to leave but Lem talks him into staying. Luke tries to get Dan to drink, and starts beating Lem with a piece of firewood. Dan comes to get Matt. They go to Lem's. Luke's dead. Lem bad off tries to say he killed Luke, but Dan says he did it. Dan says ""As long as I can remembermsomeone's always been willing to give me another chance, I just won't give my self one.
Episode 19
At the square dance Miss Kate Tassel gives up waiting for Bud Bones and goes dancing with Hank. Bud shows up and gets in a fight with Hank. Matt breaks it up. Bud tells Kate if I can't come callin' no one can. Billy Joe comes callin'. Bud throws Billy Joe and Kate in the trough. George Wannamaker comes callin'. Bud ties him up and sends him into town on an old cow. Kate tells Matt she is through with Bud. Bud spanks Kate in the middle of town. Matt tells them to stay away from one another until they cool off. She invites Matt to dinner he declines. She invites Chester to dinner and to teach her to play the guitar. Kate says she is going to San Francisco to play guitar in public. Bud tells her she shouldn't go, she tosses him out. Bud joins the army. In a fight with indians he tells the lieutenant to give him 50 cartridges. He puts the powder in a canteen. He gets shot, but throws the canteen. It explodes, the soldiers charge and win. Kate tells Chester she is going to
Episode 20
Grant Hatcher hires Lute Willis to kill Matt. Lute meets Fanny Fields and sets his hat for her. Lute takes a bottle of whiskey up to Hank Browder, another professional gunman. Lute meets Fanny at the store again and they arrange to meet that night. They meet and kiss,Lute says he is in love with her. Fanny senses something is wrong. Lute wants her to go away with him. Lute tells Fanny he is a hired killer, but he will do it no more. Lute tries to get Browder to kill Matt. Browder says he will do it. Browder shoots thru the office window and wings Chester. Hatcher rides in. Matt gets him to tell that he hired Lute. Matt says you're going to jail. Hatcher draws Matt plugs him. Matt arrests Lute and Browder sees it. Browder comes to the jail window. Lute tells him to tell Fanny she has to be his alibi. Browder follows Fanny out of town and kills her. Doc and Kitty see Fanny's buggy. Browder tells Lute Fanny agrees. Matt finds Fanny. Matt tells Lute Fanny was killed and
Episode 21
Chester is taken prisoner by Comancheros. He shot one and is to die at dawn. Kisla, the leader's wife, helps Chester and Chavela, her rival to escape. Solis kills Garver and takes over, and tells his men to split up to find Chester. One, Ab Rankin catches up to them. Chester strangles him, but gets clunked on the head in the process. Solis and four of his men find them. Chavela has taken Chester's gun and gets the drop on Solis. Chavela acts like she wants Chester to die, and agrees to marry Solis. They forgot about Rankins's horse. Chester falls off the horse. Matt finds him. Matt convinces Chester Chavela was helping him. She slipped her good luck medal into his shirt pocket.
Episode 22
Pruitt Dover is owed $100 by Ax Parsons. They struggle over a knife after drinking heavily. Pruitt wakes up. Parson is dead with the knife in his chest. Louie Pheeters sees Pruitt ride off. The Elkader sheriff has Pruitt in jail. Matt goes and picks him up. On the way back, a crazy old man shoots Matt. Pruitt kills the guy in a struggle over his knife. Pruitt digs the bullet out. He takes Matt's gun and rides off as he sleeps. He returns, he has been hunting. Back in Dodge he is locked up. Judge Brooking Matt's friend is sick and Judge Henry is in town. Matt speaks up for Pruitt. Henry finds him guilty and sentences him to hang. Matt heads to Hays City with Pruitt for the hanging. Matt tells Pruitt to get on his horse and escape. He does but changes his mind and catches up to Matt. They reach Hays and Pruitt is hung.
Episode 23
Married Oren Conrad is seeing bar girl Pearl. Hank Ives wants some of Pearl's time. Oren draws his gun, Matt shoots him. Oren's wife Cornelia vows revenge. She tries to hire Pete Wellman to Kill Matt. He declines, but knows who might. Jim BLake also says no. She says she will exact an eye for an eye herself. She tries to shoot Matt's woman, Kitty, but Matt stops her. Ben Hardin has a score to settle with Matt. Ben sparks Cornelia. She tells Ben she must punish Matt to be free. She tells Ben she loves him. Ben says he'll set her free. Matt goes to meet Ben at Indian Wells. Cornelia realizes she really is in love, and rides out to stop Ben. Ben gets the drop on Matt. Matt convinces him to holster his gun and make it a fair fight. Matt kills him, he dies in Cornelia's arms.
Episode 24
The official summary is Matt persuades Dodge City to ignore a criminal. He never actually talks to the town about ignoring the criminal, they just all do it.
Episode 25
Mattie Arthur arrives on the stagecoach. She is the wife of Captain Frank Arthur, killed by the Kiowa four months ago. Corporal Johnny Jennings was the only survivor of the battle. She has come to find her husband, who she thinks may be a prisoner. She wants him or his body. Colonel Ebert can't help due to the treaty. Matt tells her he agrees with the colonel. She offers a reward to anyone bringing her husband back dead or alive. Jennings says the captain was run through with a lance. A wolfer, Emil Peck, agrees to take her to Lands Creek, the site of the battle. The Hotel clerk tells Matt, Mattie skipped out. Colonel Ebert won't send troopers. Matt asks for Jennings who goes. Peck is ready to ax Mattie. Matt saves the day. She pulls a ""gun"" on Matt. A large number of Kiowa appear. Little Bear takes them to Lands Creek. The Kiowa have given Arthur an indian burial wrapped in a chief's blanket. All Mattie has wanted all along is proof of his death for the will and insur
Episode 26
In a stage hold up by four men, Downey shoots the driver, against the plans of Silva who watches from a hill. Silva says thy're heading 200 miles south to Dodge. Silva leaves Downey out in the middle of no where with no boots, gun or horse. Henry Squires and his grandson Little Bit are going to St. Joe to pick a prize hereford and two heifers. On the train ride back to Dodge, two of holdup guys, Kearny and Wade get into the car with Henry and the cattle. In a gunfight Henry kills Kearny and wings Wade who jumps off. Silva sees the cattle in town and talks to Henry, who tells him they're leaving at first light. Silva and Dodd are going to hold up the Dodge House. Polk and Wade are to steal the cattle. Polk figures he's been double crossed. Wade shoots at Little Bit. Little Bit shoots at the hooves of Wade's horse. Wade is thrown and hits his head on a rock. Henry tells Matt he remembers Wade saying there are others in Dodge that have bigger things to do. Silva and Rudd rob t
Episode 27
Lee and Harv come into the Long Branch at closing and raise heck. Matt clobbers them and puts the in jail. In the morning Matt gives them 15 minutes to get out of Dodge. Chester reads an in two month old paper for brides for rich Colorado miners. Lee and Harve rob Jonas' general store. Matt rides out to find them. He finds Polly Mims, who ran away from a wagon train. The wagonmaster is Carl Feester, with eight women heading to the Colorado miners. Florida, who's in charge of the women tells Feester he can get $100 ahead. Matt and Polly reach the train. They have heard the Arapaho are the warpath. Matt says he will ride with them to Fort Wallace. Feester and Bowman his helper says they'll kill Matt later. Two indians come up to the train. They need water for an injured boy. Matt obliges. They circle the wagons for the evening. Matt tells Florida he knows the women are to be dance hall girls. Carl wakes Polly to take a walk, she refuses. Matt cleans his clock. Matt hea
Episode 28
Lily asks her Pa, Billy Baskin where he's been. They have a good crowd for Faro in Joseph City, Missouri. Johnny Cole tries to get Lily to sit with him. She won't. Cole catches Billy cheating, Cole kills Billy in self defense, while Lily is upstair. She is told Johnny Cole killed her father. The sheriff tells Cole to get out of town. Lily goes to Dodge and asks Kitty if she can deal Faro for her. Kitty agrees. Lily runs a cheater off. Drunken Champ Larkin, an aging bare knuckle fighter, says Lily is her girl. Matt tells him to go home and sober up. He comes back later to apologize. Cole addresses Lily saying they met about a year ago. Champ warns Cole to stay away from Lily. Cole asks Lily to go on a picnic. Lily has Sam take a note to Champ. Cole tells Lily he loves her and he wants to make it up to her, for killing her Pa. Champ shows up to fight. He knocks Cole out. Champ comes at Lily. She kills him and lays Cole's gun near Champ. Matt comes. Cole says he kill
Episode 29
Loy Bishp kills his buddy Jake Mosely and takes him to Matt for the bounty. Matt has no wanted poster on Jake and arrests Loy. The wanted poster shows up. Loy is set free. Matt says he'll find him when the money comes in. Loy keeps trying to get Cheter to drink with him at the Long Branch. Chester says he doesn't drink with a backshooter. The Dodge House won't give Loy a room. Matt won't let Loy sleep in the jail. A telegraph says the reward has been withdrawn. Matt tells Loy to git. Loy returns to his farm and Rose Ellen, Dawkins and Cape. Loy tells them they are going to take a town. Loy has a fake telegram sent to have Matt come to Ashland. Matt finds out from the telegrapher he was forced to send the telegram. Matt tries to find Sheriff Hale. Rose Ellen throws a beer in Matt's face. That night Rose Ellen tells Matt she knows where Hale is. She says to meet behind the saloon. Dawkins, Cape and the bartender subdue Matt. Loy drags Rose Ellen in saying you weren't
Episode 30
Henry Cairn has bought the Lady Gay and is selling whiskey for ten cents. Ten cents cheaper than Kitty. Kitty's business is on the rocks. The banker won't loan her any money. Henry's partner Fogle calls Kitty the witch woman, because she's ruining their plans to buy a Mississippi river boat. Henry tells Kitty he's sorry it had to be this way, and the sooner they are married the better. Kitty starts flinging whatever is in reach at him. Fogle tells Kitty the only thing to do is kill her. Cairn comes in and kills Fogle to save Kitty.
Episode 31
Cale rides up to a farm, no one is around. He puts his horse in the barn and goes to sleep in the hay. Sterret, the fired hired hand returns to steal Nick's, the owner, horses. Nick and Sterret trade bullets. Nick is hit and falls into the barn. He thinks Cale is with Sterret and shoots him. Cale follows Sterret who shoots him. Matt runs across Cale and takes him to Doc. Nick's son. Will dug the bullet out of Nick. Cale leaves Doc's. Hank Miller finds him in the hayloft of the livery stable. Sterret brings his horse into the livery. Cale recognizes him, and straps on his gun. Will and Nick come to see Matt. Matt finds Hank tied up. Hank says he took his horse and rode off with Sterret. Cale takes Sterret to Nick's barn. Cale is going to shoot Sterret to avenge Nick who he thinks is dead. Nick comes in, Sterret tries to get his rifle. Cale shoots Sterret.
Episode 32
Chester is leaving to visit his cousin Thurlow. In Kalvesta, Simeon brings a Cheyene indian tied up into Adam's general store. Later it is heard the Indian escaped. Callie goes to get water. The Indian appears and asks for help. Callie tells him to hide till morning. Adam and his son Frank go to town. Callie gahers some things and goes looking for the Indian. Chester stops by for water and grain. He shoots the Indian who was trying to steal a horse and escape. Callie tells Chester he has to help him. He digs the bullet out. Callie finds them. She tells Chester we can't let him die. They see Pa coming, Callie and the Indian hide. She sends Chester to town for medical supplies. Chester takes the Indian to a nearby shack. Callie syas she wants to stay with the Indian always. The Indian pulls a rifle on them and takes Chester's horse. Callie pleads to go with him. He rides off. Chester goes to catch a stage.
Episode 33
Billy Joe escapes from an army discilinary barracks work detail killing Sargeant Jellicoe in the process. The Major his two sons, Seth and Ham, and his daughter-in-law, Sarah come to town for supplies. Billy Joe gets in a fight at the Long Branch. Matt tells him to get outta Dodge. Matt gets a wanted poster on William Josph Arlen, and heads out looking for Billy Joe. Billy Joe's horse threw him. Matt's find him. the Major and Seth ride up and say, Billy Joe killed Ham and attacked Sarah. They'll bring proof. Matt locks up Billy Joe. Doc says Sarah sits like she is frozen. The Major brings Sarah to identify Billy Joe. She states he was there. He says he just had coffee and left. The Major won't let him be returned to the army to face federal charges first. Sarah overhears Doc and Kitty of the Major's plans. She tells the Major he didn't kill Ham. Seth shoots Billy Joe. Matt shoots Seth. Seth shot Ham so he could marry Sarah.
Episode 34
Proffessor Eliot and his three boys, Park, Hug and Nate are hawking his elixir. Mollie Farnum and her father are waiting for the stage to Pueblo. The boys attack that stage dressed as indians. The driver and Molly are killed. Farnum sees a scar on Hug's right hand. The boys are drinking at the Long Branch. Farnum comes in and sees the scar. Outside Farnum gets clunked on the head. Eliot is stirring the town against the indians. Hug says he and the boys will take care of the indians for $600. The town offers $300. They go looking for indians. They shoot three and bring them into town. The boys rob a train of $10,000 in gold. Farnum tells Matt the stage was robbed by white men, as he dies. Matt looks in Eliot's wagon. Matt tries to turn Hug against Eliot. Hug wounds Nate. Nate kills Hug. Park says he's leaving. Eliot's wagon returns to Dodge. Eliot goes to dig the gold up. Matt catches him.
8. Staffel 8 (38 Episoden)
Episode 1
A young man named Cale may have earned Marshal Dillon's respect, but Tate Gifford says Cale has just ridden off on a stolen horse - Tate's horse.
Episode 2
Seventeen year old Dodie flees the brutality of Floyd and Addie Bag at the Pleasant Valley Orphanage. In a struggle for the keys, Dodie knocks Addie out. Doc's returning from delivering a baby. Dodie hitches a ride. In Dodge Whip Puckett comes on to Dodie. Ky gets in a fight to stop him. She goes into the Oasis saloon and tells the bartender she would like to taste whiskey. Two cowpokes oblige, but wind up in a fist fight over her. Dodie runs up a 45 cent tab at Delmonico's. Ky blessing says he pay it. Dodie asks Kitty for some work. Kitty gives her a dress and notices the sores on her back when she puts it on. Ky, whose wife is expecting their first baby, is down by the river giving kissing lessons, to Dodie. He tells Dodie he's married. Kitty throws Dodie's old dress out and notices the orphanage tag. Matt gets a telegram, that says Addie was hurt bad. Matt takes Dodie back. Addie's fine. Matt looks around, sees the little girls in the sewing sweat shop. Lady show
Episode 3
Half breed Quint kills the two white men that shot his Pa. Pa tells Quint to take his Ma, Topsanah, back to the Comanches, then he dies. Quint hates white men and want to join the Comanche. Three years later the Comanches are on the warpath. Matt warns three buffalo hunters. The indians attack them and Quint is injured. Matt takes him to Doc. Quint won't talk. Matt turns his back and Quint takes his gun. He tries to shoot Matt, no bullets. Quint ""white man trick me"". Matt escorts Quint out of town once he's well. As soon as Matt leaves he changes into indian garb. Quint returns to Running Horse's tribe. He tells Quint to kill a white prisoner, Quint doesn't. Running Horse strips him of his stripes and has him doing squaw work. Quint releases the prisoner. They ride off then split up. Matt gets a letter from the sheriff in Winona saying Jim Grant was saved by some half breed. A dozen men from Dodge head out to find the lone Comanche hiding out. Quint knocks one out
Episode 4
Aggie Dutton wants to go to town to meet a boy. Pa tells Grudie to take her and check for a letter from Uncle Solon. Aggie asks Doc if Chester is married. Grudie and his brass knucles get in a fight. Matt tells him to get out of Dodge. Aggie invites Chester out to their camp. Aggie tells Pa somehow she's staying in Dodge. She rides into Dodge and tells him Pa invited him out to fish. She tells Pa she was with Chester all night, and he has come to do the right thing and married her. Grudie knocks Chester out with his brass knuckles. Pa goes to town to check on the letter. Aggie tells Chester she is sorry but she is going to stick to her story. Pa got the letter. Moss tells Matt he's seen the horse Grudie was riding. Pa's ready to leave for Colorado, with Chester tied up in the wagon. Matt stops them. Chester is freed. Aggie tells Pa she storied him. Chester tells aggie she'll find a place to root down. Pa throws the brass knuckles away and tells Aggie he'll get her a h
Episode 5
Al Flack and Zel Meyers are dividing the money from their latest bank heist and agree to meet in Pueblo in two weeks for a gold robbery. Zel and his girl go to Dodge. Zel tells Jenny to get a job at the Long Branch. Zel loses $1500, to Chuck Eaton, playing poker. Zel holds up Chuck outside, but he doesn't have the money. Zel slugs him. Two guys see it and chase Zel. Matt goes to the Dodge House to arrest Zel, Chuck died. Zel tells Jenny they have to get to Pueblo. Jenny tells Matt to come to her room. She tells him Zel wants her to work on Matt. She told Zel she wouldn't, but she loves Matt. Matt returns to his room and Jenny is there. Matt throws a blanket over her and takes her up to Kitty. Flack arrives with $1000 for Zel's bail. Jenny tells Zel she's staying with Matt. Matt tells Zel not to leave town. Louie Pheeters hears Zel say he's going to kill Matt tonight. Louie tells Matt. Zel's looking in Matt's window. Matt is outside and confronts him. In the mornin
Episode 6
Collie stole cattle and shot Davis Henry's leg half off. He's returning home from eight years in prison. Matt tells his wife Francie it's gonna take a lot of patience. Matt tells Rob his Pa is coming home. Matt asks Davis to go easy on Collie. Collie says the marshall gonna pay. Nort tells Collie Rob and Francie work for Davis. Collie gets a gun and rides over to Davis'. Francie goes to get Matt. Matt and Francie meet Rob on his way to get Matt. Matt heads for Davis'. Nort is gonna shoot Davis. Collie tries to stop him, and is shot. Davis kills Nort. As he dies Collie tells Francie it's better this way I was just in the way.
Episode 7
At the Moon Bar Ranch Doc tells Susan Bart her father just died. She says she is going ahead with her Daddy's plan to divert water from the homesteaders. Trent Hawkins tries to rally the homesteaders, but they're willing to sit and wait. Matt is at the ditch talking to Susan. Two shots are fired into the nearby wagon. Matt tracks the horse to Trent's. Matt tells him Susan has hired guns. Susan meets her hired gun, Leif Crider at the Long Branch. Matt tells Crider to get out of Dodge. The homesteaders vote to stand and fight. Trent reports 200 pounds of dynamite is missing. Matt warns Susan. The explosion rocks her house. Crider says they need to a scare in to Trent by shooting his mother. Matt tells Trent it can be settled without blood shed, if the homesteaders file claims. Matt, Chester and trent go out to the Moon Bay. Matt tells Susan if she diverts the creek she will lose ten square miles to the new claims. Crider shoots Susan. Matt shoots Crider. Susan says she
Episode 8
Luke won $1000, Idaho Slate is trying to cheat him out of it. Matt warns Luke and he leaves. Irma Watkins sits with Slate. Kitty tells Matt she tried to break up those two trappers, Tug Marsh and Billy Logan. Tug tells Billy I'm glad we didn't split up. An indian jumps Tug while hunting. Billy kills the indian. Billy thinks Tug is minutes from dying and leaves to get away from the other indians before dawn. Billy buys a suit and goes to see Irma. Slate is in another room listening. Billy says his furs will go for $6000-$7000. Billy and Irma have a date. Tug is found down by the river. Matt tells Tug Billy said he was dead. Matt tells Billy Tug's alive. Matt tells Billy he better get out of town. Billy says he needs to talk to Tug. Billy tells Irma Tug's alive. Irma goes to Tug. He says he isn't interested in her any more. Slate tries to sell ""diamonds"" to Billy with Irma's help. Kitty tells Billy they are glass and Irma is in with Slate. Billy pulls Slate off the
Episode 9
Annie tells Mom and Dad she's going fishin'. Phoebe Strunk and her four sons, Oliver, Casper, Hulett and Simsie ride up. They rob them and put them in their wagon and burn it. Matt and Quint are returning from hunting, and find the wagon and skeletons. Annie looks on then runs off. Annie gets to Sam's and Rosie's place. Ma and the missing links come to Dodge. The boys take notice of Annie. Sam and Rosie want to adopt Annie. The boys try to kidnap Annie. Matt tells them to get outta Dodge and stay out. Oliver follows Sam and finds out where they live. Ma and they boys come to Sam's. Ma rides off with Annie. The boys stay behind with Sam and Rose. Simsie takes Annie fishin'. Matt and Quint ride up to Ma's camp. Matt notices Annie's purse. Ma says one of her boys took it. Matt and Quint ride off. Matt tells Quint somethings not right we better ride by Sam's place. Matt finds Sam and Rose's bodies. Matt returns to Ma's camp. They're gone. Matt figures Ma's traveling
Episode 10
Miss Dorf asks Doc to come out tomorrow. Clem Dorf's in the Long Branch abusing one of Kitty's girl. Matt tosses him out. Claude, Clem's dad, tells Matt he'll handle his son. Jack, a whiskey salesman, brings in magic rings. Buy a shot, you get a chance at the rings and you could win a wedding ring. Matt and Doc go to the Dorfs. Clem meets them with a rifle. Mrs. Dorf asks Clem to get some wood. She says her daughter, Althea, is locked in the cellar, please take her away. Matt breaks into the cellar. Doc says she's been beaten. Claude and Clem try to stop Matt from taking her. Matt takes Althea to Ma Smalley's. Althea wakes. Doc says he'll bring her books to read. Matt says she's about 21. Claude comes to visit Matt says git. Doc says she is a lot better. Kitty tells Doc to get some sleep, she'll sit with Althea. Althea want's to marry Doc. Dooley's trying to do the rings. Doc tells Kitty he has kind of a problem, Kitty already knows what it is. Kitty says she a wo
Episode 11
Abe Blocker, an aging mountain man, tells Bud and Mary Groves to get off their homestead or die. Bud tells Matt. He goes looking. Abe shoots at Buck's hooves. Abe's wife and child died in childbirth. Matt tells Bud he talked to Abe to no avail. Joe tell Matt the Groves have been scalped. Matt finds big moccasin prints, and start trailing Abe. He sees him thrice but he disappears. Matt gives up and returns to Dodge. Quint says he's killed again, Jim Kelly and Pete Brice. Emmet's forming a posse. Gant says Joe Clark has been killed. Abe appears to the posse, and starts picking them off. Gant hits Abe. Matt tells Quint if he 's hit that bad no need to track him. Matt finds Abe in the cave near where his wife and child is buried. He dies trying to kill Matt.
Episode 12
Matt has to go to Topeka. The problem, Kitty was counting on him for the Ford County Sociable. When he can't take her she heads to some friends to visit. On the way, she finds Ad Bellum, injured and needing help. While she nurses him back to health, they find themselves growing attracted to each other. Kitty goes back to Dodge and Ad follows asking her to the dance. The only problem, Ad has a violent streak when Kitty won't do precisely what he says.
Episode 13
When a boy witnesses his grandfather's murder, it sends Matt looking for a new found companion's uncle. Festus Haggen is tracking his uncle for killing his twin brother Fergus. Matt is wary but learns to trust Festus when he's shot and in bad shape.
Episode 14
Chester gets a letter and asks for a raise. Chester goes to work for Quint. The letter's from Uncle Sunday Meechum from Waxahatchie, Texas. Chester wants money to send him to California. Chester catches Quint's place on fire. Quint says he can't afford him. Chester next job is with Mr. Jonas then Dan Binney. Burt Curry offers Chester easy money until he finds that he works for Matt. Sunday arrives and introduces his niece Ellie. Chester asks his uncle what's he doing here. Just visiting. Burt wants to meet Ellie at midnight. After dinner Chester asks to meet Ellie later. Burt and Chester are both waiting for Ellie. When she comes Burt leaves. Chester leaves and sees Burt go to Ellie. Chester hears Sunday and Ellie are going to rob the bank. She's dumping Sunday for Burt. Chester tries to get Sunday out of town for the night. He won't go. Chester tells Sunday that Ellie has thrown in with Burt. Botkin lets Sunday and Ellie into the bank. Sunday pulls a gun. Ellie
Episode 15
In Kansas City Senator McGovern wants to do away with marshalls west of the Mississippi. Matt tells him to come to Dodge to judge for himself. A journalist, Paul Hill says if a guy bluffs well enough no one will mess with him. Clay Tatum has never touched a gun. Hill bets Nick Heber $1000, Tatum can go to Dodge and pose as a gunfighter for two weeks and not get killed. Hill comes to Dodge and starts talking up the reputation of Clay. Clay comes into the Lomg Branch. Clay has been teaching himself how to shoot. Dan Binney says he hasn't seen any proof of Clay's abilities. Clay puts on a demonstration. Matt asks Hill what's your interest in Clay. Heber is thinking of calling off the bet. A guy tries to draw on Clay. Clay takes his gun and slugs him. The senator arrives in town. Heber pays $100 to a guy to goad Clay into a fight and kill him. The guy draws on Clay and a wild bullet hits the senator. Clay kills Heber's guy. Matt tells Clay to get out by morning. Matt goe
Episode 16
At Sherman Barracks Department of the Platte Omaha, retired Colonel Gabe Wilson comes to see retired General Kip Marston. The general's son,Billy, by an indian is living near Dodge. Kip asks Gabe to bring his son to him. Lem calls Billy Squawman, to rile Billy. In the fray a window and chair is broken. Mr. Green brings charges. Gabe bails Billy out. Gabe tells Billy we're going to Omaha. Billy goes out a window. Matt tells Gabe Green drops the charges. Billy's back home. Gabe comes and tells Billy he's a wanted man. Come with me to Omaha and everything will be fine. Kip's coming to Dodge. Bill's wife Missy tells Matt Billy left with Gabe. Billy gets Gabe's gun, and tells him to git. Gabe says you will have to shoot me. Matt shows up. Kip asks forgiveness for abandoning Billy and his mother. Nothing to forgive says Billy. Missy tells Kip he's not Billy's father.
Episode 17
Matt rides up on a peddler, Tom Wiggins, talks awhile and rides on. Bart and his wife Clara are very unhappy together. Bart's riding out to the east spring. He meets his buddy Murph. They plan to meet at 8 at the Long Branch. Clara's cheating with Murph and wants Murph to kill Bart. Tom rolls up and tries to sell Clara somethig. She gets rid of him. Tom meets Bart on the prairie. Tom tells Bart Clara said he was in the barn. Bart sees the whiskey bottle and two glasses. Clara says Tom forced his way in and made her have a drink. Louie Pheeters sees Bart drown Tom, and tells Matt and Doc he had a dream. Gus Thompson brings in Tom's wagon. Matt and Gus look for Tom. Matt asks Bart about Tom. Louie sees Bart in the Long Branch and tells him he saw him drown Tom. Bart wants to kill him, Murph says drown him. They get Louie good and drunk. Murph gut shoots Bart and puts the gun in Louie's hand. Doc's trying to sober Louie up. Louie tells Matt he told Bart he saw him dro
Episode 18
The Comanches bring a white woman, a wagon and horses to sell to Brice, a white renegade. Colonel Pate wants Quint as a scout. He says when you go after the white renegades instead of the Comanches he would. The colonel's daughter Lavinia does not like Quint,even less when she hears he's half Comanche. Chester gets a letter from his brother Magnus. Quint agrees to ride shotgun for Sam Gordon, the driver on the morning stage. Lavinia's heading home to Dallas on it. Brice, Poole and McIver are going to hit the stage. Sam and two cowpokes are killed. Once dark Quint saddles two horses. Quint takes the two extra horses to draw fire. Livinia rides off. Quint catches up to her. Brice and McIver report back to Trask. All the renegades mount up. Chester tells Matt the stage never made it Oklahoma City. Quint trades the horses for indian ponies and the equipment for clothes and food. Colonel Pate is at the stage when Matt gets there. Quint and Lavinia are dresses as indians wh
Episode 19
Cotter goads Mackel into giving him a severe beating. Cotter gives Matt money and a letter for his girl, Clarey. Cotter wants Matt to see that she gets to his sister Flo in Harrisburg. Cotter drinks his last slug of whiskey and dies. Matt rides up to get Clarey expecting a ten year old. She's a might older (upper teens). Matt reads her the letter and gives her the money. Clarey bites Matt as he sleeps and says she likes him. They stay in the town of Shallow Water for the night. Matt tries to buy her new clothes, but she objects to the corset. Matt says forget it. In Dodge she puts on Doc's shoes, and Kitty brings her a dress. She keeps hugging Matt. Matt and Chester try to teach her table manners. Matt gets her settled at Ma Smalley's. In the morning Ma tells Matt she's gone. Chester and Dillon find her for her morning constitutional at the stream. Chester's helping learn to read and write. Clarey's all gussied up when she comes into the Long Branch. Matt sees her of
Episode 20
Willie Jett holds up the stage, Jenny pulls down his bandana. He kisses her and rides off. The stage arrives at Dodge, Gant Parker meets his daughter Jenny. The stage driver and guy riding shotgun can't agree on a description of Willie. Jenny has been back east for twelve years in a convent since her mother died. She's about 19. Willie Jett comes into the Long Branch. Matt and Kitty thinks he may be the holdup man. Matt takes Willie out to Jenny to identify him. She says she's never seen him. Gant asks Matt to stay for supper, he has a need to talk to him. Gant trying to marry Jenny off to Matt. Matt says it just wouldn't work. Jenny's outside kissing Willie. Willie hears Kitty calling Quint an indian. Willie calls Quint a dirty half-breed. Quint slugs him. Matt tells Willie get out of Dodge. Willie gets to the Parkers just as Gant leaves. Willie asks Jenny why she didn't identify him. Willie brought Jenny two garters. She won't put them on. She says she's scared t
Episode 21
Chance Hopper got caught and did two years for bank robbery. He meets with his partners Cheevers and Moran. Chance is going to see Matt. They were raised by the same folks. Chance beats up three guys brawling. Kitty asks Chance if he and Matt are friends. Not exactly. Chester asks Matt if Chance as a friend of his. I don't know. Chance stops a runaway wagon and breaks his leg in the process. Doc plasters it up. Matt offers Chance the extra cot in his office. Chance is a week late meeting his partners. Hallie brings food and info she pumped from the stage driver to Cheevers and Moran. Hallie goes to Dodge to look for Chance. A drunken Gates wants a showdown Matt reasons with him. Chance tells Matt he just got out of prison. Chance rides out to meet his partners. They want Chance to keep Matt busy while they hit the stage with the gold shipment. Chance asks Matt to go with him to the Gilmore Ranch to look at a horse. Matt says he needs to be back by noon to meet the s
Episode 22
A boy sees a squaw working on a buffalo. He meets Les and Rud Torbert and Joe Riser. They meet Matt and Quint. Pa Torbert was killed by indians six months ago. Tracks lead to Gib Dawson and his indian wife Shona, a friend of Quint's. Les is trying to get guys to go Indian hunting. Shona cut her hand and it is infected. Gib takes her to see Doc, who says she needs to stay in town for treatment. Les tries to throw Gib and Shona out of town. Matt and Quint break it up. Gib checks into the Dodge House until Dobie,the clerk sees Shona. Quint takes them to Ma she refuses. Kitty has Shona stay with her. Les sees Kitty take Shona in. The town boycotts Kitty and Quint. Les stirs up the mob. He plans to take Shona twenty miles out, rough her up and leave her. Joe and a guy are picked to go kidnap Shona. She's gone. Rud comes out of a place when everyone is searching for Shona, and tells Quint she's not in there. Quint sees Rudd go back in. Shona is tied up. Rud plans on takin
Episode 23
Ben Galt a buffalo hunter and Ash Farior get into a fight over Tilly, one of Kitty's girls. Matt breaks it up. Tilly's fiancee, Emmett Hall, tell Ben and Ash hands off his girl. Ash and Ben go into the freight business. Hawkins can't pay what he owes, Ben says no problem, open an account. A cowpoke gets rough with Tilly. Ben and Ash throws him out. While unloading a wagon, a barrel hits Ben on the head. Doc tells Matt Ben's concious. Ben tells Ash to beat it. Doc says a blow to the head can completely change a man. Ben comes home, Ash has made him some coffee. Ben says the office is sure a mess, the whole place is a bunch of junk. Ben tells Ash he's well. Hawkins still can't pay. Ben calls him a rotten nester. Ben goes for a drink and starts bothering Tilly. He punches Ash and heads for Kitty. Matt enters and throws him in jail for the night. Ben goes to Tilly's room and proposes. Tilly says she's going to marry Emmett. Tilly calls him a dirty buffalo hunter. He s
Episode 24
Bud Hayes cleans Walker out playing poker. Outside Walker kills Bud and robs him. Billy Poe sees him and tries to help. Bud asks his name. Bud says you're swing for this Billy Poe. As he dies he tells Matt Billy did it. A cowpoke tells Matt Poe is in Elkader. Matt enters a saloon in Elkader. Canby, Wells and Dano (CWD) don't like the law, and give Matt a hard time. Davey the town drunk leads Matt into a CWD trap. He's knocked unconcious. Dano kills Davey. Matt wakes, his sight is badly blurred. Matt tells a guy on the street (Billy) he had too much to drink and needs to get a room and lay down. CWD see Billy helping Matt. Billy brings Matt something to eat. Billy sees Matt's badge. Billy tells Matt it's a gloomy day out. Matt agrees. The sun is streaming in the window. Later the maid comments on the sunny day. Matt asks the maid to have boy have his horse saddled and brought to the hotel. CWD let slip to Billy they clunked Matt. They're ready to kill Billy for h
Episode 25
Mark Feeney and Jim Stope find out Quint's half indian. Stope won't pay a lousy redskin the two dollars he owes Quint for shoeing his horse. Quint goes out to the river for a swim. He gets and without his shirt on he throws a lasso over a bay horse. A boy fishing watches. Will Grissom tells Bob Houser he saw his boy Jimmy and the horse down by the river. Jimmy saw a half-naked indian steal the horse. Feeney and Stope tell Matt Quint has the horse. Jimmy identfies Quint. Quint says someone told him to get the horse and shoe and he'd pay him double. Houser takes his horse. Quint says he may start wearing a gun. At Delmonico's Bettis tells Joe if you seerve Qunit all us whites are leaving. At a bar he's told they don't serve horestealing half-breeds. Louie's looking for Matt eight guys are heading for Quint's. Matt finds him and says they hit him with everything they had. Quint says he doesn't belong here. Grissom says he's shy three horses and blames Quint. Matt goes ou
Episode 26
While making his rounds Matt is shot at by a rider. Cleed tells Lucas he killed Matt. In Dodge they see Matt. Painter overhears Lucas and Cleed and says he'll kill Matt for $200. Painter buys a suit, gun, cigars and an envelope. Matt breaks up a fight. Painter tells him he handled it real well and asks if he has any family. In the Bull's Head Painter shares a bottle with Molly. He has her address an envelope to Miss Betsy Burgess Pretty Prairie Kansas. Painter shoots Matt twice in the leg. Matt shoots Painter off his horse. Then he is run over by a wagon. He dies in Doc's office. Doc finds the envelope. Cleed tells Lucas isn't about your time. Lucas says he'll kill Matt tomorrow. Matt rides out and gives Betsy the money. Painter sent it so Betsy could have her leg fixed. Matt asks Molly about Painter. While making rounds Cleed cals out ""why can't you die"". He draws an Matt and is killed. Cleed tells Matt to fing Old Lucas and tell him I was right. I guess a lot of
Episode 27
Tim Finnegan and Sean O'Ryan have been feuding over Kathleen, a girl back in Ireland Tim's building a fence. Sean shoots Tim's hat off and says he is on his land. Sean sends Tim's wagon down the hill. Tim takes a few potshots at Sean. They're is a salt mine on thier property. Clay Bealton is scheming to get it. At the Long Branch Tim shoots Sean's beer out of his hand and says go for your rifle. Kitty shoots off a shotgun and Sam gets their rifles. Clay tells Elton Harris the land office guy to go home. Clay buys Sean a bottle. Clay goes to Tim and tells him Sean said Kathleen isn't the type of girl a man wants to marry. They brawl and it spills out onto the street. Clay's men each throw Tim and Sean a gun. Tim accidentily wounds Harris. Up in front of Judge Brookins Tim and Sean get $564 in fines and damages and are told they are responsible for each others lives. Sean fallen into a hole. Tim throws him a rope after first riding off. Harris brings Clay the land claim
Episode 28
Jud Sorrell has left a trail drive and has won big at poker. The losers, Docker, Holt and Keogh, beat him up and take the money. While Jud sleeps a ten year old indian boy tries to steal some bread. The boy's village has been burnesd. He keeps repeating on word wonda. Jud calls him Wonder. Chester brings land office papers to Enoch Miller. Enoch says send anyone looking for work his way. Jud tells Enoch he's looking for a job. Enoch tells him to get rid of the indian and then come back. Delmonico's won't serve Wonder in the restaurant, but tell Jud to go to the kitchen door. The cook purposely drops Wonder's food. Jud whoops him. Matt arrests Jud, Wonder goes with him. Matt takes Wonder out to Fort Dodge to the indian scouts. Wonder is Arapaho. Matt leaves with Charlie the scout. Wonda means help. The cook doesn't press charges. Wonder is waiting on Matt's doorstep. Jud doesn't have the money to get his horse from Moss. Jud sells his watch to Kitty. Judge plays po
Episode 29
Dal Creed get's Pat Kane fired off his father's ranch. A cowpoke tries to get more than water from Lottie Foy. Her Pa runs him off. The cowpoke comes back and shoots Pa. Quint hears the shot and rides up. The cowpoke says he was just target shooting. Lottie forces her way out of the barn and says he murdered my Pa. Quint whups him. Lottie goes to work for Kitty. Pat Kane and Lottie strike up a friendship. Dal gets fresh with Lottie. Pat tells Dal to keep away from her. The nest day Dal's bothering Lottie. Pat and Dal scuffle. Matt tells Dal to stay away from Pat. Lottie is shot and dies. Matt tells the Major his son did it. Chester was a witness. At the trial Dal's found guilty. Pat's leaving town. Matt locks Dal up. The major tires to get a retrial or a pardon from the govenor, no luck. Matt takes Dal to Hays. Dal has been a sniveling caward. The major says he won't let his son die like a caward. Ben Carver the sheriff in Hays tells Dal the Major has fixed it
Episode 30
Jeff Newcom's been calling on Millie Smith for over a year. Millie proposes to Jeff. He isn't ready. Millie agrees to go to the dance with Colley Carter. Carrie, Jeff's Ma, wants to send Jeff to Chicago to work for his uncle. Millie says she won't wait for him. Matt wants Chester to go out and help the widow Newcom. Millie and Colley are in the Long Branch. Jeff's back from Chicago and gets in a fight with Colley. Millie tells Jeff you have no claim on me. Jeff tells Carrie I'm home to stay. Carrie's selling the ranch. Jeff chases Mr Humphrey, the land agent, and his client off. Humphrey returns with Matt. Matt has a warrant for Jeff for disturbing the peace. Millie sees Jeff ride in. Millie says Colley doesn't mean anything to me. Jeff asks Millie to marry him. Jeff tells Ma he's marrying Millie. Carrie's seeing Doc and he says she doesn't have long. Carrie sends for Millie and offers her $2000 to leave town. She won't. Carrie shoots(wings) Millie and collapses.
Episode 31
Panacea, an elderly lady, is waiting to board the stage for Dodge. She pickpockets a watch off Shelby Little. She doesn't have the fare, but says Kitty is her daughter. The driver. Alvy, says she's good for it. In Dodge Alvy gets the $1.75 from Kitty. Pan tells Kitty many a time you said I was like a mother to you. Kitty's dad was a gambler. When Kitty's mom died Pan took her in. Pan steals money and jewelry from Kitty. Appleton Foote suggests Shelby offer a reward for his watch. Pan says doctors set me on edge. Pan reminds Kitty she took her in for two years. Sam says there is a whole case of whiskey missing. Pan has a poker game in her room selling the whiskey. Kitty breaks it up. Foote tells Pan he knows why she left New Orleans. Foote details Pan's lighthandedness in various cities. In New Orleans jewels were stolen and a gambling house owner was knifed. Foote wants to be Pan's partner. Pan says she will give her answer that evening. Pan sends a telegram to the
Episode 32
Chester is mooning over Polly Donahue. She's sweet on Wade Stringer. Polly tells Chester I love you as a friend. Wade is married to Wendy who is really sick. Wade marries Polly. Chester is out hunting and notices someone has moved into the old Whitfield place. Tao, Wendy's indian caretaker, tells Chester Wendy need's help. She's burning up with fever. Wendy tells Chester to get her husband Wade Stringer from Dodge. Wade rides up as Chester is leaving the cabin. Wade goes for Doc. Tao tells Chester to come inside. Wendy's died. Wade watches Chester bury Wendy from a distance. Chester tells Wade as long as you treat Polly right, I won't tell anyone about Wendy. Wade hires Nace Porter to gun Chester for $200. He shoots Chester twice. Matt kills Porter. Chester is going to be alright. Chester tells Wade, ""I don't care for catching bullets from killers hired by you"". Chester tells Wade he's going to tell Matt the whole story. They struggle over a gun and Wade is shot.
Episode 33
Matt's bringing Ben Crown in for murder. They meet Quint who's been hunting. They ride up to Willa Devlin's whose buried four family members. Her dead husband Luther is on the porch. She faints, Quint carries her in. Willa takes a shine to Quint. Ben keeps telling Matt he's got the wrong man. Matt takes Willa an antelope but says he can't stay for supper. Willa comes onto Quint. Crown's not guilty someone else confessed. Ben asks Matt to send a telegram to the sheriff in Hays City saying he's not wanted. He has the chance to buy into the Nations Saloon there. Ben goes to Willa's and forces his way in. Nally, Willa's neighbor, tells Matt Quint roughed Willa up. Matt asks Willa who did it. At first she says Quint but the Crown. Matt goes to Hays City and tells Crown he's under arrest. They tussle. Ben's locked up. Matt tells Quint he got Crown.
Episode 34
Redwater, Texas 1858, Sage and his men plan on robbing a bank. Sage kills a young man in his band who looked scared. They take a hostage and Sage tells Dan York to kill him. York kills Sage, and tells them to let the hostage, Matt Dillon, go. Seventeen years later Dan and his partner, Baca, rob the bank in Dodge. Matt can shoot Dan riding off, but he doesn't. Matt checks the hotel register at the Dodge House. Baca first signed in as being from Taloga, then crossed it out. Matt resigns. Matt finds Dan ans Baca in Taloga. Matt tells Dan he wants a cut. Dan figures Matt wants to join them. They take him to their camp. Matt says it cost him his job, he wants a cut of the Dodge money. Dan and Baca disagree and shoot each other. Dan tells Matt where the money is. Matt returns the money and pins his badge back on.
Episode 35
Mrs. Lucy Damon , a dressmaker, is looking for a place for herself, her daughter and horse, Rainy. Chester finds a building for them, but it is in rough shape. Chester offers to fix it up. Lucy makes a shirt for Chester. Chester dances with Lucy. Jonas wants to know if they are ready to announce their engagement. Chester walks Lucy home. Chester isn't ready for an engagement, but they have an understanding. Chester never had much family except his brother Magnus and Uncle Sunday. Jessica misses her Daddy. Lucy starts trying to run Chester's life. Jessica suggests Chester go fishin' like her Daddy used to do up on the Snake River. Chester finds a drunk fisherman. It's Jess Damon. He says to tell Jessica hello and Lucy good-bye. Chester tells Lucy you lied by saying Jess was dead. Jess and Chester are fishin'. Jess is drunk, Chester's pouring his out on the ground. Chester tells Jess, Jessica is getting like Lucy. Jess says he's going to save that little girl. Jess te
Episode 36
Aaron Locker proposes to Leah Brunson. Coley Fletcher, a buffalo hunter, who was bothering Leah at the Long Branch, busts Aaron's skull. Moss tells Matt, Coley left an hour ago. Coley's horse pulls up lame. He meets Jubal Tanner. He shoots him and takes his horse. Matt finds Jubal and takes him to Doc. Aaron died two hours after Matt left. Hobie, Aaron's brother, blames Leah for his death. Hobie tells Leah there is something at the farm Aaron got her. Hobie invites Leah in. Leah asks what did Aaron have for me. She says there isn't anything is there. Leah tries to leave she slaps him. Jubal was a guard at Andersonville. Hobie tells Leah he's gonna shoot her. Jubal comes up behind him and tells him to put the gun down. He doesn't, Jubal kills him. Jubal and Leah walk off together. Matt got Fletcher. Matt tells Tanner he's in the clear. Jubal's leaving to look at some homestead land. He tells Leah if you are still around when I get back I'd like to tell you about it
Episode 37
A buffalo hunter is executed by Indians for abusing a squaw and his unique Appaloosa horse is scared off. Matt and Quint find the buffalo hunter and bury him. Jeb, on his oddessy to see the world after leaving the farm, finds the horse and rides it to Dodge. There he meets and sells the horse to his new friend Eb. A friend of the dead buffalo hunter accuses Eb of stealing the horse; a knife fight takes place and Eb is killed. When the killer finds that his buffalo hunter friend is dead and that Jeb sold the horse to Eb, he accuses Jeb of stealing it and goes after him. Matt places Jeb in Quint's hands while he goes to get the truth from the Indians. After the killer stabs Quint in the shoulder Jeb has to defend himself with deadly force.
Episode 38
Matt couldn't convince a jury Dave Engels didn't kill Lucy Furth. Matt is writing a letter to the govenor. Owen Pardee is telling Leroy he's gonna draw against Matt and tell him he killed Lucy to throw him off. Matt outdraws him. Leroy tells Matt Asa Janin killed Lucy abd he's in Valada, Texas. Matt sends a telegram to the govenor. Matt heads for Texas. Ward Macklin is following him. Ward rides into Matt's camp. He's a sheriff from Coorado. They bed down. In the morning they head south together. They come upon a wagon where two adults died of smallpox. They find a baby, who doesn't have the pox. They take the baby to the sheriff in Bromley, Texas Hank Colridge. Hank tells Matt don't wear your badge into Valada. Matt rides out alone. Matt gets in a tussle at the cantina with a Scotsman. Ward has followed Matt and help out. Ward tells Manalo, the bartender, to tell Asa Janin two friends of Owen and Leroy are here. Asa sits down. Matt has a gun on him under the table.
9. Staffel 9 (36 Episoden)
Episode 1
Kate Heller owns a relay station. She sends her 17 year old grandson, Andy to Gus Riley to pay a $30 debt. Riley has three stacks of money on his desk. Andy shoots him and takes the money.Andy goes to the bar to propse to Tess. She says she wants a man. Bo comes to see Tess Andy gets in a fight with him. Quint throws Andy out. Matt brings Gus to Doc. Gus says a young boy shot him. Tess tells Matt Andy had money on him. Matt goes looking for Andy. Andy ambushes him, takes his badge and gun. A stage driver spots Matt. They load him up and take him to Kate. Andy's ready t hit Matt on the head with a pistol. He knocks a glass over and Kate comes. Kate tells Andy Matt said a few words. Matt tells Kate he's trailing a killer. Kate finds Matt's badge in the barn. Kate tells Andy Matt is a marshall. Kate gives Andy Matt's breakfast tray, to take to him and tlls Andy don't let him stand. Andy tries very hard to get him to stand. Kate brings Matt's clothes and tells him you'
Episode 2
In Wichita, Kansas Kyle Kelly gives Terry Lee the brush off. She was expecting a proposal. Six months later in Dodge, Kyle meets Avis Fisher. She's in her early thirties her husband Ab near fifty. Ab stays in town. Kyle follows Avis home. They smooch. Ab finds Kyle's kerchief, Avis explains it away. Ab asks Matt how can he kill a man for free. Matt says you can't. Ab tells Quint and Kyle he won't be going home until night. Kyle calls on Avis. Terry's one of Kitty's girls now. Kyle's talking to Terry. Luke Ryan comes in and Terry wants to go with him. Kyle objects. Luke decks him. Ab's going into Dodge. Kyle rides up to Luke's place and plugs him. Ab hears the shots. Luke tells Ab Kyle shot him. Ab won't tell Quint or Matt who shot Luke. He says he doesn't carry tales or informs on anyone. When Avis finds out it's Kyle she doesn't want Eb to tell. Kyle tells Avis Luke cheated him at cards, instead of the truth of fighting over Terry. He's says he shot Luke in
Episode 3
Britt roughs up Louie. Matt arrests him. In the morning he leaves Dodge. Britt meets Race on the trail. They ride to his home. Aunt Jen greets him for the first time in five years. Jen asks Britt if she met Race in prison. Race was caught robbing a stage. Britt says Race could use some help on the farm. Race says we'll try it for awhile. Two members of Race's old gang, Filler and Grosset, ride into Dodge. Matt invites them to leave. The farm and Aunt Jen need a lot of things from town. Britt knocks over a crate in the barn. Inside is money and guns. Britt goes into Olathe, Kansas for supplies. He tells a barkeep he rode with Race two days ago. Filler and Grosset are there and tell Britt he has a big mouth, they follow him to Race's. The sheriff tells Race he isn't welcome. Race says he's through with crime. Britt tells Matt Race wants to see him. Race says he's tired. Matt says you don't deserve a fair shake, all the killing you did. Race asks Matt to take Britt
Episode 4
In an Elkader hotel poker game, Mae young dopes the whiskey. The sheriff's son says Frank cheated and he's gonna tell his dad. Frank kills him. Frank tells Mae to get a buggy. She does, but leaves him. Mae turns up in Dodge as Hannah Clayton. Chester pays for the beer and tells Kitty keep the change. Matt's going to Abilene and asks Chester to serve an eviction notice on Tobe Hostetter. Chester tells Tobe, Wib needs help in his general store. Chester tells Skinner and his gang to behave. Chester introduces Tobe to Hannah. Skinner bothers Hannah. Tobe smashes his mug on Skinnr's hand. Tobe and Hannah ride out to the lake. Frank arrives on the stage. Frank asks Sam about a Mae Young. Tobe and Hannah are hitting it off. Frank says hello Mae. She asks him to leave her alone. Frank says do what I say or else. Hannah blows off Tobe. At Ma Smalley's Hannah tells Tobe we're through. Tobe leaves. Frank is in her room. Mae says don't ever touch me. He slaps she hits the
Episode 5
Tobin shoots a guy that owes him money from a poker game. Elmo Sippy comes by but doesn't help. Elmo gets in a poker game with Tobin. Elmo owes Tobin $25 on the last pot. Elmo steals exactly $25 from Wib's cash drawer. Wib tells Matt he thinks Elmo took $25. Elmo robs a nester of $20, and warns him not to say anything. Elmo buys Emmett Calhoun a drink at the Smoky Hill Saloon in Elkader. The hotel clerk wants $2 extra for Emmett staying in Elmo's room. Elmo says there was a rat in it. The clerk goes to look. Elmo steals $10 from the desk. Matt asks the nester if he's seen Elmo. He says he ain't seen nobody. Elmo offers $50 for a horse. He pays for it with the butt of his gun killing Joe Parks the livery owner. The clerk says two strangers stayed at the hotel last night. The barkeep heard Elmo say he was going to the Smoky Hill River. Elmo shoots Hank Barr and gets $3 and a watch. Calhoun says he quits. Hank's not dead yet and kills Calhoun. Matt stops at the Salt
Episode 6
Pete Sievers puts flowers on his wife's grave. Mary was 19. Then goes to Dodge to get drunk. Nell Schuler delivers baked goods to Kitty. She lives with her 20 year old sister Leah. Pete's drunk and knocks over a oil lamp and burns his house and barn down. Pete's thrown out of a bar and is face down in the street. Chester takes him to Matt and gets him a dinner. Matt tells Pete he should live a decent life in memory of Mary. Pete gets a job at the bank. Nell asks Kitty about hiring a man. She's thinking Pete. Kitty tells Nell to ask Pete. Pete says he'll give Mr. Botkin a week's notice. Leah has wanderlust. Nell tells Pete no drinking. Pete says judge me by my work. What I do on my own time is my business. Leah tells Pete she's seen him at the graveyard. Leah says she is lonely for anyone. Nell asks Leah if something is wrong. Leah says she needs like a woman. Nell's pleased with Pete's work. Pete goes to town and drinks. When Pete gets to his room, Leah is ther
Episode 7
Cyrus Neff pays Clardy $3000 for a wagon and horses and to guide his family to North Platte. Clardy doesn't own the trail outfit and pays Finch, the owner , $50 for using it in the scam. Cyrus says he still needs a guide. Chester tells Doc and Kitty he's gonna head up a wagon train. Matt asks Quint if he wants to be the guide. Matt tells Chester Quint's going to be the guide. We need to find Clardy. Moss tells Chester Clardy lives on Cripple Creek. Belle, Cyrus' daughter asks Quint what has her parents told her about me. He says they have told him nothing. Belle tells Quint you'll find out. Matt's looking for Chester. Kitty hopes Chester brings in Clardy. Chester lassos Clardy and demands Cyrus' money. Belle comes onto Quint. He tells her he believes the fruit you reach for is better than the fruit that falls at your feet. Belle says they had to leave Illiois because she killed a man. Belle runs off. Cyrus says a man forced himself on Belle and she killed in self defe
Episode 8
Joe Stark takes a pet chicken from an old man. Billy Hargis rides up as Sally, the chicken, cooks. Joe likes Billy's horse. That night Stark is fixin' to steal the horse. Hargis whups Joe. Stark goes to see Doc. He pulls four teeth. Bob Smith slugs Barclay Mims, for looking like he wanted a handout. Billy steps in a rescues Mims. At the Long Branch a cowboy is bothering Cara Miles, Billy steps in. Slate tells Billy ""I'm going to get you"". Billy and Cara are getting married. Slate is spreading the word around town that Billy killed the gunfighter, Bo Carter. Dan Slate wants to go up against Billy. Billy has promised Cara not to wear a gun. Mims gets thrown out of Delmonico's for trying to steal a dinner. Billy pays for his meal. Flack goads Billy but he won't put on a gun. Sam brings Cara to Kitty. She was beat up by Flack. Kitty goes looking for Matt. Billy looks for Cara. He finds Cara's hat on the floor of the Long Branch and goes up to Cara. Billy's looking fo
Episode 9
Leo Pitts and Lily return to his ranch. Leo did five years in prison for robbery. Leo says to Lily you don't love me. She won't answer,but says I made a deal. Leo removes a stone from the fireplace and pulls out a metal box of gold. Leo says he earned that gold the hardest way there is to earn it. Leo takes the gold to banker Botkin to open an account. Leo buys a gun and tells Lily he's gonna kill Matt. There's no mark on the gold and Leo did his time. Leo tries to bushwhack Matt. Matt lets him go, but tells him I never want to see around Dodge again. Matt going sixty miles to ask Judge Brookin about Leo's right to the gold. Leo's following Matt. Matt's been feverish. Matt stops at a shack to rest. He wakes after two days to find Leo dead with no gun. Clabe rides up Matt asks him to get Doc. Clabe sees Leo and says he's gonna get the marshall. Matt has two empty shells in his gun, Leo two bullet holes. The judge says the gold belongs to Lily. Lily proposes to Matt.
Episode 10
Willie Kerns tells Matt Charlie Hacker lives two miles due south of the Cedar Tank Relay Station in Texas. Charlie did a big mail robbery five years back, and killed Johnny Willis, a friend of Matt's. Matt wants the $2000 on Hacker's head for Johnny's widow. Matt takes the stage to Cedar Tank and buys a horse. Matt tells Hacker he's under arrest. Hacker busts Matt with a chair and a poker and rides off running the other horses off. Matt catches a horse. Matt trails him to the Mexican border. He's charged $20 to crass and $2 a day for a military escort, Lt. Julio Chavez. Hacker's horse goes lame. He dismounts and sends it on it's way. Hacker tries to diguise his tracks in the water. Chavez picks up a girl. Chavez and Matt figured out Hacker's ploy. Chavez asks how much of a reward is there. Two bandits get the drop on Hacker. He kills Francisco, takes a horse and runs the other horse off. Hacker stops at a cantina. Matt arrests Hacker, and tells Chavez he's heading for
Episode 11
Doc and Kitty ask Chester if Matt went after Hacker. Doc says if I know Matt he's got his man and is in his way back this very minute. In Chupadero, Mexico, the guard brings Matt and Hacker food. Hacker offers Chavwez $5000 to kill Matt. Chavez offered Diaz part of the $2000 reward to get his help. Chavez says Diaz wants to fine Matt for beating him and his men up. Matt pays up. Matt and Hacker ride out. Francisco's brother watches. He rides to the bandit leader El Pinon. Chavez catches up to Matt his girl wouldn't come with him. Hacker reminds Chavez of the $5000. Matt sees riders. Matt etc. hide in the rocks. Chavez says they're bandits. Matt tells two to disarm and walk up. They want Hacker to avenge Francisco's death. Francisco's brother wounds Hacker in the leg. Matt kills the brother. Matt etc. ride off. The bandits don't shoot. Hacker falls off his horse. They tie him to his horse. El Pinon and three of his men follow. Hackker offers the $5000 again. Mat
Episode 12
Jeremiah Dark and his Daughter, Alice, are hawking his elixir. Doc says it has a good bit of alcohol in it. He seems harmless enough, but that may be his greatest illusion. Aaron Wells drags Dark into a poker game with his son Tom, and his foreman Sy. Alice gets Quint to fix the wheel. Dark's winning and wants to quit, saying the others are too drunk to play. Ned an onlooker says Dark cheats. Tom roughs Dark up and throws him out of the bar. Dark tells Alice he didn't cheat. Aaron goes home and Tom stays behind. Tom attacks Alice. Matt and Quint find Dark holding Alice. Dark says he can't help Matt with any information. Matt rides out to Wells'. Tom says he and Aaron rode back together. Matt asks Alice to identify Tom. She says he's not the man. Aaron wonders what they're up to. Dark says evil will eat itself up. Aaron apologizes and offers Dark $300 to get out of town by noon. He ups it to $500. Dark picks up the money. Aaron tells Tom to get out of his sight. R
Episode 13
Quint gives Pa Hack some used horseshoes. Pa helps himself to some nails and a hammer. Pa drains his whiskey bottle. Pa tells his daughter Maybelle five guys beat him up and took the money for the new horseshoes. Lonnie, his son comes back with two chicken. Annie Montgomery's Ma has died. Mr. Willis promised to look after her. Mr Willis and his son Jeb meet Pa and his brood. Pa begs some coffee and flour, and camp nearby. Pa's looking to fix Jeb up with Maybelle to get his part of the Willis farm. Matt stops to water his horse at the Willis'. He spends the night. Pa sends his other son, Orville, to get Jeb to come see Maybelle. Jeb tells him Hack can come here. Jeb tells his Pa I think I know where two of our chickens got to. Pa tells Lonnie to kidnap Annie and leave ten or twenty miles out on the prairie. Lonny grabs Annie. She screams. Pa Willis comes running. Lonny kills him. Matt kills Lonnie. Matt takes Lonnie to Pa, who says he was a bad seed. Matt asks Pa wh
Episode 14
Sam Beal tells Matt he'll work for free to get experience as a deputy. Coyote Falls is looking for a experienced sheriff. Matt suggests he goes back to cowboying. Jack Dakota who had a wild west show arrives on the stage. Jack used to be a peace officer. Jack asks about Mrs. Sarah Carr a widow woman. Kitty tells Sarah Jack is in town. Jack asks permission to come courting. Sarah wasn't in love with Mr. Carr. Jack and Sarah were in love twenty years ago but he left her. Sarah told Jack when you're ready to settle down, I'll marry you. Beal is itching for a gunfight with Jack. Matt warns Jack. Jack says he's getting married. Dim witted Cloudy asks Jack to fix his five shot Patterson Colt B. Beal tries to pick fight with Jack. Jack takes Beal's gun and fires six shots into the floor. Jack's not doing well at poker. Cloudy supposed to warn Jack if he sees Beal. Qunit sees Cloudy soaked and tells him to go home. Beal steps out of an alley and tells Jack to draw. Jack ki
Episode 15
As soon as Dave takes the buckboard to town, Web Vickers rides up to Dave's two timing wife, Yuma, and kisses her. Web leaves and Jeff Daley rides up and kisses her. Dave returns to see a guy ride off. Dave asks what was Web doing here. Yuma says you just thought you saw him. Dave warns Web. Web tells Jeff Dave saw you ride out. Web tells Jeff to stay away from Yuma. Quint sees a guy shoot Dave. Ira clunks Quint with a log. Web tells Ira he didn't kill Dave. Ira wants Quint to sign an affadavit saying Jeff killed Dave. He won't. They tie him up without food or water. Yuma brings Dave in to be buried on Boot Hill. Ira and Web throw Quint down a dry well. Jeff comes to see Yuma, Matt is there. Yuma tries her feminine wiles on Matt to no avail. Web comes to see Yuma. She gives him the brush off. Matt has supper and goes to sleep in the barn. In the morning, Ira shoots at Matt. Matt disarms him. Matt and Ira ride up to Ira's place. Web shoots at Matt. Matt returns
Episode 16
Raleigh Wendt and Nate Guthrie are loading cattle carcasses onto a wagon. They don't notice a wolfer, Festus, watching them, right away. Festus stops by to see Sarah, Nate's daughter' then heads for Dodge. Charlie of the cattleman's association wants to hire Festus to clear the wolves out. Festus helps Sarah get the clothesline off the roof. Festus says he's going to camp down by the water. Nate tells Sarah he Festus comes by again lock yourself in the house. Nate tells Matt to get rid of Festus. Matt has a talk with Festus. Matt notices that Festus doesn't have many wolve skins compared to the number of missing cattle. Matt asks Nate where do you think all the meat is being sold. Wendt tells Sarah she's promised to him. Wendt forces his intentions on her. Festus intervenes, and fights with Wendt. Nate enters with a rifle. Nate plants cowhides by Festus' camp. Festus shoots a wolf. Sarah says you're so mean. She came to talk. Nate brings Matt to the hides he put at Fe
Episode 17
Judd Nellis stops by Dodge to see Matt. Judd brings a man along, who might be dead. Judd goes by The Long Branch to have a drink, and asks to wash up before having a drink. Matt finds blood on Frank Gore's horse, which strikes him as strange. Matt begins to wonder if Judd is really his friend, when Frank tells Matt he remembers hearing voices. Matt gets a letter saying Judd died three weeks after leaving Dodge. Father Tom takes Matt to Judo's grave but no one knows how he died. Matt goes to see Runt who is scared to tell Matt what he saw.
Episode 18
A man is stabbed after winning in a poker game, and Festus is suspected.
Episode 19
The Ginnis family causes trouble for Doc Adams, because they hate waiting. Will Timble gets hurt at The Long Branch. Doc has to remove Will's hand, which causes Will to leave Dodge because he can't carve wood anymore.
Episode 20
Festus' cousing Mayblossom arrives from Texas to marry Festus
Episode 21
Matt goes to Tascosa to bring back a murderer, Kelby, to hang. On the way back Kelby knocks Matt of his horse. Matt is dragged by his horse. Kelby rolls down the hill and is knocked out. Matt stumbles down the hill and handcuffs himself to Kelby. Matt passes out. Deke and Mellie and their son Tommy find them. Kelby comes to first and says he's the marshall. Matt wakes and says he's the marshall. Deke must decide which is telling the truth.
Episode 22
Joe Bryan and Ed Polk split up after a bank heist. They plan to meet in Dodge later. Rod Cassidy rides off to look for land with water. He leaves his wife Clara and daughter Letty to look after the homestead. Ed is riding in. Clara tells Letty to hide. Ed demands whiskey. Clara grabs a rifle. Ed kills her. Letty runs until she's lost. Festus finds her and takes her home. They bury her Ma, then go to Dodge. Ed hears Rod say Letty saw the man and she is at Ma Smalley's. Ed tries to kidnap Letty, but she snuck out to see Festus. Ed tells Rod he should kidnap his daughter. Rod knocks out Festus. Ed takes a poker and beats the lump in Letty's bed, but she at Festus' again. Rod kills Bryan. Bryan wounds Rod. Ed tells Rod he killed his wife. Rod dies. Letty runs in front of Ed's horse with her kite. He's thrown and breaks his leg. Letty says that's him, he's the man who killed my Ma. Ed tries to shoot her. Matt shoots Ed. Ed tells Matt he killed Rod as he dies.
Episode 23
Festus is full of beans. Quint out indian wrestles him, but throws Festus on the bellows and they're ruined. Quint heads out to Wichita, thinking he's leaving without Festus. He's under the back of the wagon. Festus and Quint get snockered, start a barroom brawl, and crawl out to watch it from the door. Quint told Liz they'd take her to Dodge to work for Kitty. Liz's Pa left her in saloon. She was raised by saloon girls. Liz butters up Quint and Festus separately. They stop for water and wind up fighting with the two brothers over Liz. A rider comes in to camp. It's Big Hardy, he's come for Liz. Hardy subdues Festus and Quint. Liz kisses Hardy. Hardy says you're the best she run off with yet. Festus shows Quint the Aunt George Slew Foot indian wrestling move. The bellows are ruined again.
Episode 24
Cora Prells's first job as a saloon girl is short lived. At the Golden Horn Saloon in Wichita,she refuses to drink with Jesse Price and others and quits. Cora's working at Mr. Ross' general store. Jesse asks her for a drink, she refuses. Joe Simms tries to manhandle Kitty. Quint intervenes. Joe wings Quint. Sam knocks the gun out of Simms' hand. Quint cleans Simms' clock. Tom King gets a date with Cora. They marry. Tom introduces Cora to his uncle, Jesse Price. Jesse sent Tom in to meet Cora. Simms tells Cora was a saloon girl. Simms wants to tell that to Tom. Jesse says you better not. Sam overhears this. Jesse feigns being sick and says he's going home. Jesse shoots Simms in the back. Jesse tells Cora he wants her to be his. Matt asks Sam what he overheard. Two yahoos say Quint said he'd kill Simms. Jesse tells Matt Tom is going to kill Simms. Matt tells Cora. Cora tells Tom when he rides up. Tom knew about Cora's past. Cora told Tom Jesse was after her. Jes
Episode 25
Argus Asher offers $60 for Festus'pelts, he feel are worth $120. They settle on $75 minus $2 for the use of the tub Festus is bathing in. Festus asks Quint what's been going on between him and Festus' girl April. Old man Gripholder gave April a rocking Chair. Festus busts it to pieces. April runs from Festus. She hides down an alley. She looks in a window and sees Grody and Bender putting their boss Asher in a barrell. He has a knife in his back. April goes looking for Matt, who's out of town. Quint, April and Festus go to check on her story. There's nobody in the barrell just pelts. April stays in the jail for safety. Matt returns and April tells him about the murder. Bender tells Matt Asher left last night to trade with the indians. Grody left before dawn with the wagon. Matt tells Bender Asher better make it back for his sake. Festus is wrestling a bear inside. He figures you can't figure women out and you can't trust them. Matt says if you ship pelts in a barrell
Episode 26
Caleb and Dorcas take the years meager harvest to Mr. Jonas. He offers only $20. Caleb reluctantly takes it. Matt is taking Chad Follett to Hays City to hang. Chad's brother Lige tells Matt you ain't gonna hang my brother. Matt beats Lige up and throws him in jail for a couple of days. Matt and Chad head for Hays. Dorcas and Caleb are not happily married. Caleb wants something else out of life. Caleb goes to Dodge and wonders around. He bumps into Julie, and she drops her packages. He apologizes. Caleb hits the Long Branch free lunch counter hard. Caleb talks to Julie about a man meaning something if only to himself. Lige tries to muscle in on Julie. Caleb stands up to him. The next day Julie warns Caleb, Lige is coming. She tells him don't let him force you into anything. Don't wear a gun. Caleb says he was wrong to say the things he did. Julie tells him he did the right thing. Caleb asks Jonas for a job. He's told to move on your blocking the sidewalk. Caleb's d
Episode 27
Widower Owney and his daughter Amity scare a fox from the chickens by banging pots. Matt reminds Owney there's a custody hearing about Amity in town this afternoon. The judge awards custody to Mr. and Mrs. Makepeace, her aunt, until Owney makes his home proper. Owney tells Amity at harvest time we'll be together again. Owney's working day and night at the farm and in town to get money for seed and whitewash. Jay Kimble's boy, Mal, is back from cowboying. Mal's probably going to be upset, his girl Ellen married Clay. Mal asks Ellen to leave with him. She says no. Mal is upset, Ellen said she'd wait for him. Returning from Dodge in a windstorm with the seed, Owney loses it while crossing some water when the wagon loses a wheel. Mal kills Ellen then Clay. Mal's to be hung in Dodge within twenty-four hours. The judge wants Matt to find a hangman in Dodge. Owney sees the notice for an executioner. Jay Kimble says you ain't gonna hang my son this way. Jay Kimble says he'll ki
Episode 28
Ned Wright is on his death bed. His wife Clara goes to town to get Doc. Mrs. Crown tells Matt she doesn't want a murderer's wife in town. The Calvins watch the angry mob around Clara. Ned was tried for killing David Bently but was acquitted. Ned admits to killing Bently to Doc and Clara, then dies. Emily Calvin asks her husband Albert if Clara could stay with them. Quint tells Chester he doesn't think Ned did it. Fletcher, a gunman, comes into the Long Branch. Calvin was Bently's best friend. Chester asks him if Bently had any enemies. Calvin hires Fletcher to kill Chester. Fletcher agrees on $500 then takes notice of the house and upd it to $1000. Emily asks why did you give that man so much money. Calvin accuses Emily of fooling around with Bently. Calvin says he killed Bently. Fletcher tells Chester he's been hired to kill him. Fletcher says he's never killed anyone. Chester gives him $18, but he won't tell who hired him. Chester figures it's Calvin. Chester tells
Episode 29
Stell Damon checks out the Oasis Saloon and isn't impressed. She likes the Long Branch and wants to buy it. Kitty says it's not for sale. Stella tells Matt she's opening a saloon. She asks Matt what's his cut. None. Stella hires Festus to find some men to rehab her building. Festus clears the Long Branch getting workers. Stella interviews girls. Kitty shows Eddie, the liquor drummer, her storerorm is full. Eddie tells Kitty, Stella had a place in Pueblo. It burned to the ground and she lost her husband. Stella's palace is packed. The Long Branch's empty. Stella's giving away free drinks. Kitty even comes. Eddie tells stella you didn't have to cut up Kitty like you did. Eddie asks Stella where she got the money to build Stella's Palace. Stella apologizes to Kitty. Eddie walks Stella back. Stella shoots Eddie and sets the Palace on fire. Matt rescues Stella and Eddie. Matt tells Stella you don't have very good luck with fires. Earlier she asked if this town was bi
Episode 30
After fifteen years Henry Huckaby is tired of farming. A cavalry Lieutenant tells Henry they're looking for gunrunners. He says he has a crack squad including Johnnie Towers who can track and he's a boxer. Henry checks out the livery stable and blacksmith to make his fortune at. At the Long Branch he notices a gambler, Shell, who Matt has told to get out of town. Shell cheats, and demonstrates. Henry ask Shell to show him one trick. Henry gets winged by a gambler, Price. Jake a buffalo hunter picks a fight with Otto Gundlach, not knowing he's a prize fighter. Henry asks Otto if he can be his promoter. Henry aks the lieutenant if Johnnie Towers wants to fight Otto. The purse is $100. Price offers Otto $200 to throw the fight. Price takes all bets. Henry Obie is refereeing. Matt gets back and asks where is everyone. Kitty says at the fight. Matt says there's a law against prize fighting. Matt stops the fight in round 43. Obie declares the fight a draw. Matt fines Henr
Episode 31
Festus is looking for Professor Ramsay who's been selling his elixir. Doc says Matt ran him out of town. In North Fork, Kansas, Ramsay diagnoses Elwood Hardacre with calcification of the liver. He gives him three months to live and prescribes a dozen bottle of his elixir. The sheriff runs Ramsay out of town. Elwood has one bottle and it gets broken. Elwood asks to go home sick from his bank job. Arbuckle, the owner, says no. Elwood calls him a warthog and quits. Elwood goes to the bar and orders a whiskey. Frank, Lucille and others make fun of him. Annie Gilroy rescues him. She orders a bottle. Elwood tells Annie she's beautiful. He says he never liked the name Elwood. She asks his middle name. James, she'll call him Jim. Meade Agate throws Jim out. Annie is his girl. Annie tells Meade off. Elwood withdraws his $1523.40. He wants to go to California. He takes the next stage to Dodge as is Annie. At three springs relay station, Annie says it wouldn't be good for th
Episode 32
Festus and Matt find a guy shot in the back. They bury him. Someone's moved into the old Whitaker place, Nora Brand, a widow. Matt talks to Nora then he a Festus leave. A guy comes out of the bedroom. Matt checks the wanted posters. He doesn't find the murder victim. Millie Scott and her six boys come to town. She asks Matt if he's seen her husband Rob. He's been gone a month. Matt asks Gert when she last seen Rob. She says over two weeks. Gert has had this cowboy who has staked a claim to her for two weeks. Nora visits the grave of the victim. She tells Rob (the bedroom guy) you should've buried him. The victim was Nora's husband. Matt asks Jim, the stagedriver, if Rob has ridden with him. He says not in over a year. Doc's taking a load of food to Millie. Doc tells Festus he's giving up doctoring and going to the gold fields. Festus plays along and says he's passed the hat and got him a grubstake. He hands Doc a bag of coins. Matt's making his rounds. Gert's in
Episode 33
Warden Stark buys Cool Dawn from Bull Foot, her father. She jumps out of his wagon and asks Festus to save her. Festus tells Stark to move on. Festus tells Matt she stole his mule. Matt and Festus goes to Bull Foot's. Ruth is there. Cool Dawn hides at Bull Foot's urging. Bull Foot says Ruth ran away with Cool Dawn. He says Stark abducted her. Stark returns and shoots through the window. Matt takes Stark and Trainey, the boy traveling with him, in. Cool Dawn's upset Bull Foot sold her. Matt has nothing on Stark to hold him. Stark tells Trainey he's gonna deal with Bull Foot. Stark saved Trainey from a mob. Mel brings a telegram to Matt. Stark sneaks in to take Cool Dawn and shoots Bull Foot. Stark reminds Trainey, he Trainey killed 32 people. Festus finds Bull Foot and takes him to Doc. Festus gets Matt. Bull Foot says Stark and Trainey did it. Stark was the warden of a boys reformatory. Due to his negligence 30 boys, his wife and son died. Trainey says Cool Dawn
Episode 34
Hector gets out of bed with his wife Edna, and sees some bum using his pump. The bum is Orval Bass, Edna's ex-husband. Seven years ago he killed the man Edna took up with. He's just got out of prison. Orval's son has taken Hector's last name. This was Orval's farm and he had a the harness shop in town. Edna tells Matt Orval's out. Orval signed papers that gave everything to Edna, but he can't read. Orval meets Ethan his son. Edna tells Ethan they have to get Hector and Orval into a gunfight. She tells Ethan to make up with Orval. Ethan tell Orval, Hector is planning to kill him. Ethan tries to give Orval a gun he won't take it. Joe Frisbie is looking for a woman to make happy. He spots Edna. He knows she's married. Joe tells her he's lonely. She agrees to meet him at 8:00 in the grove. Joe wants Edna forever. Edna works on Hector. Hector picks up a pitchfork. Ethan throws Orval a gun. He throws it back. Hector says next time I'll be wearing a gun, you better be do
Episode 35
Jess and Jay Bartell, twins, have run the family feed and fuel business since Pa took sick. Nancy and Festus stop by the office, but Jess is busy with a guy in a tweed jacket who smokes a pipe. Later, Jess is working at the desk. The door opens. He's shot. The cashbox is ransacked. Sam Bartell has lost his wife, his health and now his son. Nancy is crying and runs to hug Jay. Jay tells Nancy I know you were going to marry Jess. Jay tells George Hoover no more credit. Sam tells Jay he's fought with three customers today. Jay is tired of being compared to Jess. Sam and Nancy tell Jay to forget about revenge. Jay says they just have to find the man. Jay's drinking regularly and heavily at the Long Branch. Jay's drunk and attacks Barney Cogswell. He's wearing a tweed jacket and smoking a pipe. Sam says Jess was the strong one and covered for Jay. Matt asks Sam if Jay knows anything about the stranger. Jess asked if he could buy a ranch and leave. The stranger returns.
Episode 36
Adam, Cyrus and Boyd, of Jefferson City, Missouri are on the way to California. They are broke and headed to Dodge to make some money. They meet a girl. Boyd throws a rock to spook her horse. She is thrown and twists her ankle. Adam goes to look for her horse. Boyd puts her in their wagon. He tries for a kiss and gets a slap. Boyd tells Adam he took her home. Matt gets a telegram Bart Randall's daughter's been murdered. Quint's going hunting. Boyd let's slip the girl's dead. She hit her head when Boyd was tussling with her. Adam tells cyrus we've got to get away from Boyd. Cyrus says no. Quint rides up and asks for a cup of coffee. Quint gives them a couple of rabbits. He offers to show Adam how to skin them. Boyd tells Quint to get on out of here. Boyd clunks Quint with a rifle butt. Adam stops Boyd from killing him. Boyd almost kills Adam. Cyrus ties up Quint. Boyd chases Quint's horse away. Matt finds Quint's horse, the Qunit tied up. Matt and Quint hear ss
10. Staffel 10 (36 Episoden)
Episode 1
Kip's on the run. He meets a runaway, Packy Kerlin. Packy's going to Dodge to find his mom and live with her. They argree to travel together, to avoid suspicion. Festus sees, Kip takes his wanted poster down. Kip knows Festus' second cousin once removed, Catfish. Festus tacks the wanted poster for grand larceny and murder back up. Kip looks for Elena Kerlin. Kitty says she's living in rathole alley. She's a mess. Kip tries to get her to clean up her act. Kip leaves Elena's. Tabe and Sykes tell Matt thy're after Kip. Matt sends a telegram to Carter County, Texas to check out Kip. Festus warns Kip. Kip asks Packy to ask Doc to come to Elena's. Kip throws Elena's company out. Kip tells Elena he's her husband Slim. Doc gives her asedative, and says she needs food. Doc is going to send a woman over to clean her up. Matt tells Sykes and Tabe to leave Gilman to the law. Elena is cleaned up and glad to see Packy. Sykes setup Kip. Sykes and Duster pump the stableman for info
Episode 2
Quint has been seeing Susan Deglar for about a month. Cyrus, Susan's father comes in and bullwhips Quint. Festus stops him. Cyrus tells Matt he wants Quint to stay away from Susan. Her mom died twelve years ago. Quint meets Susan. Creed sees them and tells Cyrus. Cyrus is going to strike her with a buggy whip. She grabs the rifle from over the mantle. He leaves. Cyrus has sent for cousin Praylie to kill Quint. Matt suggests Praylie leaves town. Quint and Susan are going to elope, to Kansas City. Praylie tries to shoot Quint but can't get a clear shot. There's a keg of gun powder with a fuse into the hearth at Quint's shop. Festus smells the fuse. They see the keg and run. Quint and Festus come into the Long Branch. Praylie pulls a gun. Matt gets the drop on him. Matt tells him to be on the stage leaving in ten minutes. Susan's packing her bag. Praylie tells Cyrus he's leaving and that Quint bought to tickets to Kansas City. Praylie shoots the lock off of Cyrus' s
Episode 3
Joe Silva stops for a drink. Harve Litton rides up. Joe repeatedly insults him. Harve steals his horse. A rattler spooks Harve's horse. He's thrown. They have a knock down drag out fight. Silva rides on. Danny Adams runs down a horse and looks for its owner. He finds an old man in pretty bad shape. Danny takes him to see Doc. Danny and the old man want to go to Colorado. They're eating at Delmonico's. Silva objects to the old man's table manners and smell. Silva bugs Litton in the Long Branch and tells the old man he sounds like a hog. The old man spits whisky on Silva. Danny and the old man move on to the Lady Gay and get snockered. Litton sees this. Litton stabs Silva when he comes back to his room. Litton carries the old man to Silva's room and puts the knife in his hand. The clerk comments to Matt, Silva still has his hat on. The old man says he didn't do it. The judge finds him guilty and sentences him to hang. Danny gives the old man a gun through the jail w
Episode 4
Willy Scroggs is stabbed to death. It looks like indians did it, but Matt doesn't think so. Harve Foster thinks it was Quint. Quint says he saw old Caleb Nash in town. Matt tells Caleb, Willy was scalped. George tells Mrs. Bell it had to be an indian. Festus beats Talbot up to keep him from Old Charlie Roan Horse. The colonel tells Matt to settle this quickly. He says a white man was killed in the Indian Nations. George tells Harv Buffalo Calf saw us. George says you did the killing. The Wilcox's dog is into George's chickens. He goes out to check. Caleb kills him. Mrs. Hewitt says Harv, George and Willy went hunting last month for four days. Matt asks Foster what happened in the Indian Nations. They had a run in with Buffalo Calf. Matt goes to talk to Buffalo Calf, and takes Caleb with him. Caleb says we cross that line he'll find us. They make camp. Buffalo Calf comes with four others. Buffalo Calf says the third one will die. Willy, George and Harv killed an i
Episode 5
Doc Adams welcomes Dr. Wesley May & his wife into town, trouble begins when gossip about Doc Adams may soon not have a job. Doc takes Mrs. May to see a patient who Mrs. May believes to be 50 years but is only 33 years old. Doc tells Mr. Boake he will need to amputate his leg, but before Doc does Mrs. May gets her husband because she thinks he can save it. Later Mr. Boak dies she trusted her husband & not the advice Doc gave.
Episode 6
Ma Carp tells her son Rainey, somebody ought to fix the wheel on the wagon. It's been broke for a week. Matt sees five boys. He follows them to Ma. Matt wakes Rainey to help fix the wheel. Pa wakes and comes in. Pa whines about his lack if luck. Matt meets their daughter, Allie. Matt stays for dinner. Pa offers Allie to Matt. Allie tells Matt he speaks so nice and smiles so pretty. Mel Billings shoots up Matt's office. Then goes to the Long Branch and tears it up. Matt beats up Mel and takes money for the Long Branch repair. Then throws him and his brother Loren out of town. Allie is lost on her way to Dodge and comes into the Billings' camp. She tells Mel she's going to the marshall. Mel says he figures the Marshall owes him something. Allie reaches Matt's. She tells him it was terrible. Matt takes her to Doc. Allie didn't tell her folks she was leaving. Allie says her attacker knew Matt and was repaying a debt. Matt wakes Quint to get his horse. Matt takes Ali
Episode 7
Hope tells Ed she wants to look around town. Quint's carrying a crate and accidently runs into Ed. Ed socks him. Quint socks Ed. Hope tells Kitty she's Nettie Farmer's daughter. Hope ran off with Ed a year ago. He promised to marry her. He hasn't. Kitty asks Hope to stay with her. Hope is coming down the stairs, and feels so weak. Doc says she's pregnant. Hope knew it. Hope asks Kitty to take her home. Hope doesn't want to see Ed again. Nettie worked for Kitty. Quint and Festus are hasseling Carl as he loads the stage. Kitty tells Matt she'll be gone long enough for him to miss her. Kitty tells the obnoxious male passenger, to sit back and shut up. Spector and Furnas shoots the driver and the male. Furnas says the women are dead too. Kitty peeks a look. Kitty puts a gun in her handbag and they hoof it. Kitty gives Hope some whisky for her pain. They reach a relay station. Spector runs it. Hope lies down. Kitty sees Furnas ride up. Kitty doesn't let on she rec
Episode 8
Matt had to arrest Cavalry Sgt. Wilks for being drunk and disorderly. The following morning Matt had to,literally, throw him out of his office after Wilks tried to assault him. Matt's mentor, Jim Downey, arrives in Dodge after retiring. Tony Serpa hates lawmen and shoots Downey in the back for fun while in a drunken stupor. Matt arrests Serpa; he's tried, convicted, and sentenced to hang. While taking Serpa to Hayes City for hanging, Serpa's three partners-in-crime show up. Joe Costa, the leader, decides to hang Serpa (for getting caught) and frame Matt for it. Sgt. Wilks arrives on the scene and arrests Matt for murder. Matt escapes and makes it to a nearby town to find the sheriff has gone fishing. Here he meets George, who informs Matt that Costa and his friends are in town. Matt asks George to bring a couple friends to help him flush out Costa and his men. In the meantime, Sgt. Wilks and his squad show up in town. Sgt. Wilks gives his men orders to shoot Matt on sight. Matt, Ge
Episode 9
Jonah gets off the stage. He expected his son to meet him, but his stage was early. Jonah was the first settler in the Dodge area. He just got out of prison. Sam Hutchinson and his three sons get to town. Jonah looks at a painting of the figh of Hutchinson House. Sam had to sell off some of the land. Jonah goes to see what's left of the Hutchinson House (the ruins). He thinks he hears voices from thirty years ago. Jonah put his brand on a half million acres. Joe Gorth comes to play checkers. Jonah throws him out. Jonah buys a bunch of guns and dynamites. Jonah branding calves not his. Jonah demands $100 a year from Dan Lefferts. He refuses. Jonah shoots him in the leg and they burn his cabin. They blow up a dam to keep the creek water on thier land. Jonah says the land people brought from Sam is his. They start to rebuild the ruins. Six ranchers are coming. Matt tells Sam Jonah needs to be taken into hand. He says Jonah can't do anything with his sons. Matt rides
Episode 10
Pike Beachum watches the marshall ride off with Joe Merchant. Pike asks Ellie Merchant, what happened. Pike put Enoch Miller's horses in Joe's barn so he could have more time with Ellie. Ellie tells Pike Joe can't run a farm. Pike is wanted for robbery and murder. Matt asks if Ellie knows anyone who would want to get Joe in trouble. Pike rides up. Matt arrests him. Festus says Pike chased him off of Joe's place. Deputy Marshall Leach, from Wichita, says Pike is innocent. Matt tells Pike to get outta Dodge and stay away from Ellie. He goes straight to her. Pike and Ellie are going to run off. Enoch drops the charges. Joe returns to Ellie with Matt. They tell Matt to stay until the storm passes. Joe goes to put the horses in the barn. Joe is shot. Matt says he must've thought it was me. Delphos says Pike rode by his place at sun up. Kitty and Doc haen't seen Matt for two days. They ride out to Ellie's. They see a grave. Doc gives Ellie something to sleep. Ellie says
Episode 11
Dan Collins is reputed to have shot four outlaws at Hackaberry Creek. Dan meets Lucy Benton and her crippled brother Carl. Lucy tells Dan not to come to her place. A cowboy coming out the Lady Gay bumps into Dan. He's ready for a showdown till he's told who Dan is. Wes Morgan offers Dan a job, killing if necessary. He offers him a hundred a month. Dan says he'll haave to think on it. Dan goes to Lucy's farm. She says I told you not to come out here. Carl says she just wants to be left alone. Lucy and Carl say Morgan is trying to run them off. Lucy asks Carl please let me tell him. Carl says no! Morgan interviews Hal Davis and hires him at $50 a month. Lucy talks to Dan in town, tells him to leave her alone. Lucy tells Doc Carl won't let me tell the truth. Doc's the only one that knows the whole truth. Dan's thinking of telling Lucy he's no hero. Davis and his partner are ready to shoot up Lucy's. Dan rides up to them. He says he's Dan Collins and the Bentons are hi
Episode 12
Elsa Poe arrives on the stage and asks Doc to escort her to the Long Branch. Bob Sullins and Art McLane argue over who gets served first by Quint. Charlie Ross and Joe Rogers run a freight business. At the Long Branch, Sullins, a trail boss, sits with Elsa. McLane has designs on Elsa also. At Delmonico's McLane invites himself to Elsa's table. Elsa tells him she's waiting for someone. Charlie walks in Elsa calls to him. She invites him to sit down. He buys her dinner. McLane fights Sullins over Elsa. Charlie breaks it up. Matt asks Elsa about McLane and Sullins, and asks her not to encourage them. No problem she replies. Doc asks Sullins how's the eye. Charlie comes to see Elsa. McLane sees Charlie and Elsa riding off for a picnic. Ross loaned Quint the money to get started. Charlie asks Elsa to marry. McLane bothers Elsa. Matt congratulates Elsa and Charlie on their impending nuptials, the day after tomorrow. Matt warns McLane. Sullins wants Elsa to come away wit
Episode 13
At the time he appeared in this episode, Howard McNear was appearing on ""The Andy Griffith Show"" as regular, Floyd Lawson the town barber.
Episode 14
Big Jim Ponder's coming to town to buy Fitch Tallman's Morgans. Carrie, Jim's daughter, and Big Jim stop in to say hi to Matt. Fitch has paid shills to grease the rails. Festus runs Fitch's stock down. He says Morgans ain't nothin' compared to Wohaw's quarter horses. Carrie wants a quarterhorse. Tom tells Fitch, Festus is showing Big Jim horses. Fitch bets Carrie $100 her horse versus his pick. Fitch tells Festus any distance. He says Dodge to Cheyenne. Big Jim bets on Hammerhead, Carrie's horse. Big Jim will buy all the stock of the winner. It'll start 6:00 am Monday and end 6:00 am Saturday. Deggers wants to enter a third horse. Deggers bets Jim $10,000. There's over $50,000 bet. Including five from Doc and five from Matt. Some say Festus is riding to lose for the gamblers. Wohaw and Fitch bet each other their stables. Carrie's riding the buckboard, that will accompany Festus, with Squatty. Someone cut Festus' saddle strap. The Morgans have a ten minute lead on F
Episode 15
Matt's old friend, Brad McClain, comes to Dodge and is immediately mugged by Yuma Joe. Getting the upper hand, McClain relieves Joe of his gun and sends him on his way. McClain tells Matt he wants to buy a business in Dodge and settle there. Matt introduces him to Jake Bookly, owner of a local stage line that frequently hauls gold from the local mines to Mr. Bodkin's bank. After gathering all of the information he can about the gold shipments, McClain enacts a plan to use Joe as a holdup man during a stage run, thereby killing Joe and setting himself up as a hero. He tells Jake Bookly he'll buy the stage line and is going to drive the stage to Dodge with the large $100,000 gold shippment coming in from the mines. Matt is suspicious of McClain because he has a paper that indicates McClain was involved in a bank robbery a few years earlier and shows up unexpectedly to ride shotgun for McClain. Pretending not to be able to control the horses pulling the stage, McClain knocks Matt out and
Episode 16
Doc tries to examine Dan Braden. Matt stops at Tom and Mary Stocker's wagon. Tom sold his ranch to Dan Braden. Braden doesn't have the $1200. Dan postdated the IOU by a year. Dan offers Tom $600. Kitty tells Tom it's getting kind of late. Tom goes to Dan's. Dan shoots at Tom. Tom returns fire. A lantern is knocked over. Tom and Mary light out on horseback. Dan's body is badly burned. Matt asks Louie to stand guard. Lem Hubley rides up and invites himself to dinner. Tom tells Mary to get rid of Lem. Doc tells Matt Dan was shot. Tom tells Mary he shot Dan with a .36 Colt Navy, a rare caliber. Tom and Mary ride up to Bill and Beth Miller's. Bill figures they're on the run. Tom pulls a gun and clunks Bill when he rushes him. Matt and Festus find out from Lem where Tom is. Tom's horses run off in the night. Matt talks to the Millers. Tom hijacks two horses from a stage. Mary needs to eat and lie down. Barney Cox isn't too friendly until Mary says she's with child.
Episode 17
Three trappers are partying down at the Long Branch when one of them decides to drink an entire bottle of whiskey without drawing a breath. The celebrating gets out of hand when a fight ensues between a trapper and local Dave Carson. Matt breaks the fight up and jails the trappers for busting up the saloon. Needing to go to Hayes City, Matt asks Festus to watch the jail and let the trappers out in the morning. As it turns out, one of the trappers is Festus' cousin Claudius Haggen. Claudius convinces Festus to let them out of jail with the promise to get their horses and immediately leave Dodge. While Festus is releasing the trappers Dave Carson, while working for Moss Grimmick, gets into an argument with local resident Halligan over a broken bridal. Halligan pushes Dave and he falls and hits his head on a wagonwheel. As the trappers approach to get their horses they find Dave and decide to run, for fear of being accused because of the earlier fight Claudius had with Dave. Mr. Halligan
Episode 18
Anderson has Festus stable his horse. Anderson sees Doc for a nick on his arm. Anderson chases two guys out of the Long Branch that's bothering Kitty and Festus. Anderson is a would be bounty hunter who's come down from Timberline. His partner is with Sturney, who has $5000 on his head. Anderson wants Matt to help bring him out. They stop at the Rock Creek Stage Station run by Owney Dales. His daughter Helena rides off to go to her Billy. She tells him Anderson is back with Matt Dillon. Billy and the boys are going to take care of Matt and Anderson that night. Anderson's from South Carolina and wants to get back and buy his daddy's farm. A coyote causes Helena to check on the stock. It's Billy. Billy shoots at Anderson. Billy and one his guys is killed. The other runs off. Helena says Billy was Sturney's brother. They reach Morgan's trading post. Sturney and Anderson's partner are dead and stored in the ice house. An authorized person had to identify the body. Matt
Episode 19
Howie tells Matt the lobby of the Dodge House is full of indians. Wiley demands Matt get them out. They want a room, they have gold to pay for it. The chief is sick with fever. Matt sends for Doc. He's got pneumonia. Lt.Cal Tripp, of the 14th cavalry from Walla Walla, tells Matt to put the chief and the two braves in his room. He is Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce. Corly Watts brother was killed by the Nez Perce. The Chief is going to Washington D.C. to talk to the president. Wiley's rabble rousing. Tripp overhears them. Tripp goes to Wiley's office and tells him if a mob tries to storm the hotel it may get burned. Matt calls Charlie Britton a thief. He busts a bottle over Matt's arm. Matt throws him out of Dodge for a month. Charlie's going to Corly. Matt sends a telegram. Doc looks at Matt's arm. Britton tells Corly, Chief Joseph is in Dodge. Tripp tells Kitty and Festus of the chief's daughter bathing in a stream and white trappers. The Long Branch empties to see
Episode 20
Botkin tells Matt a big shipment is coming. Elko's Varieties comes to town, the biggest little show on earth. Hironimus P. Elko (Harry), asks Matt about a fee, license or donation. Matt looks through his wanted posters. Speeler offers April a job assisting the magician. Big Eddie asks about April. Speeler tells him to leave her alone. Matt goes to Barney to send telegrams to the towns Elko has played. April tells Festus she can't go with him to the big show. Festus sees April in her costume. Festus tries to make April leave. Eddie grabs him. Speeler gets him off Festus. Eddie straightens out Festus' lucky horseshoe. Elko asks to see the general store's stock of jewelry. Matt got answers back. Two towns had bank robberies when the shoe was there. Matt stands watch in the bank. April enters a cabinet. April exits through the trap door. Elko runs sabres in. Madame Ahr, mind reader, performs. April sees Speeler load a derringer. He and Eddie go to the general store.
Episode 21
A man is looking for a doctor who didn't help his wife.
Episode 22
Matt must try and end a feud brothers are having.
Episode 23
A Nephew of Festus comes to Dodge.
Episode 24
Julie Blane may need help from Doc Adams to deal with her past.
Episode 25
A young Attorney gives Matt trouble when every move Matt quwstioned.
Episode 26
An outlaw tries to rob a bank and take a baby.
Episode 27
Hattie Silks has raised her niece, Liz, and promised to take her to San Francisco. Near broke, they get as far as Dodge when Hattie talks Kitty into hiring her as companionship for the older men that patronize the Long Branch. Sam Hare has been ogling and pestering Liz the entire stagcoach trip to Dodge and she wants nothing to do with him. When Hattie meets local rancher Jud Briar, they fall in love and plan to be married. The spoiled brat in Liz reveals itself and she talks Sam Hare into hiring a gunfighter to goad Jud into a showdown (with Jud dead Hattie will have no reason to stay in Dodge and they can move on to San Francisco). Gunslinger Ray Pate decides to rile Jud into strapping on a gun by beating up Hattie. He can then kill Jud and claim self-defence. Things don't go quite as planned; Ray and Liz receive their just deserts in the end.
Episode 28
A man tries to make drinking a thing of the past.
Episode 29
You'd think Kitty would have learned her lesson about taking stagecoach trips. On this one, while returning to Dodge (and a very impatient Matt), Kitty, Eleanor Starkey and her son, gambler Will Helmick, a railroad magnate, another young man, the stage driver and shotgun guard are kidnapped by Grant Shay and his gang. They are force marched over rough terrain to a cabin in the cold hills where they are kept in an open corral, exposed to the wind, and unfed. Kitty is somewhat put off by the gambler who seems to be no help at all in remedying their situation. There seems to be little or no compassion from their captors. Escorted by one of Shay's men, Eleanor is sent to Dodge to deliver ransom demands to Matt. The money is gathered and they go to the cabin for the exchange. When Matt and Festus show up with the money Shay's plans are altered.
Episode 30
Paolo Scanzano's boys collect wanted posters. They identify John Hooker as a murderer and inform their dad after Hooker bullies his way into their ranch house, demands food, and generally treats everyone like slaves. Paolo gets the drop on Hooker and has to kill him when Hooker goes for his gun. Initially, everyone in Dodge thinks he's a big hero for killing Hooker in a gunfight, but when they find out how it really happend most of the people turn their backs on him and label him a coward. When Hooker's brothers come to town Paolo has to stand up to them and prove otherwise.
Episode 31
Doc tries to save a mother and son who fight for life.
Episode 32
A widow blames Matt for the death of her husband.
Episode 33
Matt had business in Hayes City and asked Doc Adams to transport $1,500 from the Cimarron Mining Company, a reward they were offering for a bandit named Dan Perce, back to Dodge. Buffalo hunter Abihu Howell comes across Billy Yeager and Ned Moore robbing an unconscious Doc, chases them off, and brings Doc into Dodge. Festus and Breck Taylor take off after Billy and Ned. They find their tracks and start trailing them back toward Dodge; Festus convinced of their guilt and Breck trying to remain impartial. They soon find Doc's empty wallet in a campfire and both are convinced of their guilt. Once they catch Billy and Ned, and get the money back, they take them back to the Dodge City jail. With Doc still unconscious and near death, Howell gets drunk and embellishes on his eye-witness account, causing the citizenry to consider lynching the pair. Breck sends a local boy to find Matt and bring him back to town as soon as possible. Billy and Ned manage to escape, but get trapped in a warehouse
Episode 34
Matt quits his job rather than arrest a friend of his.
Episode 35
A man accused of killing an Army paymaster 12 years earlier gives a death-bed statement that he was truly innocent of the crime. The Army requests Matt to reinvestigate the case and turn up any new evidence, if he can find it. The citizens of Ridge Town refuse to cooperate with the investigation. He goes to see the ex-sheriff, an old friend of his now paralyzed and wheelchair bound from being shot at the same time the paymaster was killed. He seems to cooperate, but his son, the current sheriff, won't. Matt is beaten, accused of accosting a young girl, jailed, and nearly lynched before he solves the mystery.
Episode 36
Buffalo hunter Jeff Sutro, who does not hold with the new society that has come to the west, defends himself for stealing a calf and kills a ranch hand who drew on him. A jury finds self-defense and releases him. Ranch owner Jim Donner isn't satisfied with the verdict and fires one of his hands, Billy Waters, for siding with Sutro. Sutro decides to give up buffalo hunting and open a freight business, hiring Billy. While camping overnight, Sutro's Appaloosa horse is stolen and sold to cowhand Sid Perce. Sutro and Billy ride the wagon mules to track the horse and meet up with Perce, but don't believe he just bought the horse from the thief. Sutro sends Billy back to get the freight wagon and then kills Perce to get his horse back. Donner puts out the word in Dodge that Sutro's suspected of murdering Perce, in a successful attempt to put an end to his freight business. Sutro and Billy go
11. Staffel 11 (32 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt has to get Dodge City back from outlaws.
Episode 2
Woodley and Cantwell get into a fight over splitting up the money they earned from trapping and gambling. Matt breaks it up and they go their separate ways for the night. As Cantwell is walking down an alley, Claude and Ab Benteen, the sons of a local rancher, rob and kill him. Woodley is accused, tried, and sentenced to hang in a month. During this time, Ab's conscience is bothering him and drives him to drink heavily. In a drunken stupor he draws on a cowboy in the Long Branch and is shot. He makes a death confession to Matt that he and his brother really killed Cantwell. With Woodley scheduled to hang the very next day, Matt tries to telegraph the sheriff in Hays City but the telegraph lines are down due to a raging storm. He then has to go to his old friends, Adam and Clara Benteen, to explain what happened to Ab and take Claude into custody. Fighting time to get to Hays City to stop the hanging Matt is faced with a rifle-bearing Adam, trying to set his son
Episode 3
Sam and Frank Band, and two of their friends, arrive in the small town of Greenwood, OK expecting to quench their thirst with whiskey and find only soda pop available. Not being overly smart or long on manners, they shoot up the small general store/sheriff's office. Thad, sheriff Greenwood's son and deputy, talks his father into issuing an arrest warrant for the men, just before he dies of a heart attack. After catching up with the four vandals in Dodge, Matt has to explain to Thad that an Oklahoma warrant isn't executable in Kansas. Matt and Festus have been trying to hunt down a pack of wolves suspected of butchering cattle on the nearby ranches. But, something isn't quite right about the way the animals have been attacking and, even though a bounty has been offered for each wolf pelt turned in, none have been forthcoming. Matt and Festus begin to put two-and-two together and turn their suspicions towards the Band's and their friends.
Episode 4
Matt is riding along when he's confronted by Miguel Samando, a bandito who wants to kill the ""famous Matt Dillon."" Miguel isn't as fast as he thinks he is and is killed. Immediately thereafter another rider shows up, but this time is Matt's old ex-lawman friend Jack Pinto. Jack has decided to give up law enforcement and head to California to make his fortune. They drape Miguel over his horse and head for Dodge. Festus notices a rough looking character ride into Dodge and stop at the Long Branch. Failing to find Matt, he decides to check things out for himself. He goes to the Long Branch and finds three gunslingers; Doyle Phleger, Al Tresh and Billy Coe. Playing the role of a dim-witted hick in need of a drink, Festus makes friends with Al Tresh. A bottle or two later he gets Tresh to admit that he was offered $25,000 to kill Matt. It turns out that Miguel, Doyle and Billy were made the same offer. When Matt gets into town Festus fills him in. Jack offers Matt hi
Episode 5
Jeb Crater and his prospecting partner Sholo are camping when Stretch Morgan rides up. Jeb invites him to share a cup of coffee and is impressed with his prowess with a gun. Explaining that they've finally struck it rich, Jeb hires Stretch as a bodyguard. Arriving in Dodge, Jeb tells everyone he's going to throw a party at the Long Branch. After bathing, Jeb and Stretch hide the gold pouches in the ground under the bath tub (Jeb doesn't trust banks), not telling Sholo because he might reveal its location if he has too much to drink. After the party Jeb is hit on the head and the search is on for Stretch.
Episode 6
Jayce McCaw deals unfairly with a Pawnee Indian family and winds up killing the father, shooting Kioga (the son), and leaving the daughter unprotected in the wilderness. When he gets into Dodge he near strangles Howie, the Dodge House desk clerk, just to get a woman's name. Kioga, still wounded, tracks him to Dodge and shows up in Mr. Bodkin's bank wanting to cash in a gold nugget for money. He's taken up to Doc's for treatment and Matt leaves him the $110.00 Mr. Bodkin redeemed the gold for. After Doc's treatment Kioga buys white man's clothes and hat, and gets his hair cut in order to blend in. That night he tries to kill McCaw, but misses. McCaw, being short on brains and manners, smarts off to Matt and gets thrown in jail. Kioga disturbs the peace to get thrown in with McCaw. Another failed attempt. The next day, another failed attempt using a rifle as McCaw rides out of town. Kioga grabs a horse and takes off after him. He finally captures McCaw and stake
Episode 7
Turner's called in from the range to talk to his boss, Chris Thornton. Upon his arrival Thornton tells him he knows his name is really Luke Frazer. He tells Thornton he'll be gone by sundown, but Thornton has different ideas. He shows Luke a wanted poster of Otto Fry, the man who killed Thornton's son. He tells Luke he'll give him a thousand acres as a place of his own if he'll track down Fry and kill him; he can even keep the $600 reward! Frazer heads out looking for Fry and lands in Dodge. Wouldn't you know, he's an old friend of Festus'. It turns out that Fry is better known around Dodge as local rancher Lon Jensen. Matt gets to him first and puts him in jail where Frazer can't get to him. He then sends a telegram to the sheriff in Buckland and learns that the charges had been dropped when Thornton's son made a deathbed confession, admitting to assaulting Fry's wife. When Frazer learns that he's been set up to commit murder he heads back to Buckland to deal w
Episode 8
Jim Forbes returns from serving three years in prison for ""swindling"" the folks of Dodge. He had ran out of money mining for gold, salted the mine (planted high grade quartz ore in it), and borrowed funds from the townspeople to continue mining. Now, backed by money provided by his sister, he's reopened the mine in order to prove to the people of Dodge that there is gold in it, and to pay them back. Once locals Jason Holt and Clint Fisher find out that Forbes has some money in the bank they demand he make restitution with it, forcefully. Things eventually deteriorate to the point where Forbes straps on a gun and goes looking for Holt and Fisher!
Episode 9
Murdering sidewinder Del Ordman heads to Dodge to kill the marshal for killing his brother, but Matt had to go out-of-town and asked Festus to keep an eye on things. As Matt's leaving, Malachi Harper, a buffalo bone scavenger, arrives in town. He finds a letter waiting for him informing him that his brother Ethan, a well-to-do businessman from Baltimore, is coming through Dodge on his way to San Francisco. Malachi hasn't seen his brother in 35 years but wrote him once and told him that he was the marshal of Dodge City. Festus, Doc and Kitty play along with the charade. Ordman, not knowing the marshal by name, confronts Malachi and tries to kill him. When Matt comes back Festus fills him in on what's going on, while Ordman is facing Malachi down at the Long Branch!
Episode 10
Frank and Edmund Dano arrive home after six years in prison for rustling cattle. Considering Frank the bad seed of the family, and the evil influence that got the younger Edmund sent to prison, Mr. Dano gives him a not-to-warm reception. Frank wants to leave, but because his mother is ailing with a bad heart, he stays at her request. As the situation deteriorates between Frank and his father, Edmund offers to tell their parents that it was he who was mixed up with the rustling and that Frank only got into trouble trying to get him out of it. Frank says no to prevent further disappointment for their parents and moves to a farm house on some nearby land that his father purchased. Edmund takes up with Elise Howell, a clerk in the freight office. After $20,000 is stolen from the Garden City stage, recovered, and returned to the freight office, Edmund talks Elsie into helping him steal it. Things don't go as smoothly as planned and Elisie's employer, Mr. Daniels, get
Episode 11
Judd Print and his two boys, Verlyn and Coy, have met Wade Bonney, his 12 year old son Homer, and his gravely ill wife on the trail and traveled together for a few days. After Mrs. Bonney dies, Judd shoots Wade in the back and steals all of his valuables. Verlyn knows what happened, but Coy doesn't because he was off looking for Homer at the time. From a hilltop Homer had witnessed the murder. Hiding, and refusing to come down for fear of being killed himself, he is left there to die of exposure. But, instead, Homer finds his father's gun and heads across the prairie to hunt Judd and his boys down. Doc runs across Homer while on the trail, gives him some water, almost gets shot, and takes him back to Dodge to tend his minor scratches and get some food into him. He also hides Homer's gun. When Homer sees Judd and Verlyn in town he searches Doc's office, finds the gun and goes after them. Not realizing that Doc removed the bullets, he gets cornered in Moss Grimm
Episode 12
Gorman, Mandee, Keys, and Torreon break out of Leavenworth Territorial Prison and abduct Matt while he's on his nightly rounds. A note is found on the telegraph office door from Gorman explaining that they've got Matt and he won't be harmed if they get to the Mexican border unmolested. The instructions in the note call for the Dodge telegrapher to wire all towns south, between Dodge and the Oklahoma border, and inform all peace officers to stay out of their way or they'll kill Matt. Festus has gone to Jetmore to pick up some horses and Doc and Kitty send Thad to tell him what's happened. When Thad catches up with him and they head out after Matt. Then, things get tense when the gang finds one stubborn lawman and nineteen deputies in front of them only a few miles from the Oklahoma border.
Episode 13
A gang of outlaws (Dove Baily, Coley Martin, Harve Kane, Hank Wheeler, and siblings Eddie and Allie Sommers) are being chased by two posses for robbing the railroad of $20,000 and shooting three employees. Matt manages to shoot one of them in the shoulder before they get away. A couple days later Doc finds Allie in his office with a bullet wound in her shoulder. Matt suspects she may have been one of the gang members, but says nothing. She tells Matt that she was separated from a wagon train and shot by Indians. After two weeks convalescing, and getting to like city life, Allie sees Kane in town. He tells her that Matt shot her brother down when he was trying to surrender. He wants her to lead Matt into a trap so they can kill him and then show the gang where her brother hid the money before he died. This task proves to be a little more difficult than it sounds; Matt and Festus are pretty hard to kill.
Episode 14
Thad goes to the marshal's office to get Festus (Matt's out-of-town) and tells him there's a problem at the Long Branch. When they get there, Kitty tells them she got rid of the two brothers that were drunk and disorderly. As her and Sam are closing up, Sam takes a crate of empty bottles to the cellar and Kitty goes up to her room. Waiting there is Richard Strom, one of the brothers, who gags her and starts beating her. A window breaks in the struggle and brings Festus, Thad and Sam running. Richard Strom shoots Festus and is killed by return fire. Several days later Oklahoma judge Calvin Strom shows up in town with his two remaining sons, Mark and Cal, Jr. (the one that was with Richard the night of the shooting). Judge Strom wants charges brought against Festus for murder and against Kitty for conspiracy to commit murder, but Matt refuses and orders the judge and his two sons out of Dodge. That night Mark ambushes Matt and puts a bullet in his leg while his fa
Episode 15
Kitty inherits a gold mine from a friend who passed away. She wanted Matt to accompany her to the town of Pickaxe to register and transfer the deed, but he had to go out-of-town on business. A bit miffed, she decides to make the trip alone. After the stage drops her off in the middle of the prairie by a pile of crates and barrels, she waits in the hot sun for the freight driver from Pickaxe. He is not helpful; she has to put her own luggage in the wagon and climb up on her own. When she arrives in Pickaxe she finds the local citizenry even less helpful, with the exception of Richard Danby, a young mute boy. When Matt finds out she made the trip on her own he sends Thad to check on her, and send a letter back on the stage concerning her welfare. After Thad arrives, dead tired from riding all night, Richard takes him and Kitty up to the mine. There they find Pa Gibbijohn and his two boys, Jud and Ed, jumping her claim. They manage to chase the rascals off, but when
Episode 16
Holly and Walker, two bounty hunters, come across a dead sheriff and his prisoner. The prisoner, John Drago, is still alive, but badly injured from his horse throwing him. Holly finds a wanted poster in the sheriff's pocket indicating the reward for Drago, dead or alive, from the Mexican authorities is thirty-thousand dollars. They take Drago into Dodge for medical treatment. Doc and Matt insist on keeping Drago under guard in a hotel room until he's fit to ride. Local farmer Austin Boyle's wife is under Doc's care because she's having a difficult time carrying her baby and, knowing he could use the money, Festus suggests that Matt hire him as a guard. A Kansas City Beacon Newspaper reporter, George Flint, is in town and keeps stirring up trouble between the bounty hunters and Matt to create an interesting story. Flint eventually plants the idea in the bounty hunter's minds to offer Boyle three-thousand dollars to kill Drago so they can quickly get to Mexico and
Episode 17
Festus sees Lambert, Emery and Sweet Billy Haggen on a farm outside of Dodge, grabs a well bucket, puts it over his head and starts running off into the fields for fear of getting his ear shot off; not the whole ear, just the little hangy-down part (refer to episode #364 ""Eliab's Aim"" for details). Sweet Billy shoots the bucket, they catch up to Festus, and then explain that the only reason they're there is to find Sweet Billy a wife. Festus reluctantly agrees to help and starts lining up local gals for Sweet Billy to meet. The one prerequisite that Sweet Billy has is that the woman he marries must be able to read and write. It happens that Pony Beal and his daughter Orabelle are in town, and when she sees Sweet Billy she decides to go after him. Sweet Billy is also quite taken with her and, when he finds that she can read and write, decides to marry her. With his three uncle's permission they go to see Orabelle's father, who also agrees, provided they pay him a
Episode 18
Les McConnell, posing as a gun salesman, is the front-man for the Stark Gang. He's gone into Sedalia, Missouri as the advanced scout for a bank heist. The gang rides in and robs the bank, killing the bank manager. They get away and later decide to hit the bank in Dodge, even though McConnell advises against messing with Marshal Dillon. The leader, Jim Stark, dismisses the warning and sets the gang's path toward Dodge. McConnell goes in ahead of the gang to check things out. The bank gets robbed and, as the gang is riding out of town, they run headlong into Matt and Festus. Some of the gang members are killed and one is severely wounded. Doc is kidnapped and taken along to tend him. Matt starts to put together a large posse to chase the gang down, but McConnell has other ideas.
Episode 19
After the Stark Gang robs the bank in Dodge, front-man Les McConnell sets several buildings on fire to prevent a posse from pursuing the gang. Matt leaves most of the men in town to battle the flames and takes only Festus and a handful of others to pursue the gang. The gang stops at Mr. Early's ranch and gets fresh horses. When Matt and his men arrive Early tries to obstruct them and send them on a false trail, but one of Matt's men finds the real trail. With very tired horses, they press on. Coming upon another ranch they find that the gang has once again acquired fresh horses and a wagon, but this time the rancher wasn't their friend; he'd managed to hide three horses from the gang. Matt and Festus take the fresh horses and continue after the gang. When they catch up to the what's left of the gang (some were wounded and died, others were killed due to internal squabbles) a gun battle erupts, with Doc in the middle of it!
Episode 20
Doc Brown's medicine show comes to Dodge. One of his main attractions is Sandy, a young man quite quick and agile with pistols. His problem is that his arrogance rivals his abilities. This is demonstrated by his insistence on pushing Festus into a gunfight, which Sandy loses. With a bullet wound in his side, Matt out of town, Doc Brown accusing Festus of murder by drawing down on Sandy while he was drunk, and not wanting to have to put Matt in the position of arresting his friend when he returns, Festus decides to run for the Nebraska border. En route, he is forced to trade Ruth (his mule) and his pistol for a fresh horse. He then comes upon a saloon with Mr. Gabin and his two boys, who are less than hospitable. Festus rides on and seeks shelter in a barn from an imminent rain storm. The following morning he meets and befriends the family that owns the farm. During breakfast two gunmen ride up and tell Esther Harris, the owner of the farm and a widow, that they're
Episode 21
Jason rides up to Jed Woodard's homestead and asks if he can water his horse. While he's doing that Jed notices a guitar strapped to Jason's horse. He takes it out and starts fooling with it. Jason is very possessive about the instrument and each time he asks Jed to give it to him Jed abuses it a little more. Finally, he's knocking it against a sharp piece of wood and is on the verge of puncturing it. Jason will take no more, draws his knife, and stabs Jed in the chest. He digs a grave but doesn't finish burying the body because two riders are approaching. He arrives in Dodge and stops in at the Long Branch where Kitty is throwing a birthday party for Doc. Kitty asks him to play some music, and he agrees to play in return for some food. The following day Jack and Dan, the two riders that scared Jason off, arrive in Dodge. They disturb the peace and Matt relieves them of their guns. Later that night they get into a fight with Jason and Matt throws them in jail. W
Episode 22
Spellman, Travers and Aikens are robbing a stage when the guard shoots Spellman in the leg, resulting in Travers killing the guard and wounding the driver. Being wounded himself, Spellman has a difficult time keeping up with Travers and Aikens and is left to fend for himself. When the stage gets to Dodge the robbery is reported to Matt who takes off after the criminals, leaving Festus in charge in town. Doc is feeling really bad because he thought the driver would live, but died from the wounds. Kitty suggests that as long as he has to ride to Pearl Miller's place, a goodly distance out of Dodge, to deliver her baby that he take a fishing pole along and get a couple of days rest. Doc takes her advice and tries to sneak out of town without Festus finding out. Matt follows the outlaw's trail to Benson Flats and Mr. Tonkins' farm. Tonkins tells Matt the outlaws came by earlier and which direction they went. It turns out that Spellman was in Tonkins' house with a gu
Episode 23
Paul Wiley and his gang get into a shootout with Matt and some of the townsfolk after robbing the bank in Dodge. During the shootout Mrs. Ayers and her young boy are shot down in the street. Wounded in the leg, Wiley ducks into the church. He finds Rev. Porter, his fiancée Phyllis, and Mrs. Howell there and sends Phyllis for a doctor. Matt sends posses out in a couple directions because the gang scattered. Festus figures out that Wiley may have doubled back towards Dodge. He sends his posse on while he and Thad head back for town. Doc tells Wiley he needs special instruments from his office to extract the bullet. Reluctantly, Wiley let's him go. Doc's forced into telling Festus about Wiley and is overheard by local citizen Baker, who then tells Mr. Ayers that the man responsible for wounding his wife and son is in the church. Ayers, Baker and a moderate crowd decide to go get Wiley. Festus and Doc try to stop them, but it's a bullet fired from Wiley's pistol int
Episode 24
An Indian woman asks for help in seeing that her father isn't killed for a crime he didn't commit. When Thad offers to help the girl the laws of her tribe could bring more trouble. Thad tries to see Gray horse, and is accused of attacking an Indian. The Indian agent arrests Thad. Sara and Two Bears talk about what will happen after her father dies. As time nears for John Two Bears to die Matt & Thad learn that Gray Horse took the horses.
Episode 25
Ed's gang robs the bank in Dodge City and kills a customer. During their escape Billy, Ed's younger brother, is wounded and arrested. Matt took off after the gang but lost them. That evening, while dinning with Kitty, Thad introduces his friend, Will Taylor, to Matt. It's apparent that he idolizes the marshal and offers to help in any way he can. Later that night the four outlaws return to Dodge, one of them becoming deceased in a failed attempt to break Billy out of jail. The next morning Matt leaves Thad in charge of the jail while he and Festus try, yet again, to track Ed and the rest of the gang down. In the meantime, Doc had to pay a visit to an expectant mother on one of the outlying ranches. On his way back to town he's stopped by two of the gang members, beaten, and given a message to deliver to Matt that all of his friends will meet the same fate, or worse, if he doesn't let Billy go. Doc finds that Matt isn't back yet when he gets to town. Ed rides into
Episode 26
Episode 27
Ian McGovern, his mother, and son, David, immigrate from Scotland and find a nice plot of land just outside of Dodge. According to the land office they have a right to homestead it, but according to Ben Payson the land is his. When Ben appeals to Matt about it he's told that the land is public domain and, when it comes down to it, he'll have to stand on the side of the law. Ben is not pleased with this response. When Ben's daughter, Betsy's, horse throws her and she's nearly charged by a wild boar, David comes to her rescue. When Betsy gets home she finds her father less than appreciative. Soon Ben finds out that David and Betsy are sweet on each other. A fight takes place between the two fathers and Ben insists that if David continues to see Betsy he'll kill him. When Ben's ranch hands get back from delivering his cattle to market he takes them with him to burn out the ""squatters,"" but Thad and Betsy ride for the marshal.
Episode 28
Festus is nearly rundown by a speeding wagon on the trail between Hays City and Dodge. He soon finds the wagon further up the trail with a broken wheel. Here he meets Angus McTabboot and his 'unofficial' nephew Jock. It turns out that Angus is on his way to Dodge to open a newspaper and winds up hiring Festus as a reporter, with Jock as his aide to read and write for him. After digging three bullets out of the back of Angus' wagon, Matt speaks to Angus and discovers he was run out of Hays City for printing ""the truth about people,"" regardless of the consequences. The first thing Festus writes about is how local rancher Merl Benlan got his start by rustling cattle down in Texas. Merl gets pretty upset and goes after Festus and Angus. Then, when Angus explains the concept of advertising to Festus, he creates a price war between Mr. Jonas' and Clab Chummer's general stores, which gets seriously out of hand. Things eventually deteriorate and Festus runs a front page
Episode 29
Jacob Beamus and his good Comanche friend, John Walking Fox, are bringing a load of buffalo pelts into Dodge. Gainer, Holtz and Banjo, three morally bankrupt saddle tramps, try to force their way into staying at their camp and are invited to leave. When the three see Jacob and John Walking Fox coming into Dodge they give them some more trouble. They manage to get to Aaron Tigue's trading store, where an argument takes place between Jacob and Aaron over the previously promised price of the pelts, and Jacob is killed. John Walking Fox pays Percy Crump, Dodge City's undertaker, for a funeral and headstone for Jacob with a '49er' $50 gold piece, a rare coin minted once by a California bank. It seems that the old coin shipment of $100,000 was lost between Pueblo, Colorado and Dodge City, Kansas in 1850. When he then pays for a hotel room with another coin, Tigue and the saddle tramps are convinced that the Indian knows where the rest of the coins are buried. It turns
Episode 30
Joey and Bernie Jeffords are in the Hays City Trail's End Saloon watching Jim Barrett, a famous gunfighter, shoot pool. Joey decides he's faster than Barrett and gets killed trying to prove it. Bernie takes Joey home and informs his pa as to what happened. When Barrett arrives in Dodge City, Matt throws him in jail until he gets confirmation from the territorial governor that there's no warrants out for him. When he releases him, he tells Barrett that if he so much as breaks a whiskey glass in Dodge he'll throw him back in jail. Barrett promises to start no trouble. However, a young man in town keeps trying to kill Barrett, but keeps getting outwitted. In the meantime, Ike Jeffords gathers up his grown sons and heads for Dodge to settle the score with Barrett. That night one of the Jeffords boys calls Barrett out into the street while his father and three brothers wait in ambush!
Episode 31
After Asa Longworth comes to Dodge City dressed in Preacher's clothes (the clothes belong to the Preacher that Asa killed) everybody thinks he has come to hold a sermon. He later tells everybody that he is in Dodge to watch someone die. Asa tells Matt the clothes belong to his twin brother. Matt asks for the name of the person who killed Asa's twin brother & the town where the killing took place. Dougherty tells Matt he saw Asa in Garden City last week but didn't use a gun to kill anyone!
Episode 32
Kyle Stoner shoots another man after seeing his girlfriend with another man. John Stoner feels Matt shouldn't have taken Kyle's gun. Kyle comes back to The Long Branch with a dress for Wilma. Jack Smith and Joe Brown beat up Festus hoping to take on Matt. Kyle finally tries to take on Matt to see who can draw their gun faster. Kyle is killed by Matt because Kyle wouldn't drop his gun belt. John Stoner gives tells Matt that Woody, Jack and Joe are wanted for Robbery in Oklahoma.
12. Staffel 12 (29 Episoden)
Episode 1
Disturbed over being forced to kill a prisoner who was trying to save his life, Matt Dillion turns in his badge.
Episode 2
A gang of thieves commandeers the Dodge City blacksmith shop to divide a gigantic bar of gold.
Episode 3
Six years after her husband's hanging, Ma Stone plots her revenge against Matt Dillon by first kidnapping Kitty to use as a lure and then jailing Matt to be hanged on the morning of the second day with Kitty watching as her man died.
Episode 4
Marshal Dillon is helped by an apparently friendly young runaway who later faces him as a deadly adversary.
Episode 5
A respectable rancher and his son hang an innocent man and allow a bewhiskered bounty hunter to go on trial for the murder.
Episode 6
A gunfighter (McGavin) hired to murder Matt Dillion gets wounded while trying to save the life of an elderly Chinese man.
Episode 7
Hootie Kyle is a poor but honest farmer whose credit has run out. Matt Dillon and Festus lend him some money, then he gets swindled out of it in a poker game. Later Hootie gets circumstantially framed for the murder of the card shark who swindled him.
Episode 8
After eight years in a prison for robbery a farmer returns home and hopes to find the stolen fortune he had buried under a tree.
Episode 9
All of Dodge City is suffering from a drought. A rainmaker (Guy Raymond) tries to put an end to it before the town's public well, their last source of water, runs dry.
Episode 10
Doc Adams takes up arms to defend a gold shipment from bandits, first during a stagecoach ambush and then at a weigh station. He is aided by a blind man and a wounded man in the battle against the bandits.
Episode 11
Lars Karlgren, a Scandinavian immigrant and his teenage son Petter, find the West even wilder than they had imagined when they settle in Dodge City. Petter gets framed for a murder of a man who was picking a fight with him.
Episode 12
The identity of a criminal is confused with that of deputy marshal Thad, when a Quaker party rescues the pair from a do-or-die fight.
Episode 13
A young farmer's former partner-in-crime, girlfriend and slow-witted brother figure in the discovery of his forgotten past.
Episode 14
Bull Bannock (Alan Hale), retired heavyweight champion of the world, attempts to make a home for himself in Dodge City, and tries to buy Miss Kitty's Longbranch Saloon.
Episode 15
To Marshal Matt Dillon and his deputies falls their grimmest task in many years-- the hanging of a ruthless gunman.
Episode 16
A vengeful prisoner poses a continual threat to the life of Marshal Matt Dillon.
Episode 17
Festus Haggen is mistaken for a hired gunman and offered $300 to fight, and run out of town, the 3 sons of a man his cousin is accused of killing.
Episode 18
A young gunman (Zalman King) falls for one of Kitty's saloon girls (Lane Bradbury) while waiting to kill Marshal Matt Dillon and rob the bank.
Episode 19
A boy (Eddie Hodges) comes to Dodge City in search of his father only to learn that he is a wanted criminal.
Episode 20
An embittered lawman (Fritz Weaver) seeks revenge against the men who destroyed his town and took away his wife.
Episode 21
Matt Dillon tries to bring a man to justice in spite of an onslaught of an crazed vengeful lawman wishing to exact his own revenge.
Episode 22
After eight years as a down-on-his-luck farmer, husband & father, and reformed outlaw (Michael Ansara) tries to make ends meet by rejoinning his old gang to rob the Dodge City freight office.
Episode 23
Private detectives use Kitty and the daughter (Kim Darby) of an outlaw to trap the girl's fugitive father (Stephen McNally).
Episode 24
Deputy District Attorney Shephard will do anything to further his career, including having outlaw John Farron killed, instead of being able to give himself up.
Episode 25
Kitty's conscience is torn between her sense of obligation to a man (James Daly) who saved her life and her concern for the law and Marshal Matt Dillon.
Episode 26
Outlaw Ed Carstairs trades identities with a man dying of a snakebite wound, then is suprised when the man is brought into Dodge and seems to be recovering.
Episode 27
A group of Nuns traveling out West nurse the wounds of outlaw Worth Sweeney, who was injured while defending them from his partners.
Episode 28
Part 1: Down on his luck drifter is offered a dangerous, but profitable job of mixing nitroglycerine for outlaws who are using it to rob banks. George also falls in love with a saloon girl and begins a business venture with his earnings.
Episode 29
Part 2: George wants to quit making the nitro, feeling that his luck is running out, but his outlaw partners won't let him.
13. Staffel 13 (25 Episoden)
Episode 1
With a well earned vacation disturbed by the arrest of a hardened criminal, Matt and Kitty head back to Dodge. The stage they are on is sabotaged and end up wrecking. Kitty is quick witted enough to switch identities between Matt and the prisoner before the outlaws get to them. Thinking Dillon is dying and Matt is really Monk Wiley, they go on planning to extort money from Dodge to get Dillon back alive.
Episode 2
Feuding cattle barons are headed to Dodge City from opposite directions for a showdown.
Episode 3
Amos and William Cole come to Dodge to find the backshooting killer of their outlaw father many years before.
Episode 4
Part 1: Bob Johnson, Zack Johnson and Floyd Binnes are accused of cattle rustling by Parker a powerful land baron, Floyd is killed while being drug behind a horse, Zack is crippled by a horse stomping his legs and back. Bob is beaten. Once in Dodge Bob meets Angel, while Zack dies of his wounds. Bob in getting revenge taunts Parker's hot-headed son into a gunfight kills him, and plans to go after Parker.
Episode 5
Part 2: Matt goes after Bob Johnson who is planning to kill Parker to avenge the death of his friends.
Episode 6
Tough Texas cattleman Red Conniston is headed to Dodge to kill Clint Sorils, who killed Conniston's son Ben in a gunfight.
Episode 7
A comedic episode. Festus tries to get a box full of gold coins away from his relatives and back to Dodge, the Dooleys who are feuding with the Haggens are also trying to get their hands on the box.
Episode 8
Two deserting soldiers stab their hated Sergeant and frame Festus.
Episode 9
Kitty and fellow traveling passenger Newly O'Brien are captured by Mexican outlaw Manez and his gang.
Episode 10
In an attempt to get money two prairie wolfers steal money from Dolan, a hardened storekeeper, then when one tries to give it back trouble starts.
Episode 11
Professional gunman Dave Reeves comes to Dodge for an assignment, kill his ex-wife's new husband-to-be.
Episode 12
A group of wealthy passengers on a private railroad car are quarantined in Dodge.
Episode 13
Falsely jailed on charges of murder and bank robbery, Festus is ordered to lead an aging sheriff and his zealous deputy to the missing loot. (60 mins)
Episode 14
Drfter Jud Pryor tries to clear his name of murder, meanwhile the two brothers of his girlfriend are planning to kill him.
Episode 15
Three baby boys are born on a stagecoach that arrives in Dodge just after being robbed. Their mother dies and Doc fights to keep the boys together instead of going to an orphange.
Episode 16
Matt investigates a murder in a nearby town, trying to prove that town simpleton Bo Remick did not kill the son of the town's powerful rancher.
Episode 17
While Matt is out of town tracking outlaws, the cattleman's co-op takes over the town putting their own man in charge of the law.
Episode 18
A teenage burglar involved in a murder is shot and left to die by his partners.
Episode 19
The father of a young gunfighter tries to end his son's career by wounding his gun hand.
Episode 20
Hillbilly girl Merry Florene comes to town to get some schooling to better herself. Meanwhile her two cousins also arrive in Dodge and force her to rob Mr. Jonas' store.
Episode 21
A buffalo hunter tracks the five men responsible for injuring his Indian son.
Episode 22
Matt tracks the four men responsible for the murder of his friend an lawman who was shot at his retirement party.
Episode 23
Matt has to intervene when a honest, but strict Indian agent charges an innocent Indian of murder of his assistant.
Episode 24
Durning a drought, a watch witch (someone who can find water), comes to town. Meanwhile, a businessman attempts to buy up farms during this time, no matter the method.
Episode 25
Matt and former outlaw Elihu Gorman go after Dobie Price who has just broken jail.
14. Staffel 14 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
Grant Lyle, a former lawman with crippled hands, brings his young gunfighter son to Dodge to settle the score with Hoxey, the man just released from prison who is responsible for his hands.
Episode 2
Festus is rescued from a rock avalanche by a young hide cutter. His fellow cutters are following a herd of cattle with hopes of stealing them for the hides.
Episode 3
Good western. Mostly action, not too much girl stuff. Gunplay by Dillon very very good in this one. Story is about Dillon taking a warrant into Mexico. He finds the culprit and outdraws him. One of the latter's gang members travels back to the US and tells Jim Davis that Dillon killed his brother. Davis responds with violence, then rides into Mexico and faces Dillon. The human interest part of this movie centers about the likeable Mexican kid, ""Paco"". Dillon and him get along so good that I'm wondering about the sexuality of one of the film bosses. About Rico Alaniz... top-notch performance. He's the guy who, in the movie ""Magnificent Seven"", was always saying 'no, don't anger Calvera, give him what he wants"".
Episode 4
A comedic episode. Two hillbillies attempt to turn their 102 year-old relative in for the bounty on him.
Episode 5
Grizzily mountain man, Slocum tracks the sons of a man who tried to bushwhack his good friend, Matt Dillon.
Episode 6
Leary O'Quillan kills a card cheat in self defense and is pursued to Dodge by the man's brother, Clay Tynan.
Episode 7
Matt and Doc are escorting outlaw Johnny August by train to trail for murder. Also on board and waiting along the line are his men waiting for a chance to free him.
Episode 8
A young woman and her kids and Festus are held hostage from a man Matt is trying to find.
Episode 9
Matt clashes with maverick railroad builder Wes Cameron and his wild men running a railroad line through Dodge.
Episode 10
Con man, Bob Sullivan tries to trick a widow with three children out of money for a fake cattle herd, but instead ends up falling in love with her and her children.
Episode 11
While bringing in outlaw, Waco Thompson, Matt has to deal with his outlaw band following them while he has to deliver a baby.
Episode 12
Mountain man Luke Brazo joins Matt in a hunt for a vicious wolf terrorizing the area.
Episode 13
Newly intervenes when two bounty hunters try to kill a desperado who claims he's innocent.
Episode 14
When he is refused a loan by the bank, Ray Jarvis' children find a way to steal the money.
Episode 15
Kitty saves the life of a man during a stage hold-up, taking him back to his ranch she finds his mother a ruthless matron and his daughter alienated from her father.
Episode 16
A former girlfriend of Matt's provides a link with catching a notorious killer.
Episode 17
Gunman Will Mannon comes to Dodge, after shooting Festus and taking his mule, to face Matt in a gunfight.
Episode 18
Will Mannon, a sharpshooter who rode with Quantrill's Raiders, terrorizes Dodge City as he waits for Matt to return and face him in a showdown.
Episode 19
A scholarly man in Dodge is actually a former commandant of a Civil War prison camp.
Episode 20
Doc is given the choice of saving the life of a man he saw commit a murder and delivering a baby. He choses to save the man first, and the baby dies in childbirth. The baby's father, Tom Butler blames Doc and plans to get even.
Episode 21
Three bounty hunters hold hostages in the Long Branch to get Matt to turn over a prisoner to them.
Episode 22
Kansas raider Judge Proctor and his men ride into Dodge looking for a man they blame for stealing their land during the war. With Matt out of town, Festus has to try to keep peace and keep the renegades from burning the town.
Episode 23
Festus is escorting wounded prisoner Riley Sharp to Dodge. They are forced to stop at a farmhouse, where Riley's ex-wife and her brutish husband live.
Episode 24
Matt is taking a signed confession paper to a Judge that will hang a man, the man has put a reward on the paper causing two bounty hunters to shoot Matt in an effort to get it. Meanwhile, Matt is taken in by a group of freed slaves heading West, and now being pursued by the hunters.
Episode 25
Steven Downing is being taken to Mathison County to be hung as a murderer. Kitty believing in his innocence does all she can to stop the bounty hunter Jarvis, and finally Bob Mathison from taking him from Dodge.
Episode 26
A friend of Matt's, a former lawman arrives in Dodge to kill the men responsible for his wife's death.
15. Staffel 15 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
Outlaw Yancy Tyce and his outlaw gang try to free Tyce's younger brother now under arrest and being taken to Dodge by Matt.
Episode 2
Former Dodge Marshal Josh Stryker arrives in town just being released from prison for killing a outlaw in cold blood. He holds Matt responsible for the loss of his arm and the years he spent in prison.
Episode 3
Matt is summoned to Coreyville, a run-down cowtown, by a young woman whose brother is on trial for murder.
Episode 4
An old friend of Kitty's learns he is dying comes to Dodge to try to ""go out in style"".
Episode 5
A white woman refuses to accept her half-breed son, who Festus brings to her home wounded and needing help.
Episode 6
Abelia, the young widow who once saved Festus' life, returns. She learns that she isn't a widow when her outlaw husband appears and forces her to exchange his stolen gold for cash.
Episode 7
Matt, his hardened prisoner Charlie Noon, an Indian woman and her white stepson are tracked by the Comanches as they try to cross the desert. The Indians are going to kill all of them unless Matt hands over the woman, because she left the Comanche leader years before.
Episode 8
Festus gets mixed up with Merry Florene and her hillbilly clan again as they try to hide a moonshining still and a stolen prize bull in the cellar of the local school.
Episode 9
Louie Pheeters is found at the scene of a murder, the dying man's last words implicate the town alcoholic, who is too drunk to remember what he had just seen.
Episode 10
Festus acts as guide and driver for a Eastern missionary teacher on route to her first assignment. The only problem is trying to stay ahead of a murderous hillbilly family following them and planning a ambush.
Episode 11
In an attempt to help his blind daughter, farmer Ben Hurley steals horses for an outlaw gang. Deputy Newly O'Brien arrives at his farm investigating, followed by the outlaws.
Episode 12
Ex-guman Jake MacGraw arrives in Dodge after spending 20 years in prison. The townspeople think he has come for revenge.
Episode 13
Amos Sadler, a dirt farmer faces the loss of his home when a panic closes down the Dodge City bank. To save it he and his wife plan to break into it and steal some money.
Episode 14
Episode 15
Sergeant Holly, a alcoholic loving veteran is getting ready to retire. Just hours before it, a Apache prisoner in his custody escapes with Kitty as a hostage, forcing the Sergeant to go AWOL to get the prisoner back.
Episode 16
An orphan steals from Matt but could risk his own life when he tries to help out in an ambush.
Episode 17
The feund between Noah Haimes and Clete Bloden gets very bad as romance begins between Haime's son & Bloden's daughter.
Episode 18
Doc Adams's old friend is thought to be a thief.
Episode 19
Kitty leaves Dodge City after seeing Matt hurt again.
Episode 20
After a Bank teller tries to foil a bank robber the bank teller takes some money which could cause trouble.
Episode 21
Matt must rescue a teenage girl from indians and bring her back to her family.
Episode 22
A friend of Newly's is about the victim of a con game.
Episode 23
With Matt out helping the Army deliver a gold shipment, Dodge is wide open for Morgan and his men to come in with a Gatlin gun and take over. Breaking into the Long Branch, Morgan is helping himself to whiskey when Kitty shoots him hitting him in the shoulder and the face. With Matt and the gold on the way and Morgan sitting with a big gun and a fever and a crazy streak from the permanent scar he's gonna have, Dodge can only wait to see what comes next.
Episode 24
Sam takes a special interest in Eric Tabray, who is running around in a gang committing crimes in Dodge.
Episode 25
An ex-convict wants revenge against the partner that ran out on him.
Episode 26
After an outlaw becomes a victim of his own gang he tries to Matt bring in the gang that made him a victim.
16. Staffel 16 (24 Episoden)
Episode 1
After a friend of Matt's dies he goes to New Mexico to find the killer.
Episode 2
Kitty is held hostage so Matt will rescue her in ghost town.
Episode 3
Adam, the son of one Dodge City's revered citizens returns. But upon arriving someone takes a shot at him. The man who shot him, is Stark, a bounty hunter. It seems that Adam was in jail in Texas and broke out, Stark found him and is planning to take him back. Adam then tells him that he can get $1000 to pay him if they go to his father. Stark accepts. But when he goes to his father, his father refuses to help him. But Adam's sister, Glory, does. However, Stark feels that it's not enough, he tells Adam that he thinks that his father has five thousand on hand and tells him that's what it'll take. Adam refuses. When Stark goes to see Adam's father, he threatens Stark and reveals that after Adam stopped writing his sister for money he hired some detectives and they found him shortly after he broke out of jail. He then proceeds to pay Stark off but Adam upon learning of this refuses to let Stark leave with the money. Matt arrives and arrests Stark. Adam then goes to tell his father that he
Episode 4
Doc Adams feels that Sam McTavish (who is a woman Doctor) may replace him.
Episode 5
A Baron may give Matt trouble because he won't let Matt put his sons in jail because of a crime they committed.
Episode 6
Matt is trapped with passengers on a train.
Episode 7
Matt is trapped with passengers on a train.
Episode 8
A wounded outlaw comes to Dodge City to find his daughter before his death.
Episode 9
After a yong man kills a gunfighter he become the victim of publicity.
Episode 10
In order for a black man to save his life he must say that indians held up a wagon train.
Episode 11
A family is held hostage so they can't testify at the trial of a killer.
Episode 12
Matt has two problems he tries to arrest an outlaw then he must try to free the hostage.
Episode 13
A bandit who is wanted by Matt hides from him.
Episode 14
Sgt Holly has stolen an army payroll and is framed for it.
Episode 15
Episode 16
A Captain of the sea wants to live Dodge City.
Episode 17
Festus comes back from a shootout and can't tell the story well.
Episode 18
Festus becomes a rich man.
Episode 19
A convict returns to Dodge City to get a woman back.
Episode 20
A former lawman tries to go after a gang of outlaws and gets a shock of his own.
Episode 21
Cleavus think he could be rich, but he soon finds fool's gold in the mine.
Episode 22
Matt is saved by a cowhand from an ambush. Matt then gets to do a favor for the cowhand.
Episode 23
Sally Fergus, called by many in Dodge ""Dirty Sally"" finds young wounded outlaw, Cyrus Pike at her home and nurses him back to health. His partners in a robbery are searching for him and their stolen loot.
Episode 24
17. Staffel 17 (24 Episoden)
Episode 1
Kitty is in a stage wreck and dazed and confused she sets out in the wild. Meeting up with a wild girl who does not speak, she winds up at a shack where a family takes her and the wild girl hostage. Intent on turning the child into a sideshow, they tie Kitty up but are stopped before they can get too far.
Episode 2
After convict wants to kill a man he has never seen before after he gets out of prison.
Episode 3
Matt helps a young boy find his mom while finding an outlaw.
Episode 4
Matt helps a young boy find his mom while finding an outlaw.
Episode 5
Dr. Chapman is arrested by Festus when he tries to sleep in Doc's office even though he has explained that Doc went to Baltimore to hone his medical skills. A letter explains that Doc felt so badly about a little girl's death that he could have prevented if he had been more in tune with modern medicine, that he had to leave. Not many in town are very cordial to Dr. Chapman and when Newly's shop blows up with Newly and Festus in it, they dislike him even more. Festus is all right, but Newly has a bone splinter in his brain and needs an operation. Chapman wins the town by performing the operation and saving Newly's life.
Episode 6
Ma Colter tries to dissuade her youngest son from following his older brothers into a life of crime.
Episode 7
Matt is out to find a gunfigther who killed two people.
Episode 8
A former Marshall helps Matt by filling in for Matt, after he is wounded and sent to bed so he can rest.
Episode 9
A jury has the fate of a mountain man in it's hands.
Episode 10
While trying to hide from a storm Festus finds old Indian is about to die. Festus keeps trying to stop the indian from dying.
Episode 11
Drago wants to find the person who killed a woman who helped him.
Episode 12
A hidecutter starts trouble in the Long Branch and Matt comes to the rescue throwing him out of town. When Festus goes up to fetch Dr. Chapman, he finds the old scudder there himself. Offering to buy Doc a drink, he can't resist and they surprise everyone down at the Long Branch. While they are all excited to see Doc, Matt is out checking the town and ends up shot in the back by the hidecutter he just threw out. Doc's homecoming is ruined when he realizes that if he tries to remove the bullet he could paralyze Matt and he doesn't want to be the one to do it. So, he contacts a surgeon in Denver, and loading Matt in the baggage car of the train, Kitty, Doc, Festus, and Newly all head for Denver along with a Federal gold shipment.
Episode 13
As the train moves along to Denver we meet several passengers. One is a Pinkerton man handcuffed to Beth Tilton, a woman who doesn't want to go back to Colorado to her husband. The other, Allie Dawson, is a young girl that Newly befriends who does not believe in violence. The train is taken over by Jack Sinclair, an old enemy of Matt's. Matt had shot his hand off before sending him to prison. Making it look like Matt is a dead body in the baggage car, he is safe for now with Doc standing guard, but it can't last long. Kitty senses trouble when Beth starts cozying up to Jack Sinclair and worries she'll tell him what she knows. Warning her that she'll do anything for her man, Kitty watches Beth like a hawk. Festus and Newly are forced to help load the gold shipment on the wagon and when they get it loaded they end up driving off with it luring the gang out on foot to chase them. Beth tells one of the guards about Dillon in the back, and he goes to kill him.
Episode 14
The conclusion to this three parter. Dillon kills the guard that was gunning for him and the passengers take the train back over. The only problem, all the fuel has been destroyed so they have to get more fast. Festus and Newly are still out with the gold leading the men from the train on foot. Dillon's legs are numb and Doc has no choice but to operate whether he cripples him or not. Leaving the gold shipment and taking the mules, Newly and Festus head back to the train to try to get it going. Sinclair has the men push the wagon back to the train and gets there in time to keep it from taking off. Beth tells Sinclair about Matt Dillon, but Dillon's faster than a gun even lying down and ends up killing him. The train takes off leaving the bad guys and all their gold sitting at the tracks with no way to get anywhere.
Episode 15
The meanest outlady in the US is coming to Dodge, at least that's what Festus has heard, but it's really Emma Grundy out to retrieve her seven orphans from Titus Spangler and take them back to the orphanage where they belong. The town finds it ludicrous that these children have never had a Christmas and plan on putting one on in the Long Branch. The problem arises when Mrs. Grundy arrives, and she has her own personal reasons for not giving the children Christmas. Kitty steps in to solve the problem single handedly and ends up messing things up worse than they were.
Episode 16
Ben Justin must try and clear his name of false charges.
Episode 17
After Matt is hurt, He makes friends who must help him stay alive.
Episode 18
Newly falls in love with a woman who could put him in danger, once her past is known.
Episode 19
Lucius's daughter wants her dad locked up so she and Tom can have the estate. Judge Broker thinks Mr. Prince is sane and Mr. Prince proves he can be a dad.
Episode 20
A former gunfighter returns to Dodge which worries Matt because Howard Cane was the one to survive the rage war. Can Matt stop him before more trouble comes to Dodge?
Episode 21
A drifter wants to marry the rich family's daughter
Episode 22
A man gets shot, loses his memory, and gets taken in by a lonely woman
Episode 23
Festus is mistaken for a killer.
Episode 24
A father disapproves of the man her daughter marries.
18. Staffel 18 (24 Episoden)
Episode 1
Matt is tracked, with bad intent, along a river gorge by a gang of villains while in custody of one of the gang and $24,000 of their money. Escaping the gang by jumping into the river, Matt is rescued by two kids, brother & sister on a raft, and floats downriver with adventures galore.
Episode 2
Matt is tracked, with bad intent, along a river gorge by a gang of villains while in custody of one of the gang and $24,000 of their money. Escaping the gang by jumping into the river, Matt is rescued by two kids, brother & sister on a raft, and floats downriver with adventures galore.
Episode 3
A faith-healer comes to Dodge. Doc is skeptical.
Episode 4
A guy comes to Dodge for revenge on a guy who might just deserve it.
Episode 5
Daniel Shay comes to Dodge City as a drummer who peddles rat traps as a way of making money. While Daniel continues to look for buyers of his rat traps, he sees a Cheyenne boy stealing a horse. As he looks on memories of a battle at Rock Creek return. While having dinner with Sarah Morgan Mr. Shay wonders about Jimmy Morgan's father who died in the Rock Creek massacre, Sarah mentions that the cavalry ran him down.
Episode 6
While trying to catch an outlaw (by riding to the outlaw's hideout) Matt runs into Sarah where she wonders if Matt ever wed. We find that Matt was a deputy in San Antonio. Sarah later tells the group she married Charlie Jackson (Matt) days ago. Charlie Jackson was somebody Sarah knew. Charlie tries to get the outlaws to stop hurting Sarah, Charlie begins to find out of plan that may cause trouble. Sarah later tells Matt that she loves him, but learns that those feelings are not going to return. We find out Matt is after someone who gave him four days in jail. Sarah is forced to Vesco why Charlie Jackson is back in Mexico, because one of Vesco's men knows Charlie Jackson is dead. Sarah tells Matt to leave, but Matt tries to protect Sarah.
Episode 7
Doc Adams comes into The Long Branch just in time to stop Festus from telling one of his long stories, Doc tells of how his day began and then rest before a baby has to be delivered. Now Doc and Festus have to treat the outlaws younger brother. Festus goes to get Matt as Doc is now left alone to treat the victim. The outlaws are ready for their brother to ride Doc warns that if moved the brother could die. Matt gets there in time to find that Doc is fine, but Festus is bleeding bad. The outlaws brother is dead. Doc tries to get the bullet out of Festus who is weak. One of the Stalcup outlaws comes back to get his brother Danny. Festus turns out fine only to drive Doc crazy!
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
An ex-gunfighter is dying. He must reconcile with the daughters he abandoned, and wants to be buried next to his wife, who is buried in a town that hates him
Episode 11
Matt seen in Doc's office as he tries to asks a farmer how he was shot, the farmer can't say how he was hurt. Lamoor Underwood wants the water on the dead farmer's ground to run free, Pete Brown sets out to make sure that happens. Clarabelle is asked to leave her land because somebody wants the water rights. Pete Brown is shot for trying to help Clarabelle and other farmers. Matt tries to get Underwood to work with the farmers over water rights. Matt arrests Pete Brown but doesn't want to leave. Matt is hit in the back of the head because he knew Pete's real name. Matt takes Pete under arrest.
Episode 12
One psychotic brother is after Kitty to avenge his brother's death.
Episode 13
The greatest bad-guy character actor of our time, William Smith, plays Jude Bonner, a bad guy who kidnaps, brutalizes, and shoots Miss Kitty in retaliation for his brother having been caught by Matt Dillon and hung for his crimes. Probably for the first time in seventeen years of Gunsmoke, Dillon takes off his marshal's badge before going after Bonner, with the intent of killing him.
Episode 14
A man neglects his family in favor of raising his prize possession: a race horse
Episode 15
A midget arrives in Dodge City claiming he will turn into an elephant at the stroke of midnight. Arizona begins asking for someone to care for him along with three bales of hay. Everyone finds the story a bit far fetched.
Episode 16
Two outlaws head back to Dodge City to visit their mother who doesn't trust her son's. Who claim to want to work the farm and take care of their mother. They intend to take their mother's money along with Doc.
Episode 17
Boone Shadler kills a guard and comes to a stricken town as a priest to keep from been caught by the law. Newly rides into town to try an help take care of sick people. Newly helps take care of Cyrus Himes who is dying. Newly thinks people may have gotten sick because of drinking bad water. Newly test the water to find out what is in it, Matt gets a wire (letter) saying a sheriff released a prisoner 5 days ago. Matt wonders why Newly didn't return to Dodge with the prisoner. Newly wonders if the priest is who he says after seeing Sadler look for a Bible. Sadler tells Dallas Fair he is a convict and that Dallas should go with him.
Episode 18
Newly falls in love with a woman he met while tending the injured after a tornado. It doesn't take him long to decide to ask to marry her. Doc notes an odd bruise on her arm and her lack of energy. After an exam he wars with his conscience over whether to tell Patricia that she's got a rare blood disorder. He tells Kitty, Matt, and Newly before he marries her. She dies shortly after in Newly's arms and prompts Newly to go back to studying medicine.
Episode 19
Matt comes back to Dodge City after capturing a prisoner he has been following for two days straight. Kitty is upset with Matt for not attending a lunch. To make up for the mistake Matt asks her out for dinner.
Episode 20
A former lawman that Dillon put out of business years earlier comes back with a group of men to gun him down. Since Dillon is out of town, they settle in at the Long Branch to play poker and wait. Kitty does the only thing she can do. She bets the entire town's wealth and Matt's life against the outlaw's hand.
Episode 21
Matt runs into his former mentor Adam Kimbro and decides to build his self-confidence by deputizing him as a Deputy Marshal.
Episode 22
Festus runs into Jesse Dillard who is wanted for shooting a black man. Festus wants to find out more and take his friend to prison.
Episode 23
Talbot falls in love Katherine after shooting her husband in self-defense. Katherine wants to learn more about Talbot. Katherine learns of Talbot's plans to rob the bank, she puts her life in danger by telling Talbot she will leave him if he robs the bank.
Episode 24
Matt asks a Russian family to identify three men who dragged their son away. Matt tries to convince Moshe Gorofsky to give his testimony as to how his son died, he isn't sure American laws will protect him. According to Russian law Mr. Gorfsky can't testify in court as to how his son died. He isn't sure if the evidence is strong enough to convict those who killed his son. Gearshon tries to convince his father to let the American judicial system do the job of figuring out who killed his brother.
19. Staffel 19 (24 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
When we left the end of part 1: Matt was stopped by indians who wanted to team up with Matt and share food Matt continues to help Marcy and Stella and finds her gone. Stella would rather go home on her own Meanwhile Cynthia and Britt help each other. Matt tells Stella to look for landmarks. Britt wants to leave slave trading behind. Cynthia and Britt try and leave to freedom Blue Jacket is shot and lets Britt and Cynthia go. Later Cynthia is trapped after spotting Matt she stabs Britt and runs to Matt and soon is dead because Britt didn't want anything said. Marcy is taken home to her Grandpa and yells for Stella to stay with her.
Episode 3
A wounded Matt Dillon suffers amnesia then falls in love with a widow. Matt's first TV kiss, not to Miss Kitty, but to guest star Michael Learned.
Episode 4
Ron Moody guest stars as a man torn between keeping his own self-respect and the friendship of a young boy or keeping his drunken promise to help two hired gunmen.
Episode 5
A gunfighter wants to forget his past... and wants everyone else to forget it too. Unfortunately for him, this is not easy to accomplish...
Episode 6
Kitty and Matt are off for St. Louis, until Matt is summoned back on business. Upset with him, Kitty sets off for herself meeting a gunslinger on the stage who ends up saving her life. He goes back to Dodge with her and proceeds to court her. Kitty has a hard decision. Leave Matt after 18 years of a relationship or stay with Stambridge.
Episode 7
James Stacy stars as a roguish thief who's long on charm but a bit short on ethics. His real test of character comes on a long, adversity-plagued journey to Dodge with his captor Festus.
Episode 8
Bear Sanderson tells his wife Cora is coming home but Mrs. Sanderson is unhappy because she hates her marriage Bear whishes his wife dead He soon finds his wish true. Festus is getting deputies to help with the renegades, Doc Adams tells Cora that her home is gone and her mom has died. Cora asks how her mom died, Newly continues to track the renegades, Matt tells Bear he is sorry for what happened. Matt warns Bear not take the into his own hands because he wants the Indians dead for killing his wife. Cora wants her dad to let the law handle the raids. Matt hires a lawyer to defend the Indians in jail but doesn't want to take the case, Cora talks to Cicero Wolfe to take the case but he still won't take it. Matt feels that Bear let him down. Baer brings up the time when Kitty was shot and took off his badge and went to find Kitty's attackers alone with hurting Dodge. Mr. Wolfe takes the case only to tell Matt that he is an Indian and says the case is a sham.
Episode 9
Mr. Wolfe has taken the case and said it was sham, Matt offers to protect the lawyer. Cora feels lied to because she didn't know Mr. Wolfe was an indian. Cicero wolfe continues his after defense lawyer objects to the facts proving nothing. Cora feels that the case could hurt her dad no matter how the case ends. Cora feels her dad drove his wife to her death.Mr. Wolfe rests his case. Bear realizes that what Cora said was right and still loves her. Mr. Wolfe asks for a friend and says he always loved her.
Episode 10
Dillon forces an alcoholic Circuit Judge to hold an inquest into the death of a woman saloon owner which had resulted in the lynching of an innocent drifter.
Episode 11
Newly trying to save a hillbilly's life by inserting a tube in their throat loses his patent causing the family members to plan to execute him.
Episode 12
Nellie and Susan get ready to leave for St. Louis when Matt brings a prisoner to be treated for a wound he got while robing a bank. Susan wants to leave for St. Louis right away. Susan worries she and Nellie may never leave because of her love for the prisoner. Mr. Boswell asks Nellie to marry him. Susan puts a stop to Nellie getting married.
Episode 13
Billy comes back to Dodge because he has trouble finding anyone to listen to his stories and visit Festus who is a friend of his. Billy retarded and tells Festus a riddle and the answer given isn't funny to Billy, Doc tells Festus that Billy has the mind of a seven or eight year old and needs better care. Billy sees a man hurting a cat and almost kills the man, not knowing that what he did was wrong Matt and Festus talk to Judge Brooker and Festus becomes a guardian to Billy. When a deer is shot for food Billy attacks Festus. Festus has a hard time trying to make Billy understand why the deer was shot. Doc tells Festus to take Billy back to where he came from but finds that hard to do. They go to the place Doc suggested and Billy gets worried about the noises inside the place. Festus tells Billy he is going to kill rabbits for dinner and try to give Billy a taste of life. Matt, Doc & Festus find Billy telling kids stories at an orphan's home.
Episode 14
Lew Harrod rides to Dodge looking for Doc Adams but learn he is out Newly goes to help but finds that the boy's mom doesn't newly to help. Newly tries to have the parent's take the baby to Dodge, the mom doesn't like the medicine Newly wants to use, and the dad is a wanted man. The dad is angry because he didn't know Newly is a deputy. Harrod trusts newly and his wife doesn't want to go to Dodge because she knows Newly might bring men to take husband away. Makesha takes the baby to her people after Newly asks them to go to Dodge under the oath doctors take that way Newly can't say anything about her husband.
Episode 15
Matt and a fellow lawman go after a vicious family of robbers and killers.
Episode 16
An old safe cracker is set free and he comes back to Dodge to find his former lady love. When two men looking to steal a lot of money come to town and approach him about unlocking the safe at the station, he accepts their proposal, sort of.
Episode 17
Matt and Luke come to restore order to a town and hide their badge as walk in a bar. They find out that it will be hard work. Luke runs into a woman that he once loved Caleb wants Luke as his dad. Luke is told to go after the woman he loves and take her back. Luke wonders if being a Marshal is a good idea, he marries Caleb's mom and is told men are coming to the café to keep the town from dying. Matt returns with Festus and Newly to help out. Luke is leaving his job as Marshal.
Episode 18
After being forced to shoot a man who is breaking up the Long Branch, Matt goes off to be alone only to find a young girl and a newborn in a cave. Neither she nor her parents want the child, and they send it with Matt. Matt finds the only logical choice, Miss Kitty, to deposit the baby with till something can be done with it. Matt decides to give it to the widow of the man he just killed but doesn't realize that Kitty is willing to sell the Long Branch to keep the baby for herself.
Episode 19
William Talley, a gunfighter is hired by a farmer's collition in Dodge to kill rancher Shaw Anderson, their main obstickle in taking over the land.
Episode 20
Sarah takes her class on picnic trip to enjoy nature but is attacked by Mr. Stokes who is drunk and will have a baby but doesn't know yet and has hidden the secret. Doc tells her but she doesn't believe him. Mr. Pruitt and his son Lester love her. Carl feels hurt that he couldn't tell Sarah he would love the baby anyway. Carl goes to jail for not telling Matt why he fought Mr. Stokes. Sarah doesn't want to help Carl get out of jail because she was attacked and wants to leave Dodge.
Episode 21
Buck Henry Woolf is on the trail of his uncle, who killed his father, stole their money, and wounded him. Festus is on the same mission and also to stop the young man from taking the law into his own hands.
Episode 22
Jack Albertson plays a former pool player who tries to get some respect back. The men playing with him punch him because they realize he still has the touch to win. Sally's husband wants to use Moses to get money from him for him & Sally. Sally doesn't want her husband to gamble anymore. Sally wants Dave to take her somewhere, Moses uses Dave to get some respect back. Kitty asks some to leave the bar because she feels Moses might get hurt. Sally learns from Dave that he bet their money on another man so Dave can win. Moses hasn't lost his touch and plays for love.
Episode 23
Joan Shepherd wants Anna May to marry Steven Rogers, not Newly or Orlo who is a farmer. Ana May wants to date Newly. Newly drops by to take Anna May for a ride and is told she won't be back for awhile. Orlo fights Newly over Anna May, Orlo hits his head on the wagon causing him to lose his memory.
Episode 24
When a lawman's gun arm is shot up, he's essentially a sitting duck. That's what Matt figures when his ability to shoot again is in doubt. So, he leaves the badge and Dodge behind as well as Kitty, Festus, Doc, and Newly. Like vultures circling, outlaws start coming in to gun Dillon down. But, Dillon is out and about and a new marshal is in town. He meets a young man who is handy with a gun but refuses to shoot any living creature even if it were for his own life. Circumstances prove to both men that sometimes responsibility to duty requires more than just the ability to shoot.
20. Staffel 20 (24 Episoden)
Wakefields Wahn
A mountain family in an attempt to avenge the death of one of their own capture Matt.
Auf Rechnung der Armee
A group of bandits attempt to rob a town while masquerading as soldiers.
Gewehre für Cibola Blanco (1)
Doc and fellow stage passenger, Lyla are captured by renegade comancheros.
Gewehre für Cibola Blanco (2)
Matt, Festus and Newly attempt to rescue Doc and Lyla from Shindrow's camp.
Und Alles für zwölf Dollar
Matt houses a drunk Will & Friends in the jail they go looking for $300 that they think Bill took. Matt thinks it was a misunderstanding. Will doesn't want to tell Matt that they shot Curly Wills (They buried him before going to Dodge. Doak stops to see his girlfriend and says marriage will need to wait, as Will & Quincy leaves without Doak Quincy and the storekeepers are shot.
Der Raub der Saloongirls
Jed Hockett(Harry Morgan), a farmer, orders his three boys to go to town and return with prospective brides.
Episode 7
Matt and former lawman now turned alcoholic, Chauncey Demon go up against land baron Carl Ryker.
Episode 8
A series of seemingly random killings have the citizens of Dodge City in near panic, but Dillon believes they are part of a pattern in which Doc is slated to be the next target.
Episode 9
Matt's friend, Sheriff Harker runs his town ruthlessly, punishing anyone disobeying him.
Episode 10
Matt is frustrated by Judge Kendall's insistence that the letter of the law be maintained, which could result in Emmett Kaysinger and his boys, all known outlaws, be set free unless there is solid evidence to hold them for a double murder and robbery they committed.
Episode 11
Festus, in the desert hunting escaped killer Gard Dixon is wounded by the outlaw. He is found by Ben Snow, a half-crazy hermit who has been living in the desert with his gold for many years.
Episode 12
While Matt and Newly hunt for Festus, Ben Snow and Festus attempt to haul his gold out of the desert.
Episode 13
Lee J. Cobb and his daughter Julie Cobb appear together for the first time when Cobb guest-stars as a once-proud military officer who is suddenly faced with a painful and unplanned reunion with his daughter.
Episode 14
Fleeing from both Matt Dillon and his double-crossed partners, outlaw Gristy Calhoun discovers that his survival in the badlands depends on an Indian woman.
Episode 15
A farmer comes by and asks Sharp where is cow is, Matt tells the milk cow owner that he has no proof to arrest ""the hiders."" The farmer wants to go after them himself. Matt tells the men that will leave Dodge if anyone else complains. Dink escapes from Carp after being hurt, Festus finds Dink and treats his wounds. Dink tells Festus he likes waking up in the morning, Martha warns Dink to watch for Carp. Carp asks Dink to help kill Festus.
Episode 16
Newly finds himself in a strange alliance with a professional killer as he tries to return to Dodge City with his prisoner (Jaeckel) before they are both killed by a trio of bounty hunters.
Episode 17
Henry Decory is a schoolteacher who makes a strong statement for compulsory education for frontier children as a stubborn father feels that books and education are a waste of time and tries to keep his son Tommy out of school.
Episode 18
Matt takes a young orphan Bessie Sutherland after her parents were killed on the prairie, to live with her Aunt Rachel. Rachel tells Matt that because of the devastating experiences that she has had, does not want to take in her niece, besides she wants to sell her land.
Episode 19
Farmer Jed Hackett (Harry Morgan) decides it's time for his three sons marry the women they brought back from Dodge City.
Episode 20
Matt Dillon is sentenced to life imprisonment of hard labor for shooting a fugitive in the town of Bedrock.
Episode 21
Festus is caught in the middle when an Eastern preacher (David Wayne) wants to build a church for the Indians and the townspeople to share, but by all of whom that are filled with prejudice.
Episode 22
Two bronco busters try to raise money for a ranch in Montana, only to have the dream ruined when one of them gets a death threatening head injury when thrown off by a wild stallion.
Episode 23
Manolo (Robert Urich)is a Basque youth who is not recognized as a man in the eyes of his people because he refuses to fight his father Alejo (Nehemiah Persoff), a traditional Basque custom to prove one's manhood.
Episode 24
A comedy of errors puts Festus behind a plow, farming for a family of shiftless sharecroppers.