Coco, der neugierige Affe

SERIE • 15 Staffeln • Animation, Familie, Komödie • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2006


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Wer streamt "Coco, der neugierige Affe"

Coco ist ein niedlicher und furchtbar neugieriger junger Schimpanse. Ted ist der Mann mit dem gelben Hut und Cocos bester Freund. Er unterstützt Coco mit viel Geduld und Verständnis bei seinen turbulenten Entdeckungstouren. Wo immer der neugierige Affe auftaucht, hinterlässt er Spuren. Er schließt Freundschaften und seine Neugier bringt ihn oft in heikle Situationen.

Wo läuft "Coco, der neugierige Affe"?

"Coco, der neugierige Affe" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
MagentaTV, Videoload, Joyn Plus.

Curious George
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Jeff Bennett, Rino Romano, Jim Cummings, Rob Paulsen, Kath Soucie, Elizabeth Daily, Annie Mumolo, Frank Welker, Debi Derryberry


1. Staffel 1 (60 Episoden)
Coco ist ein niedlicher und furchtbar neugieriger junger Schimpanse. Ted ist der Mann mit dem gelben Hut und Cocos bester Freund. Er unterstützt Coco mit viel Geduld und Verständnis bei seinen turbulenten Entdeckungstouren. Wo immer der neugierige Affe auftaucht, hinterlässt er Spuren. Er schließt Freundschaften und seine Neugier bringt ihn oft in heikle Situationen.
Ein stürmischer Tag
Es ist ein stürmischer Tag auf dem Lande. Coco möchte draußen im Wind spielen. Da sieht er Bill mit einem Drachen. Nun möchte er nichts anderes mehr, als auch einen Drachen steigen lassen. Als Coco einen Moment auf den Drachen aufpassen soll, probiert er das Spielzeug aus und fliegt mit ihm in den Himmel. Zum Glück holt ihn Ted da wieder runter. Aber Cocos Traum, einmal mit den Vögeln zu fliegen, ist wahr geworden.
Coco, der Wissenschaftler
Coco bekommt keine Cannoli, weil Appetito, der italienische Restaurantbesitzer, deprimiert ist. Er verdächtigt seine Katze Gnocchi, alle Sitze im Restaurant zerkratzt zu haben. Aber Coco findet nach langen wissenschaftlichen Studien heraus, dass es nicht die Katze war. Da ist Appetito wieder glücklich und kocht für alle Cannoli.
Der Vogel mit dem Ring
Auf dem Balkon sitzt eine Taube. Die Taube interessiert sich für den Affen Coco - so ein Tier hat sie noch nie gesehen. Und Coco interessiert sich für die Taube. Er möchte, dass sie bleibt und bastelt ihr einen Baum. Doch dann lernt er, dass es eine Brieftaube ist, die ein ganz anderes Zuhause braucht. Trotzdem wird ihn die Taube weiter besuchen.
Die gute Tat
Ted verspricht Frau Professor Weisheit, ihr Manuskript auf Fehler zu überprüfen. Beim Gemüsehändler lässt Ted es aus Versehen liegen. Doch Coco findet es und bekommt eine Belohnung. Nun will er weitere gute Taten vollbringen, um noch mehr Belohnungen zu bekommen. So läuft er der Paketfrau hinterher und sammelt alle Päckchen wieder ein, die sie austrägt. Er glaubt, sie habe sie aus Versehen liegen lassen und vergessen.
Ein Dutzend Donuts
Ted erklärt Coco die Bedeutung der Zahl Null. Eine Null macht zum Beispiel aus einer Eins eine Zehn und eine weitere Null daraus eine Hundert und so weiter. Als Coco ein Dutzend Donuts in der Bäckerei kaufen soll, schreibt er einfach noch ein paar Nullen hinter die Eins. Als Folge werden Tausende von Donuts geliefert, die Coco alle ordentlich in der Wohnung versteckt.
Der neue Teppich
Ted hat für das Haus auf dem Lande einen neuen Teppich gekauft. Als er noch andere Besorgungen macht, hüpft Coco mit seinem Traubensaft auf dem schönen Teppich herum und es passiert, was passieren muss: Ein großer Fleck ist auf dem neuen Teppich. Nun muss er den Teppich reinigen, bevor Ted wieder zurückkommt. Dabei setzt er bald die ganze Wohnung unter Wasser.
Der Boots-Wettbewerb
Es findet der Modellboot-Wettbewerb statt. Coco hat noch nie so viele tolle Boote gesehen. Als Bill noch einmal weg muss, darf Coco auf sein Boot aufpassen. Coco kann sich nicht zurückhalten und lässt es zu Wasser. Doch es geht unter. Daraufhin baut der schlaue Affe selbst ein originelles Boot. Als Bill wiederkommt kann er mit Cocos Hilfe sein Boot reparieren, und die beiden Freunde treten mit ihren Modellen beim Wettbewerb an.
Coco auf Rollschuhen
Coco soll für einen Spielzeugladen mit Rollschuhen Reklame laufen. Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten hat er die Sache im Griff. Doch dann trifft er den Hund Hektor, der sich auch Rollschuhe anschnallt. Dummerweise ist Hektor nicht so begabt und rast unaufhaltbar durch die Stadt.
Coco und die Kuckuksuhr
Frau Professor Weisheit hat eine wunderschöne Kuckucksuhr gebaut. Aus der kommen zu jeder vollen Stunde ein Vögelchen und lustige kleine Männchen heraus. Coco ist begeistert. Als er für einen Moment auf die Uhr aufpassen soll, will er seiner Freundin, der Brieftaube Kompass, die Männchen zeigen. Doch irgendwie geht alles schief und die Uhr funktioniert nicht mehr. Da muss sich Coco etwas einfallen lassen.
Wo sind die Kanichen?
Coco ist mit Ted aufs Land gefahren. Als er den Nachbarsjungen Bill im Garten besucht, zeigt der ihm seinen neuen Kaninchenstall. Da Bill noch mal weg muss, soll Coco auf die Kaninchen aufpassen. Darüber freut sich der Affe, öffnet aber verbotenerweise den Stall. Natürlich springen alle sieben Kaninchen aus dem Stall und Coco hat Mühe, sie wieder einzufangen. Mit List gelingt es ihm aber, eins nach dem anderen in den Stall zu verfrachten.
Der Schlabber-Zauber-Topf
Heute geht Coco verschiedenen Gerüchen nach. Sie führen ihn in Appetitos Küche. Der Koch ist in Aufregung, weil eine strenge Restaurantkritikerin zu Gast ist. Als Coco allein in der Küche ist, schmeißt er verschiedene Dinge in einen Kochtopf. Er stellt fest, dass sie sich verändern, wenn sie gekocht werden. Als die Restaurantkritikerin in die Küche kommt, will sie Cocos "Eintopf" probieren. Wird ihr Cocos Gericht schmecken?
Coco ganz mutig
Der mutige kleine Affe soll die vielen Fenster eines Hochhauses reinigen. Er soll aber unter keinen Umständen neugierig in die Zimmer schauen. Natürlich kann Coco sich nicht zurückhalten und entdeckt ein Zimmer mit merkwürdigen Schattentieren. Um sie sich genauer anzusehen, klettert er in den Raum. Coco hat die Idee, die Schattentiere gleich richtig an die Wände zu malen. Sein Dschungel-Zoo sorgt natürlich für Aufregung.
Das Paket-Durcheinander
Hektor ist ein ordentlicher Dackel. Er hilft seinem Herrchen, dem Portier in Cocos Wohnhaus, bei der Arbeit. Als der Portier mal kurz weg muss, hält der Dackel die Stellung. Coco leistet ihm Gesellschaft. Da wird eine große Lieferung wertvoller, signierter Bälle für einen Hausbewohner bei Hektor abgegeben. Zu Hektors Leidwesen packt Coco die Pakete aus und spielt mit den verschiedenen Bällen. Doch bald sieht Coco seinen Irrtum ein.
Coco geht verloren
Coco und Ted machen einen Ausflug aufs Land und treffen dort Frau Renkins, die ihre Küken sucht. Während Ted der Bäuerin bei der Suche hilft, soll Coco die Enten füttern. Dazu legt sich Coco am Fluss auf ein Floß. Doch er wird abgetrieben, und als er endlich wieder an Land treibt, weiß er nicht mehr den Weg zurück. Da hat er eine gute Idee: Er malt eine Landkarte. So findet er nicht nur seinen Weg zurück, sondern auch noch die Küken.
Der unsichtbare Gast
Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, bereitet eine Ausstellung für "Die Freunde der Natur" vor. Mit Rekorder und Mikrophon soll Coco dafür verschiedene Tiergeräusche aufnehmen. Das geht ganz einfach, bis er auf einmal ein merkwürdiges Geräusch hört und das dazugehörige Tier nirgendwo finden kann. Coco sucht überall, bis er eine Grille im Haus findet. Das Zirpen einer einzigen Grille im Haus kann einem den Schlaf rauben.
Coco, der Verpackungskünstler
Ted kommt mit einem Paket nach Hause. Coco ist neugierig und würde das Paket am liebsten sofort auspacken, aber es ist für Frau Professor Weisheit. Coco möchte zu gern wissen, was die Verpackung versteckt. In der Wohnung findet er noch andere Dinge, die verpackt sind, zum Beispiel Orangen, Bananen oder Zwiebeln. Aber auch die Wände im Badezimmer sind mit Papier verpackt. Coco freut sich, dass man so viele Dinge auspacken kann.
Die Hundeschau
Coco geht mit Frau Professor Weisheit zu einer Rassehundeschau. Als er zurückkommt soll er Ted genau erzählen, wie viele und was für Hunde er gesehen hat. Doch Coco kann sich nur an drei Hunde erinnern. Kurzerhand läuft er zurück zur Hundeschau und nimmt alle Hunde mit nach Hause, damit sich Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, selbst ein Bild machen kann.
Coco, das Eichhörnchen
Coco beobachtet, wie das Eichhörnchen in der Erde seine Nüsse vergräbt und sich somit einen Vorrat anlegt. Als er auch noch lernt, dass daraus Bäume wachsen können, hat er die schlaue Idee, alle möglichen Dinge einzubuddeln. Alles würde wachsen und sich vermehren. So auch Teds noch unfertige Rede, die er am Abend zu Ehren von Frau Professor Weisheit halten will.
Coco ist mal wieder zu Besuch auf dem Land. Da er noch nie Kaulquappen gesehen hat, tut sein Freund Bill ihm einige in ein Einmachglas. Coco soll sich um sie kümmern und sie genau beobachten, dann wird er auch eine Überraschung erleben. Coco findet aber bald, dass die Tiere mal im See eine Runde schwimmen sollen, um sich auszustrecken. Doch, oh Schreck, nun sind Kaulquappen verschwunden. Zum Glück hat Bill das nicht mitbekommen.
Gemeinsam stark
Coco und Hektor verlaufen sich in der Stadt. Es wird langsam dunkel. Den Weg zurück zu finden gelingt nur, wenn sie zusammenarbeiten. Hektor hat gute Ohren und hört nach Geräuschen. Coco hat ein gutes Gedächtnis und überlegt, ob sie das Geräusch auf ihrem Hinweg gehört hatten. Finden sie gemeinsam den Weg zurück?
Die Tümpelenten
Es hat geregnet, und in der Nähe des Landhauses von Ted und Coco ist ein kleiner Tümpel entstanden. Darin vergnügen sich einige Enten. Langsam und allmählich versickert aber das Wasser, und eine Ente nach der anderen fliegt davon. Coco will aber, dass sie bleiben und dafür sein kleines Schwimmbecken mit Wasser füllen. Doch er muss sich beeilen. Wie soll er nur das viele Wasser so schnell ins Becken bekommen?
Kleine und große Magnete
Coco hat ein schönes Bild gemalt. Ted will es mit Magneten an den Kühlschrank hängen, aber es sind keine mehr da. Darum wollen Ted und Coco bei Frau Professor Weisheit Magnete besorgen. Auf einer Ausstellung im Museum lernt Coco die Bedeutung von Magneten kennen. Doch dabei geht irgendwie sein schönes Bild verloren. Auf der Suche danach landet Coco in einem Kran auf einem Schrottplatz und sieht einen riesigen Magneten.
Der Affen-Doktor
Coco geht zum Arzt. Damit ihm nicht langweilig wird, gibt der Arzt ihm einen Kittel und ein Stethoskop. Nun sieht Coco fast wie ein echter Doktor aus. Da hört er ein geheimnisvolles Geräusch und macht sich auf die Suche nach dessen Quelle. Die Patienten in der Praxis sind froh, dass sich der Affen-Doktor schon mal um sie kümmert. Coco findet heraus, dass das Geräusch mit dem Verschwinden von Dr. Wohltat zusammenhängt.
Auf der Baustelle
Coco soll Blaubeeren kaufen. Ted gibt ihm dafür einen Geldschein. Doch der fliegt in einer Windböe auf eine große Baustelle. Coco rennt seinem Geld, das immer wieder wegfliegt, hinterher. So muss Coco auf den Rohbau klettern, dann wieder runter, und er muss sogar einige der Baumaschinen ausprobieren. Dann stürzt plötzlich der riesige Rohbau ein. Die Aufregung ist groß, doch es stellt sich heraus, dass es nicht Cocos Schuld ist, im Gegenteil.
Allein im Zoo
Coco geht allein in den Zoo, um das Pandabären-Baby zu sehen. Er ist so begeistert, dass er die Zeit vergisst. Als er gehen will, ist niemand mehr im Zoo, und Coco findet nicht den Weg zum Ausgang. Auf der Suche nach einer Tür nach draußen, öffnet er sämtliche Türen, auch die der Tiergehege. Ein großes Tier-Durcheinader entsteht. Doch am Ende gelingt es ihm mit Hilfe eines Wegeplans, die Tiere wieder in ihre Gehege zu sperren.
Charki, der Ausreißer
Coco soll auf Charki, den Hund der Nachbarin aufpassen. Aber der Hund läuft ihm ständig weg. Das findet Coco gar nicht lustig, denn er möchte unbedingt Fußball trainieren. Schließlich spielt er mit Charki gemeinsam Fußball und es macht ihm genauso viel Spaß.
Ein Affe im Weltall
Coco erhält den Auftrag, alleine in einer Rakete zur Raumstation zu fliegen. Er soll den Astronauten dort Nahrungsnachschub und neues Material bringen. Da er ein neugieriges Äffchen ist, öffnet er auf dem Flug sämtliche Behälter und das Forschungsmaterial fliegt schwerelos in der Rakete herum. Ob er es rechtzeitig schafft, die Materialien wieder einzusammeln und die Versorgungsrakete abzuschießen?
Stationsvorsteher Coco
Ted soll Bill vom Bahnhof abholen und nimmt Coco mit. Der kleine Affe, der von seiner Modelleisenbahn begeistert ist, freut sich, endlich einen richtigen Bahnhof zu sehen. Der Stationsvorsteher erklärt Coco wie alles funktioniert und lässt sich von ihm in der Mittagspause vertreten. Das bedeutet, Coco muss die Weichen stellen und die Züge fahrplanmäßig in die richtige Reihenfolge bringen. Doch das ist gar nicht so einfach.
Coco baut einen Staudamm
Coco möchte mit einem kleinen Segelboot im Bach spielen. Aber da sind Biber, die den kleinen Affen nicht in ihrem kleinen Stausee dulden. Darum beschließt Coco, sich selbst einen See mit einem Damm zu stauen. Genauso, wie die Biber es getan haben. Doch das ist gar nicht so einfach.
Verlieren und gewinnen
Coco spielt mit Steve und Betsy Basketball. Um zu gewinnen, müssen viele Bälle in den Korb, das gibt eine hohe Punktzahl. Dann spielen die drei Minigolf, und Coco denkt, dass er in diesem Spiel ebenfalls viele Punkte machen muss, doch hier ist es genau anders herum. Die kleinste Punktzahl gewinnt. Als Coco das Missverständnis erkennt, möchte er am nächsten Tag noch einmal sein Glück versuchen, und baut eine eigene Minigolf-Anlage auf.
Unzählige Sterne
Coco will die Sterne zählen. In der Stadt ist es brütend heiß, und man kann wegen der vielen Lichter leider keine Sterne am Himmel sehen. Coco kann vor Hitze nicht schlafen. Er stellt die Klimaanlage an, obwohl es wegen eines möglichen Stromausfalls verboten ist. Genau in diesem Moment fallen alle Lichter der Stadt aus. War es seine Schuld? Coco hat ein schlechtes Gewissen, aber er kann nun all die Sterne sehen.
Der Preis aus Eis
Coco hilft Apetito in der Küche und bekommt als Dank eine Trophäe aus Eis. Darauf ist er stolz und will sie Ted zeigen. Aber Coco lernt, dass es gar nicht so einfach ist, eine Trophäe aus Eis im Hochsommer bis nach Hause zu tragen.
Der Limonadenverkäufer
Ted erzählt, wie er als Kind einen Limonadenstand eröffnet und sich damit einen Fußball verdient hatte. Da Cocos Fußball kaputt ist, will er es genauso wie Ted machen. Er holt Limonade aus dem Kühlschrank und baut einen Verkaufsstand vor seinem Haus auf. Erst laufen die Geschäfte nicht gut. Doch Coco lernt schnell und macht guten Gewinn mit durstigen Bauarbeitern. Nun hat er Geld, aber keine Limonade mehr Zuhause.
Rot, Grün, Gelb
Mitten auf dem Land wurde eine Ampel montiert. Coco beobachtet das unterschiedliche Verhalten der Autofahrer bei den verschiedenen Ampelfarben: Rot, Grün, Gelb. Rot muss den Fahrern besonders gut gefallen, da sie alle davor stehen bleiben. Grün gefällt ihnen wohl gar nicht, da alle schnell durchfahren. Gelb finden sie nur mittelmäßig, weil sie etwas langsamer fahren. Coco beschließt, die Ampelfarben anders anzuordnen.
Kostenlose Kostproben
Am Süßigkeitenstand eines Kaufhauses soll Coco für kurze Zeit die Verkäuferin vertreten. Aber statt zu verkaufen, verteilt er die Pralinen als kostenlose Kostproben. Das lockt viel Kundschaft an, aber natürlich bringt es kein Geld in die Kasse. Die Verkäuferin ist zunächst enttäuscht, doch als am nächsten Tag die Kundschaft wieder kommt, ändert sich ihre Laune schlagartig.
Coco, der Rettungsaffe
Coco macht einen Besuch bei der Feuerwehr und darf dort wie ein richtiger Feuerwehrmann mithelfen und sogar auf die Einsätze mitfahren. Dabei ist er den Feuerwehrmännern eine große Hilfe: Er rettet den Hund Charki von einem hohen Baum und seine Freundin Kompass, die verwirrte Taube, aus dem Inneren eines Walfischmodells im Museum. So wird Coco zum Glücksbringer der Feuerwehr.
Das perfekte Rezept
Für das Fest der Feuerwehrwache brät Apetito mit Zutaten aus seinem Garten die perfektesten Gemüse-Burger aller Zeiten. Coco soll sie zum LKW bringen, doch leider stellt er sie aus Versehen auf die Ladefläche eines falschen Transporters. Schnell macht Coco, mit Hilfe von Apetitos Aufzeichnungen, neue Burger. Doch leider handelt es sich bei den Aufzeichnungen nicht um das Burger-Rezept, sondern um Apetitos Pläne für die Gartenerweiterung.
Die Monster-Höhle
Coco gelangt in eine Höhle. Ihm ist unheimlich, vor allem als er mit der Taschenlampe riesige Schatten an die Wand zaubert. In der Nacht kommt ein Unwetter und es gibt Stromausfall im Landhaus. Wieder hat Coco Angst. Doch der Mann mit dem Gelben Hut erklärt ihm, wie solche Monster-Schatten entstehen, und dass sie gar nicht gefährlich sind. Ob Coco sich am nächsten Tag noch mal in die Höhle traut?
Der tadellose gelbe Hut
Ted holt seinen gelben Hut aus der Reinigung. Er ist am Abend eingeladen und muss tadellos aussehen. Coco, der Ted begleitet, nimmt nur einmal kurz den Hut und dann passiert es: Der Hut fliegt davon und schon ist ein Loch darin. Coco versucht, das Loch zu flicken, oder aus den verschiedensten Materialien einen neuen gelben Hut zu basteln, doch alles gelingt nicht. Als Ted die Bescherung entdeckt, hat er glücklicherweise eine gute Idee.
Coco macht Bekanntschaft mit Bienen. Und dann sieht er auch noch einen lebendigen Bären. Ted glaubt ihm so lange nicht, bis der Bär in der Nähe des Bienenstockes in Bills Garten auftaucht. Dort versuchen gerade Bill, die Renkins, ein Bienenexperte, eine Gärtnerin und Coco, den Bienenstock aus einem Baum zu entfernen. Da der Bär, das Schleckermaul, ebenfalls Honig liebt, kümmert er sich gern um den Bienenstock.
Die Geburtstags-Überraschungsparty
Frau Quint bereitet eine Geburtstags-Überraschungs-Party für ihren Mann vor. Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, soll Herrn Quint ein Weilchen mit zu sich nehmen und ablenken. Da Ted noch Besorgungen machen muss, soll Coco sich um Herrn Quint kümmern. Nach und nach trudeln vier weitere Geschwister von Herrn Quint ein. Es stellt sich heraus, dass es Fünflinge sind, die logischerweise alle an diesem Tag Geburtstag haben.
Schlamm und Seifenblasen
Coco badet am liebsten mit Springie, seinem Spielzeugfrosch. Doch dann verliert er ihn irgendwie und mag nicht mehr baden. Sein Freund Ted weiß nicht, wieso Coco plötzlich nicht mehr in die Wanne will. All seine Versuche, den kleinen schmutzigen Affen da hinein zu bekommen, scheitern. Während Ted will, dass Coco endlich wieder sauber wird, will Coco endlich seinen Springie wiederfinden.
Auf dem Flughafen
Ted und Coco haben Urlaub und wollen nach Hawaii fliegen. Aber wegen des schlechten Wetters verspätet sich der Abflug. Natürlich bleibt Coco im Flughafen nicht ordentlich auf seinem Platz sitzen. Auf der Suche nach einem kleinen Spielzeugflugzeug, läuft er immer wieder davon. Dabei entdeckt er sehr viel Neues und lernt den aufregenden Flughafen genau kennen. Ted lässt Nerven, weil ständig sein Äffchen verschwunden ist.
Ein verirrter Aal
Herr Quint macht eine kleine Bestandsaufnahme, welche Tiere sich zur Zeit alle im See befinden. Coco darf als Fotograf dabei sein. Dabei entdecken sie einen seltenen Aal. Diesem Aal muss geholfen werden, seinen Weg nach Hause ins offene Meer zu finden. Zunächst versucht das Coco allein, aber dann kommt Bill dazu. Da Coco seinen Freund Bill missversteht, denkt er, Bill wolle den Aal mit zu sich nach Hause nehmen.
Schnee und heißer Kakao
Coco und Ted verbringen den Winter auf dem Land.
Der unsichtbare Verkäufer
Coco möchte unbedingt einen Spielzeugherd haben, aber Ted will ihn nicht kaufen. Also muss Coco sich das Geld selbst verdienen. Auf der Suche nach einem Aushilfsjob hört er zufällig, wie ein Ladenbesitzer sagt, dass er sich vier Hände wünsche. Ohne dass der Ladenbesitzer es mitbekommt, hilft Coco ihm im Geschäft - allerdings mehr schlecht als recht. Dann gestaltet Coco auch noch das Schaufenster - im Hochsommer mit Weihnachtsdekoration - und wird dabei entdeckt. Aber der Ladenbesitzer ist gar nicht böse auf ihn. Im Gegenteil, denn Coco hat mit seiner netten, spontanen und kreativen Art sehr viel Kundschaft angelockt. Ob Coco sich nun seinen Spielzeugherd verdient hat?
Für Kühe verboten
Coco entdeckt eine schöne Blumenwiese, und seine Lieblingstiere, die Kühe, haben die bunte Wiese auch sehr gern, zum Fressen gern. Das will Coco verhindern, und versucht die Blumen mit verschiedenen Konstruktionen zu schützen. Doch es gelingt ihm nicht. Nur die letzte Löwenzahn-Pflanze kann er mit einer Mauer aus Steinen retten. Als er am nächsten Tag seinem Freund Ted den einzelnen Löwenzahn zeigen will, sieht die Blume verändert aus.
Der Dinosaurierforscher
Coco beschäftigt sich im Museum mit den Dinosaurierskeletten. Auf seinem Heimweg findet er einen Knochen im Park. Von welchem Tier könnte er stammen? Er geht der Sache nach. Aber alle Tiere, die er begutachtet, passen nicht zu dem Knochen. Nun vermutet er, dass es ein unbekannter Dinosaurier sein muss. Während er im Park noch weitere Knochen findet, wird er von dem Hund Charkie dabei beobachtet. Sind es wirklich Dino-Knochen?
Der Camping-Ausflug
Ted und Coco fahren zelten. Ein kleines Abenteuer. Coco hat so viel Spaß daran, dass er danach nur noch mit seiner Campingausrüstung herumläuft und auf den nächsten Ausflug wartet. Aber Ted hat keine Zeit. Da entschließt sich der Portier, zusammen mit Hektor und Coco campen zu fahren. Er hat einen luxuriösen Wohnanhänger mit Fernseher, Mikrowelle und so weiter. Coco findet, dass das nichts mit Zelten zu tun hat.
Episode 50
Coco und der Mann mit dem gelben Hut gehen in den Vergnügungspark. Dort gibt es eine Achterbahn, die "Turbo Python 3000". Nur leider darf Coco nicht damit fahren, weil er zu klein ist. Und Ted fährt nicht, weil er Angst hat. Jetzt will Coco schnell wachsen. Dazu versucht er alles mögliche. Leider ohne Erfolg. Zum Glück kommt noch der Besitzer der Achterbahn vorbei, und Ted findet die Ursache seiner Angst heraus.
Das gebrochene Bein
Coco bricht sich das Bein und bekommt einen Gips. Zuerst sitzt er im Rollstuhl, später geht er an Krücken. In dieser Zeit leistet ihm Hektor, der Dackel vom Portier, Gesellschaft. Hektor gefällt, dass Coco nicht so stürmisch wie sonst sein kann. Coco gefällt, dass Hektor ihm bei seinen Fahrversuchen mit dem Rollstuhl hilft. Aber als der Gips abkommt, ist Coco wieder der Alte. Hektor kann das Durcheinander kaum fassen.
Ein echter Zeitungsjunge
Coco bekommt Teds altes Fahrrad. Als Coco damit durch die Gegend fährt, trifft er Bill, der ihm Zeitungen zum Austragen gibt. Ein Traum geht in Erfüllung. Coco darf Zeitungsjunge sein. Doch nachdem er einige Zeitungen verteilt hat, faltet er aus den restlichen Boote und lässt sie auf dem Fluss fahren. Und dann stürzt er auch noch und sein Fahrrad ist ziemlich kaputt. Aber am Ende hat er Glück im Unglück.
Cocos Haustierband
Die Feuerwehrband probt, aber Coco darf nicht mitspielen. Darauf beschließt er, seine eigene Band zu gründen: Mit Hektor, Charkie, Kompass und Gnocchi. Aus allen möglichen Materialien bastelt er für seine Haustierfreunde verrückte Instrumente. Damit spielen sie auf dem Dach von Cocos Haus. Doch was sie für Musik halten, hört sich für andere so furchtbar an, dass die Feuerwehr gerufen wird.
Der Tag am Strand
Ted und Coco fahren an den Strand und machen einen Sandburgenwettbewerb. Wer von ihnen baut die größte und schönste Burg? Coco lernt, dass man mit trockenem Sand schlecht bauen kann, und wenn man zu dicht am Meer baut, alles weggespült wird. Teds Sandburg wiederum wird von Bills Kaninchen zerstört. Am Ende bauen sie gemeinsam, und das wird ein Meisterwerk.
Der Elefant von obendrüber
Aus der Wohnung oben drüber, in die ein neuer Mieter eingezogen ist, hört Coco entsetzliches Poltern. Er glaubt, es sei ein Elefant, aber Ted meint, das sei ganz unmöglich. Den ganzen Tag überlegt Coco, welches Tier solche Geräusche machen könnte? Als Coco und Ted nach oben gehen, um sich dem neuen Mieter vorzustellen, lüftet sich endlich das Geheimnis.
Ein Äffchen als Hund
Immer wieder muss Coco sein Spiel unterbrechen und seinen Pflichten nachgehen. Das stört ihn sehr. Er beobachtet, dass andere Tiere überhaupt keine Aufgaben erfüllen müssen. Darum möchte er ein anderes Tier sein. Doch bei jedem Versuch in die Rolle eines anderen Tieres zu schlüpfen, stellen sich andere Schwierigkeiten heraus. Erst als er im Fahrstuhl stecken bleibt, wird Coco wieder ein Äffchen.
Das vierte Rad am Wagen
Coco geht mit Steve zum Recyclinghof, anschließend wollen sie noch ein Paket für Betsy abholen. Sie haben einen Bollerwagen dabei, von dem ein Rad abfällt und davon rollt. Nun versuchen Steve und Coco, ein Ersatzrad zu finden. Auf dem Recyclinghof finden sie schließlich vier Kinderwagenräder, die sie montieren. Doch der Wagen bewegt sich mehr schlecht als recht. Wenn sie wüssten, was in Betsys Paket verstaut ist.
Coco lernt Tauchen. Er entdeckt dabei eine Schildkröte. Die nimmt er mit nach Hause und richtet ihr in der Badewanne ein Schildkrötenparadies mit Wasser, Sand, Steinen, Fröschen und Wasserpflanzen ein. Doch die kleine Schildkröte fühlt sich nicht wirklich wohl. Als Ted das Chaos im Badezimmer entdeckt, kann sich die kleine Schildkröte freuen. Denn zusammen mit Coco bringt Ted die Schildkröte zu ihrem eigentlichen Zuhause zurück.
Kunststücke auf dem Seil
Eine Artistengruppe kommt in die Stadt. Coco träumt davon, mit ihnen aufzutreten. Aber als bei einer Probe die Seiltänzerin seinetwegen vom Seil stürzt, darf er nur noch Handzettel verteilen. Am Abend, während der Vorstellung, sucht sich Gnocchi, die Katze, einen besonderen Sitzplatz. Da bricht bei dem Hochseilartisten beim Drahtseilakt eine Katzenhaarallergie aus. Nun kann Coco zeigen, was er kann.
Die Tage vor dem Schnee
Es ist sehr kalt auf dem Land, aber es liegt kein Schnee. Eigentlich kann Coco weder mit seinem Sommerspielzeug noch mit seinen Schneespielsachen spielen. Aber als er es dann doch mit der "Sommervariante" versucht, frieren ihm die Seifenblasen, der Gummidelfin und das Wasser im Schwimmbecken ein. Da stellt er fest, dass man mit gefrorenem Wasser auch gut spielen kann. So vergeht die Zeit bis zum ersten Schnee wie im Fluge.
2. Staffel 2 (40 Episoden)
Ein Abenteuer in den Wolken
Frau Renkins macht ihren Heißluftballon startklar. Aber noch bevor sie selbst einsteigen kann, sind Coco und Bill schon auf und davon. Die Verankerung hatte sich gelöst. Bill ist die ganze Sache nicht geheuer, aber Coco sieht den Flug trotz des drehenden Windes nicht so dramatisch. Zum Glück hilft ihnen Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, wieder sicher zu landen. (Text: KI.KA)
Ein echtes Stinktier
Coco hat seine erste Begegnung mit einem Stinktier. Da er das Tierchen erschreckt, hüllte es ihn über und über in eine stinkende Wolke ein. Jetzt hilft nur noch Tomatensaft, sagt Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, und wäscht ihn damit. Als sie zurück in die Stadt fahren nehmen sie aus Versehen das schwarz-weiße Tierchen im Korb mit. Zuhause im Hochhaus entsteht große Aufregung, als das Stinktier durch die Etagen wandert. Es muss so eingefangen werden, dass es sich nicht erschreckt, denn natürlich legt kein Mieter Wert auf den Geruch. Leider passiert das Unglück dann doch, ausgerechnet im überfüllten Fahrstuhl. (Text: KI.KA)
Rettung der Erdhörnchen
Die Renkins Farm hat ein Problem: Erdhörnchen haben sie mit ihren unterirdischen Tunneln durchzogen. Die flinken Tierchen bringen Herrn Renkins zur Verzweiflung, weil sie auch noch seine Vorräte hamstern. Herr Calhoun, ein Erdhörnchen-Fänger wird bestellt. Aber Coco hat Mitleid mit den Erdhörnchen, zusammen mit Bill rettet er die flinken Erdtierchen und bringt sie in Sicherheit. (Text: KI.KA)
Coco muss auf ein kleines Kätzchen aufpassen. Als das Kätzchen Hektor, den Dackel vom Portier entdeckt, ist es von ihm ganz fasziniert. Doch Hektor hat eine Katzenallergie. Darum möchte der Portier, dass Coco die Katze von seinem Hund fernhält. Auch ein von Coco selbst gebastelter Hund, der Hektor sehr ähnlich ist, verfehlt seine Wirkung. Auf der Suche nach ihrem Dackel-Freund verläuft sich die kleine Katze. Ob sie sie wiederfinden? (Text: KI.KA)
Coco baut ein Baumhaus
Als Coco im Landhaus alle Wände bemalt, wird er von Ted, dem Mann mit dem gelben Hut, ermahnt: Coco würde gegen die Hausregel verstoßen! Da beschließt Coco sich ein Baumhaus zu bauen, in dem er machen kann, was er will. Das Holz bekommt er von Frau Renkins, die Nägel von Herrn Quint. Leider reichen die Baumaterialien nicht ganz. So muss Coco sich noch Nachschub besorgen. Als Herr Quinn ins Wasser fällt, weil kein Brett auf seinem Angelsteg mehr mit einem Nagel befestigt ist, und Frau Renkins die Küken davon laufen, weil eine Wand ihres Hühnerstalls fehlt, ist schnell klar, dafür muss Coco verantwortlich sein. (Text: KI.KA)
Die Jagd nach dem Müllauto
Während Ted joggen geht, soll Coco die leeren Kartons in den Müll werfen. Dabei wirft Coco aus Versehen den gelben Hut von Ted mit weg. Die Jagd nach dem Müllauto beginnt. Hoffentlich schafft Coco es, den Hut zu finden, bevor Ted wiederkommt! (Text: KI.KA)
Coco und die Tonleiter
Betsy hat ein Konzert in der Schule. Coco verspricht ihr, zusammen mit Steve das Xylophon in die Schule zu transportieren. Und zwar pünktlich. Aber das gestaltet sich schwierig. Als in der Schule auch noch alle Tonstäbe herunterfallen, muss Coco seinen ganzen Verstand einschalten, um die Stäbe in der richtigen Reihenfolge wieder drauf zu legen. (Text: KI.KA)
Der Bowlingwettkampf
Im ländlichen Bowling-Center findet ein Wettkampf statt. Am Ende stehen Herr Renkins und Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, punktgleich. Am Abend darauf soll ein Stichkampf zwischen beiden stattfinden. Für dieses wichtige Ereignis poliert Coco zu Hause die Bowlingkugel noch einmal so richtig. Doch am Abend als sie zum Wettkampf fahren, vergisst er sie mit ins Auto zu nehmen. Ob er es schafft, die Kugel noch rechtzeitig zum Bowling-Center zu bekommen? (Text: KI.KA)
Mission Riesenteleskop
Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, darf endlich das erste mal in den Weltraum fliegen, um ein Teleskop zu reparieren. Doch im Probelauf stellt sich heraus, dass Ted die Reparatur nicht durchführen kann. Darum fliegt Coco zur Unterstützung mit. Am Teleskop angekommen übernimmt Coco die Arbeiten außerhalb der Rakete und nach kleineren Schwierigkeiten läuft das Teleskop auch wieder. (Text: KI.KA)
Hören, sehen, tasten…
Betsy hat Geburtstagsparty. Die Kinder versuchen mit verbundenen Augen eine Pinata, eine im Garten aufgehängte Puppe voller Süßigkeiten, zu treffen. Coco schlägt wild um sich. Dabei geht alles andere zu Bruch, nur die Pinata nicht. Steve hat die Idee, Coco ein bisschen zu trainieren und seine Sinne zu schulen. Dazu soll Coco mit dem Hund Charki „Folge dem Anführer“ spielen. Coco muss all seine Sinne einsetzen, um Charkis Weg zu finden: Hören, Sehen, tasten. Am Ende braucht Coco nur noch einen Schlag, um die Pinata zu treffen. (Text: KI.KA)
Der doppelte Hektor
George is pretty mad at Hundley who will simply not let him play in the lobby and wishes Hundley could be more like him. One day though, he notices that Hundley is barking loudly and acting bouncy and playful, much to his wish! He then notices that Hundley seems to go back and forth between acting bouncy and playful, and acting like his normal self. Realizing that something is not normal about Hundley's split personality, he tries to figure out what is going on.
George and The Man run into Steve at the local movie theater taking down signs for the old movies, which the manager lets him have. Steve tells George that he collects all of the posters which makes George want a collection of his own of sorts. When he sees a guy taking down a sign, he decides to collect various signs from around the city. So he goes around the city taking every sign from the park, zoo, and science museum. When he goes back out to look for more, he notices the park in chaos. Realizing that it is because the signs are gone, he decides to put them back. George puts back all of the signs but does not put them in their original places causing more chaos. The Man then tells George that each sign has a meaning and they are not just for decoration.
Das einzigartige Gemälde
Mr. Glass is looking for something unique for the lobby of his Glass Palace. Mr. Zoobel, George's upstairs neighbor tells Mr. Glass that he knows of a painter named Soo Berm who lives at the zoo. But it turns out Soo Berm is not a person, she is an elephant! She makes paintings with her trunk and gives them her signature trunk print when she is done. Mr. Glass buys one of her paintings and brings it back to the Glass Palace but Charkie accidentally rips it. George has to get a replacement painting but it turns out that every painting Soo Berm makes is unique and one-of-a-kind. This leaves George to make his own copy of the painting. The only problem is that the painting has colors like green and lavender and all George has are red, white, blue, yellow, and black.
Eine Torte als Eilzustellung
George and The Man are playing George's favorite game after an afternoon lunch at Pisghetti's, but George seems to be confused with how to count. The Man keeps reminding him that when you count, you don't count from where you start and you must count on. Meanwhile, Chef Pisghetti has gone off for a special presentation but has forgotten his pie. So Netti assigns George to deliver it to him, giving him specific directions how to get to him. Unfortunately, George forgets what The Man tells him and gets lost, getting off on bus stop earlier than when he was supposed to and not being able to find the building where the chef is located.
Hektor kommt ins Tierheim
Hundley is very itchy. It is the middle of flea season in the big city and the Doorman goes to give him a bath. After Hundley's collar winds up getting lost down a storm sewer, two women from the local animal shelter think he's homeless and take him away. George must find a way to break Hundley out of the animal shelter. He brings along Gnocchi, whose cuteness would make a great distraction and Charkie, who could probably figure out how to open the cage being the escape artist she is. George must also figure out a plan to sneak in, free Hundley, and sneak out.
Die Tüten-Einpack-Olympiade
George's room is getting very messy and George needs to clean it. The only problem is that when George crams everything into his closet, it just spills back out. Later on at the local supermarket, he sees the grocer's son practicing for a grocery bagging competition. He explains to George that a lot of stuff can fit into one small bag if it is put in just right, somewhat like putting together a puzzle. However, during another practice run, the grocer's son accidentally hurts his hand with one of the food items. He then enlists George to compete for him in the competition and must train him to bag properly.
Die große Talentshow
It is time for the annual country talent show. After hearing the Man with the Yellow Hat's frog impressions, Bill decides to sign him up. But the problem is that The Man has stage fright. Bill also shows George the system of ropes and pulleys that control the flat scenery as well as he curtain on stage. He also shows George the trap doors on the stage used to drop props below the stage. When Bill, The Man, and Mr. Quint come face-to-face with two skunks backstage, it is up to George to keep the show going.
Der Zaubergarten
The Pisghetti's have a problem, they do not have as many fresh vegetables for their dishes. When they decide to investigate why, they show George and The Man their rooftop garden, where they plant and grow all of their vegetables, on the roof of their restaurant's building. Chef Pisghetti discovers weeds growing in the garden and explains to George how they use of all of the nutrients in the soil so there is none left for their vegetables. After hearing the story of "The Elves & the Shoemaker" he decides to do some secret elf work of his own and weed the garden. But in the process he pulls everything green out of the garden and throws it away, including the vegetables. Luckily the chef has seeds, but George has the fully-grown vegetables at home and is willing to bury them.
Verstopfte Rohre
George is tired of the same old tub toys. When he tries some new toys in the tub and drains it afterwards, all of the toys get washed down the drain! After trying to fill the tub with water again it backs up. The Man decides to call his plumber who always fascinates George with his work. The plumber fixes the clog and leaves, and the Man also leaves, to buy George some new bath toys. Afterwards, George is faced with another clog, this time in the dishwasher and decides to fix it himself, dismantling not only the plumbing in the apartment but also in the basement. After turning the plumbing back on, George winds up flooding portions of the apartment building.
Die lange Wanderung
When Bill and The Man With the Yellow Hat are stuck on a cliff, George has to find his way back to the ranger station.
Der gelbe Affen-Spaß-Hut
George tries to find a hat that is as much fun as the Yellow Hat, and ends up creating a hat with blow up animals, frisbees, pictures of dachshunds, a rotating fish, bubble blower, and a raisin dispenser. But the Man accidentally wears it to a convention and George has to deliver the yellow hat! When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".
Geschöpfe der Nacht
When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".
Unheimliche Keller-Geräusche
A mysterious noise in the basement scares Hundley and George until George investigates it.
Coco stellt die Uhr zurück
When George is disappointed hat he has to go to bed at 7:30, he sets the clock back. But when that causes him to miss a blimp ride, he thinks otherwise.
Eine Brücke für die Küken
The Renkins' chicks get stranded on a tiny island, and George has to improvise a way for them to get to land, using some items he picked up for a cookout.
Coco als Krankenschwester
The Man With The Yellow Hat has come down with a cold and George is helping to take care of him. That is until George realizes the man is showing the same symptoms as Betsy's friend's pregnant cat.
Der Super-Affen-Spion
When The Man goes to buy George a toy, George spies on him to find out what it is. George and The Man go to Scotland to visit Uncle Tam and work on their golf swings. But when George loses his golf ball, he has to to pry open windows, move bookcases, and work a drawbridge to get it back.
Coco und die Hebelkraft
George and The Man go to Scotland to visit Uncle Tam and work on their golf swings. But when George loses his golf ball, he has to to pry open windows, move bookcases, and work a drawbridge to get it back.
Roboter mit Affenantrieb
When George dresses up as robot everyone thinks he's a real robot.
When a snake and two mice get loose in the lobby George has to round them up but things get crazy when Hundley gets involved in the chase.
Der Spinnen-Affe
George is impressed by a spider's web and wants to build his own "monkeyweb".
Coco und der Winterschlaf
When George gets cold during the Winter he tries to hibernate but he keeps getting disturbed and wakes up.
Der Pirat mit dem gelben Hut
Hundley dreams of a sailing adventure--but when Yellow Hat the Pirate tries to take over the ship, and First Mate George nearly sinks them all, the dream becomes more of a nightmare.
Coco und sein Sparschwein
George gets a piggy bank and uses it to save money for a toy boat.
Hektor, der Königshund
Hundley is mistaken for a lost aristocratic doggie, and George must prove he isn't the right dog.
Die Glückskappe
George becomes fixated on a "lucky cap"; when the Man shrinks it in the wash, he is concerned that he won't be able to meet Steve's hopscotch challenge.
Meeresaffe auf Satellitensuche
George and The Man With the Yellow Hat travel on a boat with Professor Wiseman as well as Professor Pizza and Professor Einstein to retrieve a weather satellite that has fallen from space into the ocean. The only problem is that the satellite has fallen into the middle of a coral reef which is very brittle, so George dives down to retrieve it himself.
Kein Kinderspiel
George and The Man With the Yellow Hat travel on a boat with Professor Wiseman as well as Professor Pizza and Professor Einstein to retrieve a weather satellite that has fallen from space into the ocean. The only problem is that the satellite has fallen into the middle of a coral reef which is very brittle, so George dives down to retrieve it himself. George wins a contest to be a conductor in the symphony orchestra when they preform in the park. So he is taught how to read music and conduct an orchestra and is ready to conduct in the park until Charkie mistakes his baton for her toy. Mr. Rankins is going with his pig, Oscar to a contest and has nobody to watch the farm in his absence. So, George and The Man With The Yellow Hat volunteer. But after George accidentally deactivates the Man's alarm clock, he has to take care of the farm himself and he learns just how hard farm work really is.
Coco, der Dirigent
George wins a contest to be a conductor in the symphony orchestra when they preform in the park. So he is taught how to read music and conduct an orchestra and is ready to conduct in the park until Charkie mistakes his baton for her toy.
Ein sehr tiefes Loch
The Man With The Yellow Hat is digging a deep hole in the front yard of the country house. He winds up digging a hole so deep, he needs the help of Mr. Quint and his brother Flint's ladder to dig it out. But, after the three go to the train station with the ladder to fix something, George drops their hard hats down the hole.
3. Staffel 3 (22 Episoden)
George and the Man with the Yellow Hat are having a blast on their research assignment in the Antarctic! Professor Wiseman has enlisted the pair to help find the nesting grounds of the Chinstrap penguins. Equipped with a video camera, two-way headsets, and a photo of the penguins, our two explorers set out in different directions. George meets a Chinstrap penguin, only to lose his camera to a pesky sea otter who swims away. The Man finds George, and they chase the sea otter by jumping ice floes...and discover too late that a blizzard is approaching! George and the Man find refuge in a cave. When the blizzard passes, they emerge on the other side of the island in the middle of the Chinstrap penguins' nesting ground! Mission accomplished!
Die perfekte Mohrrübe
George and Bill run out of carrots while feeding the rabbits. When Bill pulls a carrot out of the ground, George can't believe it! George wants to grow his own carrots. Armed with a packet of carrot seeds, and guidance from the Man with the Yellow Hat, George plants his garden. After 66 days of tending, watering and keeping Jumpy away, George has a prize-winning carrot! It's so perfect in size, shape, and color, that George carries it around in a fancy telescope case to protect it. George visits Bill's house to show it off, and he learns that the bunnies have gone missing! George joins the search and finds them hungry and scared in a cave. It's a hard decision to make, but George sacrifices his perfect carrot for the bunnies to eat while he finds help. Thanks to George and his "carroty hero," the bunnies are saved and fed.
Jeder Apfel ist wichtig
George and the Man with the Yellow hat are lending a hand picking apples at Renkins' Farm, George takes an apple coveted by Jumpy Squirrel, who snatches it back and hides in the barn. George follows, and when he reaches for the light switch, accidentally turns on the giant cider press! All of the apples they've collected are being washed, chopped, and squished into liquid! Not wanting the Renkins to be mad with the sticky mess, George fills everything he can get his hands on with the apple juice squirting out of the machine. When the Man with the Yellow Hat and Renkins' arrive, they're astonished to see the entire harvest bottled up! Much to George's relief, the Renkins aren't upset — they're thrilled. And Jumpy, much to his relief, finds his perfect apple.
Ein Schneemann im Sommer
It's the hottest day of the year, and to cool down, George wants to build a snowman! But how can he build a snowman when there's no snow? George experiments with crushed ice cubes, but they melt too quickly. Mud... but it doesn't stay in the right shape. And rocks, which are too heavy to lift! George is stumped. What sticks together, doesn't melt, and wasn't heavy? Of course, sand! George convinces the Man with the Yellow Hat to drive him, Bill, and the Renkins to the beach, where they can all cool off and George can finally build his summer snowman.
Hopsi und das Vogelfutter
George loves feeding the birds, but they must be starving, because all the seeds keep disappearing! Perplexed, George returns with more food, only to find a big, bushy tail sticking out of the feeder. It's Jumpy Squirrel, caught in the act of eating all the seeds! George tries to squirrel-proof the birdhouse, moving it further from the tree trunk, clearing away freestanding objects, and even developing a pulley laundry line system to hang it from. But to no avail - that squirrel can climb - and apparently eat - anything! Why does Jumpy keep taking the seeds? Has his appetite suddenly grown — or maybe they're not all for him?
Das Dino-Puzzle
Professor Wiseman needs the Man with the Yellow Hat's help to assemble some rare dinosaur bones into a skeleton in time for an important archaeologist, Dr. Raj Desai, to see them. Wiseman and the Man finish the task and meet Dr. Desai for lunch. Meanwhile, George and Gnocchi play outside with a toy plane, which floats though a window--landing on the newly assembled dinosaur. When George climbs the fragile bones to retrieve it, the entire skeleton collapses! Using another dinosaur as a model, George is able to organize, sort, and piece together the bones back into its proper form. But how will Dr. Desai feel about a monkey working on his precious dinosaur bones, especially when the wrong head ends up on the dinosaur's skeleton?
Jede Menge Kompost
The secret to Bill's amazing garden is the compost he uses to feed his plants. George decides to make compost for his hungry George empties the entire contents of his fridge in the backyard. The next morning, George realizes that instead of making plant food, he's made a stinky mess! The Renkins teach George that proper compost consists of dirt, water, and air with only certain foods (no meat or dairy). Back at the apartment in the city, George sees that all the plants need food. George prepares a hearty "meal" ...using every container that he can find. When the Man with the Yellow Hat wakes up to an unusual smell, he follows his nose to the compost! To the neighbors' delight, George made enough for all the plants in the building.
Das Gerümpel muss raus
It's "Reuse Your Junk Day" and George and the Man with the Yellow Hat have one last pickup before they go to the lake. But when they arrive at Renkins' Farm, they find a mountain of junk piled in the Renkins' living room. There's no way they'll finish the job before the suns goes down, which means no lake for George. While the Man is taking a load to the collection center, George discovers that he can use the ironing board as a lever to launch the junk out of the living room and onto the front yard. Soon, all the pigs, chickens, and squirrels are ducking for cover! George's ingenious invention got all the junk outside, but it's scattered everywhere! Did this little monkey cause more work for himself?
Labyrinth im Maisfeld
George is an expert at navigating the maze on the placemat at the Y-Go-By Diner, but his skills are put to the ultimate test when the Man with the Yellow Hat takes him to the Annual Amazing Maze Race at Renkins Farm. The Man and George follow their map precisely, but how can they compete with the Quint's computerized navigation device, Bill's system of leaving a trail of corn, and Sprint's speedy disposition? It's not until George gets a bird's eye view of the maze that he is able to line up the landmarks on the map and figure out where to go. But when Leslie the cow eats their map, they need to figure out a more creative way to get to the finish line!
After a bubble bath, George promises the Man with the Yellow Hat that he will stay clean until their picture is taken for the cover of Bird Watchers Magazine. But when George helps Steve and Betsy dye eggs, he falls into a pot of food coloring, and turns completely yellow! Trying to keep his pledge of staying clean, he experiments with the different dye colors to see which ones he can mix with yellow to turn him brown again. In the process, George turns himself orange, Charkie turns blue, and Compass turns red! Can George figure out how to get back to his original color, or will the bird watchers return to find a rainbow colored monkey?
Der Mann mit den Affenhänden
After warning George about the poison ivy lurking in the park, the Man with the Yellow Hat loses his balance and lands hands first in a brush of the itchy, poisonous leaves! With his hands bandaged, he'll need help with everyday tasks such as brushing his teeth, making dinner, even typing a letter. So being a clever little monkey, George invents some ingenious ways to make the Man's life seem normal — like wearing swim fins to assist in picking apples off the floor and taping salad forks to his arms to act as temporary hands. But George's creations are put to the ultimate test when the Man has to present Professor Wiseman's newest invention to the science board, salad forks and all!
Der Murmeltier-Schatten
Mr. Glass' unique version of Groundhog Day is an annual city tradition of predicting when winter will start. Every year on the last Wednesday of August, Sherry the Whistlepig emerges from her burrow. If she sees her shadow, it means cold weather is coming. But what makes Sherry's shadow so special? To find out, George and his animal friends camp out at Sherry's burrow, but fall asleep while waiting for her to wake up. At the shadow ceremony, Mr. Glass mistakes a sleeping George and each one of his friends for a whistlepig and presents them for the world to see. But does a monkey, dog, cat, or pigeon shadow count?
Das Regenwurm-Rennen
Why is Bill yelling at a mound of dirt? He's worm racing! George turns to a pile of decomposed leaves to find his own prize worm and challenges Bill's "Fast Freddy" to a race. Pretty soon, the entire countryside catches worm-racing fever and watch as George's worm, named "Ooh Ooh Ahh Ahh," races its way to the championship. But when Mr. Quint takes the wrong lunchbox on his fishing trip, George's worm farm is in danger of becoming fish bait! Can George save his slimy friends in time for the championship race?
Aus alt mach neu
The city is awarding the "Golden Arrows Award" to the building that collects the most recycling. George is eager to help—once he learns what recycling actually is, of course. The building's Doorwoman next door turns out to be tough competition, so George hunts down recycling materials from everywhere he can think of. The only problem is, he doesn't know that he only recycle products after they've been used! Will the tenants with the missing recyclables forgive a monkey who's not just trying to win a contest, but also save the environment?
Eine wichtige Verabredung
The Man With The Yellow Hat is running late to an appointment to show an important scientist some of his work, so he and George decide to take the bus to his appointment. But when George wanders off of the bus to get a map of the bus routes and the Man follows, leaving his work on the bus, they both wind up splitting up and each trying to find a way to find the bus and retrieve his work all while trying to arrive to his appointment on time.
Ärger mit den Gemüsesamen
George and the Man offer to grow vegetables to help Chef Pisghetti, whose restaurant never has enough. Compass and his pigeon friends, however, chow down on the seeds, causing George to dump what's left into a jar for safekeeping.
Viele, viele Flummis
The toy store introduces a new toy called the Super Fun-Ball and a contest. Whoever can guess how many Fun-balls are in a display case closest to the actual number will win the display. So, George finds a container of about the same size as the display case and fills it with marbles about the same size as the fun balls. Doing so, George hopes he can win the contest.
Wie wird das Wetter?
After George hears the legend that a red sunset means a day of good weather and sees The Man With The Yellow Hat painting a red sunset picture, George decides to draw pictures of the clouds and watch their movement to predict the weather. He soon also learns that other animals have way of predicting the weather, such as the speed of a cricket chirping. Soon, he learns how people predict the weather.
Episode 19
George, The Man, The Doorman, and Hundley go out on the sea for a day on the doorman's sailboat. But, when the boat sail breaks, the group stops at an artificially rendered tropical island to look for parts to fix it. Soon, George's curiosity and Hundley's habit to keep everything neat and orderly causes the boat to wash out to shore with them in it. They find their way back to the island but must now find The Man With The Yellow Hat and The Doorman.
Episode 20
On a weekend trip to the country with Steve, Betsy, and Charkie, George hears a story about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and waits to see one to find out if the story is true. When a rainbow finally does appear, George, Steve, Betsy, and Charkie go on a long hike to catch up to the rainbow and find the end of it to see if the story is true.
Episode 21
George has a sleepover with Hundley for the night and the Doorman has made a list of instructions for how Hundley normally likes everything. George has to follow the list and rearrange some of the apartment's furniture to make him feel more at home.
Episode 22
It's Nature Week and George is taking pictures for a big exhibit,and when looking for a fawn that Bill saw,he sees other ordinary animals such as raccoons,squirrels,and bullfrogs,but he also sees footprints that are a cross between a colossal snake,he decides that there is a duck-billed dinosaur on the loose so he decides to lure it by using fruits and vegetables,and he finds new things and clues along the way.The footprints turned out to be made from something far different from a dinosaur!
4. Staffel 4 (18 Episoden)
Gnocchi the Critic / George Cleans Up
Professor Wiseman is too busy to keep an exercise routine. So when she signs up to run in a fund-raising footrace, she enlists George as her personal trainer to help whip her into shape. George quickly learns there is more to exercising than meets the eye, and teaches Professor Wiseman that the keys to running are stretching, keeping hydrated, staying motivated and pacing yourself.
Relax! / The Box and the Hound
George has just been made an Honorary Junior Sprout of Country County and is thrilled to be on his first trip with the troop. But when the troop gets lost in the woods, George not only finds himself separated from the group but he also discovers a man sawing branches off a tree — a clear violation of Sprout rules! Can George prevent the man from harming more trees and earn his Sprout stripes along the way?
Night of the Wiener Dog / Animal Trackers
After days of Gnocchi choosing to eat cat food over Chef Pisghetti's famous creations, the Chef decides to stop cooking and close the restaurant! Not wanting to lose his favorite ravioli, George follows Gnocchi to find out why she stopped liking the Chef's food, but all she does is take naps, roll in the dirt and sneeze an awful lot. Her sneeze sounds an awful lot like the Man with the Yellow Hat when his flower allergy flares up. Can George diagnose Gnocchi in time to save Chef P's restaurant?
George Measures Up / Something New Under the Sun
Armed with a cool new monkey-sized vacuum, George watches with amazement as his new "toy" sucks up everything in sight... including some of Mr. Stamp's rare stamps! Inspired by a TV superhero, George dons a cape and embarks on a citywide "cleaning" spree, using his little vacuum to suck up everything from bird food to dog biscuits to a winning lottery ticket. When the townspeople can't catch up to the cleaning monkey, will they view George as a Superhero Vacuum Monkey or a Super Villain?
Movie House Monkey / Cooking with Monkey
George opens the chicken coop at the Renkins' farm and finds - wait -- a little girl?! Mrs. Renkins introduces George to Allie, her 5-year-old granddaughter who's spending her summer in the country. Allie is thrilled to meet George and practically runs out of breath asking him a million questions. She wants to know what it's like to be a monkey, and George spends an entire day showing her, which includes climbing high in a tree to see where Jumpy squirrel lives. When George climbs down the tree though, he finds that Allie is afraid to follow him. Not that Allie minds being stuck in the tree…she speaks squirrel, you know. Still, George knows girls can't live in trees. He needs to bring out Allie's inner monkey and get her down from the tree!
Curious George, Personal Trainer / Sprout Outing
Hundley takes it upon himself to return the toy a baby dropped in his lobby. But when George sees Hundley racing down the street with the toy in his mouth, George thinks he wants to play, and this delays Hundley. Hundley is not happy to see the baby drive off in a bus sans toy and is even more upset when Gnocchi, who wants in on the fun, grabs the toy and disappears through Pisghetti's basement window. George and Hundley follow Gnocchi into the basement, only to have the door lock behind them. Uh-oh. George and Gnocchi can climb up and out the window, but Hundley can't. George comes to the rescue by constructing a ramp leading to the window that even the littlest Dachshund legs can climb. Now they just need to figure out where that baby went.
Juicy George / The Big Picture
George has never seen a farmer's market before and finding one on his doorstep is just about the best thing ever -- until he drinks Juicy Jay's special blended juice and then that's the best thing ever! When the farmer's market leaves and there's no more juice, the Man with the Yellow Hat and George decide they need their own juicer. As they start to unpack their new purchase, the Man gets called away. A smart monkey can figure out a juicer on his own and recreate the special juice, right? It's certainly not as easy as it seems and certainly not a mess-free process! Although he has a few missteps (amazing how mushed vegetables can fly all the way to the ceiling), George masters the juicer. But will he be able to make the juice he and the Man think is the best ever?
George Meets Allie-Whoops! / Hundley's Great Escape
George loves imitating the Cerulean Warbler's distinct chirp and is aghast when the Man with the Yellow Hat tells him that his favorite bird is on the endangered species list. Not to worry, the Man just wrote a book to make people aware that the bird needs assistance. But unfortunately, stores don't want to carry the book because, at 1,400 pages, it looks like a boring scientific tome. Fortunately, George runs into Steve who has lots of idea for promoting his lemonade stand. This prompts George to come up with an idea of his own -- paint an empty billboard with a razzle-dazzle picture to help promote the book. Easier said than done and even when done, will it help sell the book and spread the bird word?
The Inside Story / The Little Fish, Littler Pond
George doesn't feel so well. There's a germ lingering inside his body that has him sneezing and coughing, while making very sleepy. In a cold-induced dream, George and Gnocchi travel inside George's body, chasing a blues-singing germ named Toots and his harmonizing Germettes through the monkey's nose, stomach, and lungs as George tries to rid his body of the germ.
Guest Monkey / Charkie Goes to School
A dry spell has lowered the water level of Lake Wanasink Lake, which leaves one of George and Allie's fish friends trapped in a small pond away from its family! George digs a canal with a lock between the lake and the little pond, but he can't get his fish friend to use it. Can a monkey and girl find another way to get the fish back to its family?
Episode 11
George is excited to some day go to school, so Allie decides that he should visit her kindergarten class for a day. But, as it turns out, there are lots of rules about what you can and can't do and George is a bad follower. But things change when George and Allie decide to build a castle in the classroom based on a book they read.
Episode 12
Charkie is at a dog obedience class, and the next day is the final test! Since Betsy has a concert, George (and Hundley) must recreate the obstacle course and make sure Charkie can do it in under a minute to pass.
Episode 13
George and the Man with the Yellow Hat convince Professor Wiseman to take a well-deserved break from work. But a stuck pickle jar, a tangled hammock, and a duck floating away with the Man's beloved hat turn their relaxing picnic in the park into one stressful afternoon. Still, could a day of creative problem solving be exactly what the monkey ordered for Professor Wiseman?
Episode 14
Charkie will do anything to get what's inside of Aunt Margaret's parcel, but George promised he'd keep it safe! After twisting, turning, flipping, and rotating the box, George is able to get it out of sight, but Charkie's keen sense of smell makes it impossible to stay hidden for long. Can George figure out how to distract Charkie's super sense long enough to get the box back to Aunt Margaret?
Episode 15
Chef Pisghetti believes he's broken the world record for the world's longest strand of spaghetti with a strand of spaghetti that measures 30 feet long. So he puts George under the trust to keep it safe from Gnocchi who thinks it is a really long cat toy until a lady from the world record book can come to measure it. But when the chef calls and asks how tall the building next door to the restaurant is and George tries to measure it, he finds that the chef's measuring tape is too short. But he does have a long piece of spaghetti.
Episode 16
It is the hottest day in the city and the city keeps suffering from blackouts. But there is one place left with electricity: the museum which just converted to being entirely powered by solar power. When George learns how the sun's light can be absorbed and turned into electricity, to do things like charge batteries, he tries to charge up several things at home such as his toy UFO or the cordless phone. But then he learns how solar power really works to make electricity. Then, when another blackout makes the Man unable to cook his lasagna for the museum's big power upgarde party, he and George learn that the sun's heat can also be used to cook things.
Episode 17
The Man with the Yellow Hat is showing George around his old neighborhood when they come across the abandoned and run-down Bijou that The Man used to visit all the time when he was little. Mr. Glass wants to tear the building down but George gets the idea that they should fix it up and reopen it.
Episode 18
Professor Wiseman wants to makes something creative for the bake sale at Betsy's school. But she believes that the key to cooking is to experiment with different amounts of different ingredients and as a result her cakes come out floppy, gross, and VERY sticky. When Professor Wiseman and George visit Chef Pisghetti he says that cooking is not about testing and experimenting like science and you need to follow a recipe exactly for the food to come out right.
5. Staffel 5 (20 Episoden)
George and Marco Sound It Out / A Monkey's Duckling
George is a huge fan of the Mexican family band Lobos de la Plata when they play in the park's old bandstand. But when the old bandstand is torn down, George and his new friend Marco must find a new place for the band to play, but every place they try makes the band seem to sound awful. In the process they learn all about acoustics and how things such as a carpeted floor and a high ceiling make things sound different.
George's Super Subway Adventure / Well Done, George
It is George's first day of spring on the Renkins' farm and he and Bill arrive on the farm just in time to see Dumpling, the Renkins' duck sitting on her eggs to hatch them. But when she leaves and George sits on the eggs in her place, one of the eggs hatches and the duckling thinks George is its mother. George needs to try to get the duckling to see its real mother.
Trader George / One in a Million Chameleon
George finds a cart in a keep pile when the man is looking for stuff to get rid of. But when George goes to the Renkins' farm for apple cider, he ends up trading the cart and tries to get it back multiple times. But at a swap meet his friend Vicki trades the cart to people from the city. Then George sees an artist who pushes the same cart and trades the cart for some sticks.
Downhill Racer / Book Monkey
George gets to meet Mr. Zoobel's newest pet, a chameleon! Mr. Zoobel tells George that the chameleon has a unique ability: she can change her skin color to blend in With her surroundings. After she breaks out and George cannot find her, he thinks she may have changed color to blend into her hiding place.
Monkey Size Me / Metal Detective
George is in for a surprise—he and the Man With the Yellow Hat are going to the zoo to see a Komodo dragon and they are going to ride the subway to get there! Along the way, George and The Man get separated and they have to get back together before they reach the zoo. Meanwhile, George learns all about how the subway operates and how it gets people between places.
George-O-Matic / Curious George, Sheep Herder
George is outside watering the garden when he gets muddy. He tries to take a bath but there's no water. Not even in the sink. Mr. Quint explains that they have a broken pump. And then he explains how to get the water, with a well and a pump. The pump they have is old. Then The Man explains that an electric pump sends it through a pipe to the house. And they go back to the city since it'll take days to get a new pump. When the go to the apartment, they don't see an orange flier. It says the plumber must shut off the water now. This means there's no water here, too. So George tries to get more water with a pipe.
George's Home Run / Monkey on Ice
George loves cars And when he hears about the annual Soap Box Derby race in the country, he and Allie decide to enter. But first, they need to build a car, and the rules say no help is allowed. So they look at a book that shows them the parts they need to build a soap box derby racer and find out just what is needed to make one go downhill, and stop.
Go West, Young Monkey / Meet the New Neighbors
George is off to one of his favorite places in the city, the library. But when Mrs. Dewey the librarian has to run off, she leaves him in charge of the library to stack and sort books. When George has trouble finding a certain book, he decides to rearrange them, first by color, then by size. But then Steve tells him that the proper way to arrange books is by subject.
Follow That Boat / Windmill Monkey
It's The Man with the Yellow Hat's birthday and George wants to throw him a surprise party. The Doorman tells him what he needs to throw a good party, which includes cake, decorations, and friends. But George picks the wrong sizes for everything which leads to disaster. Then George has a dream about what the world would be like it if were monkey-size and decides that in a people-sized world, it is simply a matter of measuring to find the right size.
Mother's Day Surprise / Jungle Gym
George and the Man are staying at Professor Wiseman's beach house and George has his favorite toy: Yorbo the Robot. But after taking it outside, it gets buried under the sand in a sudden thunderstorm and George wants to find it. He has trouble trying to find it on the huge beach, until a lady comes and shows him a metal detector. But when George cannot use hers anymore, Professor Wiseman shows him how to make one out of an FM Radio and a calculator.
Episode 11
At the museum, George discovers something he has never seen before-a vending machine and becomes curious as to how one works, thinking there is a farmer and an apple tree inside an apple machine. But then someone shows him what is really inside, a series of simple machines. The Man is asked by Professor Wiseman to host a party for two expedition groups at his apartment and leaves George in charge of dessert. So George decides to build his own vending machine to make it.
Episode 12
At the annual Spring fair in the country, George and Allie come across a sheep shearer and a family making yarn out of a sheep's wool. They also come across a sheep herding contest where Mr. Renkins commands his dog, Bo with a special whistle to herd sheep. When they return home to the country house, the scarf George bought from the yarn makers begins to unravel and they need someone to fix it, but Jumpy Squirrel steals the yarn leaving them in search for more. It seems all of the Renkins' sheep were sheared at the fair and they begin to escape the pasture! George sees the whistle Mr. Renkins used to command Bo and uses it to command Bo to stop the sheep from escaping but is not sure how.
Episode 13
George gets to see his very first baseball game! Marco and his team the Cubbie Bears are playing in the city against the Tiger Babies. But when the scorekeeper can not make it to the game, Marco leaves George in charge of keeping score. The only problem is, George does not know how to count! Marco tells him how to count and makes him remember with a simple song. Later, though, George is also left in charge of the baseball park snack bar and he sees numbers higher than 10.
Episode 14
In a sunny but snowy winter day in the country, George comes across Bill building an igloo in an attempt to earn his newest Sprout Badge. Bill tells him that to earn the badge, he will build an igloo and spend the night in it. George decides he would like to build an igloo of his own but he would like to make it big enough for all of his friends. Bill reminds him that smaller igloos hold more heat in but George remembers several thing Bill had done to make his igloo airtight. George builds a larger igloo but does not make it airtight, and he winds up freezing in the middle of the night. So he decides to build another igloo inside the house.
Episode 15
The Doorman orders a western town for his train set and Steve, Betsy, and George offer to help him put it together while he's at work. Hundley supervises. When the group accidentally sends a small pin from the train track into one of the plant pots, they must dump out all of the soil to search for the missing piece. Hundley falls asleep and dreams of himself and the group in a real western town. In his dream, George finds out how to make proper sifters to efficiently search for small objects, but in the end Hundley's sneezing is the secret to finding the pin. Reference: spaghetti western.
Episode 16
The Man in the Yellow Hat is busy preparing for dinner with Professor Wiseman, so he sends George to fetch some groceries for him. On the way, George realizes that their usual grocery store isn't open, but a new grocery specializing in Vietnamese food has opened across the street. George finds fruits and vegetables that are similar to the ingredients on his grocery list, but when he takes them home, he finds that they don't work in The Man in the Yellow Hat's recipes. George gets a tour of the store from the store owner's daughter, Mei.
Episode 17
George is very impressed by the model papyrus boat that Steve has built for history class. Steve wants to find a way to test the boat out but when he is unable to in the museum he decides to go to Endless Park. But a stray current caused by a rainstorm sends the boat on its way down the river and down a storm drain. Steve and George try to find the boat at the local waste treatment plant but due to the recent storm, the boat has completely bypassed the plant and floated out into the ocean. There, the waste treatment facility uses a skimming boat to collect floatables-trash that people have dumped into the ocean. They decide that Steve's boat may be floating in the ocean somewhere.
Episode 18
George is busy planting food in the rooftop garden of the apartment building but he has a problem. He can't stop Compass and his pigeon friends from eating all the seeds. He recalls how the Renkins built a scarecrow in their garden to scare away birds so he decides to do the same thing. But his is not scary enough to scare away any birds. Later, he and the Man with the Yellow Hat go to a farm in the country where George comes across a windmill. The farmer tells George that windmills can be used for many different things and they are all done with nothing but the power of the wind. So George decides to build a windmill of his own to make his scarecrow move. Reference: Don Quixote and the windmills.
Episode 19
It is nearing Mother's Day in the city and Marco decides that he should throw his mom a fiesta complete with a homemade piñata. He and George try to build one out of papier-mâché but Marco forgets it takes days for it to dry. Then George decides that they can build one out of empty food containers. But Marco and George have trouble trying to get a piñata that is shaped like a donkey.
Episode 20
When George sees a cricket at the annual country gymnastics competition he decides to follow it across the gymnastics obstacles because, being a monkey, he is very good at jumping and swinging. When Mrs. Somersault the area gym teacher sees George, she decides to sign George and Allie up for her gym class, which Bill also agrees to join. While they all enjoy her gym class, they are disappointed to find out that it only takes place once a week. So, they decide to build a gym of their own in the back yard of the country house, where they can practice when it is not gym class day.
6. Staffel 6 (21 Episoden)
School of Dance / Curious George Sounds Off
Everyone in the country is excited about Allie's big dance party. Everyone, that is except Bill, who wants to avoid going to the party because he can't dance. George sees Mr. and Mrs. Renkins practicing the box step for the dance and that's when he decides that all he needs to do is teach Bill to dance. But George can't seem to figure out how to teach Bill unable to speak. That's when he decides that maybe, if a map can tell you how to get someplace, maybe he can make one to tell Bill and the others who also want to dance. All he has to do is figure out how to design the map to show which foot is left and right, which steps are small and big, and where to move your feet.
George Buys a Kite / Train of Light
Chef Pisghetti has some new friends outside the kitchen, the four hens Eeney, Meeney, Miney, and Freckles, so he can have the freshest eggs possible to use for his food. But the only problem is, his new hens don't seem to be making any. George decides to stay with the chickens overnight in their coop to see what is making them unhappy and soon finds out. Being in the middle of the noisy city, the chicken coop can be very noisy at night, keeping the chickens awake and making them tired. George decides to keep the chickens somewhere else less noisy. When he tries the library and they manage to lay a few eggs, he figures out what to do. All he needs to do is soundproof the chicken coop. There are a lot of materials George can use in his apartment building's recycling room, but he just needs to figure out which ones work the best, for the soundproofing and the chickens.
Auctioneer George / Sock Monkey Opera
While flying their kite one day in the country, George and Bill are forced to buy a new kite after it is destroyed in a freak accident. George and Bill find a fancy new kite at Ada and Luke's General Store and decide to place it on layaway until they can get enough money to buy it. Bill and George decide to form a task force to earn enough money to buy the kite. They then have to decide the most efficient order to perform the tasks in and how much time to spend on each. The one thing George later realizes they forgot was to plan their jobs according to the weather, with indoor jobs on rainy or windy days and outdoor jobs on sunny days.
George and the Giant Thumb / Shutter Monkey
One of George's favorite things to do in the city is visit Mabel's Department Store, because there are so many things to do. One day while The Man With the Yellow Hat is doing his shopping George sees something he never has before, a moving light in the shape of a train, and soon discovers that a lamp with a rotating shade is making it. Fascinated by the light, George decides to make his own moving light for home, but when he stays at the store too long to find out how he winds up locked in after hours. With nothing else to do, George decides to make his own moving light right in the store.
Hamster Cam / The Great Monkey Detective
George and Marco are attending their first-ever auction in the city. The Man has to explain to George that in an auction you don't buy the items, you bid on them. And the person with the highest bid at the end wins the item. George has been given a dollar to bid on whatever he wants and he winds up bidding on and winning a pair of red mittens. Unfortunately, George later finds out that the mittens cost $101.00 not $1.00. Without the money to pay for the mittens, he has to re-auction them. Nobody at the auction seems to want the mittens but George remembers that Mr. Glass had his eyes on the same mittens.
Wind Symphony / George and Allie's Automated Car Wash
George, the Man, Aunt Margret, and Steve are going to see one of Betsy's favorite operas, Hansel & Gretel, but Betsy has to stay home because she has the chickenpox. When George sees the opera, he really enjoys it and feels sorry for Betsy having missed it. So, since he had gotten a copy of the music from the opera, he decides to recreate it for Betsy. He soon finds out he has trouble playing all the parts, so he decides to make sock puppets of all the characters and draw the scenery. Now all George has to do is find a way to control the scenery as well as the characters.
Feeling Antsy / Maple Monkey Madness
Steve & George are busy making a map of the city while Betsy is doing a little experimenting with Professor Wismean's new micro-sized camera. After Steve loses his marker under the sofa, he decides to put the camera on his pet hamster, Hoagie. He places Hoagie on the couch but he winds up running out the door of the apartment and outside. George and Steve now have to find him. George takes the map they have made of the city and goes outside on a look for the hamster with Steve watching the cam on the computer and telling George where to go. Only problem is, George can't tell his left from his right-literally.
DJ George / Curious George Paints the Desert
George is too excited to nap! Chef Pisghetti is showing a Basil Know-it-all detective movie! Basil is George's favorite detective of all time. Upon arriving at the restaurant, George discovers a mystery of his own. Chef Pisghetti's recipe book is missing from its usual spot on the shelf. Because of missing his nap, George falls asleep during the movie but remembers a scene where Basil used a vase as a magnifying glass. In his dream, George does not have a vase but he can fill a plastic bag with water and round it up like a balloon. After waking up having missed most of the movie, George tries to solve the mystery of the missing cookbook but he does not have a magnifying glass or a bag that can be filled and twisted without it leaking.
Junky Monkey / Jumpy Warms Up
It has just rained in the country and Bill is having some trouble throwing newspapers due to a sprained thumb. When Allie and George see an article in the paper about a giant statue of a dog, they decide to make one as a tribute to Bill's thumb. They cannot seem to find the right building materials. George does not have enough clay, shaving cream is too runny, and peanut butter is too sticky. Eventually, with the recent rain, they try to make a statue out of mud. But they can't seem to get the mud to hold its shape.
No Knowing Gnocchi / Here Comes the Tide
George always has the time to stop for a good picture with his friend The Man With the Yellow Hat. When Betsy takes his picture, she says she is entering a children's photography contest. Her pictures all have a basic shape hidden somewhere in them. She takes George to her apartment and shows him how she downloads the pictures on to her computer and prints them out. After a freak accident, Steve winds up destroying all of her pictures. So he sends George to take new ones while he distracts Betsy. George remembers how all of the pictures have a basic shape and must find those shapes to get those pictures.
Episode 11
Something unique is coming to the roof of George's Apartment Building-a symphony made out of wind put on by Mr. Zoobel and sponsored by Mr. Glass. The only propblem is that Mr. Zoobel does not know how to put on a wind symphony. Mr. Zoobel wants a loud "Bong!", a long "Whoo", a "Tink-tink-tink", and lastly a nice "Snap!", and George may be just the monkey to help. All he needs are ordinary household objects, and wind.
Episode 12
On a sunny Saturday afternoon in the country, George and The Man normally wash the cars, The Man's big car and all of George's toy cars. But today they are doing something a little different and getting the car washed, at the country town's new automatic car wash. George and Allie are fascinated by how the car wash works and how it pulls the car through a line of different operations in a set order. When they get home, George and Allie decide to build an automatic car wash of their own to wash George's toy cars.
Episode 13
One morning in the city, a breakfast mishap leads to a mess of food all over the floor of the apartment. The Man leaves George to clean it up before ants come into the apartment because "Once ants come into an apartment you can never get rid of them." Sure, enough, George finds one ant, then two, then an entire army, and Hundley's quest for a clean hallway leads him into George's apartment. Now George and Hundley have to work together to find how to get rid of the ants without hurting them and stop more ants from coming. Turns out, they discover that ants are scavngers-they will constantly move to find food, no matter where it is.
Episode 14
It's a winter morning in the country, the perfect time for pancakes, but George and The Man seem to be out of syrup! The Man tells George that syrup comes from trees, but not growing ON them, growing IN them! You just have to tap the trees. Unfortunately George and Allie cannot get any syrup to come out no matter how hard they tap the trees. Then Mr. Renkins shows them that to tap a tree you need a few tools and a small hole in the tree, and once you do that, a small liquid starts dripping out of the tree. But this liquid is gray and very bitter, not like syrup, because as Mr. Renkins explains, it is sap, and needs to be boiled into syrup.
Episode 15
George and The Man With the Yellow Hat are excited because The Man's favorite jazz musician, Bonnie Smooth is coming to town and Howlin' Hal, the DJ at the local radio station is giving out front-row tickets to her concert. George and The Man win the tickets and go to the local radio station to claim them, where Howlin' Hal shows George how the radio station works. In a mishap, George winds up locked inside the DJ room with Howlin' Hal and The Man locked out and Bonnie Smooth about to call in to the station to debut her new song! The two need to find a way for George to take the call and broadcast it.
Episode 16
George, The Man With the Yellow Hat, and Mr. and Mrs. Quint are going to the desert to dig for fossils. When they arrive, George meets an Indian chief named John, who shows him how he paints out of desert sand colored with natural chemicals. John paints a picture of George in the sand but a few bunnies come and eat his painting! After John leaves to help The Man and Mr. Quint, George decides to make his own sand paint and paint his own picture. George soon finds that all the sand in the desert is the same shade of light brown, but he discovers how fruits and vegetables can be used to color the sand. He also needs to make sure that the sand is dry so it can flow from his hands. Once he figures out the recipe for good colored sand paint, he just needs to find a way to stop it from blowing away in the desert sand, and to make it bunny-proof.
Episode 17
Chef Pisghetti has a problem and it has stopped him from cooking his pasta al dente, Gnocchi seems to be running away from the restaurant during the day for no reason at all, and it began after the chef did some cleaning up around the place to stop her from scratching a few items, including the restaurant's wooden back door. George decides to follow her around to see where she is going all day and every day. He finds Gnocchi at a shipyard scratching bags of rice, the park scratching a tree, dump scratching cardboard, the construction site scratching a painted canvas and a Mexican restaurant scratching a menu board, which has the chef worried that Gnocchi now prefers Mexican food. George later discovers that all the things she has been scratching feel the same as a few items the chef threw out, so he needs to create a new area of items that feel the same so she can stay around the restaurant.
Episode 18
George and Marco have gone on vacation with Professor Wiseman and The Man with the Yellow Hat to the beach. They have all come for a vacation on the beach as well as to observe the tides and the tidal pools. Professor Wiseman explains to George and Marco that in ancient times, items left on the beach had been buried by the tides almost like buried treasure, leaving George and Marco to try to bury a box of treasure on the beach themselves, including Marco's favorite toy, Silverwolf, a small silver plastic wolf. They later decide to locate and dig up the treasure but they can't seem to find it, and the water is deeper than it was before. They also get distracted by a friendly and playful dolphin in the water. They later see how the tides constantly change the shore and how they are always moving, even surfacing the treasure they couldn't find before.
Episode 19
It is Pretty City Day in the Big City. George is a member of Steve's pod, a group of people that will help clean up the city, and his group has been assigned to clean up George's street! The winner gets their face on a poster. George begins his work cleaning the city but a lot of the things he sees being thrown out are amazing, too amazing to put in the trash. When he decides to bring those things home, he winds up with more keepsakes than trash! That's when The Man With the Yellow Hat explains that a collection is made up of things that are related or the same, like his collection of pig sculptures. Now George has to decide what to keep and what kinds of the same things to keep.
Episode 20
It is a record-setting winter in the country-one of the coldest in recent years! Even Jumpy, normally an outdoor animal has to find refuge in George and The Man's Country House. The Man himself finds though, that the country house seems to be extra cold. He then finds that the house has several small holes in the walls, and others areas where cold air, and the occasional squirrel can leak in. He decides that he needs to insulate the house, because insulation is designed to keep a house warm, and unfortunately, sealing up all those holes makes Jumpy unwelcome. Feeling sorry for him, George decides to make a fully insulated house for Jumpy that will keep him warm and happy all winter.
Episode 36
7. Staffel 7 (12 Episoden)
Monkey Down Under / Bright Lights, Little Monkey
George and the Man With the Yellow Hat enjoy an Australian outback safari adventure.
We Otter Be Friends / Sir George and the Dragon
George, Allie and Bill search for a mysterious creature known as the Perseids.
Hundley Jr. / Curious George Gets Winded
George is stranded when an otter swims away with Mr. Quint's boat keys.
Where's the Firedog? / Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye
George dreams that he's guarding a medieval castle.
Honey of a Monkey / Curious George's Egg Hunt
Hundley has to choose between looking after the lobby or caring for a caterpillar.
George and Allie's Lawn Service / Curious George's Scavenger Hunt
A snowstorm threatens Bill's chances of winning the coveted Golden Pouch newspaper-delivery award.
Episode 7
Blaze ends up at the animal shelter.
Episode 8
George chases away Toots, the blues-singing germ.
Episode 9
George and Steve accidentally eat all of Betsy's honeycomb before her Earth Day presentation.
Episode 10
George and Allie search for the proper nest to place an egg that they found in the grass.
Episode 11
George and Allie try to keep baby goats from escaping their pen.
Episode 12
George, Marco and Chef Pisghetti take part in a scavenger hunt to raise money for an animal shelter.
8. Staffel 8 (12 Episoden)
Toy Monkey / George and Allie's Game Plan
George, the Man, and their Aunt Sylvia take George broken front loader toy to the toy store. After they find out the toy is defective, they fix their toy at the factory.
Monkey Hoedown / Curious George Clowns Around
George goes to the annual weekend fair with Allie and The Man with the Yellow Hat. Allie plans to win a teddy bear from a game. When she learns she is poor at the game, George convinces her to practice at home.
Curious George's Backwards Flight Plan / Curious George, Hog trainer
George and Allie wash The Man's guitar, but it breaks down, so they build a new one made out of other stuff. It doesn't sound well, but it still is used in a concert. This guitar gave The Man an idea for lyrics for his song.
Red Planet Monkey / Tortilla Express
George and the Man with the Yellow Hat visit the Clown College for Pepe El Loco's Big Show. George has to substitute for a messenger clown and has to make pickups. He does not know how to count from any number except one, so every time he makes a delivery, he must start on floor one and count his way up the building.
Curious George Goes for 100 / Fearless George
Professor Wiseman is set to launch B.I.R.D., her bird migration tracking device, but the remote control isn't functioning properly, as everything on it is reversed.
Big, Bad Hundley / George's Simple Siphon
George and Allie are determined to help Howie the Hog win a blue ribbon at the state fair.
Episode 7
George is thrilled to visit Pizza and Einstein's Space Center to help solve a problem with the Mars rover. But a sleepy monkey falls asleep and wakes to discover that he and the Man with the Yellow Hat are going to Mars.
Episode 8
When the grocer runs out of masa (cornmeal), George and Marco are worried they won't be able to make Marco's famous tortillas for his abuela's birthday. Thankfully, Uncle Enrique makes it his mission to find the key ingredient. During their ride on the "Tortilla Express," all three learn where masa comes from and how it gets from the farm to Marco's table.
Episode 9
It's Lake Wannasink Lake's 100th anniversary and George is in charge of the main attraction - the town's 100-year-old-flag with 10 stripes and 100 stars. When the stripes accidentally blow away, George runs around the countryside to retrieve them.
Episode 10
Fearless George" and his comrades (aka Steve and Betsy) are playing a make-believe adventure with George's toys. But putting away toys only to set them up again the next day really eats into play time.
Episode 11
When Hundley notices a big dog named Goliath helping the Doorman in the lobby, he wishes he were taller. George and Marco try to help the dachshund by giving him stilts, platform shoes, and even a fun house mirror to makes Hundley look big. But nothing cheers Hundley up until he figures out that good things come in all sizes.
Episode 12
On the first hot day of summer, George, Bill and Allie decide to take a dip in Bill's pool only to discover that the pool is filled with algae! Even oars, rubber boots, pots, pans, and yellow rain hats won't empty the green water. Hot and tired, George gets a refreshing idea while sipping lemonade from his super long straw. Simple siphon to the rescue.
9. Staffel 9 (12 Episoden)
Episode 1
When Professor Pizza's birthday present is dragged away by a strong ocean current, George volunteers to take an undersea adventure in a monkey-sized submarine to retrieve it.
Episode 2
Double-Oh-Monkey takes on his most important case yet - to prevent Steve's well-intentioned (but always disastrous) "good luck present" from ruining Betsy's dance recital! Using his super spy skills and all five of his senses, George tracks down Steve and discovers...a bucket of wet paint?
Episode 3
A hole in the roof means George and the Man with the Yellow Hat must sleep in the living room while their bedrooms are being repaired. But their adventure quickly turns into a disaster when George's nightly trips to the kitchen keep the Man awake at night.
Episode 4
George and Hundley are amazed by all the flying machines at the museum's aviation exhibit. So when Hundley's souvenir airship flies out of reach in the lobby, he dreams he is British flying ace, Leftenant Doxie. Joined by the daring flyboy Chuck Monkey, the dynamic duo use propeller power as they race towards the finish line. When Hundley awakens from his dream, he has a few new ideas on how to get his ceiling bound toy within reach.
Episode 5
Today is the big unveiling of the Ankylosaurus dinosaur skeleton at the Museum, but it's missing a leg! George and the Man with the Yellow Hat thought they delivered all 4 bones. Where did the 4th bone go? Fortunately, Mr. Quint took pictures on their way to the Museum. Maybe the photos can lead them to the bone...if they can only figure out which order to put them in.
Episode 6
George and Allie's imaginations run wild as they brainstorm what could be in the large unmarked box on George's doorstep. Based on its weight, sound, smell, and bristly hair, they're certain it's a baby goat! But what's really inside surprises them more than anything they could have ever imagined.
Episode 7
George wants to make his friends the best Valentine's Day card ever, but even with four paws, it takes a long time to create homemade cards for everyone. With a little help from sponge shapes, red paint, and a waffle iron, George creates the first ever monkey Valentine's Printing Press!
Episode 8
When a hungry deer keeps nibbling on the flowers in George and Allie's garden, George uses all of his five senses to keep the deer out. But a scarecrow, loud noises, sticky tape, and stinky rotten eggs don't work, leaving George with one last sense -- taste!
Episode 9
George and Marco are excited to help their new friend Lily practice the dragon dance for the Chinese New Year parade! But when they accidentally ruin the nose on the dragon costume, it's a race against the clock to fix it in time.
Episode 10
Monkeys love bowling, especially when high scores raise money for their favorite songbird - the bobolink! But when George finds himself dodging runaway balls and flying shoes, he worries the charity event will be a bust.
Episode 11
To raise awareness for the rainforest, Professor Wiseman enlists George and the Man with the Yellow Hat to help make a movie about the different plants, animals, and insects that call it home. But when a frisky tamarin monkey runs off with their camera, the chase is on!
Episode 12
George, Steve, Hundley, and Gnocchi get stuck in the back of a delivery truck after Steve steps inside in order to get out of the sun and see his handheld video game better. When the truck finally stops and George helps them escape, they are lost and must use their senses and memory to figure out how to get back home.
10. Staffel 10 (28 Episoden)
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11. Staffel 11 (29 Episoden)
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12. Staffel 12 (29 Episoden)
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13. Staffel 13 (30 Episoden)
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14. Staffel 14 (29 Episoden)
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15. Staffel 15 (28 Episoden)
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Episode 27
Episode 28

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