Ibiza: Secrets of the Party Island
30.04.2024 • 23:40 - 00:25 Uhr
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Ibiza: Secrets of the Party Island
Info, Dokumentation

Ibiza: Secrets of the Party Island

Zara McDermott comes face to face with the dark criminal economy that keeps the drugs flowing in Ibiza. She meets the drug supplier who never deals on the streets but feeds a seemingly never-ending supply of cocaine, ketamine and MDMA to a demanding clientele, from the Brits on a budget through to VIPs in the high-end clubs and villas. The supplier tells her drugs are easy to get on Ibiza, they are everywhere. Money can get you pretty much anything. Zara sees how police on the front line cope with this constant flow of Class As. Allowing users with small supplies to walk away but targeting dealers in the act of selling. An endless game of cat and mouse, made more difficult by social media. Once dealers are selling online, it's almost impossible for a stretched police force to catch them. Ibiza's economy is dependent on the success of the clubs, which account for more than a third of the island's GDP and many of the resident DJs are global superstars. Zara meets Mr Doris, resident DJ at the legendary Pacha. He has seen Ibiza change over the years as VIP culture has taken hold and prices have shot up. But it still has its magic. He tells Zara that Ibiza is all about the clubs. And with the clubs come the drugs. With the help of the island's police, Zara makes her way up the supply chain to the kingpins who bring drugs onto the island in luxury cars. While Zara is on the island, there is a raid on a luxury car rental company next to the island's main airport. The cars have been used to smuggle in large quantities of drugs. Car rental companies like this one prove the ideal place for money laundering.

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