American Chopper

SERIE • 8 Staffeln • Reality-TV, Sonstige, Sport • Neuseeland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2003


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American Chopper
Neuseeland, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Paul Teutul, Sr.


1. Staffel 1 (31 Episoden)
Schwarze Witwe 1
Paul Teutul jr. und sein Vater Paul Teutul sr. gehören zu Besten Chopper-Bauern der Welt. In ihrer Werkstatt von „Orange County Choppers“ kreieren sie die verrücktesten Maschinen für die „Born to be wild“-Gesellschaft. Diesmal wollen sie bis zum Javits Center in New York City eine einzigartige, noch nie da gewesene Black Widow-Maschine bauen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Schwarze Witwe 2
Die Black Widow von Paul Teutul sr. und seinem Sohn Paul Teutul jr. soll auf der Internationalen Motorradshow in New York alle anderen Bikes übertreffen. Doch die Fertigstellung der 150.000 US-Dollar teuren Maschine dauert – mal gibt es technische Probleme, mal Streitigkeiten zwischen Vater und Sohn. Doch kein Problem für die Teutuls, schließlich sind sie echte Profis. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Die Höllenmaschine 1
Großauftrag für Paul Teutul sr. und seinen Sohn Paul Teutul jr. bei „Orange County Choppers“: 150.000 US-Dollar lässt sich ein Kunde ein Motorrad aus der renommierten Werkstatt kosten. Vater und Sohn Teutul werden leicht nervös. Doch trotz der Anspannung und des Termindrucks sind die beiden sich einig: Sie gehören zusammen und wollen das Projekt durchziehen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Die Höllenmaschine 2
Der Vertrag ist unterschrieben, der Scheck überreicht. Das Motorrad für Alex Goen muss rechtzeitig fürs Daytona International Speedway fertig sein. Für Vater und Sohn Teutul vom „Orange County Choppers“ beginnen jetzt harte und zermürbende Wochen. Denn eigentlich sind drei Wochen viel zu knapp, um eine 150.000 US-Dollar teure Chopper zu bauen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Feuerstuhl 1
Im Andenken an die mutigen Feuerwehrmänner vom 11. September 2001 will Paul Teutul jr. eine Chopper bauen, die Züge eines Feuerwehrwagens trägt. So richtig kann sich das keiner von den „Orange County Choppers“ vorstellen. Doch wenn Paul jr. sich etwas in den Kopf gesetzt hat, wird das auch funktionieren. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Die Daytona Bike Week
Die Daytona Bike Week ist eines der größten Motorrad-Spektakel der USA. Dort trifft sich die Crème de la Crème der Motorrad-Szene. Das können sich die Männer von „Orange County Choppers“ nicht entgehen lassen. Mit Bikes wie der Black Widow oder Cody’s Project gehören sie in Dayton zu den Stars ihres Metiers. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Feuerstuhl 2
Noch nie hat Paul Teutul jr. so viel Liebe in eine Maschine gesteckt wie in diese zu Ehren der 343 Feuerwehrmänner, die am 11. September 2001 starben. Schon seit einem Monat arbeitet er daran. Doch er kommt nicht recht voran. Ein Besuch auf der Feuerwache in Brooklyn bringt die zündenden Ideen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Klassiker 1
Der 16-jährige Cody liebt Motorräder. Abends geht er in die Schule, tagsüber lernt er das Handwerk eines Motorradbauers bei „Orange County Choppers“. Paul Teutul sr., der Chef des Unternehmens, nimmt Cody unter seine Fittiche. Als erstes Projekt schwebt den beiden die Idee einer Old School-Chopper vor. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Klassiker 2
Zur großen Zufriedenheit von Paul sr. kommt der junge Cody mit der Fertigstellung seines Bikes gut voran. Doch Paul jr. hat einige Probleme mit dem Bau seiner „Comanche-Maschine“. Und das macht Paul sr. ziemlich sauer. Schließlich hat Orange County Choppers nicht ewig Zeit. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Comanche 1
Paul jr. hat mal wieder seinen ganz eigenen Kopf. Von niemandem lässt er sich reinreden, schon gar nicht von seinem Vater Paul sr. Die Teutuls streiten ständig über Kreativität, Profit, Details und Abgabetermine. Vor allem als es heißt, ein Bike zu bauen, das einem Comanche-Hubschrauber ähnelt. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Comanche 2
Dass die Zeit manchmal knapp wird, wissen die Männer von „Orange County Choppers“. Aber beim Bau der „Comanche“ haben sie sich überschätzt. Zwar wird die „Stealth“-Chopper noch pünktlich zur „Myrtle Beach Bike Week“ fertig, doch es gibt noch Probleme mit auslaufendem Öl. Die Folge begleitet den Bau des Motorrads und den Nervenkitzel wenige Stunden vor dem großen Auftritt bei der „Bike Week“. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Mikes Bike 1
Seit sechs Monaten arbeitet Mike Teutul nun schon bei „Orange County Choppers“, dem Motorrad-Unternehmen seines Vaters Paul sr. Doch irgendwie ist die Luft raus. Der Telefon- und Putzjob erfüllt ihn nicht mehr. Mike will endlich eine Chopper bauen. Werden sein Vater Paul sr. und sein Bruder Paul jr. diesen Wunsch unterstützen? (Text: Discovery Channel)
Mikes Bike 2
Mike ist stolz. Zum ersten Mal darf er eine Chopper bauen. Paul Teutul sr., der Chef von Orange Country Choppers, Bruder Paul jr. und Christian Welter helfen ihm beim Bau des „Blues Bike“. Und zu guter Letzt kann er die Maschine auf dem Motorradtreffen in Laconia ausstellen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Mikes Special
Mikey, der zweite Sohn von Paul Teutul sr., arbeitet seit einem Jahr bei „Orange County Choppers“. Er denkt nicht daran, den Laden wieder zu verlassen. Denn soviel Spaß mit seinem Vater und seinem Bruder erlebt er sonst bestimmt nirgendwo. Diese Folge gibt einen Rückblick über sein erstes Arbeitsjahr bei OCC. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Tool Bike 1
Paul Teutul jr. und Vinnie Dimartino fühlen sich wie im Schlaraffenland, als sie die Hallen der Snap-On Company betreten: Werkzeug über Werkzeug, alles, was ihr Herz begehrt. Doch sie sind nicht zum Vergnügen hier. Sie sammeln Ideen für ein neues Projekt: ein Tool Bike, das sie im Auftrag von Snap-On bauen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Tool Bike 2
Die Männer von Orange County Choppers haben von der Firma Snap-On den Auftrag für ein Tool Bike bekommen. Pauls Kreativität kennt mal wieder keine Grenzen. Das kleinste Detail passt. Trotz Streitereien und Diskussionen mit seinem Vater kann er das Motorrad zur vollsten Zufriedenheit des Auftraggebers fertig stellen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
O Tannenbaum / Santa Claus Bike
Paul Senior freut sich auf den Nikolaustag. Denn er möchte ein Santa Claus-Bike bauen, um damit Kinder zum Staunen zu bringen und vor allem Geschenke auszufahren. Diese Episode zeigt die Teutuls beim Bau dieser Maschine und beim alltäglichen Unsinn, den sie dabei machen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ehrensache 1
Nachdem Paul Teutul sr., der Chef von „Orange County Choppers“, einige Veteranen des Vietnam-Krieges kennen gelernt hat, beschließt er, ein Themebike zu bauen. Es soll an die Soldaten erinnern, die für die USA gekämpft haben. Um seinen Mitarbeitern sein Vorhaben deutlich zu machen, fährt er mit ihnen nach Washington D.C. zum Vietnam War Memorial. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ehrensache 2
Ideen für das Kriegsveteranen-Motorrad, das Paul Teutul sr., Mike und Rick Petko bauen wollen, haben die beiden am „Vietnam War Memorial“ in Washington D.C. gesammelt. Jetzt geht es ans Eingemachte. Denn das Themebike POW / MIA, das an all’ die Soldaten, Kriegsgefangenen und Gefallenen erinnern soll, die für die USA gekämpft haben, muss bald fertig sein. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ehrensache 3
Paul Teutul sr., Chef von Orange County Choppers, sein Sohn Mike und die Mitarbeiter Rick, Mike und Cody stehen mal wieder unter Zeitdruck. Nur noch eine Woche haben sie Zeit, um das den US-Soldaten gewidmete Motorrad fertigzubauen. Dabei kommt nun auf jedes Detail an. (Text: Discovery Channel)
NY Jets Bike
Von den New York Jets, einer der bekanntesten Footballmannschaften der USA, bekommt „Orange County Choppers“, den Auftrag für ein Bike. Um sich das „Footballfieber“ zu holen und Ideen zu sammeln, besichtigen Paul sr. und seine beiden Söhne Paul jr. und Mike das Trainingscamp der Mannschaft. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ein Bike zum Jubiläum 1
Bei Orange Counter Choppers herrscht eine angespannte Atmosphäre: Zum 75-jährigen Firmenunternehmen von Miller Electric wird ein Themebike gebaut, Paul sr. hat viel an seinen Mitarbeitern auszusetzen, und Vinnies Frau steht kurz vor der Geburt ihres Kindes. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ein Bike zum Jubiläum 2
Die Männer Orange County Choppers stecken mitten in der Arbeit an dem Theme-Bike für Miller Electric, während sich Paul sr. über die Unordnung in der Werkstatt aufregt. Doch das Bike wird pünktlich fertig. Die Mitarbeiter von Miller Electric jubeln, als Paul Teutul sr. das Motorrad auf dem Firmenjubiläum präsentiert. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ein Bike für Jay Leno 1
Jay Leno ist ein großer Motorradfan und lädt die beiden Teutuls, Paul sr. und jr. in seine Show ein. „Orange County Choppers“ soll ein Bike für ihn bauen. Die Teutuls sind begeistert. Diese Episode begleitet sie nach Los Angeles zu Jay Leno und zeigt die Anfänge beim Bau des „Leno-Bikes“. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Ein Bike für Jay Leno 2
Der große Auftritt in der „Tonight Show“ von Jay Leno rückt näher. Der bekannte Moderator hat bei „Orange County Choppers“ sein Lieblingsmotorrad bestellt: eine „1939 Brough Superior“. Am Freitag soll sie live in der Show enthüllt werden. Und heute ist Dienstag! Bei Paul Teutul sr. und jr. liegen die Nerven blank. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Liberty Bike 1
Die Freiheitsstatue war ein Geschenk der Franzosen an das amerikanische Volk. 1886 wurde sie auf Liberty Island eingeweiht. Bei der letzten Restaurierung wurden einige Kupferplatten aus dem Inneren der Statue entfernt. Aus ihnen sollen nun die chaotischen Teutuls ein „Liberty-Bike“ bauen. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Liberty Bike 2
Orange County Choppers soll ein „Liberty Bike“ bauen, für das sie originale Kupferplatten der Freiheitsstatue verarbeiten. Allmählich nimmt das Motorrad Gestalt an. Doch wie immer in der heißen letzten Phase verschärft sich der Umgangston zwischen Paul Teutul sr. und Paul Teutul jr. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Dixie Chopper 1
Eigentlich wollte Paul Teutul sr., Chef von Orange County Choppers, bei Dixie Chopper nur einen Rasenmäher kaufen. Doch er verstand sich auf Anhieb so gut mit Art Evans, Gründer und Chef von Dixie Chopper, dass dieser ihn um den bau eines Motorrads bat – ein „Rasenmäher-Themebike“. (Text: Discovery Channel)
Dixie Chopper 2
Zwar gibt es wieder Streit bei den Teutuls, dennoch merkt man, wie stolz Vater Paul auf seinen Sohn Paul jr. ist. Aus Dank schenkt er ihm eine Harley Davidson. Paul Jr. ist überwältigt. Doch die Fertigstellung des Dixie Chopper Bikes steht an erster Stelle. Die Probefahrt mit der Harley muss noch warten. (Text: Discovery Channel)
2. Staffel 2 (32 Episoden)
To honor those who have fallen in the armed forces, Paul Sr. enlists Rick, Mike, and even Mikey, to begin construction of a one of a kind tribute on wheels.
It's into the homestretch of final fabrication and assembly on the POW/MIA Bike. With the paint ideas done, the OCC crew decide to celebrate a special occaison: Paul Jr's, and his mom's, birthday.
With the deadline closing in on Paul Sr.'s POW/MIA bike, the OCC crew joins forces to complete the heartfelt tribute before its public debut. But more last-minute delays and unexpected setbacks leave its fate hanging in the balance.
To commemorate the start of the New York Jets new season, OCC is given the task of fabricating a custom chopper to be unveiled at the Jets' stadium.
To celebrate the Miller Electric Company's 75th anniversary, the Teutels are given the oppurtunity to put together a custom chopper. Problems reign high as Paul Jr. takes pieces off his dad's Lucy Bike and Vinnie deals with being a father for the first time.
Paulie and the boys hit the hardwood for a game of hoops against the guys from OCC Ironworks in what can only be described as a comedy of errors. But back in the shop, it's all business: Big Paul blows up at Vinnie for leaving the shop in disarray and nearly sends him home for the day. However, once Senior gets a look at the Miller Bike's patriotic paint job and the outrageous tow-behind welder, all is forgiven.
The Teutuls go Hollywood when Tonight Show host Jay Leno commissions a modern version of his favorite classic bike: the 1939 Brough Superior. But back at OCC, the excitement fades when Paulie discovers that the bike's frame is too small to accommodate the oil tank. And when the motor and wheels arrive late, it creates a host of technical difficulties that threaten to put the Leno Bike on hiatus.
It's crunch time for OCC as they press to complete fabrication and assembly on the Leno Bike project, but when thicker-than-usual powdercoat slows down Paul Jr. and Vinnie's progress, can they get the bike finished in time for its Tonight Show debut?
How do you honor the greatest monument in American history? You build her a custom chopper, of course! And that's exactly what happens for OCC when they get the task of creating a bike that symbolizes American freedom and the Statue of Liberty, with one of Paul Jr.'s daring ideas to date: coat the entire bike in Statue of Liberty copper.
The Liberty Bike quickly goes down as the hardest bike ever to assemble and finish when parts go missing, and Paul Jr. having to reject Mike Campo's Statue of Liberty face fender. To add to the fire, Paul Jr. has to fabricate a third exhaust system for the custom carburetor and contend with his father's impatient attitude in finishing this bike.
After 25 years, the Dixie Chopper lawn mower company decides to celebrate their anniversary the only way they know how: get a one of a kind theme bike from Orange County Choppers. The guys come down to their plant, and the ideas start flowing, namely using a lawn mower engine to power the Teutel's latest bike.
With business booming at OCC, Senior splurges for an expansion to the cramped garage ... and a custom Harley for son Paulie. Back in the shop, the crew hustles to get the Dixie Bike ready for its Daytona debut. But with the clock ticking and the realization that the rear fender is hopelessly bent, the guys are going to have to come up with a creative solution to get this grass-kicking hog to the show on time.
With Junior and Senior heading out of town to be on The Tonight Show, Mikey and Vinnie get the opportunity to create their own one-of-a-kind chopper and the good times come to a halt when OCC's new Director of Operations, Keith Quill, expects the bike to be finished in time for a New Orleans bike show around the corner.
The Mikey/Vinnie Bike steadily reaches completion, despite Keith acting like Paul Sr. and sending Mikey home for being late for work. The hard work pays off when the bike is ready for its debut, with one small problem: It won't start.
To commemorate the release of Will Smith's new 20th Century Fox movie, I, Robot, the OCC crew is kicked into high-gear to come up with a unique design to display at the movie's Hollywood premeire. Arguments over design and time strike a familiar cord that may threaten this bike reaching its star-struck debut.
It's California dreaming as the boys of OCC get their latest creation ready for its red-carpet debut out West. While they're waiting for paint and chrome work to be completed, Paulie and Vinnie get to work souping up Mikey's ""chick magnet"" — his 50-cc scooter. But comedy turns to drama when a few missing parts prevent final assembly of the Robo-Bike.
Pro golfer Davis Love III gets a one-of-a-kind birthday present when his wife Robin gets the Teutuls to build him a custom old-school chopper to contradict the easy-going personality he has on the green.
The guys visit Nike headquarters in search of inspiration for their next project, a chopper tribute to six-time Tour de France champion and cancer survivor Lance Armstrong and his Livestrong Foundation. But when fabrication begins, the shop and Junior's ambitious designs suffer a setback when Rick get his hand caught in a drill press, sustaining a serious injury.
The Tour de France is in its final stages as work continues on Lance Armstrong's Livestrong bike. With their deadline looming, the team struggles to put the finishing touches on the exhaust system in time to get the chopper to Justin and Nub Grafix for paint. But when the bike returns, engine problems linger, putting the pressure on Junior to fix the mystery problem before OCC presents the gift to Lance on The Tonight Show.
After dedicating a bike to the firefighters of America, OCC decides it's time to do one for the boys in blue. After visiting a police training facility in upstate New York, and pepper spraying Keith, Paul Jr. and Vinnie nail out the details of this one of a kind bike, such as a sidecar and the intricate lighting system.
It's crunch time for OCC as they rush to complete their tribute to the boys in blue. Tensions in the shop rise to complete this one of a kind bike in time. Episode highlights: Mikey drowns a pick-up truck in a pond, and Rick and Vinnie try out the effectiveness of the Police Bike's sirens.
A trip down memory lane while at Sturgis inspires Senior to build a tribute to biker legend and artist (and one of Senior's personal heroes) David Mann. But throughout the build Senior struggles with problems, from Paulie showing up late to work to never-ending fights with Mike. Then, after a trip to the dentist leaves Mike in an anesthetized stupor, Senior and Rick are left to work on the handlebars without his input. Will his empty spot slow down the build, or will Senior and Rick survive on their own?
The David Mann tribute takes on new meaning for Paul Sr. upon learning that David Mann passed away. More problems emerge when Paul Sr. gets fed up with JB Graphix taking too long with the paint job and not getting it right the first time. Things look up when Paul gets the idea to have an artist make a painting of the completed bike in David Mann's style, and run off three-thousand prints to be auctioned off to help pay for David Mann's hospital bills. Dedicated to the memories of David Mann (9/10/42-9/11/04) and Indian Larry (3/28/49-8/30/04).
OCC rings in the holiday season with their annual Christmas bike, fabricating a custom sleigh worthy of old Saint Nick that will be pulled by the previous year's Christmas Bike. And so, with Junior and Vinnie tied up in the shop with customer bikes, Senior, Mikey, Rick and Campo head down to the iron shop to build their creation in time to use the bike and sleigh to deliver gifts to needy families.
It's off to visit car-racing legend Carroll Shelby, during which OCC discusses design ideas for their tribute to Shelby's long career. But after deciding on their ultimate inspiration — a classic Shelby Mustang — the boys return to their usual antics: Senior takes a Shelby car for a high-speed spin and fights with Junior over the bike's frame, a golf cart is taken for a destructive joyride, and Gus gets locked in Senior's Hummer. Will they get things together and finish the bike before their fast-approaching deadline?
It's moving day for OCC when the guys move out to a bigger facility closer to Montgomery, New York. The final stages of fabrication on the Carroll Shelby Bike become complicated when Keith has the equipment moved right out under Vinnie and Rick's noses. After moving into the bigger facility, the bike snaps together but when engine problems similar to those that plagued the Comanche threaten to pull the plug on this Mustang-inspired masterpiece for its unveiling at a Las Vegas auto show.
The Lincoln motor company. A name that means elegance and superior handling. So how does a subsidiary car company of Ford celebrate the release of their first pick-up truck? Get OCC to build a custom chopper, of course! In a day full of test rides and crashing trucks, Paulie, Vin, and Rick nail out some of the details on this bike and test out their new FloJet machine.
As work continues on the Lincoln Bike, Mikey pitches in to complete some extra features and to keep the guys on schedule. Then, after the bike goes out for its paint job, Junior and crew travel to Washington, D.C., to visit injured troops at Walter Reed Memorial Hospital. Back in New York, the rivalry between Orange County Choppers and Orange County Iron Works is played out in a hardcore game of dodge ball. But too much play and little work means a final scramble to finish the build when the crew encounters huge problems during the bike's final assembly.
3. Staffel 3 (43 Episoden)
Paul Jr. decides it's time to build himself a bike, but not just any bike. Taking some design cues from the Spider-Man Bike and the Black Widow, he sets out to create an original web-theme bike.
As Paulie finishes the Web Bike, completing the trilogy, Rick and Vinnie get the opportunity of a lifetime and take a ride in an F-16. Meanwhile, Mikey, Senior and crew pitch in to create a new sign for Orange County Choppers.
OCC's next project has them building a chopper based on a Caterpillar bulldozer, but things don't go as well at the shop when Paul Jr. and Mike Campo can't agree on the bike's design.
The fights continue as the guys struggle to complete assembly on the bike for Caterpillar, their efforts slowed by major problems with the rear fender.
In search of ideas for their newest theme bike, OCC visits Gillette's headquarters in Boston. Then, back in the shop, the guys split their attention between production bikes and the Gillette Bike, while Senior takes some fabrication frustration out on Junior and Vinnie.
The guys complete the bike for Gillette, unveiling it at Boston's Prudential Center. Meanwhile, as an added bonus, Mikey babysits Vinnie's daughter, so Vinnie and his wife can have a much-needed night out.
It's off to drag-racing school in New Jersey for the OCC guys, as they prepare to build a drag bike for NAPA. And this bike will be unlike any other: It'll have a straight speed of 140 mph, and will be used in actual races on the quarter-mile drag track. Also out of the ordinary is Mike, who stops his loafing around and gets a new title at OCC after Mike Campo quits.
OCC finishes the NAPA bike, and Vinnie races it down the strip in an actual drag race.
The Teutuls are given the opportunity to participate in a charity auction to benefit the familes of wounded or dead soldiers. Paul Jr. and Sr. compete to design two different bikes to be auctioned off and a tense competition is underway. Meanwhile, Paul Sr. gives his mom back her 1984 Cadillac Deville, completely restored.
The competition heats up as Senior and Junior compete to assemble and complete their bikes when they come back from paint, powdercoat, and chrome. When Senior pulls ahead, Junior gets the last laugh when he manages to get his bike started with the absence of a gas tank and a rear wheel.
OCC is given the oppurtunity to build a Yankee-inspired bike for the Jorge Posada Foundation. Paul Jr. takes to the field in designing a one-of-a-kind baseball themed bike that includes bat-shaped handlebars and a primary cover with an etching of Yankee Stadium. Struck with inspiration, Paul Sr. arranges for a softball game between OCC and Orange County Ironworks.
The final days of assembling the Yankees Bike come down to the wire when parts come back from paint and powder coat, but Paul Jr. is pushed to his limits when parts go missing. Ulitmately, it falls on Mikey to take the gas tank from New York to Milwaukee to have the Yanks sign it without scratching it.
The Teutels go into the wild blue yonder when they get the chance to build a bike to commemorate the launch of the space shuttle Discovery. After their visit to NASA, Paul Jr., Vinnie, and Rick bang away on the bike's fabrication. Tensions run rampant when Paul Sr. finds his son spending more time in Jason Pohl's office than actually fabricating. Will the build be scrubbed, or will it be salvaged?
The guys of OCC take off to Cape Canaveral, Fla., to watch the launch of the space shuttle Discovery, seeking more ideas for the NASA-themed bike. Once back in the shop, Junior continues to work on the bike while Senior and Mikey build a model space shuttle together. After the bike is assembled, OCC heads back to the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, to reveal the bike to NASA and the astronauts who returned home on Discovery.
The final days of fabrication come down to the wire as Rick's old school chopper get sent out to paint, powder coat, and chrome. The mood around the shop takes a 180 when Cody leaves to attend the AMI motorcycle school in Florida to become a licensed mechanic.
The guys decide that it's time for a vacation and what better place than jolly old England? After an all-night flight, Senior, Junior, and Mikey are treated to a double-decker bus tour of London, which puts Senior to sleep. Next they visit the Tower of London, and the numerous torture devices found within may spark some ideas for motivation around the shop.
Adventures and cultural differences await the Teutuls as they travel across the Atlantic for the first time ever. While in London, the guys take in the sights and realize that things are quite different on the other side of the pond. They manage to find some bikes and head out on the open road in Ireland and England, taking in the countryside. On the go and feeling out of place, Senior, Junior and Mikey start to feel new pressures and tensions rise.
Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes? Find out in this special episode as Mikey films the film crew and travels to L.A. to find out about the post-production work needed to make this one-of-a-kind show come together. Watch interviews with the producer, cameramen, editors, and, begrudingly, the executive producer.
Susan Morisset is an insurance claim adjuster from Bruceville, Texas who's been wanting to ride an OCC bike because "somtimes a girl just needs to be in the driver's seat." And the Teutles are the kinda guys to give her their first girl bike. Between blowing stuff up, and Junior and Senior's biggest argument to date, things quickly spiral out of control and may threaten the completion of this FANtasy Bike.
Bryan King is a truck driving, car customizer out of California, and the one thing he wants more than anything is to have his own chopper. Only one small problem: he's in a wheelchair. Overcoming this hurdle is one of many problems that plagues the guys as they design a tike-bike to accomodate Bryan and make this FANtasy Bike one to remember.
After his trip to Europe where he saw some impressive vintage motorcycles, Senior feels inspired and decides to start his own collection of vintage bikes. When the guys try to restore an old classic, they run into some obstacles and need to call on the help of an expert. Senior has everyone working on this project and he decides to build a chopper with a vintage feel as well. Mikey even pitches in, but when he gets pushed too far, he throws a temper tantrum and walks out.
The guys of OCC continue working on Senior's vintage chopper, while Chris Matthews finishes restoring an old classic. When the front end of the vintage chopper comes back from powdercoat the wrong color, the guys scramble to finish the bike on time. Senior's vintage chopper is unveiled at a photo shoot for Barnett's magazine.
Mikey and Vinnie host a series of their favorite clips that never quite made the show.
OCC gets a special visit from the "Piano Man," Billy Joel, who asks the guys to build him a vintage Indian bobber motorcycle. To get more insight into their customer's needs, the Teutuls make a special visit to Billy's home and get a tour of his vintage motorcycle collection. But when the paint on the bike comes back the wrong color, the pressure is on to finish the bike in time for its reveal in front of 10,000 fans at a Billy Joel concert.
The guys continue their work on a bike for Wendy's that will be auctioned off to benefit the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption.
OCC teams up with Sunoco and NASCAR driver Kyle Petty to build a bike that will benefit the Victory Junction Gang Camp. The guys head down to North Carolina to meet Kyle Petty and to tour the camp. While there, they get the opportunity to hang out and spend time with some of the kids. After that, the Teutuls head to Lowe's Speedway where they take turns going around the track. Once back in the shop, they continue working on this latest chopper.
OCC continues working on their latest build, a bike for Sunoco that will be auctioned off to benefit the Victory Junction Gang Camp. When the bike is sent to paint and powdercoat, the guys head back to Lowe's Speedway and take turns going around the track.
Actor Bill Murray asks the OCC crew to build him a chopper inspired by his "Caddyshack" character, Carl.
Actor Bill Murray asks the OCC crew to build him a chopper inspired by his "Caddyshack" character, Carl.
The OCC crew builds a custom chopper on stage for their fans.
The OCC crew decide to mass produce a bike for the public.
The Teutuls begin work on their next project, for the Lugz footwear company; OCC bids farewell to a valued employee.
The custom leather design for the Lugz bike poses new challenges for the crew.
OCC suits up, and lays siege to their latest project, a dragon-rider bike inspired by the movie Eragon; Mikey takes on a crusade of his own and organizes a jousting tournament uniquely OCC.
An oversight by Cody and unexpected news about its planned debut threaten the completion of the Eragon Bike.
An oversight by Cody and unexpected news about its planned debut threaten the completion of the Eragon Bike.
4. Staffel 4 (37 Episoden)
When Orange County Chopper breaks ground on their new shop, Paul Sr. challenges Paul Jr. to a design contest.
The design contest between father and son continues, with fans picking the winner. Paul Sr. goes old school while Jr. puts together a new spider-web design.
OCC designs and builds a high-tech chopper for, but Jason and Paul Jr. can't agree on a design, so Senior has to step in.
As work continues on the chopper for, Mikey and Paul Sr. take a trip to the racetrack, where Mikey gets to show off his racing skills to Danica Patrick.
Mikey and Vinnie embark on a quest to obtain New England lobsters for the guys at the shop.
While Orange County Chopper begins work on a custom bike for the Flow International Corporation, Mikey starts on a secret project of his own.
OCC continues work on the chopper for the Flow International Corporation. Meanwhile, the crew goes to a paintball course to let off a little steam, OCC-style.
OCC boots up their latest custom chopper--a computer-themed creation for the HP Corporation. With the build underway, the OCC crew makes a call to the tattoo artists of Miami Ink to discuss getting some new tattoos.
OCC continues on their computer themed chopper for the HP Corporation. Meanwhile, Ami and Chris from Miami Ink continue their custom body art on Senior and Beth. The guys encounter problems at the bike's reveal and Senior narrowly avoids a mishap.
OCC amps it up as they start on their latest custom creation--a guitar-themed chopper for Peavey Electronics. But when Senior brings in a second build, for the Go Fast Energy Drink company, the work piles up and the company's resources are spread thin.
OCC continues on their custom chopper for Peavey Electronics. The double build winds down as the guys travel to Las Vegas to unveil the Go Fast bike, and then on to Anaheim for the Peavey reveal.
It's another OCC family vacation as the Teutuls go walkabout in the 'land down under' where Russell Crowe asks the guys to build an Australia-themed chopper.
The Teutuls continue their adventures in the Great South Land. After arriving at Uluru, the guys find themselves immersed in Aboriginal culture.
Final part of 3 part series. The Teutel's take a two week trip to Australia and create a down-under themed bike.
The guys start work on a high-tech bike for Intel featuring the latest in motorcycle and computing gadgetry.
The guys finish off work on a high-tech bike for Intel featuring the latest in motorcycle and computing gadgetry.
OCC hits the links for their latest project: three EDS sponsored choppers honoring the career and charitable work of golf legend Byron Nelson.
OCC hits the links for their latest project: three EDS sponsored choppers honoring the career and charitable work of golf legend Byron Nelson.
OCC hovers over their next project--a sleek, custom creation for Silver State Helicopters. But aspects of the bike's design present new challenges for the crew, and forces Paul Jr. to confront creative obstacles of his own.
5. Staffel 5 (26 Episoden)
OCC locks and loads as they pay tribute to the troops with a custom bike for the Army National Guard. Paul Sr. takes a walk down the aisle with Beth. Using concepts sent in by the troops, Paul Jr. and Jason Pohl get started on the design. Then, after fabrication begins, Cody steps up to fill a void, and Sr. takes him under his wing.
The Army National Guard Patriot Bike is completed by the guys at OCC. Jason Pohl is eager for the opportunity to advance in his training. But tension arises with the crew because of Jason's ignorance of the shop protocol. Paul, Sr. pays tribute to the sacrifice given by some injured vets.
Mikey gets in the game and heads up OCC's latest custom creation - a Wolverine bike for the University of Michigan's Mott Children's Hospital.The cast from NBC's "My Name is Earl" bursts onto the scene and gets the OCC team to build a My Name is Earl bike.
Mikey reveals the University of Michican bike at Michigan-OSU football game Then the guys are off to Hollywood for a reveal party with the cast of NBC's show "My Name is Earl".
OCC packs their gear and hikes into their next project -- a custom chopper for Gander Mountain, an outdoor lifestyle company. As design gets under way, Jr. decides to go with an off-road theme. But a disagreement over fabrication ignites into a full-scale blowout that brings the project to a screeching halt. OCC ventures into the great outdoors, and tests their survival skills.
OCC continues on their latest custom creation -- a street bike/motocross hybrid for the outdoor lifestyle company Gander Mountain. The Teutuls travel to Brazil to unveil a special bike... and find themselves invited to the presidential palace. Back at the shop, doubts about Pohl's abilities quickly resurface, and his inexperience tests Sr.'s patience. Mikey steps in and challenges the old man to a competition that fosters some father-son bonding.
OCC charges up their latest double build: Sr.'s custom creation for Craftsman Tools, and Jr.'s two-wheeled showpiece for DieHard Batteries. The guys travel to South Africa, where they immerse themselves in the local bike culture ... and head to the bush, to make some new friends. But back at the shop, Craftsman drops the hammer and sends Sr. and Pohl back to the drawing board.
OCC continues on their latest double build -- custom bikes for Craftsman Tools and DieHard Batteries. After a jam session with rock 'n' roll legend Chubby Checker gets OCC doing the twist, both teams race into assembly and the Sr.-Jr. rivalry heats up. But as Team Craftsman is delayed, Team DieHard pulls ahead and Mikey moves forward with his latest project, recruiting Sr. to lend a hand. Once Mikey's unusual creation passes its test, Sr. and his team must rally to get their Craftsman project done.
OCC tunes in and cranks it up, as they build a custom bike for Klipsch Audio Technologies. But staffing shortages around the shop have the crew scrambling, forcing Sr. to amp everyone up on a quest to hire new people.
OCC pulls out all the stops and takes on a project for the plumbing and heating technology company, Viega Corporation. Manpower issues continue to plague the shop, and company demands push JQ to the limit.
The Girls of BSN, a spokesmodel team of the nutritional supplement manufacturer BSN, give the guys a hand as they begin design on a bike for the company.
OCC builds an industrial-themed bike for the Manitowoc crane group. Also, Mikey gives a lecture to a group of second graders.
The motorcycle industry picks OCC for an award, but there are no production bikes available to display in the awards showcase, so the crew scrambles to build some in time for the event.
OCC moves into their new World Headquarters and takes on their first build in the new shop; a penguin-themed chopper for exterior insulation manufacturer, Drvyit Systems.
Paul Sr. gets the green light for Paul Jr. to design and build a custom chopper honoring the World Champion NY Giants. As Junior's freeform style inspires the build, OCC prepares for the grand opening of their new World HQ.
OCC twists and turns into their next project: the OCC Motocoaster bike for the Darien Lake Theme Park Resort.
Senior recruits J.Q. and Jason Pohl to build a tribute bike for the Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. But fabrication hits some turbulence as issues with the backbone and tank have the guys spinning out of control.
The Teutuls get inspired by some high-end automotive engineering and build a luxury-performance bike for Mercedes Benz-AMG. Senior taps a local artist to immortalize his kids in ink, and then takes some time to get away, with his best friend Gus.
The guys head to the lanes for inspiration when OCC decides to create a bowling themed bike for Strike Ten Entertainment. Rick designs a tank in the form of a bowling ball, and Sr. brings Mikey to the farm where he pretends to be a matador.
A custom bike build begins for McCuff Industries, but a miscalculation on the frame and problems during assembly threaten the process.
OCC hosts the RJR Memorial Car show. With Sr. leading the way, everyone at the shop contributes: Jr. reaches out to the local fire department for help with a pancake breakfast and Mikey travels to the city to solicit help for an idea uniquely his own.
Paul Teutul and his sons capture the drama and go head to head in the creation of outrageous custom motorcycles.
OCC takes on the challenge of building two bikes at the same time. First is a custom bike for illusionist Steve Wyrick and the second is for ICEE. Their first trick is to invent an invisible gas tank for Steve's bike. And, the gang go to work for the sweet treat as a means of cooling off.
OCC takes on an industrial themed bike when the tackle the heavy machinery maker, Aaron Equipment Company. When one Teutul doesn't show up at the Aaron, Sr. is left upset. The air is tense as the guys get the gears turning when the design ideas begin for fabrication.
OCC goes heavy duty with a bike for Dodge Ram. Needing help with the design, the guys take a trip to a farm for inspiration from the real thing. Back at the shop, Sr. leads the charge on the build but when Jr. gets involved the two Teutuls butt heads.
Pohl is chosen to scout out OCC's most magical client to date, Schussler Creative. But when the outrageous ideas for the Schussler's bike pushes OCC to the brink, causing the guys to dig in and set the goal of creating the wildest 57 Chevy bike ever.
6. Staffel 6 (26 Episoden)
The guys of OCC have their work cut out for them with two new projects: a B-2 Bomber bike for Northrop Grumman and one for the NHL. The company's foundation is rocked as Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. go head to head in a no hold's barred argument.
Times are tough at the OCC shop. Now that Jr. has been fired he's on the hunt for a new project to take up his time. Sr. and the rest of the team clown around at the circus, and build a bike to honor the music festival held at Woodstock.
Sr. is having some work done on the shop and in return he's building bikes for the contracted companies, DECA and Columet.
Sr. takes a trip up to Alaska to research a bike and ends up meeting with Governor Sarah Palin. Then it's off to Finland in an attempt to bring OCC to Europe.
To mark the occasion of OCC's 10th anniversary Sr. designs a bike for the masses. He's written a new book and gets invited to ring the bell at the NYSE, and to appear on some famous late night talk shows in order to promote it.
Paul Sr. attempts to make amends with Paulie Jr. now that he is no longer working at OCC. He invites Jr. and Mikey his home to work on the Triumph Bike project, just for fun.
Paul Sr. is out of the shop as he continues to promote his new book on some popular talk shows. In order to keep the production of the Mt. Creek bike running smoothly, he calls Jr. in as a consultant to help out.
The crew from OCC take a trip to Howe Caverns to explore the deep underground caves and to face their fears. Paul Jr. works on his own projects outside the shop, while still acting as a consultant at OCC.
In an effort to continue their business expansion, OCC is partners up with industry giant Ducati. The guys in the shop put their unique spin on one of these Italian bikes as they prepare to celebrate at OCC's four day long 10th anniversary bash.
The Teutul's head to the Pennsylvanian home of Jon Gosselin, from the TLC series, Jon & Kate Plus 8, after being commissioned to build a bike for them. They wind up with a first hand look at how the family of 10 live.
OCC lands an important international client as they are hired to build a bike for the Abu Dhabi police department. Seeing a good business opportunity, Sr. travels to the Middle East in an attempt to expand OCC's international reach.
OCC goes green by attempting to build the first clean-burning natural gas powered bike for the Chesapeake Energy Corporation. Their vision and ingenuity will be put to the test...can a bike be built which is energy efficient and still perform as a chopper? Meanwhile, at Paul Jr. Designs, Paul Jr. gets his first client in Coleman which wants him to put a new spin on a current product. Elsewhere at OCC, Mikey begins questioning his relationship with his father and role at the shop.
With Junior and Mickey squeezed from the family business, life goes on with some changes. Meanwhile, the crew build a bike for the Saginaw Chippewa Indian tribe.
A truce is made between Paul Sr. and his sons as they make an appearance on "Larry King Live.'' Later, Paul Jr. makes his first solo appearance since leaving OCC by heading to the Midwest.
The guys face an uncertain future as the Teutul dynasty crumbles; OCC builds an electric chopper for Siemens; Paul Jr. continues to work on building his new company.
OCC is commissioned to build a chopper for the Ornge medical transport company; the team struggles trying to figure out how to build a sidecar capable of carrying the same kind of stretcher found in an ambulance; Paul Jr. Designs project.
Chicago White Sox pitcher Mark Buehrle's wife commissions OCC to build him a surprise chopper to commemorate his perfect game; Paul Jr. continues to work on a project for Coleman, his biggest client.
OCC is enlisted to build a bike for the Iraq Star Foundation, which provides free reconstructive surgery to U.S. soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A client commissions OCC to build a chopper trike; Paul Sr. learns that Mikey is in rehab and wonders if there's any hope of salvaging their strained relationship.
OCC builds a bike for pool champion Jeanette Lee inspired by her ``Black Widow'' nickname; Mikey is back from rehab and ready to make amends; Paul Jr. explores designing a campaign for an Indy racing team.
The guys are commissioned to build a ``wheelchair chopper'' for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation; Paul Jr. makes his first visit to OCC in more than four months, but the family divide continues.
Schneider Electric is challenging Orange County Choppers to build a custom motorcycle that will support our company mission of helping people make the most of their energy.
The guys work on a chopper for their newest client, Gladiator Garageworks; Mikey tries to face his fears by performing his comedy routine in front of a live audience; Paul Jr. drops in on "The Adam Carolla Podcast''.
The OCC guys create their first diesel-powered chopper for Monster Diesel; Paul Jr. attends the grand opening of a dog park that he designed for his hometown of Newburgh, N.Y.
The team designs a NASCAR-inspired chopper for the Stewart-Haas racing team. Mikey participates in JDRF's Ride to Cure Diabetes. Paul Jr. pitches a new line of dog toys.
The guys at OCC are tapped by Kobalt to build them a custom chopper. With a brand new set of tools, Senior and his team get busy designing and building an incredibly unique chopper. Junior gathers the family together and makes a truly life changing announcement.
7. Staffel 7 (14 Episoden)
Schatten der Vergangenheit
Paul jr. greift seinem Vater bei einem Problem mit der Federung unter die Arme. Beide Seiten geben ihr Bestes, damit sich die komplizierte Vater-Sohn-Beziehung weiter normalisiert. Während der Senior mit seinem Team einen Feuerstuhl für ein Ferienparadies in Manila zusammenschraubt, heckt der Junior einen Plan aus, der die Chopper-Familie wieder enger zusammenbringen soll.
Der Senior tüftelt mit seinem Team an einem Motorrad mit 200 Pferdestärken, aber ein Problem mit dem Kompressor wirbelt den Zeitplan der Profi-Schrauber durcheinander. Die Crew von Paul jr. Designs wird durch fehlende Ersatzteile ausgebremst. Trotz Stress nehmen sich Vater und Sohn Zeit für ein Spezialprojekt. Die Zweirad-Experten wollen einem "OCC"-Klassiker zu neuem Glanz verhelfen.
Ein neues Kapitel
Das Geld sitzt bei der Kundschaft nicht mehr so locker. Um die Zukunft der Firma zu sichern, tüfteln die Motorrad-Experten von "OCC" deshalb an einem neuen Geschäftsmodell. Es gibt noch etwas, das dem Senior Kopfschmerzen bereitet: Der Junior hat vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ein Buch veröffentlicht, in dem man viele Details der komplizierten Vater-Sohn-Beziehung schwarz auf weiß nachlesen kann.
Alles Kopfsache
Das Team von "Orange County Choppers" baut in dieser Folge zwei coole Motorräder für die "Peace of Mind Foundation". Mit diesem Projekt wollen die Profischrauber psychisch kranken Menschen helfen.
Paul Teutul Sr. lässt sich bei seinem neuesten Projekt von einem Autoklassiker inspirieren. Der Pontiac GTO wurde in den Sechzigerjahren entwickelt und gilt als der Urvater aller Muscle Cars.
Ein Autogramm, bitte!
Ohne die Originalunterschriften der Spieler wäre das Yankee-Bike nicht perfekt, deshalb klingeln Paulie und sein Vater bei Jorge Posada durch. Kann der ehemalige Major League Baseballstar-Star den Zweirad-Experten in dieser Angelegenheit weiterhelfen? Zeitgleich wird in beiden Werkstätten an nagelneuen Motorrädern geschraubt. Der Junior konstruiert ein supercooles Trike mit breiten Reifen.
Happy Birthday
Paul Teutul Sr. hasst Geburtstagspartys! Trotzdem hat Mikey für seinen Dad eine Überraschung vorbereitet. Dabei kommt in der Werkstatt von "OCC" eine Cupcake-Kanone zum Einsatz. Danach krempeln die Motorrad-Profis wieder die Ärmel hoch, denn die Veranstalter eines Extrem-Hindernislaufs haben ein cooles Bike bestellt. Das Design des Feuerstuhls soll perfekt zur international bekannten Marke passen.
So wie früher
Ein schwarzer Rahmen, Kupferspeichen und coole Lederapplikationen: Paul Junior arbeitt an einem Wild-West-Bike für den Country-Star Clay Walker. Die "OCC"-Truppe konstruiert ein Motorrad im Military-Look für einen T-Shirt-Hersteller. Der heiße Ofen kommt mit V-Rod-Motor und Kompressor daher. Bei der Major League Baseball präsentieren Vater und Sohn anschließend ihr restauriertes "Yankee Bike".
8. Staffel 8 (28 Episoden)
Neues Terrain
Klassische Chopper sind seit vielen Jahren das Markenzeichen von "OCC". Aber in dieser Folge möchte Paul Sr. etwas Neues ausprobieren. Sein Team konstruiert einem heißen Ofen im Bobber-Stil. Der Junior tüftelt derweil an einem Motorrad für den Baseball-Sender MLB. Außerdem starten Vater und Sohn nach dem "Yankee Bike" ein neues Gemeinschaftsprojekt: Das Duo möbelt einen 51er Buick auf.
Da kommt Freude auf
Die Teutuls brettern in dieser Folge mit Offroad-Vehikeln durchs Gelände. Danach kümmern sich die Profi-Schrauber in der Werkstatt ums Geschäft. Paul Junior konstruiert ein futuristisches Motorrad.
Zurück zu den Anfängen
"OCC" möchte bezahlbare Oldschool-Bikes bauen, die sich auch Kunden mit kleinem Geldbeutel leisten können. Um sich inspirieren zu lassen, besuchen Paul Teutul und sein Sohn Mikey das Haus in Montgomery, in dem der Zweirad-Profi sein erstes Motorrad zusammengeschraubt hat. An der alten Wirkungsstätte werden viele Erinnerungen wach. Der Junior schwingt ebenfalls den Schraubenschlüssel.
Der Kunde ist König
Josh Allison entwirft ein Themen-Bike im "Café Racer"-Stil für die Paintball-Liga. Dabei soll der "OCC"-Mechaniker alle wichtigen Merkmale der Marke in das Design integrieren. Das ist Neuland für den Zweiradexperten, denn bis dato hatte er beim Schrauben nahezu freie Hand. Deshalb geht der erste Wurf prompt daneben. Wird der heiße Ofen trotzdem rechtzeitig bis zum Präsentationstermin fertig? Paul Junior hat in der Werkstatt ebenfalls die Wünsche des Kunden im Auge. Seine Crew tüftelt in dieser Folge an einem Motorrad für den Bauernverband in North Dakota.
Chrom, Trikes und Veteranen
In dieser Folge wartet auf die Motorrad-Profis jede Menge Arbeit. Paul Junior und seine Truppe sollen ein Reverse-Trike mit Boat Tail-Heck für die Firma "Martin Guitars" fertigstellen, einen der ältesten Gitarrenbauer des Landes. Und der Senior konstruiert mit seinen Mechanikern ein Memorial-Bike im klassischen Digger-Style mit geschichtlichen Bezügen, um Veteranen aus dem Vietnamkrieg zu ehren.
Helden an der Gitarre
Paul Junior und seine Truppe schweißen in der Werkstatt, die Karosserie des Reverse-Trikes. Und der Kunde "Martin Guitars" steuert eine edle Armatur aus Rosenholz zum Projekt bei. Aber beim ersten Test springt das motorisierte Dreirad nicht an. Der Senior und Josh Allison besuchen einen Fleischfabrikanten in Bufallo, denn das Unternehmen wünscht sich einen heißen Ofen im Vintage-Stil.
Ein Bike für Tiere
Die Bike-Experten konstruieren in dieser Folge einen "Lowrider" mit extrem langen Heckfendern, der auf einer Tombola zugunsten des Hudson Valley-Tierschutzvereins versteigert wird.
Zurück in die Zukunft?
Die Profi-Schrauber von "OCC" müssen sich in dieser Folge mächtig strecken, um den verabredeten Termin zu halten. Und das Team von "PJD" gerät in der Werkstatt ebenfalls ins Schwitzen.
9. Staffel 9 (7 Episoden)
Zwei Welten
Wie in alten Zeiten
Das letzte Bike
Aus und vorbei
10. American Chopper (6 Episoden)
Schatten der Vergangenheit
Freak Show mit 200 PS
Ein neues Kapitel
Ein Autogramm, bitte!
Malaysia Special
11. Staffel 11 (8 Episoden)
Folge 1
Ten years after the demise of their partnership, custom motorcycle builders Paul Sr. & his son Paul Jr., are forging ahead with their own shops and separate lives. Senior struggles to meet a deadline, while Junior finds a chance to rebuild a bike.
Folge 2
The OCC crew builds one of their fastest bikes ever but a problem with the supercharger threatens the schedule. Junior races to complete a complicated bike for a client. Father & son find it hard to let go of the past while restoring a bike together.
Folge 3
Senior confronts Junior about the harsh words Junior wrote in his book. Senior closes a game-changing deal with an exotic car dealership to sell OCC bikes directly to the public and Junior's simple mistake leads to destruction in the shop.
Folge 4
The OCC crew is pushed to their limit when they build a pair of contrasting bikes for a client. Junior designs an ethanol-fueled motorcycle and struggles with it during assembly. Junior makes a change to the Yankees bike design, and Senior confronts him.
Folge 5
OCC builds a bike inspired by a 1965 GTO, but Senior may miss the first deadline of his career because of this massive job. When Junior designs a bike for a corporate client, changes in fabrication throw a wrench in the schedule.
Folge 6
When the OCC crew builds an old-school chopper for a longtime fan, Senior must rely on Mikey to get the job done. Junior designs an awe-inspiring trike for a repeat client, and father and son come into the home stretch on the Yankee build.
Folge 7
Folge 8
12. Staffel 12 (7 Episoden)
Folge 1
Folge 2
Folge 3
Folge 4
Folge 5
Folge 6
Folge 7
Extras (10 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10