Bugs - Die Spezialisten

SERIE • 4 Staffeln • Action, Science-Fiction, Thriller, Drama, Krimi • Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland • 1995


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Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland
Brian Farnham, Sandy Johnson, Andrew Grieve
Jan Harvey, Jaye Griffiths, Jesse Birdsall, Steven Houghton, Craig McLachlan


1. Staffel 1 (10 Episoden)
Das High-Tech-Team
Hubschrauberpilot Ed ist mit einem Regierungsbeamten unterwegs, um ein hochsensibles Gerät in Sicherheit zu bringen. Doch wie sich herausstellt, ist nicht nur die Regierung hinter diesem Gerät her…
Tödlicher Handel
Der Tod fliegt mit
Ed and Beckett go ‘under cover' and end up on board a submarine. They are, however, found out to be fakes and, whilst Ed escapes, Beckett is left on the submarine with a money hungry man, eager to gain access to a bank and steal some diamonds a long the way. Beckett ends up getting trapped on the submarine, as it slowly fills with water. The man, meanwhile, has got his associate to steal these diamonds, but their plan is foiled when Ros enters the scene. Ed goes under the sea to search for the submarine and but will he find Beckett in time?
Falsches Spiel
Full Speed
An attempt to steal a revolutionary new car with an advanced guidance system is foiled by the Bugs team. The thieves then turn their attention to a millitary vehicle powered by a radioactive RTG, and Ros and Beckett have to cliumb onto the moving driverless vehicle, to stop the explosion from breaking the radioactive container and killing off most of the people in the country.
Verderbliche Ware
Heißes Metall
Doping auf Befehl
Fehler im System
Many small companies are being bought up by two mysterious men and Ros, Ed and Beckett are called to investigate. When the manager in another company is suddenly blown up, Beckett takes his place. The two suspicious people turn out to be Jean-Daniel and his brother, Patrick. They realise that Beckett is not the real manager and Jean-Daniel goes round to ‘Gizmos' (the place where Ros, Ed and Beckett were based in Series One) Beckett ends up being kidnapped. Ed's friend, Clare, has also got mixed up in the brothers' plans, and her daughter, Katie, has been held hostage until she gives them exactly what they want. Jean-Daniel's brother is killed. Beckett and Katie manage to escape and stop Jean-Daniel's plans, and reposition the missile that stops any type of computer generated items from working, to where they are.
2. Staffel 2 (10 Episoden)
Ausflug ins All - Teil 1
Ausflug ins All - Teil 2
Verseuchte Ernte
A special sort of wheat, being developed so that it is resistant to all known crop diseases is destroyed by intruders breaking into the European Agronomy Council and spray a viroid over the crop. Beckett goes undercover as a sceintist to invesitigate the viroid and dicovers that the plan is to spray the viroid over crops in the world and then deliver a special anti-viroid, which will save the world from starvation and make the makers of the anti-viroid very rich. Ros, however, has problems of her own, when her car is infested with killer wasps and the brakes won't work, and she can't open the doors...
Der tanzende Derwisch
The Bugs team are called in to prevent a cartel of the world airlines from sabotaging Strate Air, a successful new airline. Hector Jerome, the airline cartel's main agent, becomes a target for the Bugs team and they discover he is in possession of a deadly new fighter plane- the Dervish. The Bugs team fight to stop them from shooting down Strate Air planes out of the sky, with Ed in the position to either shoot the plane down or die.
A woman called Pascal holds a building full of people hostage, claiming to be comcerned about the enivornment. However, her intensions are found out to be not that caring, as she plans to steal a lot of money and also the isotope triggers, which would cause a big explosion. the Bugs team fight to get back the triggers and stop Pascal's lover driving off with a fortune stolen from a bank
A room full of gold is infected with a new sort of virus that quite literally eats gold. It is up to Ros to make an antidote to return the gold to normal, and she doesn't have long- after some time, and once the gold has reached a certain temperature, it will be irreversible and the gold will be lost forever. Ed is trapped in the room with the gold and also two security things that continuously try to shoot him. Beckett decides to get Ed out of the room, as the antidote Ros creates is harmful to humans, but his only way to get to it is by going through a tunnel filled with toxic fumes.
Schrödingers Katze
Cassandra and ‘Daddy' strike a deal with Jean-Daniel and Ros ends up getting kidnapped by him. Roland Blatty has a ‘brush with death' when he is left in a room filled with lots of ticking bombs. Ed and Beckett go to save Ros, and end up having to use a chain saw to free her as she was handcuffed to a steering wheel, and inside the car there was a hand grenade. Beckett spends the final scene, sawing the steering wheel, to free Ros' wrists, and Jean- Daniel returns to the Bactrian Kings tombs to retrieve the Niobian 5 that was left there.
Der beste Freund des Menschen
Cyberax - Teil 1
A deadly powerful creature called Cyberax has escaped from a computer and then suddenly Cyberax the company is born, by no other than Jean-Daniel. He creates a machine that takes over some of the user's mind. Once they have finnished using the Cyberax headset, it leaves a little bit of itself behind. when the person finds out about Cyberax again, as they forget all memories to do with Cyberax, their brains go into overload and they kill themselves. Roland Blatty (the old bureau chief) gets hold of one of these headsets and blows his brain up when Ed jokingly says that he hopes that Roland has had the system checked for viruses. The whole Bureau team are also wiped out when they too discover the deadly truth about Cyberax. Beckett decides that the only way to stop this is to pretend that he has used the headset and had his brain blown up (so to speak) and he is taken away by Cassandra, who is now working with Jean-Daniel. Jean-Daniel realises that Beckett wouldn't do something so stupid
Cyberax - Teil 2
Another second parter to end the Series. Cyberax's destructive nature has entered Ros' brain and Beckett and Ed find themselves racing against time (and the fact that if Ros finds out about the true nature of Cyberax, her mind will explode) to save her. Beckett ‘foils' Jean-Daniel's plans, but in the process accidentally tells Ros the truth about Cyberax, and Ed has to kill her, electrocuting her. The reason being that ‘because Cyberax is a virus in the memory, you have to shut down the system and reboot with a completely new set of instructions'- (as said by Ed).
3. Staffel 3 (10 Episoden)
Gefahr für London
Ein brillanter Plan
Der Fälscher
A man creates a holo-imager which is used on the new £100 notes. Another guy, North, who helped design the holo-imager and who is also supposedly dead, turns up alive, and is trying to make fake £100 notes to ‘up' his bank balance. Ros goes to dinner with the man who created the holo-imager and he ends up being told to shoot her, but he lets her go.
Die Operation
Die undichte Stelle
… bis dass der Tod euch scheidet
Der verborgene Schatz
Ein neuer Boss
Cyberax lebt!
4. Staffel 4 (10 Episoden)
Tod aus dem Genlabor
Ein heimtückischer Plan
Die Totenmaske
Späte Rache
In letzter Sekunde
Die Büchse der Pandora
Der Eignungstest
Genie und Wahnsinn
Spinnen im Netz
Ein ungebetener Gast