Last One Standing

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Komödie, Sonstige, Krimi, Reality-TV, Drama, Thriller • Japan • 2022


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Komiker spielen in einem spannungsgeladenen Drama mit. Doch sollten ihre Witze in den improvisierten Szenen ohne Drehbuch nicht greifen, droht ihnen das Aus.

Last One Standing
Daigo, Nobu, Gekidan Hitori, Kazuki Iio, Kendo Kobayashi, Muga Tsukaji, Toshiyuki Itakura, Takushi Tanaka, Takashi Yoshimura, Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura, Eiko Kano, Hironobu Komiya, Minami Minegishi, Yuki Iwai, Satoshi Mukai, Tetsuya Morita, Hiccorohee, Takashi Watanabe, Nadal, Iwakura, Shunsuke Ito, Saya, Ahn Mika, Toshiaki Kasuga, Haruna Kondo, Karen Takizawa, Shiori Sato, Reina Triendl, Shotaro Mamiya, Yuki Morinaga, Hikaru Takahashi, Koki Okada, Masahiro Higashide


1. Staffel 1 (8 Episoden)
Komiker spielen in einem spannungsgeladenen Drama mit. Doch sollten ihre Witze in den improvisierten Szenen ohne Drehbuch nicht greifen, droht ihnen das Aus.
So sehen wir uns wieder
Mit Karen Takizawa als Co-Moderatorin geht das Drama gleich in die Vollen. Nach Explosionen und Kämpfen steht die erste Szene ohne Drehbuch an.
An Unforeseen Future
After witnessing the first elimination, the remaining contestants dig up their most laughably humiliating secrets for the next unscripted scene.
We Can Make it Right
As thugs from a rival high school attack, Misato asks the surviving contestants to cheer her up with a funny story. Then there's a double elimination.
A whole new storyline unfolds, and this time, it's a tense cop drama. With Shiori Sato co-hosting, the next unscripted scene begins.
Youthful Days are Gone Forever
During a high-pressure meeting, Daigo asks for anonymous tips. The competitors take the opportunity to share funny stories about other famous people.
Escape from a Labyrinth
In a suspenseful unscripted scene, the comedians have to share their most pointless stories to stop a bomb from going off. Reina Triendl co-hosts.
Repeat Mistakes
The storyline takes another dramatic turn when the yakuza get involved, and the players are forced to reveal more hilarious secrets.
Das Ende und der Anfang
Nach der Enthüllung einer Zeitschleife schicken die schockierten Comedians improvisierte Botschaften an ihr jeweiliges jüngeres Ich. Wer wird gewinnen?
2. Staffel 2 (8 Episoden)
Lights, camera, action! The hit comedy competition wrapped in a scripted drama returns. Who will survive to earn the title of Last One Standing?
Licht und Dunkelheit
Nach einer actionreichen Eröffnung ereignet sich eine überraschende Szene. Die Comedy-Talente versuchen, einander mit ihren schmerzlichen Erfahrungen zu übertrumpfen.
Life and Death
As a kaiju stalks the halls of the hospital, the comedians swallow some honesty-inducing pills and start dropping some hilarious truth bombs.
Verbrechen und Strafe
Während ermittelt wird, wer das Virus verbreitet, stolpern die Comedians bereits in die nächste improvisierte Szene. Ein Drehbuch gibt es nicht, dafür aber so manche Einsicht.
Reunion and Restart
In a hardboiled twist, a group of masked outlaws gathered in a hideout start sharing their painful — and comical — past experiences.
Falling and Flying
Now in an underground fight club, a fresh crop of young comics — and, for some reason, Watabe of comedy duo Unjash — reveal their majorly laughable screwups.
Reality and Truth
With super spy Ahn Mika captured, the comics get her to read out complaints and other negative comments she normally would never say.
Daigo and Daigo
A woman introduces herself as Kayoko Okubo, the famous comedian, and reveals a cloning program that the gathered members may have all fallen victim to.
Reversals and Comebacks
The end is near, but to distract themselves from the catastrophe they're in, the comedians share funny stories. Finally, the Last One Standing is named!