Spezialagent Oso

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Animation, Familie, Abenteuer, Action, Sonstige, Kinder & Jugend • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2009


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Special Agent Oso
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Jamie Mitchell
Ryan Christopher Lee


1. Staffel 1 (48 Episoden)
Geburtstagsgrüße für Oma
Stacey Oma hat bald Geburtstag und Stacey möchte sie mit einer Geburtstagskarte überraschen. Doch auf dem Weg zum Briefkasten verliert sie die Karte. Oso erhält den Spezialauftrag, die Karte zu finden und noch rechtzeitig zu verschicken.
Molly möchte für Mutter gelbe Ringelblumen pflanzen. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihr dabei.
Sag niemals nie wieder Zähneputzen
Danny will sich allein die Zähne putzen, aber er bekommt die Zahnpastatube nicht auf. Spezialagent Oso eilt zur Hilfe, damit Danny rechtzeitig zur Gute-Nacht-Geschichte fertig ist
Samanthas kleiner Bruder Elias hat eine Seite ihres Lieblingsbuchs zerrissen. Oso eilt zu Hilfe, damit es pünktlich zur Gute-Nacht-Geschichte wieder repariert ist.
Springen und schwingen lassen
Damit Abby zusammen mit ihrer Freundin Sally Springseil springen kann, braucht sie die Hilfe von Spezialagent Oso.
In fotografischer Mission
Aaron möchte für seinen Opi ein Foto von seiner Katze Kitty machen und Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei.
Lizenz zum Ausleihen
Joe möchte seinen Spielzeugdino mit in die Schule nehmen und seinen Klassenkameraden etwas über Dinosaurier erzählen. Um seinen Vortrag vorzubereiten sucht er nach einem schlauen Buch. Zum Glück weiß Oso genau, wo es das gibt.
eute ist Drachentag. Auch Sarah möchte einen Drachen steigen lassen. Doch sie weiß nicht, wie sie ihn in die Lüfte bekommen soll. Wie gut, dass Spezialagent Oso zur Stelle ist.
Der Freund mit dem goldenen Geschenk
Michael will ein Geburtstagsgeschenk verpacken, aber er weiß nicht, wie das geht. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei.
An seinem 5. Geburtstag schenkt Quinn seinen Geburtstagshut seiner Cousine. Für das Geburtstagsfoto will er sich schnell einen Hut basteln, doch er weiß nicht, wie das geht. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei.
Karussell Royal
Cassie will mit ihrem Lieblingskarussell auf einem Pferd fahren, aber sie verliert den Fahrschein. Oso soll ihr dabei helfen, ihn zu finden und sie sicher aufs Pferd zu setzen.
Laubharker – Streng geheim!
Dennis will in seinem Garten Blätter zusammenharken, aber er weiß nicht, wo er anfangen soll. Oso hilft ihm dabei, die Blätter rechtzeitig im Recyclingbehälter zu entsorgen.
Grüße aus dem Erdbeerbeet
Als Nachtisch für das Familienessen möchte Grace gerne Erdbeeren pflücken, aber sie weiß nicht wie. Oso kommt gerade rechtzeitig und lernt mit ihr gemeinsam, wie man Erdbeeren pflückt.
Wilde Blumen
Caroline soll als Hausaufgaben 3 Wildblumen pflücken und sie in einem Buch pressen. Oso hilft ihr dabei, die Blumen zu finden und sie für immer haltbar zu machen.
Käfigdienst für das Kaninchen
Mia und Jim wollen ihr Kaninchen mit in die Schule nehmen, dazu müssen sie aber erst den Käfig saubermachen. Spezialagent Oso lernt mit ihnen gemeinsam, wie das geht.
Pfannkuchen gibt es nie genug
Olivia möchte Pfannkuchenteig für ihre Großeltern machen, aber sie weiß nicht, wie das geht – da kommt Spezialagent Oso zu Hilfe.
Lizenz zum Aufräumen
Jakes Fußballschuhe sind in seinem Zimmer unauffindbar. Jetzt kann nur noch Aufräumen helfen. Wie gut, dass Oso dem Kleinen hilft, Klarschiff zu machen.
Im Küchendienst ihrer Cousine
Eigentlich ist Oso heute mit seinem Training beschäftigt. Doch als Jade bei der Zubereitung eines Salats für ihre Cousine Hilfe braucht, ist er sofort zur Stelle.
Das Versteck-Spiel
Verstecken spielen macht sehr viel Spaß. Zu gerne würde David es mit seinen Freunden spielen. Doch er weiß nicht, wie es geht. Oso ist sofort als „Versteck-Lehrmeister“ zur Stelle.
Abspülen und trocknen lassen
Logans Mutter muss sich noch zurechtmachen, bevor sie ihn in die Schule bringt. Um ihr zu helfen, will Logan das Abwaschen übernehmen, aber er weiß nicht, wie man das macht. – Ein neuer Spezialauftrag für Agent Oso.
Energie sparen – jetzt erst recht
Die kleine Alison will ihrer Familie helfen, Energie zu sparen und Spezialagent Oso zeigt ihr, wie man das macht.
Lizenz zum Anziehen
Frank möchte sich gern allein anziehen, aber er weiß nicht, wie man das macht. Spezialagent Oso lernt es mit ihm gemeinsam.
Jack möchte für seinen Vater als Überraschung ein Puzzle zusammensetzen. Dabei braucht er die Hilfe von Spezialagent Oso.
Ein Koffer ist genug
Chapal soll für einen Urlaub am Strand seinen Koffer ganz allein packen. Ohne die Hilfe von Oso kommt er da nicht weiter.
Drei Räder sind nicht genug
Paulie soll eine Wagenladung voll Partyüberraschungen zu Julia bringen, aber sein Wagen hat ein Rad verloren. … Ozo’s Spezialauftrag: Paulie helfen, den Wagen zu reparieren und Julias Party zu retten.
Im Angesicht des Lamas
Joonie möchte im Streichelzoo ein Lama füttern, aber sie weiß nicht, wie man das macht. Ozo’s Spezialauftrag: Joonie helfen, das Lama zu füttern.
Maria will ihre Schwester Josefina beim Fußballspiel anfeuern. Aber sie weiß nicht, wie der Cheerleader-Ruf geht. – Den lernt Oso mit ihr gemeinsam.
Lizenz zum Hüftschwung
Eva möchte mit ihrer Schwester und deren Freundinnen zusammen Hula-Hoop spielen, aber sie weiß nicht, wie das geht. Oso lernt mit ihr gemeinsam Hula-Hoop.
Grayson soll sein Lieblingsspielzeug mit in die Schule bringen und vor der ganzen Klasse darüber erzählen. Oso hilft ihm dabei, sich darauf vorzubereiten.
Sparschwein Royal
Michele wirft aus Versehen das Sparschwein ihres Bruder Eric runter, dabei bricht ein Bein ab. Spezialagent Oso eilt zu Hilfe, um das Schwein zu reparieren.
In hopsender Mission
Alexis und John wollen in der Pause Hopse spielen, aber sie wissen nicht, wie das geht. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihnen dabei herauszufinden, wie sie springen müssen und lernt dabei etwas für seine Trainingsübung.
Hufeisenwerfen Royal
Bevor ihr Opa zu Besuch kommt, möchte Chloe lernen, wie man Hufeisenwerfen spielt. Osos neuer Spezialauftrag lautet, Chloe zu helfen, Hufeisenspielen zu lernen.
Der Schein der Taschenlampe
Theo und Oliver übernachten im Zelt. Plötzlich leuchtet die Taschenlampe nicht mehr. Oso erhält den Spezialauftrag, die Lampe wieder zum Leuchten zu bringen.
Sandburg Royal
Katie möchte für ihre Mama eine Sandburg bauen. Doch alleine schafft sie das noch nicht. Wie gut, dass Oso ihr helfen kann.
In eisiger Mission
Die kranke Lily soll bittere Medizin schlucken. Ihr Bruder Tyler möchte ihr ein Fruchtsafteis machen, damit es ihr leichter fällt. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei.
Willi möchte gern ein Glühwürmchen fangen, um es seinem Vater zu zeigen, bevor er ins Bett muss. Oso kommt ihm zu Hilfe und lernt mit ihm gemeinsam, wie man das macht.
Tara weiß nicht, wie man sich die Schuhe zubindet. Spezialagent Oso und sein Team helfen ihr dabei.
Freunde finden – jetzt erst recht
Sammy ist den ersten Tag im Kindergarten und Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei, neue Freunde zu finden.
Der Winter steht vor der Tür. Und damit die Vögel in der kalten Jahreszeit nicht hungern müssen, will Brianna eine Futterkugel für die Piepmätze bauen. Oso hilft ihr. 
Mission Schulbus
Emma weiß nicht, wo die Schulbushaltestelle ist. Damit sie pünktlich zur Schule kommt, zeigt Oso ihr den Weg. 
Mission Apfelkuchen
Jose und Carlos’ Mama will einen Apfelkuchen backen. Sie schickt ihre beiden Jungen los, um ein paar Zutaten zu kaufen. Jose lässt seinen kleinen Bruder im Stich und Carlos weiß nicht, was er machen soll. Da kommt Spezialagent Oso zu Hilfe … 
Nur Teller sind nicht genug
Isabella soll den Tisch für ein Familienfest decken, aber sie weiß nicht wie. Da kommt Spezialagent Oso gerade rechtzeitig zu Hilfe.
Auf glattem Eis
Carina möchte gern mit ihrer großen Schwester Marie und ihren Freunden Schlittschuh laufen, aber sie weiß nicht, wie das geht. Da kommt ihr Spezialagent Oso zu Hilfe.
Morten und Ida wollen einen Schneemann bauen. Oso hilft ihnen dabei und lernt gleichzeitig, dass Handschuhe vor kalten Fingern und Pfoten schützen.
Valentinsgrüße für Papi
Die Karte, die Anna in der Schule für ihren Vater zum Valentinstag gebastelt hat, hat ihr Hund gefressen. Oso soll mit Anna gemeinsam eine Valentinskarte basteln.
Juanito möchte zur Goldenen Hochzeit seiner Großeltern Seifenblasen machen. Dabei braucht er Osos Hilfe.
Joshua weiß nicht, wie man recycelt. Spezialagent Oso hilft ihm dabei, Papier, Büchsen und Flaschen getrennt zu entsorgen.
Natalie möchte gern schaukeln, aber sie weiß nicht, wie man das macht. Spezialagent Oso bekommt den Auftrag, Natalie zu zeigen, wie man schaukelt.
2. Staffel 2 (69 Episoden)
Another Way To Fly /A View To A Ball
Oso helps a girl make a paper airplane
Dr. Go /For Your Bed Only
Special Agent Oso teaches a girl how to throw a ball so she can play catch with her brother.
From China with Love / Thunderbasket
Oso helps a girl learn how to race her brother's remote-control toy car;
Goldscooter /The Boy With The Colored Crayons
Oso teaches a girl how to make her bed.
Goldputter /Live And Leaf Rub
Oso teaches a boy how to use chopsticks;
Dr. Juice /For Your Nose Only
Oso shows a boy how to shoot a basketball.
The Man With The Golden Retriever/ The Chairs Are Not Enough
Oso teaches a friend how to ride a scooter
Quantum Of Sandwich /Thunder Muffin
Oso helps a boy color a picture in a coloring book.
Colors Royale / Cleanfingers
Oso teaches kids how to play miniature golf
A View To A Mask / Pumpkin Eyes
Oso helps a girl make a leaf rubbing for her grandma's birthday.
The Living Holiday Lights Part 1
Oso helps sisters make fresh orange juice
The Living Holiday Lights: Part 2
Oso teaches a boy how to blow his nose and wash his hands afterward.
For Angels With Snow/ Dr. Snow
Oso teaches a girl how to safely greet a dog;
License To Sled/ Snowflakes Are Forever
Oso shows twins how to play musical chairs.
Dr. Throw/ Nobody Plays 'It' Better
Oso teaches a boy how to make a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich;
Quantum of Sauce / The Girl with the Folded Clothes
Oso helps a girl make carrot muffins for a school bake sale.
Greenfinger / For Sleepy Eyes Only
Oso shows a girl how to mix yellow and blue paint to make green
Live And Let Heal/ Goldenfish
Oso teaches a boy the importance of washing his hands before eating dinner.
On Old MacDonald's Special Song / Snapfingers
Oso helps a boy make a Halloween mask
License To Order/ Table Manners Are Forever
Oso carves a pumpkin for Halloween.
Lost And Get Found/ A View To The Truth
The Living Holiday Lights Special Special Agent Oso is anxious to receive a special holiday assignment and be awarded a special present. However, he is a bit worried that Agents Dotty and Wolfie don't seem to have time to spend with him. Not only that, Oso doesn't even have a family of his own. The biggest surprise is that Oso doesn't just have one special holiday assignment--he has three! Each one consisting of a different winter holiday to celebrate with family. First, Oso travels to France to help a girl named Celeste put up the advent wreath for Christmas. Next, he helps a Jewish boy in Israel named Noah set up the menorah for Hanukkah. Finally, Oso heads to the United States to help a boy named Braden set up the kinara for Kwanza. Will Oso complete all three assignments in time and receive his special holiday gift?
A View To A Fire Drill/ Thunderbelt
Professor Bufo has asked Oso to come to the space center for help. Bufo accidentally locked himself in the rocket and Oso must get the keys to unlock the door. He finds the keys and tries looking for the right one to unlock the rocket when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a boy, Liam, make snow angels to show his grandma. Will Liam and Oso be able to make the angels in the snow before Liam's grandma leaves for the airport?
Quantum Of Celery/ Drink Another Day
Dotty teaches Oso how to use a special agent cable jacket to go down a tube and open a door. Oso receives a special alert after opening the wrong door and getting covered with ping pong balls. He helps a boy named Ethan make a snow globe so he can watch snowflakes fall whenever he wants. Will Ethan get his snow globe made before bedtime?
For Your Hands Only/ Thunderbeam
Oso is on a snowmobile chase with a pack of penguins after him. Oso tries to keep his balance while riding when he gets a special alert. He teaches two kids, Haylie and Henry, how to go sledding. Will Haylie and Henry make their sled go before their cousins, Tess and Molly, come to go sledding with them?
A View To A Goal/ Sweep Another Day
Dotty and Wolfie train Oso to launch his motorcycle off Rapide. Oso tries remembering what Dotty and Wolfie told him to do while Rapide is moving, but he doesn't open the ramp all the way and takes a spill. That's when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a girl, Gabriella, learn how to make a paper snowflake for a winter festival. Will she make her snowflake before she and her sister, Valentina, leave for the festival with their mom?
Freeze Dance Royale/ The Boy With The Carboard Fort
Dotty trains Oso to jump out of the spacejet with a parachute and land onto an iceberg. While waiting for Wolfie to rescue him, Oso slips off the iceberg and into the water. That's when a special alert comes in. Oso teaches a boy, Rudy, how to throw a football while his mom does some weeding. Will Rudy be able to throw the ball before his Uncle Lou arrives to play football with him?
Best Friends Are Forever/ For School Days Only
Professor Bufo has invented a rocket that goes very fast. Professor Bufo gets Oso to drive around a race track twice while being timed, but Oso suddenly crashes Bufo's rocket into a curve. That's when he receives a special alert from Paw Pilot and Mr. Dos. Oso teaches two kids at the park, Alexander and Elena, how to play tag. Will the three tag each other before Elena's mother comes to take her home?
For Tamales With Love/ Pinata Royale
Agent Wolfie trains Oso to change the nose cone on a deep sea probe before launching it. Oso tries remembering how to put on the replacement nose cone on the probe when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl, Taylor, is having spaghetti for dinner with her family and some guests, but she doesn't want to get any sauce on her new dress. She always makes a mess on herself everytime she eats spaghetti. Oso has trouble with his spaghetti too. Will they both learn to twirl and eat spaghetti together without making a mess, and will Taylor keep her dress clean during dinner?
Sock Puppet Royale/ Costume Of Solace
Oso is on the moon where Dotty trains him to drive a moon-buggy. As Oso moonwalks to the moon-buggy, he drops the key to start it up. That's when he receives a special alert. A girl named Lydia offers to help her mother fold clean laundry, only she doesn't know how. Can Oso help Lydia fold the laundry to surprise her mother?
License To Cheer Up/ You Only Vote Once
Dotty trains Oso to climb up cliffs to the red flag without letting Wolfie's searchlight get him. Oso tries avoiding Wolfie's light until Paw Pilot calls in a special alert, then he falls into the lake. Oso shows a girl, Mechaela, how to water potted plants. Can she get the plants watered before she goes off to school?
Professor Bufo trains Oso to load fuel canisters onto the rocket ship to help make it go. Oso tries getting the fuel to the rocket ship, but he goes too fast and the canisters fly off. That's when Oso gets a special assignment. A girl named Nadia is having a birthday party tomorrow, but she is too excited and can't get to sleep. Oso must teach her how to relax so she can fall asleep.
Goldfanner / Connect Another Dot
While flying in the air, Oso is given a training exercise from Dotty where he must stick a jet-tracking device to the wing of a red jet plane. Unfortunately, he gets the device stuck onto him and slips off the plane after Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a boy, Malcolm, clean and bandage his scraped knee while his mom is on the phone. Malcolm had fallen and scraped his knee while playing tag with his older brother. Can Malcolm surprise his mother and show her that he can get his boo-boo bandaged with Oso's help?
License To Share / Live And Be Polite
Dotty and Wolfie teach Oso how to go paragliding for his training exercise. Oso is to hold on to the rope as he gets pulled along. However, Oso doesn't pay any attention to Dotty's warning of a bridge up ahead, and he crashes in to it and loses his grip on the rope. That's when he gets a special alert. A boy, Santiago, has gotten a pet goldfish he called Swimmy. His dad wants to show him how to feed him, but his baby brother needed a diaper change. Can Oso teach Santiago how to feed his goldfish by himself?
The Sitter Who Watched Me / Potty Royale
Oso is given a training mission from Professor Bufo to open a garage by pressing buttons on a keypad in a certain pattern. Oso presses all the buttons at once and gets launched into the air. That's when he gets a special alert. A boy named Henry is having trouble playing "Old MacDonald" on the piano while his grandpa is taking a nap. Oso must help Henry learn how to play the right notes before his Aunt Stephanie comes over so he can play for her.
The Manny With The Golden Bear
Wolfie assigns Oso a training mission to open a door by scanning a card. He must walk up the wall and on the ceiling in magnetic boots provided by Professor Bufo. Oso tries To open the door when he falls from the ceiling and onto the floor, and he gets scanned. That's when Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Two kids, Nicole and Spencer, are at a Snapasonic concert with their Uncle Eric to hear their favorite song and snap their fingers. However, neither one knows how to snap as well as Uncle Eric can. Can Oso teach Nicole and Spencer how to snap their fingers before the concert begins?
Dye Another Egg/ Dr. Skip
Agents Oso and wolfie are doing road rallying. Oso is to read the map while Wolfie does the driving. But Wolfie couldn't hear Oso's instructions because the engine is too loud. That's when a special alert comes in, and they drive off a cliff and land in a puddle of water. A girl, Anastasija, is having dinner at a restaurant with her parents. Anastasija wants to order a healthy meal by her self, but she couldn't read the menu. It will be up to Oso to teach her how to order her own dinner.
Diamonds Are For Baseball/ Tomorrow Never Ducks
Dotty trains Oso to sneak onto Wolfie's boat and get a briefcase without being seen or heard. The catch is that Oso must go up against the mysterious Agent Musa who is master of speed and stealth. But Musa beats Oso to the briefcase, and Wolfie launches Oso off the boat after hearing him talk. That's when a special alert comes in. Two kids, Zack and Chloe, are at a fancy dinner party to celebrate the wedding of their aunt Mary and uncle James, but Zach doesn't know much about using good table manners. Oso must teach Zack good table manners to show Chloe how polite he is.
Episode 38
Professor Bufo trains Oso to find the real Agent Wolfie in a group of Wolfie robots. Oso tries figuring out who is the real Wolfie when he gets a special alert. Three brothers--Juan, Jesus, and Julio--are shopping with their mom at a department store in Madrid. Juan stops to look at a toy train, and he gets separated from his mom and brothers. Now he is lost and scared. Will Oso help Juan find his family?
Episode 39
Wolfie trains Oso to pilot a submarine. Unfortunately, Oso leaves the hatch open, and Wolfie's submarine fills with water and sinks. That's when a special alert comes in. A girl, Lena, accidentally breaks her grandma's flower vase while taking her dog Bo outside. Lena let Bo take the blame, and she feels bad for not telling Grandma what really happened. Will Oso show Lena how to tell the truth about the broken vase to her grandma?
Episode 40
Oso leads agents Dotty, Wolfie, and Musa through a cave for his training mission. But he wanders off the path causing everyone to go down a sand slide. That's when a special alert comes in. Three girls--Marie, Charlotte, and Lisa--are preparing for a fire drill at school tomorrow, but they don't know what to do. Marie wants to ask her mother if they can do a practice fire drill, but she's too busy working. Oso will have to lead the girls to show them how to stay safe in case of a real fire.
Episode 41
Professor Bufo trains Oso to open a vault where his inventions are stored. Oso is to turn the dial and pull the handle to open it, but he doesn't turn the dial all the way. That's when he gets a special alert after setting off the alarm and getting himself trapped. A girl, Maya, and her mom are going on a picnic in the car. Maya wants to show her mom how she can buckle her seat belt by herself, but she couldn't figure out what to do. Oso must teach Maya how to buckle up before she and her mom drive to the picnic.
Episode 42
Wolfie trains Oso to launch water balloons at a target. But Oso overloads the launcher with too many balloons, and they get launched in all directions. That's when he gets a special alert. Oso helps a girl, Audrey, make a healthy snack for school--ants on a log--while her mother changes her baby sister's diaper. Can Oso and Audrey get her school snack made before the schoolbus arrives?
Episode 43
Oso is trained by Wolfie to go on a deep sea search. Oso is to launch a deep sea probe in an underwater cave, but he launches it in the wrong direction and hits Wolfie's boat. That's when a special alert is called. Oso shows a girl at a school playground in Greece, Athena, how to drink from a water fountain. That way, she wouldn't be thursty anymore.
Episode 44
Oso helps a girl make a handprint for a special Mother's Day present
Episode 45
A gymnastics coach (voice of Mary Lou Retton) teaches a girl how to walk on a balance beam.
Episode 46
Oso teaches a boy how to kick a soccer ball into a goal
Episode 47
Oso shows a kid how to sweep a floor.
Episode 48
Oso helps Professor Bufo test his new submarine's sonar. As Bufo goes to work on his aquapod, Oso tries to listen to the sonar and sound the alarm to signal Bufo. But while Oso listens to some music on Paw Pilot, he doesn't pay attention to the sonar and the submarine gets hit. That's when a special alert comes in. Oso teaches two friends in Taiwan, Mia and Lynn, how to play freeze dance so they can join the older kids. Will they learn the rules before the others begin the next game?
Episode 49
Dotty trains Oso to drop water balloons on a target from high up in the air. But Oso goes too fast and misses the target. That's when a special alert comes in. Oso helps a boy, Wyatt, build a fort out of a cardboard box from which a new refridgerator came in. Will they be able to make the fort before Wyatt's friend Isaac comes over to play?
Episode 50
Oso agrees with Dotty to help set up the new moon beacon. Dotty tells Oso to bring her the last piece to put the beacon together. Oso tries looking for the piece, but he brings the wrong one. That's when a special alert is called. A girl named Madison is feeling sad because her best friend Aaliyah is moving away. Madison isn't sure if, or how, she can say goodbye to her best friend. Can Oso help the two best friends say goodbye to each other before Aaliyah moves to her new home?
Episode 51
Dotty trains Oso to go sail suit gliding. Oso couldn't find his sail suit because he forgot his backpack, so he uses his parachute instead. But he gets it caught on the ledge during his flight. That's when Oso receives a special alert. A boy named Evan is getting ready for his first day of kindergarten, but he's nervous because he's not sure if he can get ready all by himself. Can Oso help Evan get ready before it's time for school?
Episode 52
Oso teaches kids how to make tamales
Episode 53
Oso helps friends choose, fill and hang a piñata.
Episode 54
Oso helps a girl make a sock puppet
Episode 55
Oso creates a princess costume for a girl out of items in her home
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Oso teaches friends how to share and use polite words.
Episode 62
Oso teaches friends how to share and use polite words.
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69