Hund mit Blog

SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Familie, Fantasy, Komödie, Drama • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2012


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Avery und Tyler sind Stiefgeschwister, die sich zunächst nicht leiden können. Tyler hat eine weitere Schwester namens Cloe, die sich aber mit beiden verträgt. In der Pilotfolge adoptieren sie einen Hund, Stan, von dem sie erfahren müssen, dass er sprechen kann und sogar einen Blog schreibt. Die Geschwister vereinbaren, ihren Eltern die Fähigkeiten des Hundes zu verheimlichen, da sie befürchten, dass man Experimente an ihm durchführen würde, wenn jemand es erfährt. Stan fungiert auch als Erzähler der Serie.

Dog with a Blog
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Stephen Full, Genevieve Hannelius, Blake Michael, Francesca Capaldi, Regan Burns, Beth Littleford


1. Staffel 1 (22 Episoden)
Eine neue Familie für Stan
When Tyler and Avery are given a dog that talks, they agree on one thing: Stan's ability to speak must be kept a secret from everyone, even their parents.
Das Gefühl von Freiheit
After Tyler gets his learner's permit, he wants to drive alone due to his parents annoying him, and everyone wanting taking advantage of him. Chaos ensues when Stan crashes the car because he wanted to be like a person, and everyone thinks Tyler did it. Meanwhile, Ellen and Bennett relive the memories they shared with Tyler and Avery when they were kids and realize that they are all grown-up, so they start cherishing memories with Chloe. In flashbacks, it is revealed that Ellen and Bennett had an ugly run-in at the park when Avery and Tyler were much younger, however they do not remember this.
Maskottchen Rivalitäten
Avery and her best friend, Lindsay (Kayla Maisonet), are in desperate need for a replacement to be the school mascot to perform at the homecoming game. Stan convinces Avery to let him be the school mascot, but she is worried because the rival team always pulls horrible pranks on the mascots. Meanwhile, Ellen is beyond annoyed because the car always smells horribly bad, so she persuades Bennett into buying a new car.
Der Freundschafts Kodex
After Tyler develops a crush on their new neighbor, Nikki Ortiz (Denyse Tontz), he invites her to walk their dogs together. Tyler enlists Stan to be his wing-man, and to Stan's dismay, he cannot stand Nikki's Pomeranian, Evita, due to her incessant barking. Meanwhile, Chloe asks Bennett to speak at Career Day about his job, but Bennett is shocked when Chloe believes he is a sock-ologist, a person who studies socks, instead of a psychologist.
Virtuelle Freunde
Stan has been addicted to a game called Realm of the Tower, where he has made a new friend Kilgor (Kevin). When the game-players are gathering at the park, Stan asks Avery to pretend to be him so they can go and meet his gaming companions. Meanwhile, Chloe has been begging to get her ears pierced, but Ellen and Bennett refuse to take her, so she tricks Tyler into taking her much to Ellen's dismay.
Schenken macht Freude
It is the family's first Christmas together and Avery is prepping Tyler, Chloe, and Stan because Ellen has a reputation of giving horrible gifts. Meanwhile, Bennett and Ellen argue over whose Christmas traditions to follow.
Sprechende Konkurrenz
Ellen has decided to get a pet of her own, a talking parrot, but the rest of the family is not very comfortable with it.
Verborgene Talente
After overhearing Avery talk about Stan's secret, Karl Fink (the family's neighbor) starts spying on Stan and the rest of the family to find out his secret. To make sure he doesn't find out, Avery decides to enter Tyler into a math competition against Karl after it is revealed Tyler is a math genius. The plan to divert Karl from Stan's actual secret works, and he eventually believes that there was no secret and that Avery tried to get back at him for a prank he pulled earlier. Meanwhile, Bennett tries to get Chloe to stop wearing her magician's outfit to school.
Stans Schweigen
Aus unerfindlichen Gründen spricht Stan in letzter Zeit nicht mehr und ist antriebslos wie noch nie. Avery vermutet, dass er krank ist. Als Chloe sich Gedanken über ihre Geburtstagsparty macht, glaubt Avery zu wissen, was Stan fehlt: Er will selber einmal Geburtstag feiern. Die Kinder organisieren eine Party für ihn, doch ihre Rechnung geht nicht auf. Stan ist in Wahrheit aus ganz anderen Gründen deprimiert. Stan gibt schließlich zu, dass er traurig ist, da die Kinder alle erwachsen werden und das Haus verlassen und er allein zurückbleibt. Doch bald merkt Stan, wie sehr sie ihn jetzt noch brauchen.
Wo ist Chloe
When Stan is in charge of watching Chloe, she goes missing!
Der Hüter des Hauses
The family trains Stan to be a guard dog.
Film ab
When Avery realizes that her family thinks that she is not fun, she decides to prove them wrong by making a movie with her family called "Freaky Fido".
Die neue Avery
Avery makes the cheerleading squad
Jeder ist ein Kuenstler
Tyler enters the same art competition as Avery.
Avery has a huge crush on a boy named Dustin Pitt, and in order to spend time with him she enlists the help of Tyler, who in turn wants her to help him spend time with Nikki. Avery and Dustin end up watching a movie together and later with Stan's help, Avery tells Dustin she likes him. Dustin likes her back and asks her out. Meanwhile, Chloe and Stan play chess (Chloe's version of chess) while Tyler has a mustache glued to his face.
Ein Job fuer Tyler
Tyler gets a summer job on a food truck and decides he would rather have his own truck than finish school.
Avery's boyfriend (Dustin) dumps her and Stan tells her that she should go to her mother for help. Tyler accidentally crashes the food truck when he took out the brick that holds it.
Avery, Tyler and Chloe react to the news, when Stan overhears a conversation between Ellen and Bennett about a possible new addition to the family. Bennett has the chance to become a public speaker and be rich, but the children ruin it all thinking they will have a new baby.
Oma James hoert Stimmen
After Grandma hears Stan talking while babysitting the children, she begins to think that she is going crazy, prompting the children to decide whether or not they should share Stan’s secret with Grandma.
Averys wilde Party
To help land an internship with a City Official, Avery agrees to a throw party at her house for the official’s demanding daughter, while keeping it a secret from her parents. Meanwhile, Bennett and Ellen attend a sleepover at the park with Chloe and her Healthy Muffins Troop.
Die Talentshow
Bennett and Ellen discover Avery's secret online 'Buddy Bop' account. When they try to shut Avery's account down, they accidentally post an embarrassing video. Meanwhile, Stan must face his past and do the tango with Chloe, to win an animal talent show. In the end, Stan loses the talent show to a talking dog.
Stans Entscheidung
Stan's former owner, Ian, arrives from Spokane, Washington, to reclaim Stan. He tells Stan he found his original family and they can all talk too. So Stan has to choose between his old family and his new family.
2. Staffel 2 (24 Episoden)
Zu klein zu kurz geschmacklos
On the first day of school, Avery feels insecure when noticing her classmates' growth spurts over the summer; Tyler reveals a new haircut.
Gutes Mädchen - Boeses Mädchen
Avery arrives at school and learns that she's been left out of "ditch day."
Avery refuses to help the family with their annual haunted house.
Das Vermächtnis
Stan makes a video about being the world’s first talking dog to leave as his legacy, but the parents grow suspicious of what’s on the tape, so the kids must record over it. Meanwhile, Ellen decides to take a job with Stan’s veterinarian, but soon learns she may not be well suited for it.
Tylers neue Freundin
Tyler works with Emily in the food truck and they hit it off.
Die Nervensäge
After Tyler, Avery, and Chloe have to hang out with their annoying neighbor, Karl, they quickly come up with a plan to keep him away.
Ein perfektes Weihnachtsfest
When Ellen's self-obsessed sister comes over, due to a flight delay to Hawaii, Avery tries to help her mom to get through the visit. Meanwhile Stan, Tyler, and Chloe attempt to hide a stray dog named Sparky in the house for Christmas.
Das kommt mir Spanisch vor
When Avery agrees to tutor Wes in Spanish so she can hang out with him, she needs to learn Spanish herself, first. So she enlists Nikki to tell her what to say through an earpiece that she'll be wearing, but when Nikki and Tyler start arguing, Avery's still repeating everything they say.
Frauenpower und Eifersucht
After Avery blows her chance with Wes, she finds out he asks Lindsay on a date instead. Avery and Lindsay get in a big fight and decide to compete for Wes. Wes finds out about Avery's feelings and how she has a crush on him.
Hund und Katz
After Tyler's friendship with Nikki begins to interfere with his relationship with his girlfriend Emily, he has to make an tough choice between the two.
Der große Streit
The constant fighting between the kids leads Stan to run away
Avery zwischen den Stühlen
When Tyler decides to try and get Nikki back as his girlfriend, Avery is hesitant to help him for fear of being caught between her friend and brother, but ultimately intervenes.
Darf ich bitten
Avery is excited to attend the school dance with Wes and secretly seeks dance lessons from her neighbor, Karl. However, things do not turn out as planned when Wes becomes suspicious of Avery spending so much time with Karl.
Shakespeares Monster
Stan unintentionally gets Avery and Wes to break up and try to get them back together.
Wer trainiert hier wen
When Stan acts up, Ellen hires strict animal instructor Cherri Pickford to help train him. When Stan does not comply, Ellen goes against the kids' wishes and demands he stay outside.
Liebe, Verlust und Distanz
Avery doesn't understand why Wes is keeping his distance, but ultimately learns he is nervous to tell her that he is moving away.
Avery, Tyler and Chloe try to plan something special for their parents' upcoming anniversary.
Rettet den Imbisswagen!
Tyler makes a commercial for his boss' food truck business.
Auf nach San Francisco!
Avery and Ellen go on a mother/daughter trip and leaves Bennett in charge of getting Chloe ready for her dance recital.
Die Hülsenmenschen von Pasadena
Avery learns she's been selected to create a float for her town's parade and is excited to spend some quality time with her father to build it. Meanwhile, Chloe watches a sci-fi movie that leads her to believe her family is being taken over by aliens and that the parede float they are costructing is really a spaceship
Der Hund und der Millionär
Wealthy business tycoon Tom Fairbanks wants to buy Stan from the James-Jennings family to use him as a spokes-dog for his animal rescue campaign. Fearful that Bennett and Ellen might say yes, Avery, Tyler and Chloe hire actors to play their parents and turn down the offer before they are approached.
Stan wird eingeschult!
Stan uses a computerized robot to go to school with Avery and Tyler where he feels pressured into deciding if he should join Avery or Tyler’s social circle.
Karl entdeckt Stans Geheimnis
Karl, the James-Jennings’ family neighbor, reveals to the kids that he knows Stan’s secret.
Ein Verleger in Verlegenheit
Stan's blog is accidentally submitted as Bennett's latest book and the kids must work together to protect Stan's secret.
3. Staffel 3 (24 Episoden)
Der Schulverweis
On Avery's first day of high school, Tyler ropes her into his senior prank that ultimately gets them both expelled.
Heuloween 2: Die Endabrechnung
When Ellen and Bennett overhear Stan talking, the kids go to great lengths to convince their parents the house is haunted to help keep Stan's secret.
Nachhilfe für Tyler
When Tyler is invited to join a professional freestyle BMX team, he enlists Avery as a tutor to try and help him graduate early.
Stans große Liebe
Stan has a crush on the new neighborhood dog, Princess, but he has to figure out how to get past her owner, who is a pretentious schoolmate of Avery's.
Der faule Zahn
Though Avery 's assignments are perfectly executed, she misses the true point in her life skills class and receives a disappointing grade.
Das gestohlene Weihnachtsfest
In an effort to teach the James-Jennings kids the true meaning behind Christmas, Stan hides all of the holiday presents from the family, ultimately teaching them a greater lesson about giving back to others.
Avery's feelings are hurt when she realizes Max doesn't like her designs. Meanwhile, Stan gets a makeover to impress his new girlfriend.
Avery träumt vom Küssen
Avery becomes worried when she has a recurring dream that she and Karl are boyfriend and girlfriend. Meanwhile, Chloe wants to give up choir to become a BMX bike rider like Tyler.
Hund auf dem Laufsteg
Stan enters a fashion show wearing one of Avery's designs. Meanwhile, Tyler takes an unforeseen trip.
Verwirrende Geschichten
Avery, and her best friends, Max and Lindsay, all discover they're dating the same guy. Meanwhile, Tyler is accused of cheating and must prove his innocence.
Das Gewinnerwochenende
Avery becomes jealous when Stan spends the night at Karl's house. Meanwhile, Bennett gets Chloe hooked on wrestling.
Stan im Stress
The kids turn to Bennett for psychological advice when Stan starts talking in his sleep.
Die Hochzeit
To help fund Stan's nuptials, the family submits the wedding to the "Wackie Jackie" show, a program in which wealthy teen spends money to amuse herself.
Die Klassensprecherwahl
Avery is the only one running for President; she convinces Max to run against her so that she has some competition.
Stan bekommt Nachwuchs (1)
Princess is pregnant with puppies; Stan is both nervous and thrilled about becoming a dad.
Avery and Chloe get into a fight after Chloe discovers that Avery is using her to get closer to a boy she likes.
Stan bekommt Nachwuchs (2)
Avery, Tyler and Chloe discover that Gracie and Freddy can talk, just like their dad Stan.
Du bist nicht mehr meine Schwester!
Avery's feelings are hurt when she realizes Max doesn't like her designs. Meanwhile, Stan gets a makeover to impress his new girlfriend.
Hilfe, unser Welpe spricht!
Wer ist Karls Freundin?
When Avery’s latest design gets ruined before a big fashion show, she must get to the bottom of who destroyed the dress.
Das Geheimnis des ruinierten Kleides
Stan, der Retter
After accidentally ruining Ellen’s new couch, Stan wishes he’d never been a part of the family and wonders what it would have been like if he had been a cat instead.
Katze mit Blog
After running over a neighbor's lawn gnome, Avery asks Tyler to help her prep for her driving test. Meanwhile, Chloe's afraid that getting older will jeopardize her title as "the cute one."
Avery lernt Autofahren
Ellen and Bennett find out that Stan can talk, and shortly after the entire James-Jennings family is taken hostage by the U.S. Space Command's Alien Division. Together, the Jennings-James family must work together and devise an escape plan, all while protecting Stan.
4. Season 4 (0 Episode)