On the shores of paradise, gorgeous singles meet and mingle. But there’s a twist. To win a $100,000 grand prize, they’ll have to give up sex.
Liebe, Sex oder Geld
Die Singles dieser Staffel freuen sich nach ihrem Kennenlernen auf einen heißen Sommer. Doch dann lässt die Hightech-Gastgeberin eine gewaltige Bombe platzen.
Harry und Francesca
Als Lana die Regeln verkündet, schränken die Singles das Heavy Petting ein – mit gewissen Ausnahmen. Doch was für einen Schaden richten die rebellischen Duos an?
Rache ist scharf
Francesca und Haley treiben weiter falsches Spiel. Rhonda und Sharron führen ein Mitternachtsgespräch. Die Singles nehmen an einem Intim-Workshop teil.
Drei sind (k)einer zu viel
Chloe ist von dem Neuzugang Bryce begeistert. Die Gruppe praktiziert nonverbale Kommunikation. Die Singles kommen sich näher. Lana stellt ein neues Hilfsmittel vor.
Emotionale Reife
Rhonda und Sharron erinnern sich an ihre Liebesnacht, die finanzielle Folgen hat. Francesca widmet sich ihren Gefühlen. Die Männer beschäftigen sich mit Verletzlichkeit.
Der Bryce ist nicht heiß
Francesca bekommt eine Antwort von Harry. Lana fällt eine schockierende Entscheidung. Die Singles begrüßen neue Freunde – und potenzielle Techtelmechtel.
Sisters over Misters
Nach einem weiteren kostspieligen Kuss verändert sich die Gruppendynamik. Rhonda erzählt Sharron mehr von sich. Die Frauen lernen, ihre Weiblichkeit zu verehren.
Geld oder Liebe
Eine Staffel voller Regelverstöße geht dem Ende zu. Lana enthüllt unerwartete Wendungen und die Paare schmieden Pläne für das Leben danach. Wer erhält das Preisgeld?
Extra Hot: The Reunion
Host Desiree Burch connects with this season's singles for a virtual reunion featuring fresh updates, frisky banter and a series of spicy games.
2. Season 2 (10 Episoden)
Eine neue Gruppe von sexy Singles kämpft in einem Inselparadies gegen die Versuchung an, um das Preisgeld in Höhe von 100.000 US-Dollar zu gewinnen.
Episode 1
The smokin' hot singles start mingling, thinking they're on a made-up reality show. How will they react to the grand reveal? Let the countdown begin.
You Gotta Watch Out for Pete
The contenders navigate new rules, but continue to play with expensive fire. Later, Lana drops a bombshell, and sparks fly during a spicy workshop.
Du steckst in Schwierigkeiten
Chase und Marvin kommen Peter auf die Schliche und Emily und Cam haben ein schlechtes Gewissen. Nathan gibt eine Tanzvorführung und Melinda überdenkt ihre Gefühle.
Resist Everything… Except Temptation
A new day dawns, and Lana reveals Emily and Cam's overnight results. Two new players unknowingly join the game — and stir up some serious jealousy.
An Offer You Can’t Refuse
Lana lays down the law with a major shake-up. The ladies unpack emotional baggage, and Larissa dives deeper and scores an intimate reward.
Give Up the Chase
A steamy hookup makes a serious dent in the prize fund. Lana issues a 24-hour challenge. Three new hotties join the game and get straight to flirting.
Der Männer-Workshop
Zwei Teilnehmer verteidigen ihre Beziehung und ein Single hat Liebeskummer. Lana plant ein Doppeldate und es ist Zeit für den Workshop der Männer.
Money Down the Drain
As one couple goes green, another pays for a kiss. Lana bids farewell to more rule breakers. Hard truths surface during a communication workshop.
Grüne Lichter und heiße Nächte
Eine verlockende Dusche verlangt einem Teilnehmer alles ab. Die Wahrheit über eine gemeinsame Nacht kommt ans Licht und die Paare müssen über ihre Zukunft entscheiden.
Eine überraschende Wendung
Die Teilnehmer befinden sich auf der Zielgeraden und können es kaum aushalten. Doch Lana hat noch ein Ass im Ärmel. Wer wird gewinnen?
3. Staffel 3 (10 Episoden)
Lana heißt erneut eine Gruppe flirtbegeisterter Kandidaten im Paradies willkommen. Wer wird der Versuchung widerstehen können und den größten Preis aller Zeiten gewinnen?
No Pleasure Island
On "Pleasure Island," the singles strut their stuff, compete for catches and share the dirty details of their love lives, till Lana crashes the party.
The Midnight Train to Georgia
After two singles set the record for the fastest rule break ever, a new game begins. Plus, the group gets hot and heavy in a breath control workshop.
The Truth Hurts
Tensions mount in paradise as rule breakers face the music. A playboy shows his true colors. Lana invites two new sex-hungry singles to the retreat.
Eat My Shorts
After a budding couple gets crafty with a "loophole," the group gets messy with an intimate painting workshop. Plus, feathery festivities take flight.
The Summer of '69
The romantic test results are revealed — for better or worse. Lana bids farewell to two struggling singles and encourages everyone to dig deeper.
Dreifache Bedrohung
Dem ersten Paar mit grünem Licht steht ein neuer Tag bevor. Sexuelle Spannungen liegen in der Luft und Lana heißt neue Singles willkommen; darunter eine Querulantin.
Ehrt eure Yoni
Zwei der Ladys reißen sich um denselben Kerl. Lana veranstaltet einen Vagina-Workshop. Ein männlicher Single hat die Qual der Wahl.
Ein Regelverstoß spaltet die Gruppe. Wer wird weiterhin Fortschritte machen und wer wird mit dem schockierendsten Regelverstoß der Serie Geschichte schreiben?
Paradise Purgatory
Shocking exits — and a sneaky plot twist — redefine what comes next. Meanwhile, one coupling moves forward, and another starts crumbling.
Out with a Bang
After a night of temptation, the singles reconvene for a final report, a final workshop leads to reflection, and this season's cash prize is rewarded.
4. Staffel 4 (10 Episoden)
Another set of singles arrives for a retreat at an irresistible new villa, where they'll have to say no to their natural urges in order to win big.
The Mile Dry Club
Ten sexy singles hit the beach believing they're competing on the decoy show, "Wild Love." Will it kill the mood when Lana reveals the truth?
Nigel, der Aufreißer
Villa residents test the waters — and waste no time breaking rules — with new connections. Lana puts an unapologetic player on the spot to pick a date.
Officer Kill Joy
One guy works to get out of the doghouse. With the group facing double penalties, a self-appointed "sex cop" tries to shut down frisky business.
Flavia of the Month
A night in the private suite puts one cuddly couple in the hot seat. Two new arrivals make waves when they pick partners for dates on the beach.
Verführerische Dusche
A steamy and shockingly expensive shower inspires even more misbehavior. Heads turn, feelings get hurt and a workshop reveals some raw emotions.
Puppets for Playas
Lana reminds a rule-breaking couple about the pricey consequences. After an eye-opening workshop, one guy tries to get his former flame back in his bed.
Trust or Bust
Two grenades bring trouble to paradise. Will more eyes wander just when Lana was starting to give green lights?
It's Raining Love Triangles
A fruit-themed party sours with some shocking exits. Two people feel torn between their options — but only one of them is honest.
Jawahir, Jawa-dort
When Lana asks the couples to commit, will they stick together or fall apart? One person who's been playing games might finally have to face the music.
Growth Is a Team Game
A two-timing suitor is tested before the retreat residents look back on their time and vote for who they think deserves to go home a winner.
5. Staffel 5 (10 Episoden)
Another sultry-but-sexless retreat awaits, under Lana's watchful eye, for a group of incurably flirty singles hoping to win a massive $200,000 prize.
Up Ships Creek
Ten competitors lured to a luxury yacht for the imaginary dating show "Love Overboard" might mutiny when they realize which series they're really on.
A Matter of Pact
As the retreat residents adjust to their new reality, a sex detective looking out for rule-breakers can't keep up with two couples bent on causing chaos.
Stick or Twist
Lana intervenes when a frisky guy's loose lips cause friction. After choosing a date based purely on looks, one player begins to question her decision.
Court in the Act
Following awkward morning apologies and a cathartic activity, two new singles stir the pot by choosing dates who are already coupled up.
Driving Me Bananas
A date leads to heartbreak and an unattached player locks on to a new target. Two troublemakers' shameless violations lead to a reckoning with Lana.
Making Kiss-tory
Lana pushes a couple to dig deeper emotionally after their late-night make-out session breaks a rule — and sets a record. A sudden bed swap shakes things up.
Defective Detective
Two players head to the beach to meet new arrivals, testing their partners' trust. A model retreat citizen finally faces temptation.
Is It Too Late to Say Sorry?
One player scrambles to do post-date damage control. Lana drops a bombshell during a party. A workshop for the guys opens eyes and rattles nerves.
Love or Money
As some couples tiptoe around commitment, Lana challenges two fickle suitors to make a difficult decision that will show their true motives.
The Climax
A final workshop brings out big emotions as the players reflect on their personal growth during the retreat. But whose journey will win the prize?
6. Staffel 6 (10 Episoden)
New season, bigger prize fund, shocking twists — and a naughty new sidekick for Lana, who's stirring up trouble among the villa's sexy singles.
Bad to the Cone
As the new players arrive at the villa, they can barely keep their hands off each other — and a surprise new twist means that they don't have to.
Paper Clips & Pay Per View
Lana replaces the two banished players with some familiar faces. They say they want to set a good example — but how long will that resolution last?
I’ll Have What She's Having
Sexual tension is ramping up across the retreat, so Lana sends the singles to an energy orgasm workshop — which just frustrates them even further.
Clock Blocked
Everyone's wondering whether the rule-breakers passed the celibacy challenge, until two new singles arrive, and take temptation to a whole other level.
Demaris Untergang
Ein Neuankömmling sorgt für Wirbel in der Villa. Bei einem Workshop für mehr Ehrlichkeit und Integrität ist eine teilnehmende Person frustriert und lässt die Blicke schweifen.
Zeit für Bauchgefühle
Da die Männer weiter die Position der Frauen in der Villa untergraben, organisiert Lana einen reinen Männer-Workshop. Hier sollen sie ihre weibliche Seite entdecken.
Eine 99,7%ige Aussicht auf Ärger
Lana hat eine Warnung für die Gruppe – und wer sie ignoriert, kommt nicht ungestraft davon. Währenddessen denkt sich ihre betrügerische Doppelgängerin eigene Regeln aus.
Sealed With a Chris
One couple struggles with trust issues after a date. At a candy-themed party to welcome the new arrivals, someone's left with a bad taste in the mouth.
To Bri or Not to Bri
With the retreat coming to an end, it's time to face reality. As some couples look to a possible future together, another struggles with their present.
A Prize Surprise
Last day, last chance to prove to Lana who deserves the money. Which lucky players will win the biggest prize fund in the show's history?