Doc McStuffins, Spielzeugärztin

SERIE • 5 Staffeln • Animation, Familie, Sonstige, Kinder & Jugend, Fantasy, Musik + Kultur • Irland • 2012


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Dottie "Doc" McStuffins ist ein sechs jähriges Mädchen, das die Gabe besitzt mit Spielzeugen und Stofftieren zu sprechen. Dadurch ist es ihr möglich diese in ihrer Gartenpraxis von allerlei Krankheiten zu heilen.

Doc McStuffins
Norton Virgien
Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Polnisch, Italienisch, Rumänisch, Griechisch, Tschechisch, Dänisch, Ungarisch, Schwedisch, Türkisch
Kiara Muhammad, Jaden Betts, Jess Harnell, Kimberly Brooks, Lara Jill Miller, Loretta Devine
Deutsch, Französisch, Englisch, Polnisch, Italienisch, Rumänisch, Griechisch, Tschechisch, Dänisch, Ungarisch, Schwedisch, Türkisch


1. Staffel 1 (52 Episoden)
Dottie "Doc" McStuffins ist ein sechs jähriges Mädchen, das die Gabe besitzt mit Spielzeugen und Stofftieren zu sprechen. Dadurch ist es ihr möglich diese in ihrer Gartenpraxis von allerlei Krankheiten zu heilen.
Sir Kirby, der Retter
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Sir Kirby, der dringend ein Bad nehmen muss.
Ein schwerer Fall von Piekseritis
Doc und ihr Freunde helfen Boppy, der Luft verliert, nachdem er an einem Rosenstrauch hängen geblieben ist.
Jack springt hoch hinaus
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem kleinen Clown Jack, wieder aus der Schachtel springen zu können.
Ricardo, der energielose Rennwagen
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Rennwagen Ricardo. Seine Batterien müssen aufgeladen werden.
Eine launische Tee-Party
Doc und ihre Freunde sorgen dafür, dass Susie wieder schlafen kann.
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Zero, sicher in seiner Rakete zu fliegen.
Wagen Neun, wieder einsatzbereit
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Lenny. Dieser hat an einem heißen Tag zu wenig getrunken und trocknet beinahe aus. 
Stuffy, der mutige Drache
Stuffy verliert während eines Abenteuers Füllung aus seinem Drachenschwanz. Doc kann ihm aber zusammen mit ihren Freunden helfen! 
Gustav hat Bauchschmerzen
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Gustav, der zu viele Murmeln gefressen hat.
Eine Note fehlt
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen, Xylas verlorenen Klangstab zu ersetzen. 
Gabys Rettung
Doc und ihre Freunde retten eine Giraffe aus einem Kuscheltierbehälter. 
Die Nacht der Sternschnuppen
Doc und ihre Freunde sorgen dafür, dass Aurora, das Teleskop wieder klar und deutlich sehen kann. 
Ben und Anna sind getrennt
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Ben und Anna, einem Klammeräffchen-Paar. Bens Klammerstreifen ist abgerissen.
Hermie ist kraftlos
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen der Krabbe Hermie, durch Physiotherapie wieder zu ihren gewohnten Kräften zu kommen.
Wie ein Schluckauf
Doc und ihre Freunde können Millie heilen, die immerzu Wörter wiederholt und nicht weiß, warum. 
Die Schaufel klemmt
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Bagger Riggo, der seine Schaufel nicht mehr bewegen kann.
Ronda, fertig zum Start!
Doc hilft dem Rettungshubschrauber Ronda wieder fliegen zu können. 
Roboter Ray rettet die Welt
Doc bringt Roboter Ray wieder in Gang, nachdem er nass geworden ist. 
Dehnungsübungen für Kiko
Doc bekommt von ihrer Großmutter eine Puppe aus Japan geschickt. Von der langen Reise sind Kikos Beine ganz schwach. Doc trainiert mit ihrer neuen Freundin, damit ihre Muskeln schnell wieder in Schwung kommen.
Die Superhelden
Docs Freunde spielen Superhelden. Da bemerkt Doc, dass der Verband von Kran Niles dringend gewechselt werden muss. Doch der ängstliche Niles möchte das nicht. Doch Doc kann ihren Freund schließlich überzeugen.
Ruhe für Rondas Propeller
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Ronda, die abwarten muss, bis der Leim an ihrem Propeller getrocknet ist. 
Schönheits-Wettbewerb für Trucks
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Truck Tremane, der lernen muss, still zu stehen, bis die Farbe getrocknet ist. 
Jeder macht mal Fehler
Doc erklärt der Stofftier-Kuh Muh-Muh, dass man Freunden Fehler auch verzeihen sollte.
Boomer geht die Luft aus
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Fußball Boomer, seine Angst vor Nadeln zu überwinden.
Ritter der Nacht
Doc und ihre Freunde veranstalten eine Pyjama-Party. Auch Ritter Kirby ist eingeladen. Und Doc stellt fest das der tapfere Ritter, Angst vor der Dunkelheit hat. Wer hätte das gedacht? Doch zum Glück hat Doc ein Rezept dagegen.
Hallie hört schlecht
Die Nilpferddame Hallie hört neuerdings sehr schlecht. Fast hätte sie deshalb schon einen Unfall gehabt. Doc untersucht sie und findet heraus, dass Hallies Ohren nur verstopft sind. Und das lässt sich zu Hallies Freude leicht beheben. 
Bella, die Primaballerina
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen der Ballerina Bella, die sich das Bein gebrochen hat und einen Gips bekommt.
Das Seifenblasen-Äffchen
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Seifenblasen-Äffchen, das von Alma versehentlich mit Kleber, anstatt mit Seifenlaube befüllt wurde. 
Der Camping-Ausflug
Doc und ihre Freunde kümmern sich auf einem Camping-Ausflug um Rays gebrochenen Arm.
Lula, der kleine Wal
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Lula dabei zu wachsen.
Lammie wird genäht
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Lammie, die einen kleinen Riss bekommen hat. 
Walkie-Talkie auf Empfang
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Walkie Talkie Walter, erst seine Antenne und dann seine Partnerin wieder zu finden.
Stuffy voller Kletten
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dabei, Stuffy von Kletten zu befreien, nachdem er in einen Busch gefallen ist. 
Superheld, bereit zur Rettung
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Superheld, dessen Beine verkehrt herum angebracht sind.
Hallies Geburtstags-Party
oc und ihre Freunde organisieren eine Überraschungsparty zu Hallies Geburtstag. 
Ein Hai mit Zahnschmerzen
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Mister Mampf, dem ein Zahn abgebrochen ist. 
Nicht weglaufen!
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen der Opossum-Mutter Penny dabei, einen verlorenen Klettstreifen anzubringen. 
Trauriges Gürkchen
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Hasen namens Gürkchen, eine neue Nase zu bekommen.
Der Sprung ins Wasser
Doc und ihre Freunde bringen einer Meerjungfrau das Schwimmen bei.
Louie, nicht so laut!
Doc und ihre Freunde bringen dem Spielzeugtelefon Louie bei, leise zu sprechen.
Chillys blaue Flecken
Als Chilly blaue Flecken bekommt, erklärt Doc ihren Freunden, was Bakterien sind.
Quietschen oder nicht quietschen?
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen der Quietscheente Marvin, ihre Stimme wiederzufinden.
Doc ist krank
Doc hat sich erkältet und ihre Freunde helfen ihr.
Einsatz in der Sonne
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen dem Polizeiwagen Pete, der durch die heiße Sonne überhitzt ist.
Buh machst du!
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Sebastian, einem Halloween-Geist, der Angst vor Geistern hat.
Glo-Bo leuchtet nicht
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Glo-Bo, der nicht mehr im Dunkeln leuchten kann. 
Chilly ist verfroren
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen Chilly, der im Schnee fast eingefroren ist.
Die Vorlese-Eule
Doc und ihre Freunde helfen der Eulen-Professorin Eulenburg, eine neue Brille zu finden.
Lammie fühlt sich zurückgesetzt, weil Doc ein neues Valentinstagsgeschenk bekommen hat.
Staubiger Teddy B!
Doc sorgt dafür, dass Teddy B wieder sauber ist und mit Donny kuscheln kann. 
Bronti spielt wild
Doc erklärt Bronti, dem Dinosaurier, vorsichtiger mit kleineren Spielzeugfreunden umzugehen. 
Doc erklärt Bronti, warum man schlechten Atem hat und wie man sich die Zähne putzt.
2. Staffel 2 (76 Episoden)
Dottie "Doc" McStuffins ist ein sechs jähriges Mädchen, das die Gabe besitzt mit Spielzeugen und Stofftieren zu sprechen. Dadurch ist es ihr möglich diese in ihrer Gartenpraxis von allerlei Krankheiten zu heilen.
Docs mobile Praxis
Doc McStuffins Goes McMobile After discovering that she couldn't fix Maddie's toy mouse, Norton, in the park, Doc's dad builds a mobile clinic for her to fix toys when she's away from her clinic. Chip Off the Ol' Box While practicing their Juggling Jacks Act for Buddy's birthday party, Big Jack hurts his crank (after Donny crashes into him while practicing some defensive soccer save moves) leaving him unable to perform.
Der kleine Jack springt ein
Awesome Guy's Awesome Arm Awesome Guy injures his arm while showing off his awesome strength and Doc orders him to rest up. Lamb in a Jam Lambie got covered with jam while being placed into Doc's backpack due to a faulty sandwich bag. Before going with her to school on "Take Your Toy To School Day", Lambie felt sad and bitter about not going to school with Doc. So, she covered Stuffy who was to take her place for "Take Your Toy To School Day" in jam as well preventing him from going to school with Doc.
Superhelden Arm-Alarm
Diagnosis Not Even Close-Is Doc takes the afternoon off from the clinic to help train Emmie's dog Rudi with a new agility training center that Emmie's family bought. So, Stuffy and Hallie fill in as doctors while trying to find out why Robot Ray is going out of control. The toys call Doc for help and she succeeds to find the real problem. Bronty's Twisted Tail Doc creates a musical group but Bronty injures his tail after Stuffy crashes into him.
Das Marmeladen-Schlamassel
Frida Fairy Flies Again Frida Fairy, a fairy-shaped kite who thinks she's a real fairy, rips her wing after crashing into a tree branch and Doc tries to repair her. A Tale of Two Dragons Dragon-Bot, a new state of the art robotic toy dragon, has a problem with his wings popping out and Doc checks what is causing the problem but Stuffy becomes jealous over Dragon-Bot being more hi-tech than him.
Die Fehldiagnose
Think Pink Chilly turns pink from Doc's red scarf after being accidentally washed in the washing machine by Doc's dad. You Foose, You Lose The other players in the Foosball court are ready to play but Johnny Foosball isn't ready because he is suffering from a sticking problem and is reluctant to tell his teammates about it.
Brontis verbogener Schwanz
Leilani's Luau Doc receives a solar powered hula girl named Leilani from her grandmother, but she feels a little homesick for her home in Hawaii so Doc throws a Luau for her. Karate Kangaroos Doc helps Angus, a Karate Kangaroo who doesn't want to fight Sidney, his partner, because of his fear of fighting.
Flieg, Frida!
Doc to the Rescue Doc discovers a fashion doll named Dress-Up Daisy stuck in a tree and tries to calm her down from panicking while rescuing her. Don't Knock the Noggin Doc helps an action figure named Super Stuntman Steve after he starts malfunctioning for losing his helmet.
Der andere Drache
Disco Dress Up Daisy Disco Dress Up Daisy injures her arm while showboating on roller skates and gets a fashionable pink cast for her arm and Lambie becomes envious and tries to fake an injury to get a cast for herself. Doc diagnoses her with "I want a boo-boo syndrome" and relates to having had it in the past when her friend Emmie had a cast. The Glider Brothers The Glider Brothers, two planes named Orville and Wilbur (after the Wright brothers), fly recklessly around the McStuffins household resulting in Wilbur breaking the rubber band that powers his propeller.
Schneemann in Pink
Kirby and the King Sir Kirby and The Wicked King are stuck together with paste after battling with Donny's cardboard monster. So they try to get unstuck in the process. Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose! Doc brings Bubble Monkey to visit Donny to cheer him up after he catches a cold. But Bubble Monkey has a sneezing fit spreading soap bubble liquid all over the place.
Der Kicker klemmt
Professor Pancake Doc rescues Professor Hootsburgh after being accidentally trapped behind Doc's toy box and was accidentally flattened. You Crack Me Up Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Donny's new toy, keeps scratching her belly, so Doc investigates the cause of her itch.
Leilanis Hula-Tanz
An elf named Tobias needs help after accidentally breaking Donny's new toy, Commander Crush, so Doc and her friends go to the North Pole to get a new part. But Stuffy gets separated from the group and it was up to Lambie and Chilly to rescue Stuffy.
The Doctor Will See You Now Dolly, Morton, Carl Chug a Chug, and Fabio, the toys in the waiting room at the doctor's office, receive a check up by Doc after wondering why the children in the clinic don't want to play them. This is the first instance of Doc being called Dottie in the show. L'il Egghead Feels the Heat Professor Hootsburgh challenges Eggie, an electronic learning device, to a face-off to see who's the smartest toy in the McStuffins Household, but Eggie overheats and starts malfunctioning.
Nur die Ruhe
The Big Sleepover Doc becomes homesick during a sleepover at Emmie and Alma's house, so Stuffy, Lambie and Pickles try to cheer her up. No Sweetah Cheetah Chilly and the other toys think that Rita, Donny's toy cheetah, is sick because of her spots, but Doc later discovers that she doesn't have an illness. Rita's spots are a part of her physical features.
Helm auf!
Big Head Hallie Hallie discovers that she was based on a popular cartoon character and lets it go into her head. Peaches Pie, Take a Bath! Peaches Pie, a cute peach scented doll, refuses to take a bath but doesn't realize that her peachy smell is gone thanks to Rudy playing with her in the rain.
Celestial Celeste Celeste, Doc's space projector toy from school is having trouble working by making a strange whirring noise after nearly getting knock off the shelf by Stuffy. So it's up to Doc and the gang to fix it. Run Doc Run! Doc sprains her ankle during a practice run for a Fun Run while trying to avoid a toy unicorn that was laying on the sidewalk. Doc has to rest, so the toys have to cure Doc and Doc has to cure Dart the Unicorn's broken leg before she does. This is the second instance of Doc being called Dottie.
Die Flieger-Brüder
A Fairy Big Knot Frida the Fairy Flier's strings gets knotted up during a very windy day and crashes and it's up to Doc to detangle her strings. Rosie the Rescuer Rosie the Rescuer, Emmie and Alma's toy EMT ambulance, panics while trying to save Sir Kirby. Later, Doc helps Rosie to calm down and not to panic by telling of her past experience helping Robot Ray.
Kirby und der König
Crikey! It's Wildlife Will! Wildlife Will, a toy explorer, loses his legs after a run in with a Chihuahua and it's up to Doc and company to build a special wheelchair for him. Rootin' Tootin' Southwest Sal Southwest Sal, a toy cowgirl that is literally a cow, has a broken spring which controls her lasso throwing arm, and it's up to Doc to fix her.
Take Your Doc To Work Day On "Take Your Child To Work Day" Doc helps out at her mom's clinic by giving physicals to The Waiting Room Toys and helps a doll named Curly-Q fix her hair by giving her a new hair style. Blazer's Bike Star Blazer Zero has a problem riding his bike by crashing into everything and discovered that he had a helmet for a football player instead of his space helmet.
Flach wie ein Pfannkuchen
The Big Storm A hurricane hits the neighborhood and Doc helps create an evacuation plan for the toys in the clinic including a "buddy system" but Chilly and Hallie accidentally get left behind when Chilly falls off the wagon during the evacuation and Hallie tries to help keep him calm. Spritzy Mitzi Spritzy Mitzi, an octopus shaped sprinkler toy, ruptures a sprinkler tentacle after getting a pebble stuck in one of her sprinkling holes after ignoring Stuffy's advice on having Doc checking it out first.
Gut eingecremt
Dad's Favorite Toy While cleaning out the attic Doc's Dad finds a beloved toy from his childhood called Saltwater Serge and Wellington Whale. Serge and Wellington don't work because their button is worn out after being used a lot by Doc's Dad when he was young. Chilly and the Dude Chilly meets up with a stuffed snowman known as "The Dude" when Doc goes to the clinic to make winter gift baskets for a school charity drive. Chilly is jealous when he feels that The Dude is more charming and athletic than him but learns that it's ok to be yourself.
Fröhliche McStuffins Weihnachten!
Serpent Sam Makes a Splash Doc diagnoses Serpent Sam, a cool new snake shaped super soaker water gun toy, who is suffering from "Sticky-it is" after he fills up with green apple soda instead of his usual water and gets clogged up from the sticky sugar residue. Sir Kirby and the Plucky Princess To prove that princesses can do anything knights can do, Princess Persephone, or "Peri," as she likes to be called, challenges Sir Kirby to a playoff competition. Problems arise when Sir Kirby falls apart during the wall scaling competition after losing his balance and slamming himself against the castle wall.
Doc beim Arzt
Dolly, Morton, Carl Chug a Chug, and Fabio, the toys in the waiting room at the doctor's office, receive a check up by Doc after wondering why the children in the clinic don't want to play them. This is the first instance of Doc being called Dottie in the show.
Zu viel Sonne
Professor Hootsburgh challenges Eggie, an electronic learning device, to a face-off to see who's the smartest toy in the McStuffins Household, but Eggie overheats and starts malfunctioning.
Übernachtung bei einer Freundin
Doc becomes homesick during a sleepover at Emmie and Alma's house, so Stuffy, Lambie and Pickles try to cheer her up.
Ein gesunder Patient
Chilly and the other toys think that Rita, Donny's toy cheetah, is sick because of her spots, but Doc later discovers that she doesn't have an illness. Rita's spots are a part of her physical features.
Hallies Höhenflug
Hallie discovers that she was based on a popular cartoon character and lets it go into her head.
Pfirsich-Bäckchen, nimm ein Bad!
Peaches Pie, a cute peach scented doll, refuses to take a bath but doesn't realize that her peachy smell is gone thanks to Rudy playing with her in the rain.
Celeste, die Weltraumexpertin
Celeste, Doc's space projector toy from school is having trouble working by making a strange whirring noise after nearly getting knock off the shelf by Stuffy. So it's up to Doc and the gang to fix it.
Lauf, Doc, lauf!
Doc sprains her ankle during a practice run for a Fun Run while trying to avoid a toy unicorn that was laying on the sidewalk. Doc has to rest, so the toys have to cure Doc and Doc has to cure Dart the Unicorn's broken leg before she does. This is the second instance of Doc being called Dottie.
Die Riesen-Verknoteritis
Frida the Fairy Flier's strings gets knotted up during a very windy day and crashes and it's up to Doc to detangle her strings.
Rosie, das Rettungsfahrzeug
Rosie the Rescuer, Emmie and Alma's toy EMT ambulance, panics while trying to save Sir Kirby. Later, Doc helps Rosie to calm down and not to panic by telling of her past experience helping Robot Ray.
Will, der Fährtenleser
Wildlife Will, a toy explorer, loses his legs after a run in with a Chihuahua and it's up to Doc and company to build a special wheelchair for him.
Sal, das Cowgirl
Southwest Sal, a toy cowgirl that is literally a cow, has a broken spring which controls her lasso throwing arm, and it's up to Doc to fix her.
Ein haariges Problem
On "Take Your Child To Work Day" Doc helps out at her mom's clinic by giving physicals to The Waiting Room Toys and helps a doll named Curly-Q fix her hair by giving her a new hair style.
Blazers Motorrad
Star Blazer Zero has a problem riding his bike by crashing into everything and discovered that he had a helmet for a football player instead of his space helmet.
Der große Sturm
Three Goats A' Cuddlin When Farmer Mack's baby goats (kids): Wilma, Maria & Talulah started to act up and fall to the ground, Doc brings them in for a check up and discovers that their coats were tangled and needed a brushing to keep their coats nice and clean. Swimmer's Belly Lambie creates a water ballet for Melinda the Mermaid, but when Melinda started to suffer from dizzy spells during the water ballet rehearsals Doc investigates and discovers that Melinda has water in her belly and needs to drain out the water.
Fetchin' Findo Donny has a new toy, Findo who a robotic puppy wouldn't want to fetch his toy bone so Doc decided to open a new Veterinarian branch to her clinic to take care of toy pets and discovered that Findo had sand in his electronic nose. Twin Tweaks Jaz, One of the Twirly Twins couldn't keep her balance with her brother Chaz due to the magnets on Jaz's causing a mysterious force field that was separating them due to the magnets on Jaz's shoes were inserted backwards after an accident with Stuffy.
Dads Lieblingsspielzeug
Doc finds her dad's favorite toy and helps get it back into working condition. read more
Doc meets a charismatic snowman who looks a lot like Chilly.
Wasser marsch!
To prove that princesses can do anything knights can do, Princess Persephone, or "Peri," as she likes to be called, challenges Sir Kirby to a playoff competition. Problems arise when Sir Kirby falls apart during the wall scaling competition after losing his balance and slamming himself against the castle wall.
Die tapfere Prinzessin
To prove that princesses can do anything knights can do, Princess Persephone, or "Peri," as she likes to be called, challenges Sir Kirby to a playoff competition. Problems arise when Sir Kirby falls apart during the wall scaling competition after losing his balance and slamming himself against the castle wall.
Der böse König und die gemeine Königin
A snobbish new doll named Queen Amina arrives to the McStuffins household and start to lock horns with The Wicked King over who should throw the first Royal Ball. So Doc and the crew decided to have a treasure hunt for the two to see who gets the most coins wins the rights to host the Royal Ball. But when Queen Amina injures herself during the competition, the Wicked King decided that friendship and sportsmanship was more important than winning.
Bewegung ist gesund
After losing a relay race, Alma's baby doll Tiny Tessie discovers that she needs to get out of her Sleepy Slumber 2000 Stroller to be active and have more fun.
Keine Angst vor Glibber
Oooey Gablooey, a toy sticky starfish which Donny won at the school fair, accidentally punctures himself after landing in a rose bush and started leaking blue ooze all over and panics after seeing his goo leaking out as Doc tries to repair him.
Der verschluckte König
While at the park, Serpent Sam accidentally swallows the Wicked King while filling up with water and Doc and the crew try to figure out a way to get the Wicked King out of Serpent Sam's tummy safely.
Doc’s harter Tag
Doc learns how to triage her patients after becoming overwhelmed with a busy day at the clinic when her and Donny's talking toddler cousin Sabrina comes for a visit to the McStuffins household and causes chaos and a whole lot of boo-boos for the toys.
Der Regelbrecher
Princess Doc and Princess Lamby are having a tea party when a police car interrupts them. Doc helps Officer Pete recognize that his eyesight is being hindered by a dirty and cracked windshield after wrecking while pursuing Kent during a high speed pursuit and needed a replacement windshield.
Spieglein, Spieglein auf dem Bauch
Baby Suki's toy penguin Waddly is upset because she doesn't want to play with her and Doc discovers that the mirror in Waddly's tummy was dirty with baby guck.
Das nette Monster
While playing Mad Scientist, Professor Donny and Professor Alma "create" a toy monster named Creepy Cuddly Charlie that scares all the other toys (except for Doc and Hallie). When they finally get to know Charlie, they realized that he's not that scary.
Docs Assistenzärztin
Dr Tundra, Emmie's new teddy bear learns about the medical profession from Doc as a intern in her clinic and helps Stuffy after he crushed his snout in a book avalanche.
Die supertollen Ultrahüpfer
Delloroto one of the Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers couldn't jump high like his brothers DiNardo and DiAmbrosio. So Doc (or "Dottoressa" as she was called) discovers that Delloroto was missing a few bricks making him shorter than his brothers.
Die Zeitreise
Doc and the toys magically travel back to 19th century England where they meet a young Florence Nightingale and help her realize her dream of becoming a nurse.
Hazel bleibt trocken
Before a sleepover at Doc's house Hazel, Emmie's new water toy has a slight sleepwetting problem (leaky trunk) and Doc tries to solve her problem. She is diagnosed with too-full-itis.
Frühstück mit Bronti
During breakfast, Bronty accidentally knocks over and stomps on a bottle of syrup which splashed onto his rear legs and caused his rear legs to be stuck onto his tail, but Bronty was reluctant to tell Doc about his situation.
Das Pfadfinder-Wochenende
Doc encourages her toy friends when Army Al is called to duty.
Springfuchs wagt den Sprung
A wicked king dares Donny's toy, Sproingo Boingo, to jump off a really high block tower.
Der schüchterne Tänzer
A wind up toy Sea Turtle named Theodore is extremely shy after that discovering that Hermie who was a old friend from the aquarium (and the most popular toy at the aquarium) was living at Doc's and is the grand Splash Dance champion. So Doc and Company helps Theodore overcome his shyness.
Nein heisst Nein
During a game of Tickle Tag with Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Commander Crush starts to malfunction and couldn't stop transforming. Doc discovers that Commander Crush had a stuck button that caused him to malfunction but now Commander Crush refuses to play the Tickle Game fearing that he'll malfunction again.
Die grummelige Fledermaus
The toys teach Count Clarence the Magnificent, a cardboard bat who thinks he could fly like a kite about good positive attitudes after he becomes grumpy from getting caught in a gust of wind and crashing into the wading pool at the park.
Doc purchase a used Rock Star doll named Rockstar Ruby at a Yard Sale but as dirt and gunk builds up over time while being played at and eventually causes Rockstar Ruby's microphone button to get stuck forcing her to quit singing. But Doc and the crew has a plan to bring back Rockstar Ruby back on stage.
Ein Tag ohne Kuscheln
It's International Cuddle Day at the clinic but Lambie suffered from a mysterious sneezing fit. Doc discovered that Lambie was covered with flour and ordered Lambie to be quarantined and not to give out any cuddles.
Kiara, Doc's new Kaleidoscope suffered from a severe dizzy spell after Chilly accidentally fell causing her to crash on the floor.
Das Unfalltaxi
Doc and the Toys are excited to attend Lambie's one-lamb show at the theater.
Luna vom Mond
Doc brings home the blue ribbon from the science fair, along with Luna 2200, a space girl doll.
Genau im Blick
Viewy Stewie gets two discs jammed while Doc and the toys view images from Doc's grandma.
Sparschwein Nikki
Doc wants to keep her dollar safe and Nikki the piggy bank will do anything to protect it.
Eine schwierige Operation
Coach Kay is supposed to blow her whistle and flip her hat, but she's broken.
Brontis Farbwechsel
When Donny leaves Bronty outside in the sun, Doc discovers half of his body is a different color.
Episode 69
When Farmer Mack's baby goats (kids) started to act up and fall to the ground, Doc brings them in for a check up and discovers that their coats were tangled and needed a brushing to keep their coats nice and clean.
Episode 70
Lambie creates a water ballet for Melinda the Mermaid, but when Melinda started to suffer from dizzy spells during the water ballet rehearsals Doc investigates and discovers that Melinda has water in her belly and needs to drain out the water.
Episode 71
Jaz, One of the Twirly Twins couldn't keep her balance with her brother Chaz due to the magnets on Jaz's causing a mysterious force field that was separating them due to the magnets on Jaz's shoes were inserted backwards after an accident with Stuffy.
Episode 72
Folge 96
Folge 97
Folge 98
Folge 99
3. Staffel 3 (64 Episoden)
Dottie "Doc" McStuffins ist ein sechs jähriges Mädchen, das die Gabe besitzt mit Spielzeugen und Stofftieren zu sprechen. Dadurch ist es ihr möglich diese in ihrer Gartenpraxis von allerlei Krankheiten zu heilen.
Achtung Rutschgefahr!
Doc and the toys time travel back to 19th century England and they meet a young Florence Nightingale (who is also Hallie's favorite idol) and help her accomplish her dream to be a nurse and assist her in repairing her toys.
Teddy Bs Bauch pikst
While Donny is playing in the Rose bushes with Lambie, Chilly and Teddy B, Donny gets prickled by accident. While Doc investigates, Teddy B. fears that he had hurt Donny, and he doesn't want to play with him again, and runs away. Teddy B later realizes that he has a sharp pain in his tummy, the result of a Rose thorn that was stuck in him, that prickled both Donny and Doc.
Die spanische Tänzerin
During breakfast Bronty accidentally knocks over and stomps on a bottle of syrup which splashed onto his rear legs and caused his rear legs to be stuck onto his tail, but Bronty was reluctant to tell Doc about his situation.
Die kleine Bess hebt ab
Itty Bitty Bess and her airplane Queenie (a antique tintype airplane pilot which Doc's mom got from a Flea Market/Swap Meet who was based on "Queen" Bessie Coleman a famous aviator who was the first African American woman to receive an international pilot license) has trouble flying due to rust. So Doc and the crew must help Bess get back into the Wild Blue Yonder.
Chefköchin Lammie
Clarence, a cardboard bat, accidentally gets wet, so he is unable to stand; Rockstar Ruby's microphone button breaks, Ruby is crushed and can't do her show the right way.
Nicht mit vollem Mund sprechen!
It's international Cuddle Day, Lambie's favorite holiday that she made up; Doc arrives home from the science museum, with a new toy, Kiara the kaleidoscope.
Chillys Füllung
During a game of Tickle with Gloria the Giggling Gorilla, Commander Crush starts to malfunction and couldn't stop transforming. Doc discovers that Commander Crush had a stuck button that caused him to malfunction but now Commander Crush refuses to play the Tickle Game fearing that he'll malfunction again.
Docs Albtraum
Doc gives her viewmaster toy Viewy Stewie an eye exam and discovers that two of his discs are jammed causing him to see images incorrectly. Doc and the toys help Nikki, a piggybank who only likes coins, see that trying something new can be fun after Doc tries to put a dollar bill into the bank and Nikki refuses.
Stuffys neuer Freund
After Doc discovers that Coach Kay, a small plastic doll in a track suit, has a crack in her whistle valve, she takes her to the clinic to perform "surgery" to replace the valve. Doc and the toys learn an important lesson about sun exposure after Donny leaves Bronty outside in the sun and his plastic becomes discolored.
Beim Tierarzt
Doc and the toys learn an important lesson about sun exposure after Donny leaves Bronty outside in the sun and his plastic becomes discolored. At the park's wading pool Stuffy wishes he could go in the wading pool with the other pool toys but while playing "Splash N' Dodge with Bronty, Stuffy slips and fell into the wading pool causing his plush to get all soggy.
Wer hat das Kommando?
Itty Bitty Bees and her airplane Queenie (a antique tinytype airplane pilot which Doc's mom got a Flea Market/Swap Meet who was based on "Queen" Bessie Coleman a famous African American aviatior who was the first African American woman to receive a international pilot license ) has trouble flying due to rust. So Doc and her crew must help Bess get back into the Wild Blue Yonder. Flora a Flamenco dancing doll that Doc received as a gift from her Grandmother who was visiting Spain is being thrown a ball in her honor by Doc and company but for some unknown reason didn't want to come out the box. Doc soon discovered that Flora had a fear of getting messy and tries to have her overcome her fear of getting messy.
Stuffy & Squibbles
Lambie plays with Doc’s new pink kitchen playset without permission and accidently breaks it and injures herself in the process. Doc’s toy “Molly Molly Mouthful” loves to have flapjacks flipped into her mouth, nevertheless when Molly comes to life and keeps talking while eating, one of her plastic flapjacks gets stuck.
Der Schlossbau
As Doc's dad reads a bedtime story about Prince Cameron and the giant five-eyed purple monster to her, Doc falls asleep and has a nightmare about the five-eyed purple monster chasing after her, so the toys decide to help Doc overcome her nightmare. While playing Buccaneers with Doc and the crew Chilly accidentally rips himself and loses half his stuffing, so Doc has to replace Chilly's stuffing with cotton balls.
Umarmbare Hallie
Doc and the crew are playing Hide and Seek at the park when Stuffy finds a odd little toy critter who develops a crush on Stuffy. So Doc and the crew decide to adopt the critter, now named Squibbles, as Stuffy's new toy pet.
Hops-Frosch Paulo
The toys prepare to welcome Coleslaw, Doc's class hamster from school who loves to roll around in her Hamster ball. When Coleslaw falls ill, Doc and her mom take Coleslaw to Dr. Reese's Vet Clinic and discover that Coleslaw has a slight cold and needs to rest. Commander Crush and Star Blazer Zero are playing Space Commander, but Commander Crush injures himself while falling off his chair, and learns the importance of keeping all four legs of the chair on the ground.
Angst vor der Schule
Stuffy learns that it's very important to take care of Squibbles, especially when Squibbles runs out of energy and needed to be recharged. Queen Amina's feelings are hurt when the toys work together to rebuild The Wicked King's & Queen Amina's castle.
Ein Fall von Glitter
When Farmer Mack's baby goats start to act up and fall to the ground, Doc brings them in for a check up. Lambie creates a water ballet for Melinda the Mermaid.
Doc im Weißen Haus
Donny has a new toy, Findo, a robotic puppy who wouldn't want to fetch his toy bone so Doc decided to open a new Veterinarian branch to her clinic to take care of toy pets and discovered that Findo had sand in his electronic nose.
When the toys decide to play school, Chilly keeps making excuses to visit the nurse's office, so Doc gives him a check-up and realizes that he's nervous to start a new school. The toys all get a case of the glitters after they share a hat worn by Dress-Up Daisy, who had glitter sprinkled in her hair to match her dress.
Episode 20
Doc decides to open a new veterinarian branch to her clinic to help Donny's new toy, Findo, a robot puppy. In a rush to perform a show for Doc and the toys, one of the Twirly Twins accidentally puts on her magnetic boots upside-down and isn't able to perform her tricks correctly.
Gustav steckt fest
Doc and her toys receive an invite to The White House in Washington DC to meet with First Lady Michelle Obama. It's Donny's birthday but Winnie, a toy tiger cub that is used to blow up balloons, isn't working properly.
Zauberer Demitri
As Doc and the toys go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood, Hallie gets separated from the group. Gustav the Gulpy Gulpy Gator gets himself stuck in a fence gate while chasing a runaway marble.
Das süße Kätzchen
When Demetri's sidekick Carrots, runs amuck and botches up his magic tricks, he decides to hold auditions for a new sidekick. When Doc brings home a new toy kitten, the other toys can't understand why she is scared of her new surroundings until Doc reminds them that sometimes it takes a while for a pet to warm up to their new family.
Wo ist Squibbles?
When Squibbles goes missing during his pet training, a distraught Stuffy leads a search with Doc and the rest of the toys and learns a valuable lesson about giving your pet an ID tag so you can always locate them if they get lost. One of Doc's new toy lemurs, Wyatt, is missing an arm and when Doc performs a check-up on him, he reveals that he never had one when he left the factory, leading Doc to remind all of the other toys that some toys are made a little differently from others, and there's nothing wrong with that.
Die Artisten
Doc must help Lambie remove the lint from her plush in time for her to be a part of Professor Hootsburgh's plush portrait painting. When Emmie and Alma accidentally leave Moo-Moo at Doc's house, she treats the rest of the toys to a ballet lesson and accidentally gets ripped.
Das Kuscheltier-Gemälde
Donny's magician partner, Dmitri's toy bunny-rabbit Carrots gets a loose spring in its paw and accidentally wrecks Dmitri's Magic Stage in the process.
Ballerina Muh-Kuh
When Emmie's new talking toy Sadie won't talk, Doc gives her a check-up and realizes that the other toys must first talk to her so that she can increase her vocabulary. Doc helps Saltwater Serge discover how to use his imagination.
Der neue Krankenpfleger
Doc treats a frozen Oooey Gablooey after Donny accidently leaves him out in the snow. Doc helps Sir Kirby realize the importance of reporting an injury right away after he injures his arm during a game of ice hockey.
Chillys Knopf
When Commander Crush hurts his wing and loses one of his screws, Star Blazer Zero offers one of his extra screws so Doc can fix him. Luna’s new rover accessory, Liv, keeps breaking her antenna while out exploring, so Doc decides to give Liv a cone to wear over her head, just like some pets need when they have injuries.
Sag’s noch mal, Polly!
Doc helps Sir Kirby realize the importance of reporting your pet's injury right away after Bonnie Blue's wheel comes off during the big derby. Doc discovers a feather in Lenny's tummy which is causing him to giggle incessantly.
Benutze deine Fantasie
Star Blazer Zero is nervous about moving away and leaving his friend Commander Crush behind. When a new toy named Ferris moves into the neighborhood, he can't wait to show his new toy neighbors his dance moves.
Mom and Dad announce that they are adopting a baby and give Doc a new baby doll to practice her babysitting skills as the Doc names her Cece McStuffins. Doc and the toys hold a stuffing drive for a toy in need of a rare “cotton ball white” fluff.
Doc’s new Irish paper doll, Fiona, gets her dress dirty on St. Patrick’s Day and refuses to change until Doc explains that an important part of staying healthy is staying clean. Doc’s new doll, Gillian the Giant, feels like she doesn’t fit in with the other toys because she’s so big.
Runaway Love When Donny runs away who thinks the baby will take his place, it's up to Doc and her parents to find him. Tour De McStuffins When Doc wins a toy bike with a racer named Stella, the racer goes to fast and crashes into a block castle and bends her leg in the process.
Hör auf deinen Tierarzt!
When Doc realizes that the arrival of a new baby means a new group of baby toys will also be coming home, she seeks to put one of her own toys in charge of them, and Professor Hootsburgh proudly volunteers for the job. When the Wicked King’s crown falls off, Doc has to write a prescription for stronger glue to reattach it to his head.
Das Pferderennen
Mom and Dad get the call that the new baby is on the way, so Grandma McStuffins arrives to take care of Doc and Donny.
Ein kitzeliger Feuerwehrwagen
The McStuffins family chooses a name for the new baby. NOTE: Name for Baby McStuffins is Maya. The new baby toy, Lala, has a hard time adjusting to her new home.
Umzug ins Unbekannte
When Dress-Up Daisy doesn't want to wear her life vest on the boat, she falls in the water and gets soaked. Sydney the kangaroo has a hard time concentrating on his karate lesson and injures himself in the process.
Tanz Ferris, tanz!
Joni the pony trips over her mane and the other toys suggest a haircut. Stuffy can't sleep the night before Doc's Presentation at school.
Baby McStuffins
Stuffy scrapes his belly during a ping pong match with Hallie. Awesome Guy tries to compete in every event of the McStuffins Toyathalon.
Die Parade
Die Riesin Gillian
Donny ist eifersüchtig
Das Fahrradrennen
Euli, die Lehrerin
Die verlorene Krone
Baby McStuffins kommt nach Hause
Ein Name fürs Baby
Schlaf gut, Lala!
Model in Seenot
Hallies Karate-Unterricht
Das Showpony Joni
Stuffy kann nicht schlafen
Ein Pflaster für Stuffy
Die Spielzeug-Olympiade
Das Showpony Joni
Stuffy kann nicht schlafen
Ein Pflaster für Stuffy
Die Spielzeug-Olympiade
Knoten im Fell
Lammies Wasserballett
Wo ist der Knochen?
4. Staffel 4 (95 Episoden)
Dottie "Doc" McStuffins ist ein sechs jähriges Mädchen, das die Gabe besitzt mit Spielzeugen und Stofftieren zu sprechen. Dadurch ist es ihr möglich diese in ihrer Gartenpraxis von allerlei Krankheiten zu heilen.
Willkommen in McStuffinsdorf
Doc’s grandmother transports Doc to the magical world of McStuffinsville where she will carry on a family tradition by expanding her practice to the McStuffins Toy Hospital. There, on her first day as chief resident, Doc must tend to Stanley, a lonely, brokenhearted toy.
Die Medizinstudenten
Doc enlists Lambie, Stuffy, and Chilly as Toy Med Students to help her take care of all of the patients at McStuffins Toy Hospital.
Tierarzt Stuffy
Doc appoints Stuffy head of the Vet Clinic at McStuffins Toy Hospital.
On their first night shift, Lambie is in charge of the Hospital Nursery but cannot get the babies to sleep.
Verwirrung auf der Babystation
Chilly schedules too many appointments for himself.
Die neue Krankenschwester
Doc and the toys receive 4 identical toy babies as Lambie has a problem telling the babies apart.
Ceces erstes Bad
As Stuffy hurts himself playing a jousting match, he fears his first ambulance ride to the hospital.
Der nervige Patient
A new nurse upstages Hallie and she no longer feels needed.
Chillis Schneekugel
Doc responds to an emergency call during an accident at Southwest Sal's Ranch. It teaches you the importance of staying calm and following directions.
Hallie ist heiser
When baby toy Cece gets dirty, Doc and her toys have to get her clean, and they have to do it fast. Doc's baby sister Maya has just woken up from her nap and wants Cece, but she's too dirty to play with, and that makes Maya cry. Doc tries to give Cece a bath, but every time she tries to get her in the water, Cece cries.
After getting a crown-cussion, the Wicked King turns into a difficult patient.
Karaoke Katies große Show
Doc and her toys travel to the Giant Snow Globe outside McStuffinsville to help one of the Snow Peeps.
Nikki in der Notaufnahm
Hallie is so excited after being chosen to sing the opening song for the Foosball Game, she over-practices and loses her voice.
Die Tapferkeitsmedaille
The Toy Med students must learn how to diagnose a patient without Doc's help.
Zu Hause bei Bobby
The toys learn about bedside manner as they take care of Karaoke Katie, a doll who is disappointed about having to cancel her show because her batteries won't hold a charge.
Die Tier-Therapie
After her bank gets a crack in it, Nikki Nickel needs to stay at the hospital overnight.
Die Rede des Bürgermeisters
While exploring the Royal Lands, Sir Kirby loses his buddy and gets hurt.
Das Seemonster
When some of the toys get hurt at Bobby’s birthday party, Doc teaches them about bounce house safety.
Chuck lernt die Verkehrsregeln
While Hazel is in the hospital, Stuffy tries to sneak Squibbles in to cheer her up.
Der Geburtstagsnotfall
When Mayor Billington’s beak gets jammed during a speech, Doc teaches him that speech impediments are nothing to be embarrassed about.
Der juckende Kamelhöcker
After hearing there’s a monster in Bathtub Lake, Doc and the toys go to investigate.
Willows Schnurrhaarproblem
When Chuck, the wind-up chicken, crosses the street without looking, he unintentionally causes accidents.
Im Hundertmorgenwald
When Doc and the toys discover a broken birthday present, they rush to fix it before its child returns.
When Camille, a toy camel, gets hurt, it’s up to Doc and the other Med Students to convince her to go to the hospital.
When Doc is unable to see inside a toy’s fluffy cheek, she decides to do a CAT scan to figure out the problem.
Gesundheits-Gus wird gesund
Doc McStuffins and her toys meet Winnie the Pooh and his friends.
Das Dino-Zugunglück
When a toy mole is having trouble getting around without bumping into everything, Doc diagnoses her and calls on Stuffy to find her a guide pet.
Die tapfere Hannah
During the light show finale, Squibbles gets scared and runs amok through McStuffinsville.
Respekt vor Tieren
When flying Pegasus toy Get-Well Gus crashes and breaks off one of his wings, Doc outfits him with a prosthetic.
Doc and the toys have trouble diagnosing a triceratops train that can’t get enough traction to move.
Der schlafwandelnde König
When Hannah the doll gets gum stuck in her hair, she needs Doc's help
Fledermaus-Abenteuer zur Tageszeit
Doc is selected to lead the rescue workers parade.
Dixie klebt fest
When Stuffy claims that Lambie's job taking care of the babies in the Toy Nursery is easy, Lambie challenges him to switch jobs with her for the day.
Lammie und die McStuffuns-Babys
During a sleepover at the Royal Castle, Doc discovers the Wicked King has been sleepwalking.
Der Notfall-Plan
Count Clarence decides to stay up past his bedtime and learns that becoming over-tired is not good for him
Was für ein Quak!
A new baby doll toy named Dixie creates a mess after getting into some art supplies and covering herself with glue.
Spielzeugretter im Einsatz
Lambie and the other toys visit Baby Doll Headquarters where they help deliver some new baby toys to the Nursery.
Doc helps reunite members of a doll family and shows them how to make emergency kits after they get separated during an earthquake caused by Dragon-Bot jumping up and down
Luau für Leilani
A toy duck tries fixing other toys without the proper training.
Daisys Notruf
After a sudden storm hits McStuffinsville, a young boy named Dev finds himself transported to the town along with his toys who come together to form the First Responders team.
Doc teaches the toys about toy sports medicine during a Foosball Championship game.
McStuffinsdorf wird barrierefrei
When Leilani been hulaing in the sun too long, she decide to not go to the sun again.
Zu Hause ist es am fruchtigsten
Dressup Daisy makes too many emergency calls.
Stuffys wildes Haustier
When Commander Crush gets into a bike crash, Star Blazer Zero comes to visit him while he was recovering at the Toy Hosiptal.
Der Tanz-Marathon
While on Safari, Stuffy decides to adopt a toy zebra.
Lambie gets an invitation to the Wicked King's "Ball-a-Thon," an all night dance competition.
Der Tanz-Marathon
Wildlife Will has problems traveling in McStuffinsville due to his wheelchair from gates, stairs and high areas.
Zu Hause ist es am fruchtigsten
A lost toy Porcupine named Rocky wanders off too far from home as Doc, Officer Pete and the toys search for Rocky's home.
Episode 49
Episode 50
Hilfe für Cowgirl Sal
Stuffy im Krankenwagen
Chilly im Terminstress
Stuffy im Krankenwagen
Chilly im Terminstress
Hilfe für Cowgirl Sal
Der nervige Patient
Hallie ist heiser
Karaoke Katies große Show
Die Tapferkeitsmedaille
Die Tier-Therapie
Das Seemonster
Der Geburtstagsnotfall
Willows Schnurrhaarproblem
Das Dino-Zugunglück
Respekt vor Tieren
Der schlafwandelnde König
Was für ein Quak!
Luau für Leilani
Der Tanz-Marathon
Zu Hause ist es am fruchtigsten
Episode 929
Episode 930
Episode 931
Episode 932
Episode 933
Episode 934
Episode 935
Episode 936
Episode 937
Episode 938
Episode 939
Episode 940
Episode 941
Episode 942
Episode 943
Episode 944
Episode 945
Episode 946
Episode 947
Episode 948
Episode 949
Episode 950
5. Staffel 5 (15 Episoden)
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 20
6. Staffel 6 (1 Episode)
Episode 1