The Good Detective

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Sonstige, Krimi, Thriller, Action, Drama • Südkorea • 2020


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Als im Fall eines vor fünf Jahren verurteilten Mörders Zweifel aufkommen, machen sich zwei ungleiche Polizisten auf die Suche nach der Wahrheit.

The Good Detective
Cho Nam-guk, Choi Jin-won
Son Hyun-joo, Jang Seung-jo, Lee Elijah, Oh Jung-se, Ji Seung-hyun, Son Byeong-ho, Son Jong-hak, Cho Hee-bong, Kim Ji-hoon, Cha Rae-hyung, Jeong Soon-won, Kim Myung-jun, Cho Seung-Yeon, Cho Jae-ryong, Shin Dong-mi, Kim Hyo-jin, Song Young-chang, Choi Dae-hoon, Jung Moon-sung, Lee Joong-ock, Hong Seo-young, Park Geun-hyeong, Park Weon-sang, Kim In-kwon


1. Staffel 1 (16 Episoden)
When doubts rise about a five-year-old murder conviction, a veteran detective partners with a young hotshot to hunt down the case's hidden truths.
Episode 1
On their first day as partners, detectives Kang Do-chang and Oh Ji-hyeok pick up a series of calls with perplexing connections to a closed murder case.
Episode 2
Intrigued by emerging claims of Lee Dae-cheol's innocence, Jin Seo-kyeong asks Do-chang for a meeting. The police search for the missing girl.
Episode 3
Unable to ignore new CCTV footage of Dae-cheol, Do-chang and Ji-hyeok look for answers. Seo-kyeong receives a troubling call from Park Geon-ho.
Episode 4
Do-chang visits Lee Eun-hye at the hospital. When Ji-hyeok sends Seo-kyeong a photo of a suspect, she realizes she's in immediate danger.
Episode 5
After discovering a connection between Oh Jong-tae and the woman murdered five years ago, the detective squad begins working on the case in secret.
Folge 6
Damit ein neuer Prozess für Dae-cheol möglich ist, muss Do-chang seinen Fehler bei den damaligen Ermittlungen einräumen. Seo-kyeong erzählt ihrem Chef von ihrem Verdacht.
Episode 7
Afraid of hurting his daughter, Dae-cheol considers walking away from the trial. Do-chang and Ji-hyeok chase down more information on Jong-tae.
Folge 8
Seo-kyeong bekommt eine Aufnahme in die Hände, die für Dae-cheols Prozess entscheidend sein könnte. Do-chang macht seine Aussage vor Gericht.
Episode 9
As Ji-hyeok continues digging for the truth, he obtains an audio file from Seo-kyeong. Jong-tae schemes to destroy Ji-hyeok's detective career.
Episode 10
Revisiting the scene of a supposed suicide, detectives find neglected evidence. Eun-hye and Seo-kyeong help Do-chang clear Ji-hyeok's name.
Episode 11
Detectives follow Cho Seong-dae as he evades capture. Suspecting a link between Jong-tae and Yoo Jeong-seok, Ji-hyeok drops by the newsroom.
Episode 12
A furious Do-chang confronts Jeong-seok. Despite questioning by police auditors, the squad doesn't give up on their investigation.
Episode 13
The squad and Nam Guk-hyeon each try to figure out the real culprit responsible for the death of a detective. Seo-kyeong uncovers another lead.
Episode 14
In the interrogation room, Jong-tae refuses to confess to his crimes. Yoon Sang-mi extends a hand to Seo-kyeong and Do-chang.
Episode 15
Jong-tae gets his hands on an incriminating video that guarantees him an upper hand against Jeong-seok. But Jeong-seok's got plans of his own.
Folge 16
Jong-tae wird verhaftet und vor Gericht gestellt. Ji-hyeok will noch nicht mit dem Fall abschließen und findet mehr über die Videoaufnahme heraus.
2. Staffel 2 (16 Episoden)
The tenacious detective duo returns to chase after killers and get to the bottom of a dark conspiracy involving an influential corporation.
Episode 1
A serial killer is on the loose. As Do-chang battles past trauma, the investigation grows murkier, only taking him further from the truth.
Folge 2
Nach einem erneuten Todesfall wird Do-changs schlechtes Gewissen immer größer. Andere wollen den Fall zu den Akten legen, doch Do-chang und Ji-hyeok weigern sich, aufzugeben.
Episode 3
The detectives find some strong evidence and start going over CCTV footage. A man burns mysterious objects, and makes a suspicious approach.
Episode 4
Do-chang and Ji-hyeok are hot on the killer’s heels, but elsewhere another murder is underway. Cheon Sang-u keeps an eye on Cheon Na-na.
Episode 5
Do-chang finds out about the killer’s tragic past and realizes that one piece of his pattern of murders doesn’t line up. He induces a confession.
Episode 6
Na-na follows Sang-u and finds some evidence. The team is threatened with being broken up. The detectives investigate Jung Hui-ju’s acquaintances.
Folge 7
Kim Min-jis Geschichte kommt ans Licht. Die Ermittler finden Beweise gegen Führungskräfte der TJ Group. Ji-hyeok fragt sich, was Na-nas Absichten sind.
Episode 8
Na-na’s press conference throws Woo Tae-ho into disarray. A suspect in the Hui-ju case is caught and some clarity is brought to the case.
Folge 9
Die Ermittler befragen Na-na wegen des Autounfalls. Sie prüfen auch, wo sich Tae-ho zuvor aufgehalten hat. Auch Choi Yong-geun forscht diesbezüglich nach.
Folge 10
Na-na nutzt Sang-us Schwächen aus. Ein rätselhafter Mann folgt Moon Bo-kyeong, während Yong-geun ihre Verbindungen zu seinem Vorteil nutzen will.
Folge 11
Yong-geun wird verhaftet, setzt jedoch seine Erfahrung ein, um die Befragung zu erschweren. Die Ermittler suchen nach einem Motiv für Sang-us Tat.
Folge 12
Als er herausfindet, dass Na-na ihn beinahe verpfiffen hätte, ist Sang-u wütend. Ji-hyeok provoziert Yong-geu, um Sang-us Schuld zu beweisen.
Episode 13
The detectives ask to reopen Tae-ho’s case and look for further evidence regarding his death. Na-na asks Ji-hyeok to make an allegiance with her.
Episode 14
The detectives question the gang who tried to kill Hui-ju’s grandfather. As they get closer to the truth, Na-na and Jang Ki-jin get into trouble.
Episode 15
Na-na passes evidence of her father threatening her to Ji-hyeok, but he uses it against her. Ki-jin files a false charge against Do-chang’s team.
Folge 16
Während die Polizei nach Beweisen für Na-nas Verbrechen sucht, avanciert diese zur Vorsitzenden der TJ Group. Ji-hyeok hofft, mit seiner Aussage Sang-us Freilassung zu erwirken.