Mighty Med - Wir heilen Helden

SERIE • 2 Staffeln • Komödie, Science-Fiction, Sonstige, Familie • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Spanien • 2013


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Mighty Med
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Spanien
Türkisch, Französisch, Polnisch, Englisch, Griechisch, Dänisch, Schwedisch, Tschechisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch
Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short, Paris Berelc, Devan Leos
Türkisch, Französisch, Polnisch, Englisch, Griechisch, Dänisch, Schwedisch, Tschechisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch


1. Staffel 1 (26 Episoden)
Die Superhelden-Retter – Teil 1
Two best friends discover a doorway leading to the hospital for super heroes.
Die Superhelden-Retter – Teil 2
Two best friends discover a doorway leading to the hospital for super heroes.
Monster Med
When Oliver's dad starts to wonder where he's going after school, Oliver says he's doing a play about Frankenstein.
Ich, der Normo
1. Staffel, Folge 4: Kaz nimmt Skylar zum Schul-Jahrmarkt mit, und Alan heilt einen Superhelden.
Mini-Olivers Reisen
Oliver uses his burgeoning medical skills at school when he performs CPR on a popular girl's poodle, which quickly elevates his social status much to Kaz's chagrin. When the popularity goes to his head, Kaz cuts Oliver down to size, literally, with a shrinking ray. Meanwhile, Horace cannot perform surgery on Citadel, an ailing superhero with an impenetrable metal exoskeleton, so shrunken Oliver is sent inside the hero's body to diagnose the problem.
Pranks do not exist in Skylar's world.
Düstere Visionen
Kaz and Oliver meet superhero, Timeline.
Gus der Superschurke
When a strange illness gives Gus evil powers, Kaz and Oliver sneak him into the ER for treatment. Horace pretends to be Skylar's father for a parent-teacher conference.
Alans Schreckensherrschaft
Alan is put in charge of the hospital for a day, but he abuses his power and makes life miserable for everyone.
Kaz applies to be Tecton's sidekick, but Oliver is chosen instead. Alan and Benny form a superhero team of their own.
Die Überraschungsparty
Kaz plans a surprise birthday party for Oliver and accidentally lets in the villain Revengeance.
Genau wie Kaz
Oliver enlists a mind-altering superhero named Neocortex to help him become more carefree and spontaneous like Kaz. When the brainwashed Oliver is too reckless during a crisis, Kaz is forced to step up and be the responsible one.
Der beste böse Freund
Skylar introduces Kaz and Oliver to her longtime friend Experion, a cool and charming teenage superhero. But when Oliver catches Experion in an evil act, he must convince Skylar that her bestie is not as nice as he seems.
Captain Atomic
Kaz and Oliver revive a frozen-in-time superhero from the 1950s named Captain Atomic. After Captain Atomic is wounded during a battle with a contemporary villain, the boys must travel back in time to save him.
Der alte Oliver
Oliver accidentally steps into the line of fire of a superhero's beam during a routine test, which reverts him back to being 4 years old. While Kaz tries to fix Oliver, Alan develops an undesirable and embarrassing power.
Die Nacht der Albträume
Kaz and Oliver are exhausted and stuck working the overnight shift during a lunar eclipse, when it is rumored that the freakiest patients come to the hospital. When Neocortex checks in with an illness that unintentionally traps people in their worst nightmares, Kaz and Oliver desperately try to stay awake and figure out how to save everyone from their nightmares.
Negative Energie
Tension is high at Logan high, and Kaz becomes suspicious that his substitute teacher is actually Dr. Wrath in disguise, a supervillain who feeds on negative energy. While Kaz is determined to get to the bottom of it, Oliver helps Alan get over his aversion to normo food.
Die Fantasy-Liga
Kaz launches a superhero fantasy league at the hospital. The heroes become obsessed with their fantasy stats and only perform saves and defeats that will boost their standings in the league.  Minnesota Vikings’ running back Adrian Peterson guest stars as himself.
Der doppelte Kaz
Wallace uses an optical image replicator to turn Clyde into an identical look-alike of Kaz in hopes that the disguised Clyde will trick Oliver into revealing the secret location of Mighty Med.
Die Rockstar-Heldin
When a freak accident suddenly gives edgy rock star Jade super powers, Oliver and Kaz take her under their wings and introduce her to the world of Mighty Med.  Debby Ryan guest stars.
Gefahr aus dem Netz
Kaz searches for a flash drive, thinking it contains Oliver’s study guide for a test, but it turns out to be a digital jail storing a villain named Wi-Fi. When Kaz plugs the drive into his laptop, Wi-Fi enters the physical world and simultaneously pulls Kaz into the computer.
Comic-Autoren für einen Tag
When Horace complains that comic book sales are down, Oliver and Kaz join the writing staff to help spice up the books. However, the boys' altered versions of the stories cause problems in the superhero community.
Wer hat Angst vorm weißen Hai?
Oliver and Skylar pet sit Horace's shark that is kept in the aquatic wing of the hospital. When Oliver feeds the shark the wrong food, the shark evolves into a man-shark.
Das Pandoreon
Horace introduces the boys to an all-powerful device that looks like a pen, but can bring any illustration to life. Panic ensues at the hospital when the device goes missing.
Ein Sturm zieht auf – Teil 1
It’s been a year since Skylar lost her powers, so Oliver and Kaz decide to throw her a party to celebrate their one-year anniversary of friendship. But when they learn that Skylar is in danger of losing her powers permanently, Oliver and Kaz set out to get them back.
Ein Sturm zieht auf – Teil 2
It’s been a year since Skylar lost her powers, so Oliver and Kaz decide to throw her a party to celebrate their one-year anniversary of friendship. But when they learn that Skylar is in danger of losing her powers permanently, Oliver and Kaz set out to get them back.
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Dunkle Zeiten
Kaz and Oliver are trapped in the ER by an evil Skylar and the Annihilator and the two villains plan on taking over the hospital and eventually, the world.
Das Superkräfte-Versteck
Oliver and Kaz attempt to visit the Annihilator's lair to take his collection of superpowers and restore them to the superheroes.
Kaz and Oliver are trapped in the ER by an evil Skylar and the Annihilator and the two villains plan on taking over the hospital and eventually, the world.
Kaz and Oliver are trapped in the ER by an evil Skylar and the Annihilator and the two villains plan on taking over the hospital and eventually, the world.
Der Spion unter uns
Kaz and Oliver suspect that there could be a hospital mole that is working with the Annihilator.
Oliver and Kaz travel to Skylar's home planet, Caldera, to search for the Annihilator's former mentor, Hapax the Elder.
Skylar realizes her powers are greater than the Annihilator's and no longer wants to take orders from him.
A man from the future reveals himself as Kaz 25 years from now and he warns the boys of an evil villain wreaking havoc on the future.
Oliver must care for a sack of highly valuable eggs when a pregnant female superhero is wheeled into the ER. Kaz helps Oliver hide his "pregnant" state at school.
In an attempt to recruit new superheroes, Kaz holds superhero tryouts; Oliver takes Skylar to a dance tournament.
Oliver must care for a sack of highly valuable eggs.
Spark makes a connection with Kaz; Horace puts Skylar in charge of security to keep villains out of Mighty Med.
Oliver rehabilitates Wallace and Clyde; Kaz tries to give himself super powers.
They Key Keeper announces his retirement; Oliver meets his mother's new boyfriend.
As Kaz stands by the Bionic Academy's dying Chase Davenport in the superhero emergency room, Oliver and others seek to stop Incapacitator before he incapacitates the planet.
Oliver grapples with an internal conflict as he walks his mother down the aisle. Meanwhile, Kaz and Skylar struggle to protect the Arcturion from all the villains it beckons.
Die Macht des Arcturion - Teil 2

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