Ange Vierge

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Action, Komödie, Science-Fiction • Japan • 2016


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Eines Tages sind fünf Welten miteinander verschmolzen. Die schwarze Welt der Nacht und Magie, Darkness Embrace, die von Gebeten und Göttern behütete rote Welt, Terra Rubiri Aurora, die von Wissenschaft und Computern gesteuerte, weiße Welt, System White Eguma, die von Waffen und Militär regierte, grüne Welt, Grüneschild und die uns bekannte, blaue Welt, Erde, wurden durch die sich plötzlich öffnenden Hairou-Portale verbunden. Mit dem Aufeinandertreffen dieser Welten waren Wesen wie Hexen, Feen oder Dämonen, die man zuvor nur aus Märchen kannte plötzlich Realität. Zur selben Zeit tauchten in jeder dieser Welten Mädchen mit den besonderen Kräften Exceed auf. Um den Schutz und die Weiterentwicklung dieser „Progress“ genannten Mädchen zu gewährleisten wurde die riesige Akademie-Stadt Aoran auf einer abgelegenen Insel mitten im Pazifik errichtet. In dieser Schule versammeln sich die Mädchen, treffen neue Gefährten und formen Bindungen, die sie brauchen, um dem gemeinsamen Feind aller fünf Welten, Ouroboros, zu trotzen. Denn die auserwählten „Progress“-Mädchen sind die einzigen, die diese Welt vor ihrem Ruin bewahren können.

Aki Toyosaki, Minako Kotobuki, Rika Tachibana, Sarah Emi Bridcutt, Yumi Hara, Ayane Sakura, Kana Hanazawa, Mai Aizawa, Mai Ishihara, Minori Chihara, Nozomi Yamamoto, Rie Takahashi, Saori Hayami, Saya Saitou, Aoi Yuki, Sumire Uesaka, Yoshiko Ikuta, Yukari Tamura, Shizuka Itoh, Yuuka Aisaka


1. Staffel 1 (12 Episoden)
Aller Anfang ist schwer
Girls that have been dubbed the "Progress" are those which have awakened to the superpower "Exceed". These girls, from the five different worlds that exist, are kept safe and trained at Seiran Academy. They train day and night with their alpha drivers, a person who has the ability to enhance their powers.
Diejenige, die ich bewundere
The blooming battle between Saya and the other Progress comes to an end, and the result drives a wedge between Saya and Amane.
Angriff der Schattenknechte
The girls have to deal with the aftermath of the Ouroboros attack. Their fighting power has been greatly reduced, and they soon find out that things are worse than they had feared when some of the members are corrupted by the darkness...
Die Finsternis verbrennende Flamme
Saya and the others are to make their way to Darkness Embrace, the Black World. They have confirmed that the energy “Extra,” important to the worlds, is being lowered there. They are ordered to investigate, but someone’s there waiting for them…
Scharlachroter Puls
Almaria is a vampire with a complex that stops her from sucking blood because she's too embarrassed, and Sofina keeps inviting Almaria to suck her blood. Almaria is faced with a dilemma. On one hand, she respects Sofina, but on the other...
Das gelogene Lächeln
Saya and the others are heading to the Red World, Terra Rubiri Aurora, to check on the Ouroboros, but Elel's best friend, Ramiel, is waiting for them. Ramiel asks Elel if they're really friends.
Wahre Freundschaft
Elel feels down after being told off by Ramiel, who has turned to the dark side. Saya tries to make her feel better, but Ramiel makes another attack, and this time the Red World's world crystal is in her sights. Elel and the others set out to try to win Ramiel back.
Der Beweggrund der Zuneigung
Schneller als jeder andere
In order to destroy the White World's world crystal by injecting a virus into it, Carene must fly at an incredibly fast speed. The only one who can stop her now is Stella and her Exceed with the power of super-speed. With the help of Saya and the others, Stella chases after Carene.
Verschüttete Gefühle
Nya figures she has to move after seeing Saya and the others deepen their bonds, and heads off to the Green World on her own. But an army of Ouroboros stands in her way.
Verbleibendes Potenzial
After saving the four other worlds through the portals, the defenses around Seiran island are strengthened in anticipation of a final attack. However, events do not proceed as anticipated...
Meine Entwicklung geschieht nur mit dir
In a final effort to save the worlds, Saya seeks to reconnect with Amane through a fault detected in the process used to imprison the alpha drivers.

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