Franklin - Eine Schildkröte erobert die Welt

SERIE • 6 Staffeln • Familie, Kinder & Jugend, Animation, Sonstige, Fantasy, Komödie, Drama • Kanada, Frankreich, Luxemburg • 2004


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Kanada, Frankreich, Luxemburg
Dermot Walshe
Noah Reid, Richard Newman, Elizabeth Brown, Leah Cudmore


1. Staffel 1 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#10101 In ""Franklin Plays The Game"", Franklin is not looking forward to playing soccer for his team always loses. During a practice, Franklin notices how his teammates play and suggest they practice every day to get to know their positions. Eventually, they all learn to play as a team and have fun, even though they haven't won a game. #10102 In ""Franklin Wants A Pet"", Franklin still loves his stuff dog Sam but have trouble deciding which pet to choose and tries to convince his parents he is ready for a real pet.
Episode 2
#10201 In ""Hurry Up, Franklin"", Franklin heads over to his best Friend Bear's surprise birthday party. However, Franklin tends to take his take as he is sidetracked with nature's beauty. He enjoys the adventure and even picks up treasures along the way. In the end, he still makes it to the birthday party just in time. #10202 In ""Franklin's Bad Day"", Franklin is sad his best friend, Otter had moved away. Even though he refuses to admit it, he's also angry and mad at everyone. He then realizes, no matter what, it's no excuse for his behavior.
Episode 3
#10301 In ""Franklin Goes to School"", Franklin is excited about the first day of school. However, he is also scared as to the expectations. He then learns what school is all about and even drew a picture of his family to take home. #10302 In ""Franklin is Lost"", Franklin and his friends are playing hide and seek. However, things turn to worst when Franklin and Fox tries to hide in the forest and wound up getting lost.
Episode 4
#10401 In ""Franklin has a Sleepover"", Franklin has Bear over. However, towards the end of the night, Bear was feeling homesick. Franklin helped Bear overcome his fear and had a wonderful night. #10402 In ""Franklin's Halloween"", it's Halloween and everyone's buzzing about. They all can't wait for the Halloween party. When strange noises and ghosts appear, Franklin thought it was Bear until he heard he was home with the flu.
Episode 5
#10501 In ""Franklin Rides A Bike"", Franklin noticed all his friends are riding their bikes without training wheels. At first, he was a little embarrased with his training wheels but with the help of his mother, he learned how to finally ride a bike without training wheels. #10502 In ""Franklin Is Messy"", Mr. & Mrs. Turtle are always on Franklin to clean up his room. Franklin never seemed to have time to get around to it until he accidently stepped on his favorite toy. He also realized he couldn't find anything. He starts to organize his room with his dad's help and eventually have everything in place.
Episode 6
#10601 In ""Franklin Fibs"", all of Franklin's friends can do special things. Franklin can't seem to think of anything he could that his friends couldn't so he made up that he could eat seventy-six flies in the blink of an eye. But didn't realize fibbing could also get him into trouble. #10602 In ""Franklin's Blanket"", Franklin is spending a night at his aunt's place but couldn't find his favorite blue blanket. His friends and father tried to give Franklin something in it's place but in the end all Franklin really want is his special blanket.
Episode 7
#10701 In ""Franklin Is Bossy"", Franklin can tend to be too bossy when playing with his friends. It got to a point where he friends can't enjoy playing games with Franklin always bossing them around and they didn't want to play with him anymore. He soon realizes being bossy and alone is no fun and learns to play fair. #10702 In ""Franklin's Fort"", Franklin and his friends decide to build a fort but in a tree. What his friends don't know is that Franklin is afraid of heights.
Episode 8
#10801 In ""Franklin's New Friend"", a new family have moved into Woodland and Franklin is curious. Little did he know the new kid in town is also a six foot tall Moose! #10802 In ""Finders Keepers for Franklin"", Franklin finds a lost camera and his friends tell him it's his because he found it ""Finders Keepers"". He didn't realize the significant of a lost item until his own stuffed dog, Sam is also lost.
Episode 9
#10901 In ""Franklin's School Play"", Franklin was thrilled to be the lead his his school play, the Nutcracker. He would rehearse for his parents and spent extra time memorizing all his lines. However, on opening night, Franklin ended up with stage fright. #10902 In ""Franklin and the Secret Club"", Porcupine creates a Secret Club to be more popular than Franklin. When she finally allows Franklin to join, but he had to choose between a friend or the club, it's Porcupine who learns the real true meaning of friendship.
Episode 10
#11001 In ""Franklin and the Red Scooter"", Franklin sees Rabbit's new red scooter and tried to convince his parents to buy him one. But he just got a new bike. Franklin tries to earn some money but without any success. He then had an idea which Rabbit agreed to. #11002 In ""Franklin in the Dark"", Franklin tells his parents he's afraid of small drak places which includes his own shell. His mom tells him a story of a little turtle who was also afraid of the dark and how others are also afraid of other things.
Episode 11
#11101 In ""Franklin and the Tooth Fairy"", when Bear shows Franklin what he received from the tooth fairy, Franklin was upset that since turtles don't have teeth, he'll never receive a visit and a gift from the tooth fairy. #11102 In ""Franklin Takes the Blame"", Mr. Mole asks Franklin to take care of his flower garden while he goes on vacation. However, Franklin gets sidetracked and kept forgetting to water Mr. Mole's garden. When he discovered his error, he tries to correct the problem, only it couldn't be fixed.
Episode 12
#11201 In ""Franklin's Christmas Gift"", Franklin looks over his toy chest to donate a toy to a needy child. He didn't realize how hard it was to choose which toy. #11202 In ""Franklin's Granny"", Franklin had to visit his Granny but he rather play with his friends instead. He didn't realize how exciting and fun Grannies can be until they went through Granny's old trunks and photos.
Episode 13
#11301 In ""Franklin and the Baby"", Franklin's best friend, Bear have a new baby sister. Franklin wishes he could have a baby brother or sister too. Until Franklin heard what Bear had to say about the new baby. #11302 In ""Franklin Goes to Day Camp"", Franklin and Bear befriends Possum at day camp until he notices Possum was getting all of Bear's attention. Franklin tries to clown around and get back Bear's attention but just ended up getting in trouble.
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2. Staffel 2 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#20101 In ""Franklin's Visitor"", Mr. Mole's grandson visits and Franklin have to keep him company. Mole doesn't seem to be interested in anything Franklin wants to do so Franklin has to find a way to compromise. ""20102 In ""Franklin Not-So-Broken Bone"", Franklin noticed the attention Skunk was getting with a cast on her arm. He finds a way to put a cast on too but learns there are down sides too.
Episode 2
#20201 In ""Franklin's Gift"", Franklin made a beautiful present for his mom for Mother's Day. He was so proud of it. But when he heard what his friends have gotten their mothers, he wasn't so sure about his home made gift after all. #20202 In ""Franklin Growing Up Fast"", Franklin watches an old home movie of his dad. Franklin couldn't believe his dad was once his size. He sets to do grownup things knowing he'll be a grownup some day but yet he still wants to be a kid too.
Episode 3
#20301 In ""Franklin the Spy"", Franklin and Bear play secret agents and uses a hidden tape recorder on their friends. But the recorder stopped taping just when the secret was about to be revealed and Franklin & Bear takes it one step to far. #20302 In ""Franklin's Library Book"", Franklin receives his first library card and takes out his first library book. He was so excited with this new responbility. Unfortunately, he left his library book out in the rain and tries to hide the damaged book.
Episode 4
#20401 In ""Franklin's Kite"", Franklin's kite broke and he threw it away. Fox asked if he could have it and fixes it. When Franklin saw what he did to it, he wished he never threw it away. #20402 In ""Franklin and the Babysitter"", Granny was not able to babysit Franklin when his parents have to go out for the night. So Mrs. Muskrat was called in. Franklin was not pleased for he was looking forward to spending time with his Granny.
Episode 5
#20501 In ""Franklin and the Broken Globe"", Franklin accidently breaks the classroom globe but Goose thought she had broken it. Franklin starts to feeling guilty when Goose feels she's nothing but bad luck. #20502 In ""Franklin's Valentines"", Franklin made beautiful valentine cards for this schoolmates. During class time, Franklin could not find his cards anywhere. He found them on his way home, they were strewn all over and rain soaked. Since his schoolmates were so understanding, he found a new way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Episode 6
#20601 In ""Franklin's Family Treasure"", Mr. Turtle gives Franklin a whistle. Without realizing it's value, Franklin traded it away until his Granny told him where the whistle originates from. Franklin and his Granny desperately tracks down who has the whistle. #20602 In ""Franklin's Music Lessons"", Franklin and his class were entertained by Mrs. Panda and her piano. This inspired Franklin and Beaver to take up piano lessons from Franklin's Granny. He didn't realize how practice can really be perfect until he noticed how well Beaver was playing the piano while he was out goofing off.
Episode 7
#20701 In ""Franklin Takes a Trip"", Franklin and his parents takes a trip to a pioneer village. Franklin was not too thrilled about it until he discovered how the early settlers were doing fun things long before amusement parks were built. #20702 In ""Franklin's Bicycle Helmet"", Franklin had to have the flashy new helmet. He was so proud of it until he overhead his friends laughing about the new helmet. He decided not to wear his new helmet for the bicycle safety test but couldn't pass because he didn't have a proper helmet on.
Episode 8
#20801 In ""Franklin's Birthday Party"", Franklin's parents couldn't afford to take Franklin and all his friends to Tamarack Point so they built their own little amusement park for Franklin's birthday party. #20802 In ""Franklin's Nickname"", everyone loves their nickname that was given to them. Everyone that is except for Bear. Franklin realizes that good-spirited kidding has its place and not all nicknames were meant for everyone.
Episode 9
#20901 In ""Franklin and Otter's Visit"", Otter has returned for a visit to Woodland and Franklin was excited. But soon he realizes how things have changed since Otter have moved away, including their once great friendship. #20902 In ""Franklin's Collection"", Franklin did not know what to bring to school for show and tell. Everyone had a collection of some sort except for Franklin. Franklin sets out to find a collection but didn't think it was anything spectular until Mr. Owl pointed out what a great collection Franklin has.
Episode 10
#21001 In ""Franklin Says Sorry"", Bear had a surprise for their tree fort and Franklin spoiled it by telling Fox. Bear was really upset with Franklin and wouldn't speak to him for day. Franklin was also upset about what happened and apologized. Fox and Beaver also confessed they were to blame as well for they had insisted Franklin tell them and that it wasn't all his fault. #21002 In ""Franklin and the Fire"", a fire engine awoke Franklin and there was a fire at Mr. Mole's store. Franklin began to worry about his home fire safety and had his parents start practicing fire drills.
Episode 11
#21101 In ""Franklin's Garden"", Franklin was proud of his little garden until he noticed a caterpillar kept eating his petunias. He tried everything to keep the caterpillar out but Mr. Mole explained the significance of a caterpillar and gave Franklin a whole new outlook about his garden, including other living things. #21102 In ""Franklin Runs Away"", Franklin and Snail feels unwanted due to a series of disagreeable encounters with family and friends. They decide to run away but then realizes how much everyone cares about them.
Episode 12
#21201 In ""Franklin's Gloomy Day"", Franklin is bored and there was nothing to do especially with the weather not cooperating. With his parents' encouragement, Franklin used his own creative imagination to chase away those boredom blues. #21202 In ""Franklin Tells Time"", Franklin pretends to know how to tell time until he realizes it doesn't help when he was always late. Franklin confesses to Mr. Owl and asks for his help to learn and Mr. Owl assures Franklin that everyone needs extra help some times.
Episode 13
#21301 In ""Franklin's Test"", Franklin so deperately wants to win a pen during a spelling test that he cheated. When Bear didn't get a pen because he didn't pass the test, Franklin felt guilty for not earning the pen fairly. #21302 In ""Franklin and the Duckling"", Franklin finds a duckling at the pond and tries to hide it from his parents. He soon realizes there's more to it than meets the eye with how much care a duckling needs.
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3. Staffel 3 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#30101 In ""Franklin and His Night Friend"", Franklin meets a new neighbour, one he's never met before... Bat. Franklin found out Bat only comes out at night and stays up late so he can play with Bat and discovers a new lifestyle of his nocturnal friend. #30102 In ""Franklin and the Two Henrys"", Bear looks after Beaver's pet hamster, Henry, for the weekend. However, Henry ends up getting lost and Bear & Franklin must find a way to find Henry before Beaver returns.
Episode 2
#30201 In ""Franklin's Nature Hike"", Franklin & his friends are on a class trip... a Nature Hike. However, Franklin becomes over protective of his friend, Snail. He soon learns Snail is able to care for himself. #30202 In ""Franklin's Starring Role"", Franklin was disappointed he did not get the lead in the play. Even worse, he was to be the stage manager. He soon learns his role is just important as everyone else's.
Episode 3
#30301 In ""Franklin's Masterpiece"", Franklin submits a painting for an art contest and wins. However, he was not the only one that contributed to the painting. His friends found out and Franklin must find a way to make it right. #30302 In ""Franklin and the Computer"", Franklin gets too attached to Beaver's computer game. He had put all his interests aside including his friends. He soon learns there's more to life than a computer game.
Episode 4
#30401 In ""Franklin the Trooper"", Franklin helps Mrs. Muskrat fix up her old boat except Franklin didn't really want to when there was so much work to be done. He soon learns how much Mrs. Muskrat appreciates his help and when he saw the final results, he felt much better being able to assist a friend. In ""Franklin's Fossil"", Franklin and Bear found a fossil in his backyard and tries to set up a museum. However, they do not know anything about the fossil and decided to give it to Mr. Mole, who happens to know a lot about fossils.
Episode 5
#30501 ""Franklin and the Fortune Teller"" Franklin's friends are all excited about Beaver's new toy: a spinning top. Beaver claims that the designs that come up on it can tell fortunes. Rabbit gives it a whirl and it say he's going to win something. Snail tries and is told that he's going to be famous. Franklin, however, is skeptical. He doesn't think it's magical. It's just a top. How can it tell the future of anything? He asks for a try, but Beaver tells him that if he doesn't believe in its power, then he can't try it. After a couple more of Beaver's predictions come true, Franklin tells Beaver on the bus that he now believes in the power of the top. So Beaver lets him have a turn. He spins it and it lands on a sad cloud. Beaver tells him that this isn't good at all. It means he's going to have a bad day tomorrow. His friends all try to comfort him, suggesting that maybe it isn't right all the time. But Franklin is convinced that if the top says he's going to have a bad day, then i
Episode 6
#30601 ""Franklin Plants a Tree"" For Earth Day, Franklin is excited to get his very own tree. When he receives a small maple seedling, he doesn't understand that it will grow into a big tree and becomes disenchanted. It's up to Mr. Heron to teach him the value of his small plant. #30602 ""Franklin the Hero"" Franklin and Snail idolize their favorite comic-book character: Dynaroo. They're very excited when they find out that Dynaroo's going to be doing a signing at Mr. Heron's bookstore. They plan to be the first in line, but on the way there, find neighbor Mrs. Muskrat in need of help. They really don't want to miss the signing, but they can't just leave her there. They learn an important lesson about heroism.
Episode 7
#30701 ""Franklin's Day Off"" Franklin is going out to ride bikes with Bear. However, his parents don't want him to leave until he's taken down the fort he set up in the backyard. Franklin says that he'll do it later and his parents remind him that's what he said the day before. Mr. Turtle tries to use an analogy about weeds growing to illustrate what can happen if you put things off. But Franklin counters that the fort isn't going grow out of control or anything and ends up getting his way. He's soon back inside, however, as his bicycle tire has gone flat and he needs the air pump. But his parents tell him that he had it last and if he hadn't put off going to Beaver's to get a patch for it, then it wouldn't be a problem now. So Franklin goes back out in search of the pump. Mrs. Turtle comments that she hopes he doesn't look for it in the garden because there's some very big weeds in it. Franklin's hunt for the pump is less than successful. It's fall and there's a whole bunch of leaves
Episode 8
#30801 ""Franklin the Fabulous"" Franklin and his family watch the magic show of Marten the Magician. They're amazed by his great tricks, which include making things appear out of thin air and making himself disappear. Back at home, Franklin says that he wants to be a magician. His parents demonstrate a couple simple tricks: making a coin appear in one hand when it should have been in another and a ""magic paperclip."" But Franklin's not impressed and decides to go to the library for information on the cooler tricks, such as making things disappear. He enlists Bear as his partner and they decide on some tricks to perform: the ""Chamber of Seven Swords,"" making a chair levitate and then making Bear disappear. They put on a show in front of their friends, but everything goes wrong. When Franklin attempts the ""Chamber of Seven Swords,"" the lid to the box Bear is inside pops open, revealing that the swords never actually went through him. When he attempts to make a chair levitate, he accident
Episode 9
#30901 ""Franklin and the Puppy"" Franklin and Bear are playing when a field, when a small puppy comes up to Franklin. They play catch with it and find that it's pretty good at it. Bear notices that he doesn't have a collar. Franklin, thinking that it might be a stray, decides that they can't simply leave it out its own. He's going to take it home with him. Bear's not sure it's a good idea, but he does agree that it shouldn't be left out to fend for himself. So Franklin takes the puppy home and explains the situation. His parents agree to take the puppy in, but with a caveat- they're going to search for the puppy's rightful owner. Franklin begins caring for the puppy and the puppy is a lot of work. One morning, Franklin is leaving for school. He wants to say goodbye to the puppy, but he can't find it. It turns out that the puppy snuck into Franklin's backpack. Franklin doesn't find this out until the puppy pokes out of his backpack on the bus. When Franklin gets to school, he tells the
Episode 10
#31001 ""Franklin and the Copycat"" Franklin's class is drawing pictures with crayons. Franklin's picture is very nice. He's drawn some very realistic sunset clouds. Everyone's very impressed and they start asking Franklin to help them with their drawings. Then, Rabbit presents his drawing to Mr. Owl. Franklin's shocked: it's basically a perfect copy of his sunset cloud drawing, except Rabbit added in a red scooter. Mr. Owl lavishes it wish praise. At home that night, Franklin explains to his parents about what Rabbit did. Mrs. Turtle suggests that maybe Rabbit just liked his drawing. She thinks it's a bit flattering. Franklin isn't convinced though. The next day, it's raining and Mr. Owl tells the class that they won't be able to go out and play baseball. The good news is that he's bought brand-new crayons for them to draw with. Rabbit asks Franklin what he's going to draw. Franklin, realizing what Rabbit is after, goes over by the window, alone, to draw his picture. Inspired by the s
Episode 11
#31101 ""Franklin and the Grump"" Franklin and Bear are playing baseball. It's winter, but they want to get back in practice for the upcoming spring season. Then, they accidentally hit the ball into Mr. Groundhog's yard. Franklin doesn't think it's a problem. They'll just knock and ask if they can go and get the ball. But when they knock, at first no one answers. Then, after knocking a second time, Mr. Groundhog tells them to go away as it's not even February 2nd. Franklin's confused. Bear suggests that they just leave, but Franklin's worried the ball could get buried in snow if they have to wait till February 2nd. He says that he just wants to go and get his ball. Mr. Groundhog, now that he knows what they're actually after, gives Franklin permission to come and get his ball. He's still very grumpy though and gets irritated when Franklin brings up his comment about February 2nd. At home, Franklin tells his parents about how grumpy Mr. Groundhog was. He also tells them what he said abo
Episode 12
#31201 ""Franklin and the Thunderstorm"" Franklin and Bear are on the way to pick up Snail for a soccer game. They try taking a shortcut through the woods. This proves to be a problem though, as Bear runs into a spider's web and he's very afraid of spiders. Franklin helps get the spider (well, actually, it was a leaf) off of Bear's back and they decide maybe taking the shortcut wasn't such a good idea. When they get to where Snail is supposed to be, they can't find him. He's not where they were going to meet him. Then, Snail calls to them. Looks like he's hiding from something. Snail directs the to a large shadow. Bear crouches too, but Franklin looks around. He sees that it's just the shadow of a small dragonfly. No big deal. With that dealt with, they head for the game. At the game, Rabbit is playing goalie for Franklin's team. He doesn't catch the ball and Beaver scores. Rabbit meekly admits that he's afraid of the ball hitting him. Franklin says that he'll be goalkeeper. They could
Episode 13
#31301 ""Franklin Helps Out"" Mr. Owl is discussing ways with his class to help out in the community. He asks them for suggestions, but the only one they come up with is picking up litter. They just suggest different locations for doing it. Mr. Owl decides that the best way to learn about helping out in the community would be to actually go out into the community. So he sends everyone out, calling it a ""field trip."" Once they're outside, Mr. Owl says that he wants everyone to do different jobs. So they all decide to split up. Franklin thinks that he's doing a great job - picking up litter. But then, Beaver comes along. What's Franklin doing taking her job? She's picking up litter. Then Rabbit comes. He's been picking up litter too. He suggests having a race. Whoever can get their litter into the trash can first gets to keep the job. Beaver and Franklin don't like this at all. Rabbit's faster than the both of them and would surely win. Then Bear shows up and he's picking up litter too.
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4. Staffel 4 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#40101 ""Franklin's Good Deeds"" Mr. Groundhog has hurt his foot, so Franklin and his friends are helping him with chores around his garden. Mr. Groundhog says that they should take a break, but Franklin wants to pick just one last pumpkin. As he goes to pick the pumpkin, a reporter for the newspaper, Mr. Coyote comes along. He does a story on how the kids are helping Mr. Groundhog. He takes their picture, but Franklin doesn't get back in time for it. The story is published in the paper, with the picture. However, Franklin's not in the picture and although he's mentioned in the article, they accidentally print his name as ""Frank."" Nobody's going to know that's him. So Franklin tries doing a series of good deeds so he can get in the paper. But nothing works, the newspaper reporter always leaves him out. Then, while walking in the woods, Franklin finds a wallet that somebody lost. He checks and it belongs to Mr. Beaver. He races to return it and ends up bumping into Mr. Groundhog. Frankl
Episode 2
#40201 ""Mr. Fix-It Franklin"" Franklin is good at doing things such as repairing things with tape. However, he wants to fix something complicated. He tries to help Mr. Turtle with fixing the washing machine, but Mr. Turtle says there isn't enough room for the two of them. In his room, seeing that his clock is broken, Franklin decides that it can be his repair project and he takes it apart. But he has no idea how to put it together and blames Goldie for not stopping him. His parents come in and help him out. Then, Mr. Turtle shows him how to use basic tools, such as a wrench and hammer. However, when Franklin wants to do a really big repair job, Mr. Turtle says that he doesn't have enough experience. Using his hands, he shows Franklin how much experience he has and how much he would need to do the big job. It's a large difference. Not daunted, Franklin goes outside to find his friends. He finds Bear, who has a wobbly wheel on his bike. Using the tools Mr. Turtle gave him, he fixes the
Episode 3
#40301 ""Franklin Delivers"" Franklin and Bear are having a great time playing in fallen fall leaves. They pretend that Bear is a ship captain, Franklin is first mate and that a pile of leaves is the ""Red Sea."" Then, Jack Rabbit, an older kid, comes along. He comments that he used to play in the leaves, when he was younger. Franklin and Bear say that they weren't playing in them, they just fell in them, by accident. Jack Rabbit, who tells them to call him ""Jack,"" talks with them for a while. Franklin tells him that he's been doing the exercises he's shown him and gotten stronger. Eventually, Jack tells them that he has to leave to go do his paper route. They ask if they can come along and help and Jack agrees. So they tag along as he does his paper route. As they go along, we see that they've taken to wearing their caps backwards, like Jack does. They finish and when Franklin gets back home, he asks his parents if he can have his own paper route. His parents don't think he's ready for
Episode 4
#40401 ""Franklin's Sailboat"" As Franklin and his Dad are at a store searching for things to fix up their old shed, Franklin spots a sleek looking new sailboat. Franklin wants it, but Mr. Turtle doesn't think he should buy it. He already has his old boat, the S.S. Snapper at home. But Franklin doesn't think much of the S.S. Snapper. It's a really old boat. Mr. Turtle thinks that he should give it a chance. With a little fixing up, it could be a great boat again. He promises to help Franklin with this. Back at home, Mr. Turtle starts work on the shed. Franklin's worried because there's a boat race on Saturday and at the rate Mr. Turtle is going, there's no way the S.S. Snapper will be ready by then. A practice is held for the race and Franklin doesn't have anything to race. Convinced that the S.S. Snapper isn't going to be ready, Franklin springs for the expensive new boat at the store. But when he tests it out, it's a dud. Instead of racing like it's supposed to, it goes crooked, then
Episode 5
#40501 ""Franklin's Father"" Franklin and Mr. Turtle are waiting for Mrs. Turtle at the train stop. Her train is running a bit late. They've been playing ""I Spy"" and Franklin has won six in a room. But Mr. Turtle is getting a bit tired and wants a break. He reads the newspaper and Franklin tries to entertain himself. He pokes eyeholes in a portion of the newspaper and pretends to be a spy. Seeing an enemy agent with secret plans, he goes to apprehend them. But instead of apprehending them, he trips and falls. Franklin apologizes and his Dad tells him that it's no big deal, things like that happen to everyone. Franklin sits back down and starts absentmindedly tossing his trademark cap up and down and ends up tossing it so high that it gets stuck in the ceiling fan. Things like that don't happen to everyone. Mr. Turtle obtains a broom and gets down off the ceiling fan. Franklin says that he's just going to sit and think. Mr. Turtle wonders what he'll think about and Franklin says it's th
Episode 6
#40601 ""Franklin and the Puppet Play"" Franklin and Beaver at the library when Rabbit's brother Bunny comes along. They ask him if he wants to hear a story and Bunny does. So they use puppets to perform ""Little Miss Muffet."" Mrs. Goose, who was watching their improptu performance, asks them if they'd like to put on a performance in the Reading Nook. They agree and Mrs. Goose schedules them for Saturday. As they walk home, Beaver says that she wants to make it the best play ever. Franklin suggests having Bear and Goose help out. Beaver agrees as they're going to need all the help they can get. Preparations begin for the play and Beaver immediately tries to show who's in charge by taking command of the meeting. But nobody will let her complete a sentence and they keep shouting out their own ideas. They decide to do the play ""Little Red Riding Hood."" As preparations continue, Beaver becomes even more and more bossy. She gets annoyed when the puppets that Goose bring are in disrepair and
Episode 7
#40701 ""Franklin Meets Ermine"" When Franklin and his friends race paper boats, Franklin's boat gets stuck in a tree branch in the stream. Everyone goes on ahead, while Franklin tries to rescue his boat. But then a kid Franklin's never seen before, wearing glasses, accidentally tumbles onto Franklin's boat while trying to rescue it. Upset at what he's done, he runs off. Franklin's annoyed, thinking he wrecked his boat on purpose. He goes back to his friends and explains what happened. They all wonder why they never saw him. Later on, Franklin and his friends are flying kites. Suddenly the wind dies down and everyone starts running to keep their kites in the air. Franklin tells them that they're just impatient, if they wait, the wind will come back again. But they run off, leaving Franklin alone. Suddenly a new kite appears in the sky. It's the one of the kid from earlier. But then, his kite accidentally bumps into Franklin's kite, knocking it into a tree. Upset once again at what he's
Episode 8
#40801 ""Franklin and Sam"" Franklin is over at Bear's house, playing a game with Bear, Fox and Rabbit. Things are going pretty well until Bear's sister Beatrice (""Bea Bear"") comes into the room looking for her teddy. It disturbs the game, but nobody really minds too much and they all help to look for Beatrice's teddy bear. Rabbit finds it, under a couch cushion. Mr. Bear thanks Rabbit for doing that. Bear explains that Beatrice can't get to sleep without her teddy bear. Fox shakes his head and comments ""Babies and their stuffed toys."" Franklin looks nervous. That night, Franklin sets his stuffed dog, Sam, next to his goldfish, Goldie. He says that Goldie can keep him company, but he can't sleep with him anymore, as stuffed toys are for babies. He tries to get to sleep, but he just tosses and turns and is bothered by the ticking of his clock. Finally, he takes Sam down from next to Goldie. He says that he won't tell if Sam won't tell. He goes peacefully to sleep. The next day, Bear say
Episode 9
#40901 ""Franklin's Rival"" Franklin is over at his Granny's house for a visit. Granny says she has a surprise for him and Franklin thinks it's chocolate-chip cookies. Actually, it's Possum. She babysits him sometimes and today she invited him over to her house. Franklin recognizes Possum. She has pictures of him on her mantel. Granny explains that she used to babysit Possum's Mom. She wants Franklint to get to know Possum and has them come outside for a picnic. Franklin is looking to his favorite sandwich, but when he bites into his sandwich, it's not peanut butter and lettuce, it's watercress. That's Possum's favorite kind of sandwich. They go into town and everybody recognizes Possum. Granny's told them so much about him and how he sends her letters. Franklin asks if he can send Granny a letter. Then, later, Franklin wants to play checkers with Granny. But you can't play checkers with three people. So they play cribbage, which Possum is especially good at, instead. From there, the t
Episode 10
#41001 ""Franklin's Robot"" Franklin and Fox are playing in the sandbox. Fox has a toy robot and he pretends that it's a real robot and that he's using it to make a castle. The two both agree that it would be neat if they had a real robot. It could build huge sandcastles and clean their rooms and all sorts of things. So Fox says that maybe his Dad will let him use some of the old things he has to make a robot. They get to work and put one together. Beaver and Bagder come along. They see and ask it can do. Franklin and Fox have to admit, the only thing they can do is make its eye light up red. Beaver and Badger aren't impressed. Then, Fox says that the reason it can't really do anything is because it's not ready yet. If they come back later, they'll be able to see it clean rooms and do all sorts of neat things. After they leave, Franklin asks just how it's going to do that. Fox isn't sure, but he knows that Beaver and Badger are just going to laugh at them if it doesn't. So Fox comes up
Episode 11
#41101 ""Franklin the Fearless"" Franklin and his friends are going down Acorn Hill in their wagons. It doesn't really seem to be much fun though. They've gotten too big for the small little hill to be much excitement. Then, they decide to try going to ""Thrill Hill."" This is an especially steep hill that some of the big kids in town go down. But after getting there, they take a look at how steep it is and decide that maybe it isn't such a good idea after all. They start to leave, but then Franklin's wagon slips, with Franklin in it and he barrels down the hill. Thinking that Franklin did this intentionally, they cheer him on as he rockets down the hill. Franklin reachs the bottom intact and his friends call him ""Franklin the Fearless."" Franklin decides to go along with it and endures their praise. Things take a turn for the worse when his friends tell some of his other friends about Franklin's feat. Now, they all want to see Franklin go down the hill. They're all going to gather tomorr
Episode 12
#41201 ""Franklin at the Seashore"" It's a fun day at the beach for Franklin and Bear. Looking for fun, they find some seashells. Franklin tells Bear that if he holds one up to his ear, he can hear the ocean. But Bear can't hear anything, as the real ocean is drowning it out. They decide to use the shells as part of a sandcastle they're making. They make a wonderful sandcastle and go off to do some other things. While they're gone, two crabs come along. They wreck the castle and take all the shells. When Franklin and Bear return, they're mad that their castle has been wrecked. They notice that whoever took their shells left footprints. They follow them and reclaim the shells where the crabs left them. As Franklin and Bear leave, the crabs are indignant. How dare Franklin and Bear take their shells. Franklin and Bear make a new castle and agree that it's even better than the first one. They go off again and once again the crabs come for the shells. This time, though, they cover up their
Episode 13
#41301 ""My Franklin"" Franklin goes over to Bear's house. He wants Bear to come with him to the playground. Bear wants to go too. However, he can't right now because he has to babysit his little sister Beatrice until his father finishes cleaning the house. The worst thing is that Beatrice keeps crying and he can't find a toy that will make her happy. He's got toys strewn all around the room, but nothing is working. He finds one that he thinks might work. He throws it to her and then goes to do pushups. He's getting in shape because he wants to do a flip on the rings at the playground. This doesn't go anywhere because Beatrice starts crying again. This time, Bear pulls out a bunny puppet and entertains Beatrice with it. But then Bear hands it to her and tells her to keep playing with it, while he goes back to doing pushups. It's not long before she's crying again. Franklin suggests that maybe he could entertain Beatrice while Bear tries to get his pushups done. So Franklin plays peekab
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5. Staffel 5 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#51301 ""Franklin's Cookie Question"" Franklin and Bear have been making homemade cookies for a while now and this time, they've made their biggest batch ever. They want them to last a long time, but are tempted to eat them all up at once. After Bear literally gets his paw caught in the cookie jar, they find the cookies to be the least of their worries. #51302 ""Franklin's Picnic"" Franklin is sure that he won't like anything spinach, or lots of unfamiliar foods in general. Bear seems to agree with him, but the two find themselves facing this issue head-on when Beaver organizes a picnic and those in change of bringing the food announce plans to bring some pretty strange-sounding things.
Episode 2
#50701 ""Franklin the Teacher"" When Franklin learns that Bear has taught his little sister, Beatrice, to count up to five, he decides it's time to start teaching Harriet things himself. He sets up a school session for her, complete with lessons on counting, painting and more. He soon begins to despair when it seems like Harriet isn't learning anything from his lessons. #50702 ""Franklin's Allergy"" One day, when playing with Bear, Franklin begins sneezing. Noting that the sneezing fits don't seem to happen all the time, his friends diagnose him as having an allergy and after some tests, conclude that he's allergic to Bear! Franklin and Bear try to find new ways to play together that won't cause Franklin to sneeze, but it turns out that the cause of Franklin's allergic reaction isn't exactly what they thought.
Episode 3
#50601 ""Franklin Loses a Book"" Harriet has a favorite book called The Happy Green Frog and she wants Franklin to read it to her over and over. Franklin is okay with reading it at first, but when she keeps asking to hear it and ignoring all of her other books, he grows tired of it and hides it under a pile of newspapers. Later, the newspapers are taken out to the recycling... and the book exits with them! Franklin and Bear launch on a wild hunt throughout Woodland in the hope of finding another copy of the book to read to Harriet, but end up with a very creative solution to the problem. #50602 ""Franklin and Betty"" Beaver's cousin Betty is in town and Franklin is the first of the Woodland kids other than Beaver to meet her. The two quickly become friends with each other, Betty identifying with Franklin's interest in sand-castle building and also wanting to get away from Beaver, who is obliviously centered on her own interests. As more of the kids in Woodland get to know Betty, they a
Episode 4
#50301 ""Franklin's Pumpkin"" Franklin and Bear have been growing a huge pumpkin in the hopes of entering it in the county fair and winning first prize. As they run an errand to help Mrs. Muskrat, they tell her of their pumpkin and learn about the amazing things she does with seemingly useless broken glass. When their pumpkin suffers an unfortunate accident, Mrs. Muskrat shows them how they too can make something great out of something seemingly useless. #50302 ""Franklin's Jug Band"" Franklin's friends Beaver and Bear have started a band and Franklin wants to join too, but he finds that his sister Harriet has taken possession of the instrument he wants. It's up to his friends to show him that his own imagination and creativity is all he needs to have the perfect instruments to play.
Episode 5
#50201 ""Franklin and the Bus Patrol"" As part of ""Bus Safety Month,"" Bear is named ""bus patrol officer"" by Mr. Owl. Bear is familiar with the rules and seems to be good at the job, but when he ends up ticketing his friends for violations, they become upset with him. Franklin ends up commenting about how he'd do things if he became bus patrol officer and then regrets it when that's exactly what happens. Both he and Bear learn a lesson. #50202 ""Franklin and Wolvie"" Wolvie, the son of one of Mrs. Turtle's friends is coming to visit Franklin and pretty soon Franklin and all of his friends are on their guard when Wolvie's play turns out to be a little rough for them. Wolvie seems to be rough, rude and just not fun to be around. It turns out, though, that there's a reason for Wolvie's behavior and he can change if need be.
Episode 6
#50101 ""Franklin Stays Up"" Franklin is having a campout in his backyard and he and Rabbit hatch a plan to stay up all night. Originally, all members of the sleepover are on board, but then they fall asleep one-by-one until finally Franklin and Rabbit are the only ones who make it until morning to see the sunrise, but not without a few setbacks. #50102 ""Franklin's Bargain"" When Bear buys a neat detective kit at Mr. Mole's shop, Franklin is disappointed to learn that they're all sold out, but Bear tells him that he can get a ""Super Snooper Spy Kit,"" however, he'll have to get it before it's sold out. Franklin checks his savings and finds that he doesn't have enough money. Hoping to earn the money, he decides to strike a bargain with his Dad to get it by doing an extra chore. He first deals around doing the dishes and then fails keep up his end of the bargain after agreeing to a different chore.
Episode 7
#50401 ""Franklin's Big Game"" Franklin and his friends are out playing baseball when the Churchill Bears, a visiting team on their way to a big tournament, roll onto the baseball field. Mr. Mole knows them and invited them to stop by. He arranges for a big game between them and Franklin's team, but when Franklin and his friends see how well the Bears play, they try to back out of the game, worried that they'll get ""murgalized."" #50402 ""Franklin's Reading Club"" Mrs. Goose at the Woodland library announces a summer reading contest to Franklin and his friends: anyone who reads thirty or more books will receive a nifty reading club t-shirt. Franklin and Bear like the look of the t-shirt and decide to try and read really fast so that they can get their t-shirts before anyone else. When they find that their friends are getting great enjoyment out of reading, while they can't even remember what they read, they question the wisdom of their idea.
Episode 8
#50501 ""Franklin in Two Places"" Franklin finds himself caught in a difficult situation when he promises to support Bear during his big-kid baseball game and attend Beaver's art-show, both of which are happening at the same time. Bear is best friend and he did promise him first, but he wants to honor his commitment to Beaver because he's always dodged attending her events in the past. Not wanting to hurt either's feelings, he tries to make himself visible at both events without Bear or Beavers' knowing, but quickly finds the juggling act harder to maintain than he thought it would be. #50502 ""Franklin's First Star"" Franklin and Bear are big hockey fans and have a favorite professional player - Coyote. They take part in outdoor hockey games against Beaver and Fox and Mrs. Muskrat stops by often to provide encouragement and hot chocolate. One day, Mr. Turtle takes them to see a hockey game and they get to meet Coyote. They tell him about how great they think he is, but his response br
Episode 9
#50801 ""Franklin's Float"" Franklin and his friends have always enjoyed watching the annual Woodland parade, but this year, some of them are actually going to be in it, riding their bikes. At least, that was the plan, until Franklin thinks big and suggests that they create their own float. They create the Mothership One and load it up with gimmicks, only to find that it won't even move. #50802 ""Franklin's Party Plans"" When Franklin finds Skunk crying and learns that she's moving, he tells some of his friends about it and they decide to put together a surprise party to cheer her up. They create a number of items for her to remember them by, but when it comes time for the surprise party, it turns out to be Skunk who surprises them.
Episode 10
#50901 ""Gee Whiz Franklin"" When Rabbit tells Franklin and his friends about the ""Gee Whiz Challenge,"" a contest to do something fun for 24 hours and get in a magazine, everyone jumps at the chance to become famous. They soon find that not only is it harder than they think, but there are other things that are more important. #50902 ""Franklin Can't Wait"" Franklin and his friends are going to the circus and he told all his friends to come early - but didn't tell his parents. They all soon become very bored by the long wait. When one friend arrives later than all the rest of them, they show that they can still have a good time, even with the long wait.
Episode 11
#51001 ""Franklin's Spring First"" Everyone in Woodland has been looking forward to spring, but a late snowfall make it seem like it's taking forever. Franklin decides to celebrate the first day of spring by creating a holiday based around it, with special traditions such as having waffles for breakfast. On the day of the big celebration, melting snow and heavy rains cause an unfortunate flood, but Franklin and his family still find reason to celebrate after receiving help from a certain animal familiy who's well-equipped to deal with the problem. #51002 ""Franklin Plays Golf"" When Franklin sees his Dad warming up for golf season, he becomes interested in the game as well and soon agrees to an outing at the golf course with Mr. Turtle. Bear is worried that the outing will conflict with a soccer game, but Franklin feels that he'll have plenty of time for both events. When Franklin finds that golf not only takes a long game, but he isn't as good as it that he thought, he enlists Bear's
Episode 12
#51101 ""Franklin's Canoe Trip"" Mr. Turtle misses the call of the loons from camping in the wilderness, so he takes Franklin and Bear on a camping trip, encouraging them to be ""voyageurs."" Although enthusiastic about the trip, they begin to think for a while that it's less fun than they thought it would be. #51102 ""Franklin's Interview"" Franklin's class has been assigned to do an interview with someone they consider special. Beaver takes Franklin's parents, but Franklin can't seem to find anyone that he wants to interview. After looking all over for a subject, he finally finds the perfect one someplace that he even looked.
Episode 13
#51201 ""Franklin's Crystal"" Franklin and Beaver discover an impressive piece of quartz, but problems with its shared ownership creates problems with their friendship. When Franklin and Beaver realize how unpleasant their quarrelling is to others, they decide to give their rock specimen away. #51202 ""Franklin's Advice"" During a soccer match, Snail deflects the ball and scores the winning goal, but the victory comes at the cost of a cracked shell. Despite Franklin's advice, Snail refuses to tell his parents about the injury for fear of being pulled from the team. Putting his friendship on the line, Franklin gives Snail one more chance to tell his parents or he will have to do it for him.
Episode 14
#51301 ""Franklin's Cookie Question"" Franklin and Bear have been making homemade cookies for a while now and this time, they've made their biggest batch ever. They want them to last a long time, but are tempted to eat them all up at once. After Bear literally gets his paw caught in the cookie jar, they find the cookies to be the least of their worries. #51302 ""Franklin's Picnic"" Franklin is sure that he won't like anything spinach, or lots of unfamiliar foods in general. Bear seems to agree with him, but the two find themselves facing this issue head-on when Beaver organizes a picnic and those in change of bringing the food announce plans to bring some pretty strange-sounding things.
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6. Staffel 6 (26 Episoden)
Episode 1
#61101 ""Franklin Itching to Skateboard"" When Franklin and Bear decide they want to go skateboarding, they get more than they bargained for. #61102 ""Franklin Forgives"" Franklin and his family pay a visit to the pond for a picnic supper. Franklin decides to bring his fish Goldie along too. When Harriet accidentally knocks Goldie into the pond, Franklin finds it difficult to accept her apology, even though he knows it was an accident.
Episode 2
#61201 ""Hockey Fan Franklin"" Franklin gets the nervous jitters after winning a contest to meet his favorite hockey star. Things only get worse when the actual meeting happens and he feels like he made a fool of himself. #61202 ""Mother Hen Franklin"" Franklin becomes overly protective after Harriet scrapes her knee. Mrs. Turtle helps him by talking with him about happened when he hurt himself after experiences such as his first bike ride.
Episode 3
#61301 ""Franklin's Badge"" Franklin joins the Woodland Trailblazer troop, a sort of combination Boy / Girl Scouts, and tries to earn some merit badges. He finds that there is much more to it than simply earning badges. #61302 ""Franklin Stargazes"" In ""Franklin Stargazes"", Franklin trades away his new telescope before realizing its potential. He tries to get it back and ends up striking a bargain.
Episode 4
#60401 ""Franklin's Swimming Party"" Franklin and his friends are having a swimming party. Unfortunately, Skunk doesn't know how to swim - and things only get worse for Franklin accidentally reveals her secret. #60402 ""Franklin's Soccer Field Folly"" Franklin is embarrassed after he scores a soccer goal - for the opposing team!
Episode 5
#60101 ""Franklin the Weather Turtle"" Franklin is an aspiring meteorologist after spending time with Mr. Groundhog. #60102 ""Franklin's Dance Lessons"" Franklin initially tries to get out of dance lessons before learning it can be fun.
Episode 6
#60201 ""Franklin in Charge"" Franklin takes on Mr. Turtle's household chores. He finds that he can't do it all, and doesn't have to. #60202 ""Franklin's UFO"" Franklin and Rabbit chase after UFOs after reading a newspaper article. They consult with Mr. Mole for advice.
Episode 7
#60301 ""Franklin Migrates"" In ""Franklin Migrates"", Franklin learns about Migration Celebration from Goose. Goose's relatives fly south for the winter, while she and her family stay in Woodland. Franklin joins in the celebraetion. #60302 ""Franklin the Photographer"" Beaver starts a camera club at school. Franklin tries to get a picture of a butterfly, but finds it to be a difficult task.
Episode 8
#60501 ""Franklin's Word"" Harriet hears a hurtful word and starts using it at inappropriate times. #60502 ""Franklin's Pond Phantom Franklin and Bear scare their friends with a tall tale about sea-serpent that supposedly dwells in Woodland Pond.
Episode 9
#60701 ""Franklin the Coach"" Franklin is made the substitute coach of his soccer team while Coach Porcupine heads out-of-town. He worries that he is not doing a good job at it. #60702 ""Franklin's Plays it Safe"" Franklin and his friends' tree fort is the subject of a safety inspection.
Episode 10
#61001 ""Franklin's Favorite Card"" Franklin loses a soccer card of his favorite player. #61002 ""Franklin's Expedition"" Franklin and Bear go on an expedition for the Woodland Trail Blazers.
Episode 11
#60601 ""Franklin's Bike-A-Thon"" Franklin participates in a charity ride for a new library computer. #60602 ""Franklin's Candy Caper"" When Franklin puts a strange penny in Mr. Mole's candy machine, all of the candy comes out.
Episode 12
#60901 ""Franklin's Go-Cart Race"" Mr. Owl assigns Franklin and his class the task of building go-carts. #60902 ""Sir Franklin's Squire"" Franklin and Snail play ""knights"" on a royal quest. Along the way, their friends join in on the fun.
Episode 13
#60801 ""Franklin Sees the Big Picture"" Franklin is teased for reading a ""baby"" book. #60802 ""Franklin Figure Skates"" Franklin learns to play 2 on 1 hockey.
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