PSI Factor - Chroniken des Paranormalen

SERIE • 4 Staffeln • Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Horror, Drama, Thriller • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Kanada • 1996


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Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal ist eine kanadische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die sich um ein wissenschaftliches Team dreht, das sich mit allen möglichen paranormalen Phänomenen auf der ganzen Welt befasst; von Entführungen durch Außerirdische bis hin zu Besitztümern. Die in der Serie dargestellte Organisation ist lose von einer realen wissenschaftlichen Organisation inspiriert. Während die Drehorte der Serie weltweit stattfanden, wurde die Serie hauptsächlich in und um Toronto, Ontario, Kanada, gedreht und von 1996 bis 2000 in vier Staffeln 88 Folgen ausgestrahlt.

Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, Kanada
Deutsch, Englisch
Peter MacNeill, Matt Frewer, Nancy Anne Sakovich, Barclay Hope, Colin Fox, Soo Garay, Nigel Bennett, Paul Miller, Maurice Dean Wint, Dan Aykroyd, Geoffrey Bowes, Jessica Moyes, Walker Boone, Anna Migliarisi
Deutsch, Englisch


1. Staffel 1 (22 Episoden)
Das Traumhaus / UFO Begegnung
Das O.S.I.R.-Forschungsinstitut untersucht Phänomene, für die es keine natürliche Erklärung gibt. Wie im Falle der Familie McCallister, die endlich ihr Traumhaus gefunden hat. Kurz nach dem Einzug wird sie von Poltergeistern tyrannisiert. In einem anderem Fall wird ein UFO gesichtet.
Besessen / Mann aus der Zeit
Software-Spezialist Peter Tanner quälen Wahnvorstellungen. Weil weder ärztlicher noch religiöser Beistand ihn von dem Übel befreien können, will das O.S.I.R.-Team helfen. Der zweite Fall handelt von einem Mann, der behauptet, im Jahr 1612 geboren zu sein.
Die Rache der Reptilien / Geisterstimmen
Ganze Schlangenhorden tauchen plötzlich in einer Kleinstadt auf, in der ein alter Reptilienfreund kurz zuvor Selbstmord begangen hatte. Das O.S.I.R. sucht nach einer Erklärung, warum die einzelgängerischen Tiere sich plötzlich zu Rudeln zusammenschließen.
Schleichende Finsternis / Die Macht
Die argentinische Regierung bittet das O.S.I.R. um Hilfe: Eine geheimnisvolle schwarze Masse ist dort aufgetaucht und wächst mit einzigartiger Geschwindigkeit. Die PSI-Spezialisten befürchten, dass sie innerhalb einer Woche die nächste Stadt völlig absorbieren wird.
Freier Fall / Die Heimsuchung
Fallschirmspringer McGrattan gibt dem O.S.I.R. Rätsel auf: Bei einem Sprung hatte sich sein Schirm nicht geöffnet, und sein Tod schien unausweichlich. Doch wenige Meter vor dem Boden bremste irgendetwas seinen Sturz ab. McCrattan landete heil auf den Füßen.
Verseuchung / Menschliche Teleportation
Das O.S.I.R. untersucht ein Gelände, auf dem vor kurzem ein riesiger Meteorit einschlug. Mehrere NASA-Wissenschaftler, die zuvor mit der Untersuchung betraut waren, wurden schon getötet. Bei der Autopsie entdeckt man Wunden, die stark an übergroße Insektenbisse erinnern.
Die Unterhälfte / Phantom-Glied
Im Abwassersystem der Stadt haust das Grauen: Eine Bestie, halb Grizzly, halb Alligator, tötet Menschen. Die Mitarbeiter des O.S.I.R. finden heraus, dass in der Nähe ihres Aufenthaltsortes ein Labor für Gentechnik Experimente durchführt.
Der Flüchtige / Zwei verlorene alte Männer
Rita ist von einem jüdischen Dämon besessen. Um ihm auf die Spur zu kommen, wohnen die PSI-Spezialisten einer exorzistischen Sitzung bei. Tatsächlich verlässt der Dämon Rita. Bevor er sich eines anderen Körpers bemächtigt, muss er vernichtet werden.
UFO Klon / Claras Freundin
Joan Hill alarmiert das O.S.I.R.-Team: Ihre Haustiere und ihr Sohn Kyle wurden geklont und sind daher doppelt vorhanden. In Hypnose erinnert sich der Junge an einen Kontakt mit Außerirdischen. Dann sterben einige Tiere unerwartet an einer Immunschwäche.
Der Jäger / Der Heiler
Ein Farmer will einen Werwolf gesehen haben. Er alarmiert Professor Connor Doyle. Mit seinem Team vom O.S.I.R. findet Doyle tatsächlich Beweise für die Existenz des Wolfsmenschen. Dieser zieht schon bald eine blutige Spur nach sich.
Der Fluch / Engel an Bord
Nachdem eine altägyptische Grabkammer geöffnet wurde, sterben die Mitglieder des Archäologen-Teams an Hirnblutungen. Nur Geena Fakhry überlebt, weil sie in einem Traum vom Beherrscher der Grabkammer gewarnt wurde. Lindsay Donner vom O.S.I.R. will das Rätsel lösen.
Die Anasazi-Höhle / Das Bermuda-Dreieck
Vor 300 Jahren verschwand ein Indianerstamm spurlos. Forscher entdecken eine Hütte der Eingeborenen. Doch jeder Eindringling erstickt darin nach kürzester Zeit, sogar mit Atemschutzgerät. Nur ein Abkömmling des Stammes scheint immun zu sein.
Der Untote / Der Fan
Straßenkinder entdecken einen Toten, woraufhin sie die Polizei alarmieren. Diese ist entsetzt: Der gleiche Leichnam wurde schon zwei Wochen vorher gefunden und beerdigt. Dem O.S.I.R.-Team drängt sich der Verdacht auf, dass es sich bei dem Toten um einen Zombie handelt.
Der verbotene Norden / Reinkarnation
Ein Holzfäller wird von einem Ungeheuer angegriffen. Die PSI-Spezialisten glauben jedoch, dass eine Umwelt-Organisation dumme Scherze treibt, um den Bau einer Straße durch den Wald zu verhindern. Doch dann wird auch eine Umwelt-Aktivistin attackiert.
Der Glashaus-Effekt / Das Summen
Peter Axon versucht die Quelle für ein störendes Brummen zu finden, das die Bewohner einer Stadt irritiert. Die extrem niedrige Frequenz des Geräusches wirkt auch auf die Nagetiere der Umgebung. Zu Tausenden dringen diese in die Häuser der Bürger ein.
Das Licht
Der undurchsichtige Dr. Forbes hat O.S.I.R.-Mitarbeiter Curtis Rollins lebensgefährlich verletzt. Daraufhin bringt man den Schwerverwundeten ins Krankenhaus. Dort geschieht Seltsames: Der klinisch tote Curtis erwacht nach einem grellem Lichtblitz zu neuem Leben.
Die 13. Etage / Der Alien-Gläubige
Olivia wohnt in der 13. Etage eines Apartmenthauses. Eines Tages attackiert die Frau, scheinbar mit übermenschlichen Kräften ausgestattet, Fahrstuhlführer Ken. Schwer verletzt alarmiert dieser das O.S.I.R.-Team.
Der Nebel / Das Haus in der Gartenstraße
Der zum Tode verurteilte Massenmörder Hedeon Mishenka wird in eine andere Zelle verlegt. Seltsamerweise bildet sich genau an diesem Tag ein mysteriöser Nebel. Als die Schwaden das Gefängnis erreichen, leiden Wärter und Insassen plötzlich unter Halluzinationen.
Die zweite Sicht / Der Sektenführer
Case File #295143: ""Second Sight"" A kidney-transplant recipient has frightening visions Case File #734138: ""Chocolate Soldier"" A cult leader has power over women.
Ein inneres Brennen / Schicksal
Während einer Pokerrunde steht George urplötzlich in Flammen und verbrennt vor den Augen seiner entsetzten Mitspieler. Bei der Beerdigung ergeht es seinem Freund Dean genauso. Die Ermittlungen des O.S.I.R. konzentrieren sich auf Martin Shaw, der bisher verschont blieb.
Tod bei Sonnenuntergang / Der Unfall
Case File #693142: ""Death at Sunset"" A mysterious illness claims its victims at sunset Case File #793144: ""Collision"" The soul of an accident victim possesses the driver who killed her.
Case File #321147: ""Perestroika"" The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research's Director of Operations Frank Elsinger orders Case Manager Doyle to lead a team of investigators to Archangelsk in Northern Russia. Having just viewed video footage of a team of Russian scientists examining a creature found frozen in a glacier by two gas plant caretakers, Elsinger does not reveal to Doyle that the last scene of the video showed scientist frightened and pleading for help.
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
Der Beam
Case File #262-201 After two electricians at work on a building suddenly disappear, along with a huge part of the construction, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research arrives to investigate.
Die Kreatur
Case File #263-202 In a small farming community, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates the strange mutilation and seemingly ritualistic slaughter of livestock animals.
Die Untoten
Case File #360-203 In swamp country, county doctor calls in the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research to help her find out why a teenager seems to be clinically dead but somehow alive.
Case File #245-208 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates several UFO reports in the industry area of Montex Bioengineering.
Erstarrtes Leben
Case File #417-205 Deep in the interior of a national park, a strange epidemic strikes a Native American reserve, turning the residents into living statues.
Die Droge der Jugend
Case File #567-212 After a blinding light explodes in a hospital room, a blood-covered entity throws the guard out into the hall and the body of a sixty-year-old woman, sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a police officer, disappears.
Der Krieger
Case File #371-211 When a curator of a museum decapitated by an unknown assailant, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research starts to investigate.
Sie sind unter uns
Case File #669-207 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research is called to an abandoned industrial park to investigate a UFO sighting. Case Manager Matt Praeger hears a buzzing noise and disappears without a trace.
Auf dem Kriegspfad
Case File #267-210 When a corporal investigates an onslaught of light and noise, disappearing with a scream of pain and horror, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research starts to investigate.
Nasses Grab
Case File # 905-209 When the pool water mysteriously starts to churn and boil, a man drowns and sinks to the bottom. The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research starts to investigate.
Case File # 416-209 The Dean at Braddock University brings the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research in to investigate an incident involving psychokinetic power.
In den Fängen des Wahnsinns
Case File #350-213 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research is called in to help locate a missing police officer.
Blutiger Alptraum
Case File #340-212 After a woman, recovering in her hospital bed from knee surgery, suddenly cries out from a terrifying dream and bleeds spontaneously from deep wounds, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research arrives to secure the building following the inexplicable occurrence.
Der Kuss des Tigers
Case File #936-214 Case Manager Matt Praeger brings in the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team to help his old friend David Vancha save the life of his wife Zoe.
Episode 15
Case File #604-215 Hotel-owner Clifford Ashe calls in the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research to investigate the haunting of the Ashe Plaza Hotel.
Case File #938-216 A dealer of rare animals breaks into an abandoned factory with an accomplice, who afterwards is pulled back into the complex by some unseen presence.
Das Licht des Todes
Case File #309-217 When a city worker is killed by a wave of light and sound, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research is called in to investigate.
Blutige Bilder
Case File #721-219 When a horrific murder takes place, the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research gets a call to come to a gallery where they find a body strung from the ceiling in the back room, his clothing shredded and his eyes ground into their sockets.
Dämonen aus dunkler Zeit
Case File #721-219 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates a suburban home in which the living room has become an icy chamber.
Die Auserwählten
Case File #420-202 Case Manager Matt Praeger flies to Halifax to bail out Michael Kelly, who has been arrested for being drunk and disorderly.
Der Affenmensch
Case File #104-723 When a huge beast charges out of the woods and rips man's limb, a local police calls in the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research to identify the attacker.
Der magische Bogen
Case File #102-964 Ray Donahue and Peter Axon fan out through a secret research facility searching for Axon's friend Dr. Leon Schraft, a colleague from Axon's MIT days.
3. Staffel 3 (22 Episoden)
Der Schritt ins Nichts
Case File #898750 As the third season begins, physicist Peter Axon is the only remaining member of the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team. Dr. Anton Hendricks is apparently dead, having disappeared into a mysterious apportation device known as the Arch, case manager Matt Praeger has tendered his resignation after differences with the O.S.I.R.'s Director of Operations Frank Elsinger and senior data analyst Lindsay Donner has left the team after running afoul of Praeger and revealing confidential information. Axon and Curtis Rollins, the case manager assigned to the Arch case, take their investigation to a remote area of northern Quebec after an RCMP officer finds a woman wandering alone in the sub-tundra. It turns out the woman had vanished into the Arch and then re-appeared 2,000 miles away. Lindsay Donner and Matt Praeger rejoin the team to recover Hendricks from the Arch.
Aus dem Reich der Toten
Case File #751718 Following a memorial service for Dr. Anton Hendricks the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team members receive an anonymous phone call informing them that Hendricks is at a nearby hospital unconscious and on a ventilator.
Feuer aus der Erde
Case File #898777 When a forest area turns into a bone-dry wasteland virtually overnight, a government agriculture official turns to the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research for help.
Kuss des Todes
Case File #145345 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research is called into action when the mutilated corpse of a police detective who gunned down an escaped convict is found in a dumpster.
Case File #569-977 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research case manager Matt Praeger is institutionalized after a case goes tragically wrong. Working undercover as an arms dealer in order to gain access to a teenager with ESP Praeger gets caught in the middle of a double cross and apparently fires the bullet that kills the youth.
Case File #659-311 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research case manager Matt Praeger, security co-ordinator Ray Donahue, chief science analyst Peter Axon and senior data analyst Lindsay Donner visit the scene of a grisly, pre-Halloween murder of two college students who died after having their faces torn off.
Case File #600-001 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates after the body of an elderly woman is found in the basement of a soon-to-be demolished apartment building.
Case File #965-789 Dr. Anton Hendricks' wife has recently returned from a mysterious apportation device called the Arch, into which she vanished 12 years ago. Hendricks has become increasingly suspicious that she is not the Catherine he knew.
Case File #828-456 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates the unusual death of a large South American rodent called a capybara at the Windsor Animal Hospice.
Case File #790-002 Matt Praeger's daughter, Dana, is sleeping over at the country home of her friend, Vanessa, when the girls hear a strange noise coming from the bedroom of Vanessa's adopted brother. The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team arrives at the house to conduct an ""unofficial"" investigation.
Das Grabtuch
Case File #340-872 Archaeologist and former lover of Lindsay Donner finds a 13th century burial shroud inside an ancient Druid coffin. At his request, Donner and the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team join him in London to verify the authenticity of the ""winding cloth"" and identify the man buried in it.
Case File #500-208 A senior data analyst of the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research dies of an apparent heart attack at a Cuban-style neighborhood party. The rabbi who's conducting the funeral suddenly hears scratching sounds coming from coffin, opens the lid and finds out the man is alive.
Allein mit der Angst
Case File #226-051 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research senior data analyst Lindsay Donner and pathologist Claire Davison are called to the Newgate Correctional Facility after an inmate dies mysteriously while in solitary confinement.
Case File #443-987 Alone on Valentine's Day, Lindsay Donner visits a neighborhood after-hours club, where she catches the attention of the bartender. Despite the attraction Donner leaves and is called back to the vicinity the following morning when a body is found in the alley.
Himmlischer Frieden
Case File #392-101 Tessler Industries, a video-game giant, is testing one of its new virtual-reality war games at the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research Central Lab. When a woman is knocked to the floor with a very real head wound, Elsinger calls for the O.S.I.R. team to investigate.
Die Phantomstadt
Case File #222-989 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research investigates after a UFO is sighted in the woods near the private community of Poplar Glen.
Das Gedankenexperiment
Case File #333-016 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team investigates after an auto shop teacher at Royalton Custodial School is crushed against a wall by a car. The ""accident"" could be the work of a student with telekinetic ability.
Der Zweitausend-Virus
Case File #009-873 Two computer programmers trying to develop a solution to the Y2K problem enter a sealed lab and begin work. Later, they go into convulsions and, with blood pouring from their eyes and ears, fall to the ground dead. The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research team arrives at the lab to investigate.
Das Tribunal
Case File #899-997 The Office of Scientific Investigation and Research is transporting a young woman who's had an alien encounter, when their van is engulfed in a bright light from a UFO, temporarily blinding the investigator, and the woman disappears.
Der Mann ohne Vergangenheit
Case File #098-509 Peter Axon and Frank Elsinger run tests on an electromagnetic field (EMF) laser cannon in the lab at Tessler Industries to destroy a missile guidance system. After the experiment fails when the laser device overheats, a janitor resets the cannon and destroys the missile guidance system.
Die vier Elemente, Teil 1
Case File #298-321 Psychic healer has just successfully restored the sight of a blind woman when he is interrupted by the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research agents and taken to the central lab to test the man's healing powers.
Die vier Elemente, Teil 2
Case File #298-321 Peter Axon is working on a secret project for the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research head Frank Elsinger that seems to have special and very personal significance for Elsinger, who assigns case manager Curtis Rollins to provide security for Axon as he finishes the project, which involves mapping out an anonymous individual's genetic code.
4. Staffel 4 (22 Episoden)
Funken der Begierde
Case File # unknown Struck by lightning, a woman must release the electricity through sex in order to survive.
Der Kult der weißen Frauen
Case File # unknown The O.S.I.R. investigates satanic cult activity on a college campus.
Spiel des Lebens
Case File # unknown Matt inadvertently enters an alternate dimension as a contestant on a game show where he must re-examine his life.
Die gefrorene Zeit
Case File # unknown The O.S.I.R. investigates a plane crash and its survivors, who have been in a sort of limbo since their disappearance 10 years ago.
Die neue Generation
Case File # unknown A doctor's mission to colonize a new world forces Matt to make a decision about his future.
Ein Riss in der Zeit
Case File # unknown An old man following three Old West outlaws is actually Axon 30 years in the future, warning his younger self against inventing time-travel.
Case File # unknown The team's investigation of a woman's precognition of her own death leads to a shocking discovery.
Tempel des Lichts
Case File # unknown A spiritual entity is blamed for an outbreak of murders at a Hollywood retreat.
Die Besucherin
Case File # unknown Axon must race against time to save the life of an alien grounded in a meteor crash.
Case File # unknown Donner and Stone are caught in a sinister plot when they investigate a rave club overrun by zombies.
Bis dass der Tod un scheidet
Case File # unknown A journalist's relationship with a Death Row inmate causes a rare haunting.
Der verborgene Zwilling
Case File # unknown An autistic boy develops psychokinetic abilities while mourning the death of his twin brother.
Vom Himmel gefallen
Case File # unknown Mysterious sky-falls may be the result of the Super Sargasso Sea theory.
Case File # unknown A ghost-like image in a photograph might be the link between a serial killer and a real-life angel.
Der trockene Tod
Case File # unknown Oil drilling in an ancient tribal burial ground unleashes a demon killer.
Die wilde Frau
Case File # unknown Peter's old friend lures him into the wilderness seeking retribution for past deeds.
Case File # unknown An angry spirit torments a group of artists in an old church.
Der Klon
Connor Doyle, the team's case manager in the first season comes back from the dead, but this time his intentions are not all good.
Case File # unknown During a search for three missing operatives, the O.S.I.R. uncovers a gruesome situation, cannibalism.
Fahrstuhl des Schreckens
Case File # unknown During an investigation, Donner, Stone and Davison are trapped in an elevator.
Seltsame Nachbarn
Case File # unknown Lindsay and Peter are under cover as a married couple to investigate aberrant behavior among community residents.
Visionen des Grauens
Case File # unknown Mia Stone experiences precognitive dreams and hallucinations during an investigation.

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