Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy - Despair Arc

SERIE • 1 Staffel • Animation, Familie, Horror, Drama, Thriller • Japan • 2016


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Wer streamt "Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy - Despair Arc"

Die Klasse 77-B der Hope's Peak Academy steht vor einer entscheidenden Veränderung: Chisa Yukizome, mit dem Titel Super-Highschool Haushälterin wird die neue Lehrerin dieser Klasse. Mit viel Geduld und Leidenschaft korrigiert Chisa das auffällige Verhalten der Schüler und stärkt den Klassenzusammenhalt. Dies mag nicht immer die leichteste Aufgabe sein, da von Prinzessinnen bis Mechaniker alles vertreten ist. Doch Chisa gibt nicht auf, denn mit der Kraft der Hoffnung ist alles möglich! Hajime Hinata, einem unauffälligen Jungen aus der Reserveklasse wird durch ein zufälliges Treffen mit dem Super-Highschool-Gamer der Klasse 77 eine für ihn bisher vollkommen neue, hoffnungsvolle Sicht auf das Leben eröffnet. Noch wissen die Schüler und Lehrer der Hope’s Peak Academy nichts vom düsteren Plan, den die Leitung der Academy verfolgt, der auch die gesamte Welt in die Knie zwingen wird

Wo läuft "Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy - Despair Arc"?

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ダンガンロンパ3 The End of 希望ヶ峰学園-絶望編
Minami Takayama, Kana Hanazawa, Mai Nakahara, Megumi Toyoguchi, Kanata Hongo, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Keiji Fujiwara, Ai Kayano, Ami Koshimizu, Miyuki Sawashiro, Daisuke Kishio, Kotono Mitsuishi, Hiroki Yasumoto, Romi Park, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Tomokazu Sugita, Suzuko Mimori, Miho Arakawa, Jun Fukuyama, Yu Kobayashi


1. Future Arc (24 Episoden)
Nachdem Makoto Naegi und seine übrigen Mitstreiter der Hope's-Peak-Privatakademie lebend entkommen sind, treten sie der Stiftung Zukunft bei. Doch gerade als sich alles zum Guten zu wenden scheint, wird Makoto plötzlich inhaftiert und sieht sich dem Vorwurf ausgesetzt, eine gegnerische Gruppe namens Überreste der Verzweiflung beherbergt zu haben. Der Verrat trifft auch Makotos ehemalige Klassenkameraden Kyoko Kirigiri, Aoi Asahina und Yasuhiro Hagakure, die nun allesamt vor der Führung der Stiftung Zukunft stehen und selbst in eine ungewisse Zukunft blicken. Die Situation gerät plötzlich weiter außer Kontrolle, als das scheinbar undurchdringbare Sicherheitssystem von einem nicht ganz unbekannten Wesen infiltriert wird: Monokuma ist zurück! Zum Erschrecken aller kündigt Monokuma den Beginn eines neuen Todesspiels an und nur einen kurzen Augenblick später steht das erste Opfer fest und führt allen die grausame Brutalität des finalen Spiels vor Augen. Erneut muss Makoto das Mysterium um seine Mitstreiter aufdecken, wenn er seine Freunde retten will. Unter den 16 verzweifelten Teilnehmern des Todesspiels befindet sich diesmal ein einzelner Mörder.
Aller guten Dinge sind drei
Hängt die Hexe!
Gnadenlose Gewalt und leere Worte
Wer ist ein Lügner?
Erinnerungen vergangener Tage
Kein Mensch ist eine Insel
Ultra Despair Girls
Für dich würde ich sterben
Tod, Zerstörung, Verzweiflung
Alle guten Dinge
Die dunkelste Seite
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
2. Despair Arc (12 Episoden)
Die etwas andersartige Klasse 77-B der Hope's-Peak-Privatschule erhält mit der Absolventin Chisa Yukizome einen exzentrischen Neuzugang und gleichzeitig ihre neue Klassenlehrerin. Als leidenschaftliche und kompetente Persönlichkeit macht sich die Frohnatur sofort daran, das problematische Verhalten ihrer Schüler zu korrigieren und deren Miteinander zu stärken. Gar nicht so einfach, wenn derart unterschiedliche Charaktere von Prinzessin über Krankenschwester bis hin zum Yakuza aufeinander treffen! In der Zwischenzeit sehnt sich Hajime Hinata, ein eher unauffälliger Schüler der sogenannten Reserve-Klasse, nach einem Talent. Er trifft eines Tages auf Chiaki Nanami, die selbst mit einem besonderen Talent gesegnet ist und ihm eine hoffnungsvolle Zukunft eröffnet. Was Hajime nicht weiß ist, dass die Führungsetage der Schule ein furchtbares Projekt plant, in dessen Zentrum er steht und welches Hope's Peak und die gesamte Welt in die Knie zwingen könnte.
Folge 1
Having just graduated herself, Chisa Yukizome is assigned as assistant homeroom teacher of Hope Peak Academy's 77th class. Noticing only a few of her students showing up to class, Chisa decides to drag them across the school to gather their tardy classmates. Meanwhile, Hajime Hinata, a student from Hope Peak's Reserve Course, meets gamer Chiaki Nanami, who offers some relief to his fears of not having a talent like the main class.
Folge 2
As Chisa continues her duties as a teacher while secretly serving as a spy for Kyosuke, Hajime speaks with Kazuo, who warns him against accepting a certain offer from the school. After receiving some advice from Chisa, Chiaki brings in some multiplayer video games to make friends with the rest of the class. Things soon take a turn for the weird when dancer Hiyoko Saionji spikes everyone's food with an aphrodisiac that cook Teruteru Hanamura made. Luckily, Chiaki manages to step in to protect Hiyoko from a rampant Teruteru before things go too far. As Chiaki is nominated as the class representative, Natsumi Kuzuryu, the younger sister of gangster Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, transfers into Hajime's class.
Folge 3
Natsumi's pompous attitude gets her in an argument with Sato, the friend of photographer Mahiru Koizumi, leading to some serious threats between the two. Hajime attempts to pass along Chiaki's advice that there's more to life than talent, but Natsumi refuses to listen, stating that she wants to have talent so she can stand alongside her brother. The next day, Hajime arrives at school to discover that Natsumi has been murdered, while Sato, who he suspected may have been the one responsible, is found dead a few days later. Hajime tries to go to the main building to confront Mahiru over what happened, but is stopped by Juzo, who insults his lack of talent and beats him up until Chisa breaks up the fight. As Chisa and Juzo grow concerned about the higher-ups covering up the two deaths, Hajime, left scorned by the whole experience, undergoes an experiment to be injected with an artificial talent.
Folge 4
With the class preparing for a practical exam, lucky student Nagito Komaeda, noticing the gloominess of his classmates following the recent deaths, approaches Seiko for a laxative he can use to postpone the exam. At the same time, Ruruka asks Seiko for a performance enhancing drug to use in her pastries for the exam. However, Nagito gets the two drugs mixed up, later accidentally getting his bag switched with Seiko's. As a result, Ruruka ends up using laxative in her sweets during her exam while Seiko finds herself with a switch to a bomb Nagito was planning to set off, leading the two to distrust each other. Elsewhere, the drug Nagito picked ends up causing a dog to grow in size and break into the gymnasium, causing the bomb to be accidentally set off. Following the chaos, Seiko, Ruruka, and Sonosuke are all expelled, Nagito is suspended, and Chisa is reassigned to the Reserve Course. Though this development makes her mission to spy on the Reserve Course easier, Chisa is reluctant to leave her class behind and entrusts their welfare to Chiaki.
Folge 5
After spending half a year teaching the Reserve Course, Chisa asks Juzo for a trustee's ID in order to investigate something known as the Kamukura Project. Managing to return to her position as homeroom teacher of the 77th class, she is relieved to find that Chiaki has managed to keep everyone together and is given a warm welcome. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Ryota has been spending all of his time at home animating, having the Ultimate Impostor take his place in class. Elsewhere, Junko Enoshima meets up with her sister, Mukuro Ikusaba, as they prepare to enroll into Hope's Peak as part of the 78th class. When Ryota ends up collapsing with a fever, the Ultimate Impostor seeks out nurse Mikan Tsumiki to treat him, explaining how he took on Ryota's identity so that he could stay at home and work on an anime that will save the world. As the new school year begins and the 78th class begin their life at Hope's Peak, Hajime goes through with the Kamukura Project.
Folge 6
With his original personality removed and his body infused with every known talent, Hajime emerges from the experiment under the new persona of Izuru Kamukura. Later, after the 77th class move into a new building, Chisa sneaks into the trustee's office, where she learns all about the Kamukura Project, which is designed to create a Ultimate Hope. Meanwhile, Junko and Mukuro kidnap one of the trustees and learn about the project as well, using the trustee's eyeball to sneak into where Izuru is being held. Revealed to be an Ultimate Analyst who can analyse anything, Junko tries to sway him over to the side of despair, which cannot be predicted. After getting knocked out by Izuru, who leaves a message that he will be waiting for her, Junko becomes excited when she encounters Ryota, declaring their meeting to be another "fateful encounter."
Folge 7
Junko gets Ryota to show her the anime he has been working on, learning that various techniques akin to subliminal messaging are used to prompt emotions from its viewers. Concerned by his absence, the Ultimate Impostor sends Mikan to check on Ryota's dorm, where she is captured by Mukuro and brought to a secret room where Junko is having Ryota continue work on his anime. Later that night, Junko and Mukuro break Izuru out of his facility and take him to the old Hope's Peak Academy school building, where they coerce the school's student council into killing each other. As principal Jin Kirigiri is ordered to cover up the incident, Junko leaks information about the experiments and murders to the Reserve Course students, sparking a rebellion against the main school.
Folge 8
After noticing that Mikan has been acting strangely around Junko, Ryota is shocked to discover a video of the student council's killing game. Junko reveals that she plans to combine this video with Ryota's anime to create something that will brainwash people and send them into despair, threatening to subject his classmates to another killing game should he refuse to cooperate. Meanwhile, as Kyosuke arrives to help deal with the Reserve Course riots, Nagito, who has returned from his long absence, mentions that he has seen Mikan on the school grounds, prompting the rest of the class to go off in search for her. During their search, Nagito leads Chiaki to the secret room where Junko and Ryota are, having swordswoman Peko Pekoyama hold off Mukuro. Nagito attempts to shoot Junko but is stopped by Izuru, who Chiaki recognises as Hajime, while Ryota escapes and runs into Chisa, who rushes towards the scene.
Folge 9
Chisa shows up to confront Junko, who reveals her plan to brainwash her class into Ultimate Despairs, showing its effectiveness by having a student kill himself on command. Meanwhile, Chiaki escapes with Nagito and informs the rest of the class, who decide to go help their teacher. While Chisa is forced to watch Junko's video of despair while Mukuro tinkers with her brain, Junko brags about her plan to Ryota, who can do nothing but flee in shame, before she is confronted by Juzo. As the class arrive at Junko's hideout, Mikan pushes Chiaki through a hidden passageway, where she reunites with Chisa, unaware of what has happened to her.
Folge 10
Junko overpowers Juzo and deduces that he is in love with Kyosuke, threatening to expose his feelings unless he betrays Kyosuke by reporting that she is innocent. Meanwhile, Chisa, who has been brainwashed by Junko's despair video, sends Chiaki down to an underground room where she is captured by Junko. Deciding that Chiaki is the final element needed to finish her prototype, Junko forces her to go through a dungeon filled with deadly traps, while the rest of the class are forced to watch as she struggles in vain and is ultimately fatally wounded by spikes. The resulting despair, combined with Junko's brainwashing methods, warps the students and transforms them into the Remnants of Despair. In her final moments, Chiaki tries to remind Izuru of the person he once was before passing away, leading Izuru to shed tears for the first time since his transformation.
Folge 11
The blackmailed Juzo and the brainwashed Chisa both tell Kyosuke that Junko is innocent, allowing her plan to continue unhindered. As the 77th class graduate from their classroom to spread despair across the world, the Reserve Course students storm the main building and kill everyone inside before Junko uses her despair video to have them all commit suicide. Meanwhile, Izuru decides to have his memories of the 77th Class erased and vice versa, interested to see if hope can be more unpredictable than despair. In order to protect the remaining students in the 78th class, Jin helps them convert the school's old building into a shelter, unaware of the two Despairs who lurk among them. As Junko moves onto the next phase of her plan, becoming curious about the unpredictable luck exhibited by Makoto, Chisa rejoins Kyosuke, who is unaware of her transformation into despair. Some time later, in a virtual world, another meeting between Hajime Hinata and Chiaki Nanami takes place.
Folge 12
As Makoto races to stop Ryota from broadcasting his Hope video, he and the others are assisted by the arrival of the 77th Class, who Hajime managed to restore to normal using Izuru's talents. After making their way past a hypnotised task force, Hajime and the others confront Ryota, who blames himself for the entire incident. Feeling that he should not have to carry his burden alone, Hajime and the others ask Ryota to come with them as they aim to atone for their sins, convincing him to cancel the broadcast. Afterwards, Hajime and the others claim responsibility for the killing game, shifting blame from the Future Foundation, before setting off with Ryota towards a new future. Meanwhile, as Kyosuke leaves Makoto in charge of bringing hope to the world as he goes off to shoulder his own burden, it is revealed that Kyoko had managed to survive her poisoning thanks to an antidote that Seiko had made. A few months later, the former Ultimate students get together to rebuild Hope's Peak Academy, with Makoto serving as its headmaster.
3. Staffel 3 (1 Episode)
Folge 1

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