
SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Drama • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 2009


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Wer streamt "Hawthorne"

Als kürzlich verwitwete Pflegedienstleiterin und Mutter einer Teenagerin, versucht Christina Hawthorne, im Kampf gegen bürokratische Verwaltungsbeamte, herzlose Ärzte und apathische Kollegen, die vergessen zu haben scheinen, wem das System eigentlich dienen soll, nicht unterzugehen.

Wo läuft "Hawthorne"?

"Hawthorne" läuft aktuell bei folgenden Streaming-Anbietern:
Apple TV, Amazon Video.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mikael Salomon
Michael Vartan, Jada Pinkett Smith, Christina Moore, David Julian Hirsh, Suleka Mathew, Vanessa Lengies, Hannah Hodson, James Morrison, Miguel Nájera, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Joanna Cassidy, Vanessa Bell Calloway


1. Staffel 1 (10 Episoden)
Eine starke, liebevolle Pflegeleiterin, nebenbei noch alleinerziehend, versucht, die monumentalen Anforderungen ihres Jobs und die Erziehung ihrer klugen, eigensinnigen Tochter unter einen Hut zu bringen.
Episode 1
Richmond Trinity Hospital's chief nursing officer Christina Hawthorne tries to stop an end-stage cancer patient's attempt at suicide.
Episode 2
A patient with dementia believes Christina is his wife.
Episode 3
Christina creates a makeshift ICU bed for a woman whose son isn't ready to let her go; Bobbie helps Kelly with a case involving an infant swallowing rubbing alcohol; Ray tries to spend time with Candy.
Episode 4
Christina tries to save a Korean woman and her little boy after a car accident; Bobbie helps a young woman on the verge of losing her arm because of gangrene.
Episode 5
Christina squares off with an arrogant surgeon who is working on the case of a young heart patient she is caring for. Elsewhere, Ray works as Christina's mother-in-law's personal nurse, who, unknown by Christina, has been hospitalized. Kelly tends to a man with a worried wife.
Episode 6
Christina and the crew are hit with an onrush of new patients when another Richmond emergency room shuts down. One patient is recognized by Camille as an old friend from school who appears to have a drug problem. And a reporter wants to use Ray as an inside source for a revealing article she wants to write concerning the ER.
Episode 7
Christina gets trapped into working an overnight shift and finds herself in the middle of a potential custody battle.
Episode 8
Christina treats a female patient who appears to have been abused by her boyfriend; Bobbie helps a patient with abdominal pains; Ray helps a young man facing the possibility of being paralyzed; Camille gets a driving lesson from Kelly.
Episode 9
Christina battles Morrissey after he asks her to lay off nurses due to budget cuts. Therefore, Kelly's job is on the line and she also encounters some problems with a doctor. This episode also features a terrible tragedy inside the ER.
Episode 10
David's cancer is back and Christina does her best to comfort him while looking to get him a new treatment. Kelly has difficulties when trying to say goodbye to a patient and Ray hears astonishing news from Candy.
2. Staffel 2 (10 Episoden)
Staffel zwei von HAWTHORNE beginnt damit, dass Personal aus Richmond Trinity ins abgewirtschaftete James River Hospital versetzt wird.
Episode 1
Richmond Trinity is shut down and Christina along with Bobby Jackson, Kelly Epson, Ray Stein, and Tom Wakefield transfer to a new hospital on the verge of being closed itself. Christina is named director of nursing and clashes with the old director. Christina and Tom's feelings begin to develop. A woman dies due to lack of medical attention.
Episode 2
Christina pays a visit to the ethics committee when she opposes the hospital's refusal to treat a heroin-addicted patient. Elsewhere, a mother reveals a game-changing secret to her adopted son; and Camille forges a bond with hospital worker Marcus.
Episode 3
Bei einem Unfall am Krankenhaus wird Tom verletzt, sein bester Freund ringt mit dem Leben.
Episode 4
Christina has difficulty getting the only doctor at James River hospital to perform the surgery on a prisoner who killed a pastor. The doctor doesn't want do the surgery because of his religious beliefs. Tom hopes to get some good about his elbow soon.
Episode 5
Carmilles Bemühungen, für neunjährige Zwillingsschwestern Nieren zu bekommen, führt zu einer wahren Flut von Spendern. Tom scheut sich, seinen verletzten Arm operieren zu lassen.
Episode 6
Christina kann nicht bei Tom sein, als er operiert wird. Sie tut ihr Möglichstes für eine schwangere Afghanin, deren Mann besondere Ansprüche stellt. Gail kommt mit einem sterbenden Ex-Kollegen zusammen.
Episode 7
An old friend resurfaces, and Christina is determined to help her despite the insurance company’s refusal to cover her treatment. Tom’s growing relationship with Erin rubs Christina the wrong way, just as tension and silence build at home between Christina and Camille.
Episode 8
Isabel, concerned for the safety of her son in foster care, kidnaps him and disappears. And it’s up to Christina and Detective Nick Renata (special guest star Marc Anthony) to find her. Tom gets back into surgery, while Bobbie and Steve try to help the family of the woman who injured him. Ray finds out the truth about Candy, and Kelly has a run-in with Malia and Judy. Sara Gilbert guest-stars.
Episode 9
A volatile situation with Camille prompts Christine to seek help from Det. Nick Renata (special guest star Marc Anthony). Erin clashes with Christina over Tom’s career path. Kelly tries to track down a grieving mother’s camera. And a figure from Steve’s past comes back to haunt him. Sara Gilbert guest-stars.
Episode 10
Als ein Inspektionskomitee James River besichtigt, führt ein Unfall zu Chaos und Stromausfall.
3. Staffel 3 (10 Episoden)
Episode 1
Christina and Tom's wedding doesn't go as planned, Nick investigates the cause of an attack at the hospital. Candy finally goes into labor after almost losing her life.
Episode 2
Tom and Christina deal with the explosion at the hospital and her pregnancy differently. Camille may have found a new love interest. Bobby and Christina argue over hospital duties. Also a little girl is left at the front of the hospital for no apparent reason.
Episode 3
Nick asks Christina for help with his mom who is ill, Dr. Steve shaw gets a surprise visit from his father. An internal affairs investigator comes to James river looking into the events surrounding the attack that recently took place. Tom is becoming concerned with Camille's interest in the new doctor at the hospital practicing under Tom.
Episode 4
Jimmy Dupree is still questioning the nursing staff of James River about the events that led up to the attack and nick is questioned about the attack that night. James River holds a health affair that leads Kelly to get in an argument with bobby over how to continue after a capital MERSA outbreak is suspected. Morrissey begins to fall apart because of stress due to recent events taking place at the hospital.
Episode 5
Christina and Tom spend the day with Miles’ kids who are in town visiting. Bobbie is photographed for an article about James River. Kelly and Dr. Marshall learn more about each other. And investigator Jimmy Dupree returns to question Detective Renata.
Episode 6
Christina and Nick through his mom a party. Camille discovers something about Miles that could change their relationship drastically. Bobby holds a fundraiser for the James River cancer and research lab; also problems become a problem for the CEO of James River Hospital
Episode 7
Christina is given an opportunity after losing her job at the hospital. Camille and Miles have to make a decision about their relationship after learning something about Miles. Bobbie makes a mistake that could cost her the job that Christina once held. Tom's dislike of Nick only increases.
Episode 8
When Christina’s life becomes too much to handle alone, she seeks refuge in therapy, where she opens up about her husband, Det. Nick Renata, marriage, her daughter and even her own childhood. Meanwhile, Tom faces the daunting task of keeping a friend’s spirits hopeful while confirming a difficult diagnosis.
Episode 9
Camille Hawthorne tries offering advice and comfort to her mother, Christina, whose choices will have dramatic consequences on the lives of Tom and Det. Nick Renata. Meanwhile, Miles prepares to say goodbye to James River. Chi McBride also guest-stars.
Episode 10
Christina returns to James River; Tom must perform surgery on a friend; Kelly has a career-changing moment; Bobbie and Steve consider a move; Camille contemplates leaving for college.

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