Trio mit vier Fäusten

SERIE • 3 Staffeln • Action, Drama, Krimi, Thriller • Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika • 1984


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In der US-Serie „Trio mit vier Fäusten“ geht es um einen schneller Wagen, eine gemütliche Jacht, und ein Uralt-Helicopter bilden die Ausrüstung der beiden schlagkräftigen Privatdetektive Cody und Nick, sowie Computer-As Murray mit seinem orangefarbenem Roboter „Roboz“.

Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
N. N., Christian I. Nyby II
Perry King, Joe Penny, Thom Bray, Jack Ging, June Chadwick, Ken Olandt


1. Staffel 1 (14 Episoden)
Die Drei von der Riptide (1)
rc: Anne Francis (Mama Jo), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan), Gianni Russo (Straightaway) Mama Jo and her crew rescue a young woman, Kimba Hall, stranded after the boat she was staying on, the Trade Wind, was destroyed by a huge explosion, killing everyone on-board it. Mama Jo convinces her neighbors at Pier 56 Harbour, struggling Private Investigators Cody Allen and Nick Rider, to look into the case and prove that Kimba was not responsible for the explosion. Faced with their first big case, Cody and Nick, who's business is based on Cody's boat, the Riptide, decide to recruit an old friend from Vietnam, electronics genius Murray ""The Boz"" Bozinsky. With the additional aid of Boz and his experimental robot, ""The Roboz"", the PIs set about finding the real culprit for the destruction of the Trade Wind. Soon, they find themselves unwittingly stepping on the toes of local mobster Mike Santana, not to mention several other unidentified assailants, who all have their own particular interests in the Tr
Die Drei von der Riptide (2)
rc: Anne Francis (Mama Jo), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan), Gianni Russo (Straightaway) The conclusion of the feature-length Pilot. Cody, Nick and Boz continue to try and prove Kimba Hall's innocence over the destruction of the Trade Wind as they aim to find the real culprits. But things really heat up as the people responsible go to extreme measures to try and stop them snooping around and unravelling the truth behind the events...
Gangstern auf der Spur
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan), Gianni Russo (Straightaway) In the midst of an already rocky marriage, Tina Brazil, after hearing her mobster husband Ricky Brazil planning a murder, runs away and heads to her old friends Cody and Nick for help. Cody and Nick aren't around when she arrives, but Murray greets her and assures her they'll help; unfortunately, at the same time, Cody and Nick have been accosted by Ricky's henchmen, and ""given"" the job of finding his missing wife. With Ricky Brazil not being the sort of man you can say no to, the PIs have even more trouble when the target of the planned murder turns out to be none other than Lt. Quinlan. Quinlan doesn't listen to the PIs at the best of times, and after Cody gets into a brawl with him when trying to convince him of the murder plot, the Private Detectives find themselves the prime suspects when Quinlan is kidnapped, and end up wanted by both the Police and Ricky's men...
Das Attentat
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) One of the members of 'The High Q Club', an intellectual club of which Murray is a member, hires the Pier 56 Detective Agency after one of her co-workers at the scientific organisation where she works is killed, and she herself is having attempts made on her life. The case isn't exactly helped by the fact that the woman hiring them has a dislike for Nick after he cheated copying her in a geometry test 15 years before!...
Unter Mordverdacht
rc: Anne Francis (Mama Jo), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Things aren't going too well for the detectives when the thief on Pier 56 that they're trying to catch makes off with all their surveillance equipment! While out for an early morning jog to try and get fit (after he was unable to stop the thief), Murray meets a young woman who is looking to hire the Riptide Detective Agency. She wants them to find her boyfriend's killer – and she's the prime suspect! She was found at the murder scene, standing over the body with a knife, but left in deep shock as a result of the murder, she lost memory of the events. As a result of being unable to prove her innocence, was sent to a hospital for the criminally insane. But as the trio try and determine who the real killer was, their belief in her story is tested when they learn that instead of having been released from the mental hospital, the girl has actually escaped from it!...
Der Lockvogel
rc: Anne Francis (Mama Jo) Brandy, a friend of Cody and Nick's whose father until recently ran a local restaurant, hires the agency to find her father Lane, who she's lost contact with since he went to Mexico with his new, much younger wife Dee-Dee. As they investigate, it seems increasingly obvious that Lane's new wife is a gold digger, but she in turn is being put under pressure by a dangerous mobster...
Verraten und verkauft
rc: Anne Francis (Mama Jo) An air stewardess who delivers seemingly innocent packages from her friend Artie to his brother, witnesses Artie's murder, and is danger herself when the killer sees her and chases. With Mama Jo away visiting a sick aunt, Nick and Cody are taking full advantage of the situation, with two of the girl's from the Barefoot Contessa coming over to the Riptide, and send Murray away to the cinema to get him out of the way. There he meets the hunted woman, hiding out in fear from the killer. Cody and Nick's intended romantic evening with the girls is reluctantly put on hold as the detectives investigate, and they find themselves uncovering diamond smuggling arranged by an infamous criminal...
Gefährliche Nachbarn
rc: Marsha Warfield (Max), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) The guys intervene when they spot three rowdy thugs on-board an unfamiliar boat, The Endeavour, harassing the girls on-board the Barefoot Contessa, only to later have the leader jump Murray and ransack the Riptide in revenge. They trace the boat as belonging to one Robert Atkins, but upon arrival at his house find it covered with police after he was found murdered. They unwittingly pick up a stowaway from the scene – the man's jilted former girlfriend who is now the price suspect in the murder. Believing the girl is innocent (thanks to Murray's lie detecting mood ring), the guys suspect that the thugs on board Atkins's boat were involved with the murder...
Der tote Auftraggeber
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) At great reluctance, Cody, Nick and Murray accept a job from shady attorney Myron Bell that turns out to be working for an arrogant, rude character named Roger Ramsdale, who wants them to get evidence that his wife Joan is supposedly cheating on him, to help him win a divorce law suit. But as the trio begrudgingly take on their assignment, they find that far from being the harlot Roger claims, the woman is in fact an upstanding, thoroughly nice lady, and what's more, she herself has hired two female private investigators to prove that Roger is actually the one cheating on her. But when Roger is murdered, Joan is arrested as the prime suspect, and the male and female private investigators are forced to not only join forces to try and find the real killer, but more demandingly to simply manage to get along together...
Mord in schwarzen Rillen
rc: Marsha Warfield (Max), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) After falling out with their record company, two singers of a long-running hit group loose control of their car, killing one and leaving the other in hospital. The location of the surviving singer, Dell Turner, is being kept very under wraps, and Murray agrees on behalf of the Riptide Detective Agency to take on the task of finding which hospital he's in and delivering flowers sent by the group's fan club. But the seemingly straight-forward assignment leads the guys, along with a Nurse they unintentionally endanger after duping her into helping them, to uncovering a case involving the executive of the record company trying to bump Turner off in order to make huge sales of a memorial album...
Ein Onkel in Amerika
rc: Marsha Warfield (Max), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) A member of a gun smuggling racket takes the opportunity to use a flight to bump off the irritating son of the head of the operation. Nick has a surprise when Chin Lee and Mia, two Cambodian children that he sponsors, unexpectedly arrive in American and at the Riptide when Chin must get urgent heart surgery for his young sister. But unbeknown to them, the pair came into the country by stowing away on the smuggler's aeroplane. The killer plans to get rid of the children along with their friends at the Riptide to stop them from sharing what they saw, but when the bemused detectives investigate who's responsible for trying to kill them, the mobster head of the smuggling operation believes them to be his son's murderers! The fact that a mean character who Cody and Nick sent to prison while serving as M.P.s in Vietnam has just been released does not help matters...
Das Geheimnis der Schwestern
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Cody and Nick are reluctant when Murray takes them to a singles party, but Cody is soon glad he went when he meets an attractive, pleasant woman named Sheila. The two quickly develop a fondness for each other, but Sheila breaks down when she mentions her missing sister Marcy. Cody assures her that the Riptide Detective Agency will look around for her sister, much to the annoyance of Nick, but Cody talks them into investigating anyway. They are shocked to discover that Marcy works as a prostitute, and that her mobster boss is after her. But as Cody continues to fall deeper in love with Sheila, Murray and Nick uncover an unexpected, surprising fact about her and Marcy...
Im Meer verschollen
rc: Marsha Warfield (Max), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) The detective trio are depressed over a lull in business, when Murray's attractive, practical joke-loving sister Melba arrives, looking for their help in proving her theory that Hitler had established a port on the U.S. west coast during World War II. She neeeds to prove the theory after her initial report was rejected by a publisher and editor. With the help of a German historian friend of Melba's, they begin their search for a German U-boat loaded with gold that was rumoured to have sunk somewhere in the area, but their party comes under attack from the publisher and editor who rejected Melba's report, who want to get their hands on the sunken gold for themselves. But unbeknown to the detectives, the pair aren't the only ones out to sabotage the quest...
Mit Fischen und Netzen
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Murray is excited about taking Cody and Nick to meet Jody, an attractive dolphin trainer who he's been conducting sonar experiments with, and whom he has a huge crush on. But the trio find themselves on another case when they learn that Jody's boss was recently killed when escaping from two thugs that had kidnapped him. The P.I.s investigate to try and find out what the thugs wanted with the man, and must make the connection between a gangster, a missing package of drugs, and the two dolphins. But matters take a strain when Jody, uninterested in Murray's advances, starts making moves on Nick, unbeknown to Murray, which results in severely testing the old friends' relationship...
2. Staffel 2 (22 Episoden)
In der US-Serie „Trio mit vier Fäusten“ geht es um einen schneller Wagen, eine gemütliche Jacht, und ein Uralt-Helicopter bilden die Ausrüstung der beiden schlagkräftigen Privatdetektive Cody und Nick, sowie Computer-As Murray mit seinem orangefarbenem Roboter „Roboz“.
Unheilvoller Besuch
Die Tochter eines Millionärs soll während ihres Urlaubs von dem Trio beschützt werden. Doch Entführer sind ihnen immer hinterher und der Urlaub entwickelt sich zu einem Abenteuer. Die drei Detektive von der "Riptide" müssen kurz darauf feststellen, dass Entführer, die merkwürdigerweise ständig alles über die Mädchen und ihren Aufenthaltsort wissen, den dreien auf der Spur sind.
Maulwurf Johnson
Cody, Nick und Boz ermitteln undercover bei der Armee. Ihr früherer Vietnam-Kommandant Johnson steht unter Verdacht, einen Drogenschmuggler-Ring zu unterstützen. Die drei wollen schnellstmöglich Beweise finden, die ihn entlasten. Es ist ihnen daher ein besonderes Anliegen, herauszufinden, was an dem Verdacht dran ist.
Der Augenzeuge
Arnie ist geistig behindert, was die drei Detektive nicht daran hindert, seinen Aussagen Glauben zu schenken. Er erzählt ihnen aufgelöst, er habe eine schwer verletzte Nixe im Wasser gesehen. Das Trio macht sich daran, diese seltsame Geschichte zu untersuchen. Nick, Cody und Murray haben natürlich auch Schwierigkeiten, dieser Geschichte Glauben zu schenken.
Der Liebesbrief
In der Kasse der Detektive herrscht gähnende Leere. Murray lässt sich etwas einfallen, um das zu ändern. Er gibt Vorlesungen an der Universität und sorgt für einen neuen Fall. Murray beschließt, Stephanie aus ihrer unglücklichen Ehe zu befreien.
Ein nützliches Spielzeug
Nick und Cody kommen das erste Mal in Berührung mit einem Lügendetektor. Nachdem sie zuerst skeptisch sind, merken sie schnell, dass er ihnen sehr hilfreich sein kann. Sie werden eines Besseren belehrt, als es ihnen dabei hilft, herauszufinden, warum der Schriftsteller Karl Novak, mit dessen Schutz sie beauftragt waren, kurz vor seinem Auftritt in einer Fernseh-Talkshow Selbstmord begangen hat.
Strapazierte Gastfreundschaft
Eine verzweifelte Mutter hat aus Angst vor ihrem gewalttätigen Ehemann ihr Kind bei einem Pfarrer gelassen. Der meldet sich bei dem Trio, die sich daraufhin der Sache annehmen. Die drei kümmern sich um das ausgesetzte Baby und versuchen festzustellen, wer eigentlich der brutale Vater ist.
Verwischte Spuren
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley) Nick takes Cody and Murray with him as he attends his 15th year high-school reunion, but the nostalgic proceedings are suddenly interrupted when masked men with automatic rifles burst onto the scene and open fire, seemingly warning a group of the ex-classmates out of something. Afterwards, his old friends insist it was just guys from a rival high-school playing a prank, but the suspicious Private Investigators quickly spot that the bullets the masked men were firing were real. As Nick investigates, much to his upset he finds that his old high-school friends are mixed up in drug running, and worse still, have fallen foul of a mobster in doing so...
Heiß begehrt und tiefgefroren
Das Trio soll einen jungen Mann ausfindig machen, der von zu Hause weggegangen ist, um ein großer Star zu werden.
Das falsche Opfer
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley) The trio are hired by the manager of a local beach club to investigate a series of valuables being stolen on the beach, and while there, Cody is pleased to find that an old room-mate, Byron Monk, is working as lifeguard at the club – and seems to be romancing a number of the club's female members. As they investigate the missing valuables, they find themselves uncovering a plot to both blackmail and kill Byron, but they more they investigate, the more it becomes apparent that he may be just asking for trouble with his attitude towards his relationships with women... The case is made more light-hearted by Murray's experimenting with taking on a tough guy image...
Das letzte Comeback
The trio come to the rescue of an elderly lady vagrant who is being grabbed by two thugs, only to learn that she is none other than a once-famous actress who vanished fifty years previously. It turns out she had been placed in a sanitarium by a man connected with the Mob that she was having an affair with after she refused to marry him, and what's more, she owns the deeds to Pier 56. The thugs were sent out by the man's son, who, determined to finish what his father has started, is determined to get his hands on the deed, the one last possession of the woman's that his father never took from her, even if it's against his father's wishes...
Die geplagte Schönheit
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley)* see note, Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) When Nick returns from National Guard duty, he thinks Cody and Murray are playing a trick on him when they tell him they've been hired to over-watch a beauty contest. But sure enough, it's true – they've been hired when one of the contestants, Charlene West, receives threatening phone calls. Their immediate suspect is a big-headed, womanising Game Show host who is the M.C. for the pageant, but when he is killed, they must dig deeper to find the true culprit...
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Things are getting serious between Nick and his new girlfriend Peggy. But returning from a date on the beach, they witness an accident in which a young serviceman is fatally hit by a car, which triggers a strange reaction in the woman, who promptly races off in Nick's Corvette. After being notified by Lt. Quinlan, the Riptide detectives find the ‘Vette abandoned in a red light district, with no sign of Peggy. It emerges that Peggy served as a Nurse in Vietnam, and the soldier's death triggered off delayed stress syndrome in her, but her confused state which drives her to the red light district sees both her and the P.I.s walking into the middle of a turf war between two pimps...
Der Millionenschwindel
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley) *see note After meeting a down-and-out who is also a fellow inventor, and helping him iron out a kink in his latest creation, Murray learns that the man is actually reclusive billionaire Baxter Bernard. In gratitude for his help, Baxter gives Murray a Baxtercraft 1000, a sophisticated new helicopter, as thanks. But the detectives end up helping the billionaire to stop the corrupt men who now control Baxter Aviation, who are willing to sell a flawed new helicopter to the Government no matter how many lives it costs...
Der Fluch der Mary Aberdeen
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Late one evening during a fierce thunderstorm, Murray is alone on the Riptide when a mysterious character suddenly appears seemingly out of nowhere, and pays $1000 cash for the Riptide Detective Agency to find the Mary Aberdeen, a supposedly cursed boat who's former owners have all been killed, before she ""kills again"". Finding Murray's story of the incident hard to believe, Cody and Nick are certain that someone – probably Lt. Quinlan – is playing a joke on them, when the phone number on the business card that the man left turns out to be for the local cemetery. They visit the original owner of the Aberdeen, only to have him hire them, with $5000 in cash, to find the boat as well. As they look into the case, they are surprised – and worried – to find that what was the Mary Aberdeen is now the Riptide! What's more, somebody seems determined to stop them investigating, and is the Riptide really cursed and haunted, or is there a more logic
Geheimmission „Bozinsky“
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Realising that something is bothering their friend, Cody and Nick try to find out what's troubling Murray, only to learn that he has been offered an unmissable job position to work at a cutting edge robotics company. Sadly leaving his friends, Murray decides to take the job. Missing their friend almost as soon as he's gone, Cody and Nick decide to deliver the rest of his belongings personally, but upon arrival find that the supposed company that he's gone to work for doesn't exist. As they investigate, they remember how they first met Boz in the Army, assigned to escort him to prison after he had punched a Colonel in the nose – the same man who is now intending to sell him to the Soviets for his electronic skills...
Nachruf per Post
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) When an oil tycoon, an old friend of Murray's, is killed, the man's daughter is certain that it was murder, and asks the detectives to investigate. Their immediate suspect is the man's partner in the oil business, after the two had been arguing shortly before the death, but as they dig deeper, they pose as high rollers as investigations take them on-board a casino ship, and the killers are from a very unexpected quarter...
Auf den Hund gekommen
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Cody is finding it hard to get rid of an unwanted girlfriend, who smothers him with affection, and who's hyperactive dog has a particular dislike for him. But that becomes the least of the P.I.s troubles when, after Murray has come into money from some book royalties, Quinlan accuses them of having got the money from robbing a number of local houses (where a copy of Murray's book was found at the scene of the latest robbery). Faced with having to cancel a planned fishing trip while Quinlan investigates his flimsy claims, the trio are determined to prove they are innocent by finding the real robbers - who are actually two sisters forced into making the robberies by a dangerous loan-shark they owe money to, in order to pay off their debts...
Der geschwätzige Mitwisser
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley) Nick and Cody are none too happy when their latest client, met with in a rough biker's bar, turns out to be Mack McPherson, an ""acquaintance"" who landed them in trouble in the Army. He explains that he has written book about his time as a CIA agent, and now has to lie low before it's publication and is unable to go home, and simply wants them to look after his pet parrot while he's away. With $300 to persuade them, the Riptide trio reluctantly accept the ""simple"" assignment, but soon regret it when they meet Mack's ditzy ""girlfriend"" Gloria, who is actually a FBI stenographer; when it becomes apparent that Mack hasn't been truthful with them; and when he seemingly dies in a helicopter crash. But nothing is as is seems, and it turns out that Mack's publication is actually a ""tell all"" book about his involvement with a mobster. They soon have the mobster's men after them, and the key to the whole situation is the parrot...
Vermeintlicher Feind
rc: Ken Olant (Dooley), Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Walking through Chinatown, Cody, Nick and Murray see a gang of masked men trying to kidnap a teenage boy away from his father, and intervene. The next day, giving their report of the incident at the Police Station, Quinlan tells them that the boy's mother was brought in over suspicion of the attempted kidnap. But outside, admits to the P.I.s that she was behind the attempted kidnapping, explaining that her ex-husband Kyle, who has custody of her son Chad, is teaching him bad ways and preventing her from seeing him. Convinced by her story, the Private Detectives stop by Chad's school, only to find him in a fight with a black pupil, and carrying Nazi literature. Finding that the boy's father runs a local Boys Institute that is peddling the Nazi message to other youngsters too, they send Dooley undercover to see exactly what is taught at the Institute. The leader of a local Neo-Nazi party informs them that Kyle was thrown out for refusi
Das zweite Gesicht
Out at sea on a fishing trip, a blown armature on the Riptide brings the P.I.s vacation to a halt. They manage to make it to shore to a nearby small village, which is seems to be stuck in the 1950s, for help, where they meet an eccentric elderly lady who seems to be a clairvoyant and is expecting them! What's more, she warns them that her nephew will soon be murdered and that she will be arrested. The trio take her with a pinch of salt, but the more they are stuck in the village, the more the predictions come true. Helping to clear her of the murder which indeed does take place, the trio find themselves digging up an unsolved seven-year-old killing of a local beauty queen... The fact that locals mistake Cody for an infamous local trouble-maker whom he seems to resemble, does not exactly help matters...
Expedition ins Verderben
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Murray takes Nick and Cody to a party where they meet famed oceanographer Angelo Guirilini and his attractive daughter Giovanna, but the festivities grind to a halt when Angelo's son Tony stumbles in, after being shot while on a dive. With Tony in hospital, they investigate and discover that someone is worried that Angelo's latest expedition will stumble on a batch of illegally dumped toxic waste...
Ein harmonisches Team
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Cody and Nick are loath when Murray drags them to a ""harmonising"" seminar – an event that ends in a punch up. But afterwards, a woman, having heard them introduce themselves as Private Detectives, hires the trio to check out her husband Chris, who she believes is having an affair. However, when the P.I.s set about following the man, they find that, instead of having an affair, he is involved with something much more sinister, but as they watch the man, they witness – to the husband's distress - the shooting of a man involved with the shady operation. The next day, Quinlan tells them that the body has disappeared and the investigation has been dropped – leaving the P.I.s even more certain that there is something big to investigate, something to do with the sale of a top secret project, and set about finding out just what the woman's husband is mixed up in... Meanwhile, all the way through the investigation, the detectives toy with the ""honesty"" methods they h
3. Staffel 3 (22 Episoden)
In der US-Serie „Trio mit vier Fäusten“ geht es um einen schneller Wagen, eine gemütliche Jacht, und ein Uralt-Helicopter bilden die Ausrüstung der beiden schlagkräftigen Privatdetektive Cody und Nick, sowie Computer-As Murray mit seinem orangefarbenem Roboter „Roboz“.
Der mysteriöse Tod eines Surfers
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) The detective trio are worried about a new Private Investigation company in the area that is taking all their business, and, to the reluctance of Nick, decide to take on the case sent to them anonymously by post, asking them to investigate the death of a surfer that took place in 1964. Cody and Murray visit Billy Hagen, the lead singer of a popular band at the time, who were playing at a dance that was the scene of a fight between the surfer and another man shortly before the death. Hagen, whom Cody is a big fan of, is planning a comeback, but the deeper the detectives dig into the case and the past, the more it begins to seem that maybe Hagen was more involved in the death than previously thought...
Eine unvergessliche Begegnung
rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) Through Lt. Quinlan, the Government hires the trio to go down to Mexico and bring out a model named Renee Sinclair, the estranged wife of underworld crime-lord Sonny Sinclair, who is prepared to testify against her husband in a case that is sure to send him down, after he murdered her brother. But after making contact with the woman, while Cody and Murray run a decoy, Nick and Renee come under heavy gun-fire, damaging the Screaming Mimi and forcing Nick to make an emergency landing in a canyon in the hills. As Cody and Murray try to goad the reluctant local authorities into helping them search, Nick and Renee find over-night refuge in a drug smuggler's den, and in their time together, they begin to fall in love, faced with the knowledge that Nick will never be able to see or hear from her again when she gets a new identity after the trial...
Auf Mord programmiert
Rc: Jack Ging (Lt. Quinlan) *see note A liberal city councilman embroiled in controversy for allegedly defaulting on various financial obligations blames it on the ""right wing"" police department discrediting him through computer tampering. To their surprise, none other than Lt. Quinlan hires the Riptide Detective Agency for Murray to use his computer expertise and disprove the claims and find who the real culprit is. But their investigation angers the hacker who is behind the councilman's problems, who promptly turns his hacking towards the Agency, tampering with their financial accounts and causing them to go into the red. Murray finds himself up against a worthy computer opponent as he tries not only to disprove the councilman's claims, but to prevent the hacker from wrecking the Riptide Detective Agency financially...
In fremdem Auftrag
With the Riptide Detective Agency in it's worse ever financial trouble, much to Nick's disagreement, Cody is considering an offer to sell the agency to corporate investigation company Tricor, who want to buy them out. After the Riptide is ransacked, adding further to the P.I.s problems, Murray and Cody accept jobs with Tricor, but Nick refuses, and opts instead to leave the agency. But when a friend of the trio, who had been working as a security guard on Pier 56, is murdered, it slowly begins to seem that Tricor is somehow involved, and the Riptide agency's recent financial troubles have been orchestrated by the same company, who are determined to get their hands of a letter left by the dead man to the trio before his death. The key to the whole mystery seems to lie on the unobtainable 13th floor of Tricor, where a secret super-computer is based – and the detectives intend to unlock the secrets held on that floor...
Der schleichende Tod
After reporter Marlene Lewis learns she in dying, she hires the guys to find out who infected her with an incurable disease. The guys accept the case and soon learn that Marlene had been working on a story with a man named Don Orley. However, Orley had died of a heart attack before she could discover more. Fortunately, the guys get a lead when Marlene receives a phone message from a man named Jeff Rockwell. Unfortunately, the guys arrive at Rockwell's house only to find that he has apparently hung himself. Searching Rockwell's house, the guys learn that Rockwell worked for the F.D.A. Since Orley, a food engineer working on APS (a food enhancer), would have needed F.D.A. approval, the guys realize the connection between the two dead men. Checking into records on APS, the guys discover that Robert Stockwood is the only member of the AP. research team that has not been killed. Therefore, the guys decide to protect Stockwood. Then, at Orley's funeral, Stockwood disappears after a nearby ca
Riskantes Spiel
Murray Bozinsky ist Star-Kandidat in der Quiz-Show 'Das Superhirn'. Auf einer Party, die zu seinen Ehren veranstaltet wird, trifft er auch plötzlich seine alte Studienkollegin Brenda Malloy wieder. Sie steckt in großen Schwierigkeiten. Zusammen mit ihrem Freund hat sie ein Solar-Auto entwickelt, das aber nicht funktioniert. Sie bittet jetzt das Computer-Genie Murray ihr zu helfen, da sie ihren Entwurf bereits an rücksichtslose Geschäftsleute verkauft hat.
Robin und Marian
Robin hat ein Ziel: Er will sich für die Armen einsetzen und bestiehlt deswegen die Reichen. Allerdings treibt er es zu weit und hat auf einmal üble Verbrecher im Nacken.
Quinlans letzter Fall
At a party, the guys run into Cathy Skinner, an old friend of Nick's. Nick explains that when he was a cargo pilot, he used to ""crash"" at the home of Doug Skinner, Cathy's father. While catching up on old times, Nick learns that Cathy is worried about the fact that Doug has been acting very strangely lately. In response to Cathy's concerns, the guys go to see Doug. An ungrateful Doug responds by telling the Riptide Detectives to leave him alone. That night, Doug calls Cathy and tells her that he will be leaving town for a while. Alarmed, Cathy and the guys go to Doug's home. Once there, the guys end up in a shoot out with some men looking for Doug. Unfortunately, the guys are mistakenly arrested by the police. After getting out of jail, the guys trace some pills that they had found in Doug's home. They then learn that Doug has been suffering from delayed stress as a result of an airplane accident that occurred when he was an air traffic controller. (Doug suffered despite the fact that
Eine folgenschwere Verwechslung
Nick, who has never particularly enjoyed the holiday season, decides to accept an assignment from Colonel Ryan, his Army Reserve commander. Thereby, Captain Nick Ryder is assigned to transport the remains of Private Ricky Wilkenson, a soldier who died in a training accident. However, when he arrives in Wyoming, Nick learns from the funeral home that the body he transported is not Ricky. (Unlike Ricky who had permanently injured his foot when he was a kid, the corpse has a complete set of toes.) After Colonel Ryan denies there was a mistake and a Congressman tries to dismiss the concerns of Ben Wilkenson, Ricky's father, Cody and Murray decide to help their partner investigate the situation. Murray accesses the army's computer system and is surprised when he finds Ricky's records kept with Vietnam files. Once back in California, Nick joins Cody in an attempt to sneak onto the army base for more information. Unfortunately, Lieutenant Walker, one of Ryan's aids, catches the guys. Ryan the
Verbrechen aus Leidenschaft
rc: June Chadwick (Lt. Parisi) Nick and Cody manage to make fools of themselves when they both unsuccessfully try to hit on an attractive woman while shopping in a grocery store. After the latest in a string of serial killings, the Agency is hired by a man who claims to have reason to believe that his elusive roommate might be the murderer. The detectives find to their surprise that the woman from the store is none other than their new Police contact; but as they investigate their case, there is a twist they don't expect, as they hunt for a killer with a hatred for engaged women...
Die Erbschaft
Trotz eines selbstlosen Einsatzes ist es Nick Ryder beim Militär nicht gelungen, seinem Kameraden das Leben zu retten. Dessen Vater, ein Millionär, wusste aber immer, was Nick getan hat und hat ihn in sein Testament aufgenommenEr fährt zur Testamentseröffnung.
Auf immer und ewig
rc: June Chadwick (Lt. Parisi) Cody, Nick and Murray take on one of their bizarrest cases when they are hired by an eccentric millionaire to find a model that he wants to marry – a girl that he has only seen in photos and has never met! But unbeknown to them, the girl's father is a crime lord, and their seemingly strange but simple case finds them walking into the middle of a fierce mob war that has restarted after the girl stood the son of another mobster up at the alter...
Der Sänger Frankie Kahana wird bei einem Auftritt beinahe gekidnappt. Doch zum Glück ist das Riptide-Trio zur Stelle und kann das unterbindenSie erfahren, dass Frankie für einen Gangsterboss gearbeitet hat.
Der Koffer des Chinesen (1)
When only Danny Lee's luggage shows up for his cousin Lucy's wedding, Lucy turns to her friends at the Riptide Detective Agency to find out what happened. The guys accept the case and are soon on the Mimi heading for San Francisco, the last connection on Danny Lee's flight from China. Once in San Francisco, the guys meet up with Jerome Sedgewick, a wealthy friend of Murray's. Sedgewick then provides the guys with a base of operations on his yacht. Sedgewick also invites the guys to a party where Cody is reunited with Janet Ingram, his college girlfriend. Later, after Cody briefly catches up with Janet and learns that she is working as a government liaison, the guys distribute posters of Danny Lee and head to the site of a meeting that was marked on a map in Danny Lee's luggage. After someone tries to unsuccessfully kill the guys by shooting at them, the detectives stumble over a dead body. Unfortunately, as a result, the guys are temporarily detained and interrogated by government agen
Der Koffer des Chinesen (2)
The guys then go to see a man named Parker who had called in response to one of the Danny Lee posters. The guys learn that Parker originally saw Danny Lee with a briefcase handcuffed to his hand, however, when Parker later saw Lee, the handcuff was hanging loose. Unfortunately, Parker is killed before the detectives can learn anymore. The guys then pay a visit on Janet, who reveals that her government branch has been working with a man named Danny Lee for over 10 years. Janet further explains that Lee, who had been providing information about China's nuclear arms development, had been scheduled to come to San Francisco to meet with the U.S. government. The guys, piecing together the clues, realize that a Chinese spy has killed Danny Lee and is taking his place for the San Francisco meetings. Janet then tells the guys about the next scheduled meeting. The guys proceed to the meeting site only to find a murdered government agent. Later, after Lucy arrives in town and confirms that the ha
Der versunkene Schatz
""It was the Spring of 1676, when the pirate captain William Tyson came upon a fleet of Spanish treasure galleons somewhere in the Caribbean. Never one to let a fortune pass him by, Tyson set about doing the very thing he does best – he attacked! The battle raged for hours. Though the galleons bravely defended themselves, they were no match for Tyson's cannons nor his seamanship. Expecting to find a cargo of gold and silver, Tyson came across far more valuable, Princess Carlotta, of the order of the King himself. ""And so began the legend of the Pirate and the Princess. Using the island of Martigua as their home port, they sailed the Caribbean, attacking the King's navy, plundering a vast amount of treasure..."" In the present day, Cody, Nick and Murray arrive in Martigua on vacation to visit their oceanographer friend Angelo, who with daughter Giovanna and son Tony, is searching for Tyson's sunken treasure. But Angelo's expedition is being sabotaged, and soon the P.I.s are soon helpi
Mit harten Bandagen
Der Manager eines Baseball-Clubs wendet sich an die drei Freunde. Er geht davon aus, dass einige seiner Spieler kokainsüchtig sind. Die Detektive nehmen einen davon genauer unter die Luppe. Schließlich stellt sich heraus, dass der verdächtige Warren eigentlich das Opfer ist.
Das verschwundene Manuskript
The guys once again have a run-in with Gloria Burghoff (last seen in ""Polly Want An Explanation"") when the FBI agent wannabe turns to them for help. After reluctantly agreeing to help, the guys learn that someone has been following Gloria ever since she bought a trunk that had belonged to a man named Schellbach. Gloria also informs the guys that she believes that the recently deceased Schellbach had located a previously unknown Shakespeare manuscript. Disguised as painters, the guys search Schellbach's office but do not find any clues. However, they do catch a tabloid reporter named Mark Rothrnan following them. Later, while Cody, Murray, and Gloria search Schellbach's home, Nick searches Rothman's hotel room. Both parts of the investigation prove fruitful as Nick finds a check from Rothman to John Ashley, the local coroner, and the rest of the detectives find photocopies of the manuscript. Continuing their investigation, the detectives and Gloria rendezvous at the library. Unfortunate
Der Wettstreit
rc: June Chadwick (Lt. Parisi) After a female reporter with the hots for Nick writes an article naming him as the primary force behind the Riptide Detective Agency, an argument ensues between himself, Cody, and Murray. Lt. Parisi tries to put a stop to the squabble by taking three help wanted ads from the newspaper and giving one to each of them, with the first to complete their individual task to be declared the best detective of the trio. Murray's case is to find a biker's estranged girlfriend; while Nick must find a short-tempered battleaxe's missing man; and a gifted young boy, unhappy at home, wants Cody to prove that he's adopted. Meanwhile, the boyfriend of the woman who penned the article behind all the trouble sees Nick as a threat – and sets out to kill him...
Dunkle Geschäfte
rc: June Chadwick (Lt. Parisi) The detectives are investigating how an unqualified chemical company was able to win a disposal contract that led to a local beach being contaminated, when two phoney cops try to kill them. At the police station after the incident, they are reminded that Lt. Parisi is engaged to get married. As they investigate their assignment, they learn that the fake cops were employed by someone to keep them away from investigating the case, and also find that someone has been using their high-ranking position to illegally fix Government contract bids – and that person is none other than Lt. Parisi's fiancée, Michael Todd! As they confront Todd and he claims he was blackmailed into the scam, they are torn whether and how to tell their friend Lt. Parisi...
The episode begins with Parisi arranging for the guys to serve as consultants for a television detective drama starring Rosalind Grant and Cary Russell (the Maddie Hayes and David Addison lookalikes). As a result, the guys allow Grant and Russell to follow them on a case for sleazy attorney Myron Bell. The guys begin their case when they meet with Myron and learn that Lenny, the attorney 's partner had stiffed Myron for $10,000. The case becomes more exciting for the two actors when someone unsuccessfully tries to shoot Myron. Although the shooter manages to escape, a little computer work soon turns up Lenny's location. Unfortunately, Lenny has already been killed by the time they get there. Later, the guys manage to bail Myron out of trouble when they stop a bookie named Kyle Ludwig from torturing the attorney. Afterwards, the detectives confront Myron and learn that although Ludwig is mad at the attorney, it is a racketeernamed Vince Sibriati who is trying to kill Myron. Myron furthe
Das Sündenregister von Cypress Bay
The guys are hired by a man named Warwick to find his son Nathan. Unfortunately, their client is actually Judd Thompson, the father of a girl that Nathan Warwick has been accused of raping and murdering. A gunfight ensues when Thompson sees Warwick. As a result, Cody is shot and Murray is forced to shoot Warwick. Regrettably, Murray kills Warwick in the process. After Cody is taken to a hospital to recover, Nick and Murray are shocked when Elaine Warwick, Nathan's sister, hires them to prove that her brother never raped Thompson's daughter. Feeling guilty over leading Thompson to Nathan, Nick accepts the case and he and Murray are soon heading to Cyprus Bay, the Warwick's hometown. Pretending to be writing a book about the Warwick-Thompson shooting, Nick and Murray begin to investigate Nathan's past. They therefore are left alone in the sheriff's office where they find a list of the townspeople with codes next to the names. Nick and Murray soon uncover the fact that the sheriff and his

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