Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star
30.04.2024 • 00:25 - 01:25 Uhr
Unterhaltung, Spielshow
Glow Up Britain's Next Make Up Star
Unterhaltung, Spielshow

Glow Up: Britain's Next Make-Up Star

Making a welcome return to Glow Up as a surprise guest judge is make-up megastar NikkieTutorials, who, with a staggering 20 million followers on Instagram, is one of the most influential make-up artists on the planet. This week, the six remaining make-up artists are whisked to London's West End to create theatrical looks for smash hit Six the Musical, a poptastic retelling of the lives of Henry VIII's six wives. But they aren't working with models: instead, they have to get the stars of the show ready for their evening performance that very night to a packed-out theatre! Under the watchful eye of original cast member Aimee Atkinson, the make-up artists are each assigned one of Henry VIII's wives to glam up, and this week more is more! In just 90 minutes, not only do the MUAs have to create glittertastic looks worthy of royalty; their work also has to be bold enough to be seen by every single audience member, from the front row to the back of the gods. The make-up artist with the strongest look will also get a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get Aimee red carpet-ready for the official London premiere of the filmed version of the show. But the two who fail to impress will find themselves in the dreaded red face-off chairs in tomorrow's creative brief. The pressure is on like never before, but who will have the skills to get their performers show-ready in time? The next day at Glow Up Studios, the make-up artists face their third creative brief, and this week's theme is 'Reuse and Recycle: Turn Your Trash into Treasure'. In just two and a half hours, they must upcycle unconventional materials to create a truly transformative look. Under added pressure to impress a global icon, NikkieTutorials, the make-up artists create some truly jaw-dropping looks which upcycle old materials in inventive and gag-worthy ways; ranging from a robot clown made partly out of silver hot pants to a human moth incorporating old pill packets and a moving tribute to one MUA's grandfather that includes old photos and pieces of his clothing. Along the way, one make-up artist earns their first ding dong from Val. In the Face-Off Elimination, the two make-up artists who fell short in the Creative Brief must go head-to-head in a nail-biting battle of nerves and technical skill. The challenge: to pull off a perfect, red apple-glazed lip in just 15 minutes. In the tightest race of the competition so far, both MUAs pull off excellent lips, leaving the judges an incredibly tough decision.

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