Songs of Praise
05.05.2024 • 14:15 - 14:50 Uhr
Info, Kirche + Religion
Info, Kirche + Religion

Songs of Praise

Pam Rhodes celebrates the 75th anniversary of one of the most cherished and popular hymns in the world, How Great Thou Art, and explores the extraordinary story behind its composition. Many might think the hymn is centuries old, but although it has its origins in older works from across Europe, the version we know and love today was first published in 1949 by English missionary Stuart Hine. In the tiny south London church where it was first sung, Pam learns the complicated history of the hymn from Jonathan Clark, a family friend of Stuart's. At the Salvation Army's Regent Hall, Pam meets Phil Loose from the Stuart Hine Trust to explore why this combination of words and music continue to have such impact around the world. Phil introduces an updated version of How Great Thou Art, including a new verse, recorded to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its composition by some of the world's top Christian artists, including the acclaimed Matt Redman. And in Oxford, we hear about the great history and work of Wycliffe Bible Translators, one of the charities supported by the royalties generated by How Great Thou Art, who help millions of people globally by translating the Bible into their native language. With songs and hymns inspired by How Great Thou Art, including some rousing renditions of the hymn itself. MUSIC 1.How Great Thou Art - Pershore Abbey led by Katherine Jenkins 2.How Great Is Our God - Kensington Temple 3.Lord for the Years - Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh 4.When I Survey The Wondrous Cross - Katy Treharne 5.We Have a Gospel to Proclaim - Salisbury Cathedral 6.How Great Thou Art - Guildhall, Londonderry

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